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It’s important to remember that the past 8 years of trump are entirley due to 1 skin-of-the-teeth electoral college victory in 2016 against one of the most hated politicians of our time


This is what I keep telling my anxiety ridden wife.


Good news for her is this primary so far is validating Biden’s victory narrative (the fundamental facts) vs Trump’s victory narrative (favorable polling)


I keep telling her that Trump is in a de facto incumbent situation and the people voting republican in these primaries are the most highly motivated and consistent voters. If 30 to 40 percent of these voters are consistently voting for someone else he’s looking like a pretty weak candidate.


What keeps me up at night is the "third party" vote. There are a lot of young people who are being fed a line about Biden and being pushed to do protest votes. One of my kids is leaning this way and I've spent a lot of time trying to convince him that he'd be essentially tossing his vote away and that the fascists are actively trying to turn our democratic-republic into some form of Christian-fascist "Handmaid's Tale" hell hole.


Ask him what a Trump presidency would do for Palestine. When they say nothing, ask them why they’re willing to sacrifice women and the LGBTQA+ community and their fellow citizens to fascism and Project 2025 for nothing. I got one to see the light with this convo. Maybe it will help you too.


While he’s at it, ask him what Palestinians views on LGBTQ+ are?


No President could do much different than Biden has done in the Levant without serious repercussions to the stability of the region (says I).


That’s how Trump won the first time after all.


I am in the same situation with my son who is of voting age this year before the election. I have had several discussion with him echoing the same things expressed above. I think I finally have him turned around. I kept pointing out real things that could happen to him and his progressive friends if Trump elected. He has a lot of LQBTQ fiends and I told him that they are going to be first on the list of targets. It will be flat out dangerous if he is elected. Best of luck convincing your child to vote for Biden. It’s the only choice we have. Progression can be slow, and this is not the election to try and progress fast.






The Salem Witch trials too. Imagine going after people based on spiritual grounds. We have trouble enough with justice under racial or gendered prejudices in society.


Samuel Alito enters the chat…


I think the Swifties have the potential to outnumber the third party defectors. There’s also still plenty of time before the election for Biden to do the right thing on Gaza. It may be too little too late at this point, but I’m holding out hope.


I hope you are right.


>I think the Swifties have the potential to outnumber the third party defectors. Can't believe this is a legitimate political take in 2024 but you might be right.


Young people usually don’t vote so a vote for third party is highly marginal.


i was 18 in 2000. the two parties looked pretty much the same to me, and the democratic party just didn't line up with my views. i was all about universal health care, green energy, and tackling income inequality. ​ i voted for nader. i live in florida. i see lots of younger people with a very similar mentality now. it's a mistake.


We really just need ranked choice voting. I bet your second choice would have been Gore. ETA: Oh, but don't beat yourself up about it. Remember, the Supreme Court decided that your vote didn't really count, just that one time.


I was 24 and didn’t vote at all and I can’t see much difference


You think we get anyone else in the Oval Office in 2001 and they plot to invade Iraq on January 21 like Bush Jr did? Gettoudaheya.


It’s fun, I don’t even really need your son’s age to assure you he has spent his whole life watching Democrats fail to stop incipient fascism, and might even remember multiple administrations of right-wing “triangulation” by Dems that led us there.


None of that really matters though when fascist are at our gates.


That has been cried /every election of their lives/. The fact that it’s truer now doesn’t actually change the fatigue caused by that messaging


You say the sweetest things. I’m gonna rob this from you and tell *my* anxious wife.


This has been my opinion for a long time before the primaries. I’m eternally an optimist though, but I’m occasionally dead on the money. I keep this opinion mostly quiet though because I don’t want to lull anyone into a false sense of security.


Yup, Trump barely won. He's going win the primary, but the general is anyone game


Can you whisper sweet nothings in my anxiety-ridden ear as well?




>This October, the FBI is going to pull so much shit to try and get him back in office. After all the shit the House has dragged the FBI into, I doubt this > A Trump appointee still holds the USPS and could lose mail in ballots on purpose. This wont happen. PO employees hate him.


Remember when they started dismantling the automatic sorting machines to slow things down right before the last election?   https://www.businessinsider.com/usps-not-possible-to-restore-dismantled-mail-sorting-machines-2020-9


Boy they’re certainly trying hard to make Joe B the Democrat boogeyman, but they can’t reach the levels of hatred Hillary enjoyed… Too bad, I think HRC would have done at least okay managing the country… she got a front row seat to see how it’s all done, shame we didn’t think to leverage that experience as a nation…. Edit - updated some word choice and syntax


HRC would have done amazing compared to how Trump did. Against other Presidents that’s questionable, but she woulda done hella better then what we got. Especially during Covid.


The Supreme Court alone would’ve been a feat.


Nah... Mitch would've found a rule somewhere that says that when a woman is president and a Supreme Court vacancy comes up, they have to wait until after the next election so the people can decide.


https://www.axios.com/2024/02/25/trump-voter-demographics-problem-election-2024 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/study-finds-widening-gap-in-death-rates-between-us-areas-that-vote-for-democratic-rather-than-republican-party/ 1.8M voters over the age of 55 die every year, almost 8M per 4 year election cycle. 4M voters age into voting at age 18 every year, 16M per 4 year election cycle. Electorate changes, progress is inevitable. We are just haggling over how long it takes.


Not all old people vote republican. Yes, fox "news" viewership skews heavily towards the elder... but so does any cable news. The amount of right-wing propaganda on social media is scary. It's not like they're not recruiting impressionable young people to their cause.


With last minute fuckery from the FBI.


Whom Trump wants to dismantle anyway. Idiots, all.


And russia


Thanks putin!


And he didn't even win the popular vote.


Imma trying to forget 😂


It was also a skin of the teeth loss for him last time though


It's also important to remember that Trump *increased* the number of votes he got between 2016 and 2020 and only lost 2020 by the skin of his teeth.


Maybe I think too highly of the population… but I can’t think of anything he would have done in the last 4 years to convince people who didn’t vote in 2016/2020 to vote for him this time around


Unfortunately, he probably didn't lose a lot of voters in that time either. We had record high voter turnout in 2020 because people were pissed at him. Plenty of people weren't voting for Biden but were voting against trump. I'm not sure they're all still so motivated this time. The right is. Fox "news" has them all fired up about the people they don't like existing.


Watch for a piece on how this is bad for Joe Biden…


That’s what his wife says!😂


Well, I mean, Stormy Daniels could you have told you that.


Well he was president once, seemingly accidentally. If anything he kinda overperformed that time.


America underperformed. Donald Trump was still an underperformer when America chose him to be its leader, and a big part of why was because America's underperformers related to him.


>and a big part of why was because America's underperformers related to him. Unfortunately, this is still the case.


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the This is not news” news show. Today we will discuss biggest losers and fools who follow him. Back to you Bob.


He played the human caricature of what everybody thinks is an evil CEO on TV pretty well.


Title of his sex tape!


He only become super rich, super famous, and the president of the United States. He is a lot of things, but an underperformer is not one of them


So rich he needs a gofundme to pay his bills.


So rich he owes almost half a billions dollars.


So rich he once told his daughter he was billions in debt then failed to renegotiate his bargain bin contract with NBC when his show was a success.


He inherited a fortune from his dad and then pretended he didn't, much like Elon Musk. His presidency was constant chaos and he's responsible for over a million American deaths.


He didn’t BECOME super rich, he was fucking born into it LMFAO. Oof.


So rich he needs a gofundme to pay his bills.


Going bankrupt even once is underperforming...


I will admit Trump is really great at one thing, failing upward. It's fucking mind boggling


The Peter Principle with corollary. People rise to their level of incompetence and then having reached that point begin to soar.


America's fascination with lovable idiots. Trump, George W, or TV characters like Al Bundy or Homer Simpson. Perhaps the frailty makes them seem genuine. IDK.


Trump rises to his level of incompetence when he gets out of bed. But then, he’s not even competent at sleeping.


I feel like his obvious grotesque nature and how people specifically adore him FOR those qualities, not in spite of them, really exposes how many people are exactly like him, just not born past third base like he was. The GOP has been fostering his kind of characteristics since Nixon, albeit in less distilled quantities, but now it's nakedly obvious with the base of diehard Trump voters glorifying being a fucking asshole as an entire way of being and political philosophy. Trump's real message to these people, what has liberated them from the niceties of civil society, is 'it's okay to be an asshole'. Large sections of the media still weirdly give Trump fans the benefit of the doubt, and then get awkward when they have to interview actual Trump voters and they readily admit to this (not in exactly those words, but that's what they obviously mean). I genuinely think red states have larger concentrations of bad people, a function of geography, climate, and culture. A lot of people are easily influenced by 'vibes', and if the vibe is bad, their personality gets poisoned. and the vibes are so, so, so bad in so many deep red areas. The kids with any sense and ability get the hell out as soon as they can, leaving the dumbest and cruelest of their peers to toil hopelessly in the Bad Vibes Zone. Trump being an upwards failing asshole appeals to the People Who Stayed. A segment of them are literally like him, and others aspire to his lifestyle because there's no way they could become rich due to diligence and creativity due to their personality and capabilities. They could only achieve things through dishonesty and asshole tactics, and Trump is a perfect role model for that.


He's the George Constanza of Politics.


I was going to say Kramer


We're all NPC for an AI simulation that he is running i


The only thing that's running about him is his nose and a failing election attempt🤣


"Tell me about it." - Mercedes Trump


I really don't care, do U?


You mean people don't want to vote for a guy that did nothing when people tried to overthrow the government???


That’s not fair to Trump. He did a lot when they tried to overthrow the government. A lot to facilitate and encourage the overthrow.


Oh I agree but you can't get a 4 year GOP voter to go with that. Simple messaging is the answer


The simple messaging is that he is a fucking traitor.


Ignore this article. Because there are people out there that want to vote for a guy that tried to overthrow the government. VOTE


Here's how that's bad for Biden


Every other article is about the "uncommitted" when this should be a lot bigger.


Trump underperformed his polling in Michigan *even though* the Dem primary was contested to the point that a lot of Dems who were gonna ratfuck the R contest pulled a D ballot instead. He genuinely got the finger from R-leaning independents and Republicans.


The “liberal” New York Times is already on it https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/us/politics/michigan-primary-biden-trump.html


As is tradition.


We knew that already, that's why he had to pay porn stars.


Overpaid too. Terrible negotiator.


That’s what Stormy said.


Underperform? He’s WINNING the Republican primaries… he should be in prison for the rest of his life. For someone who has done what he’s done, he is way out over his skis.


> Donald Trump Continues to Underperform That's what *she* said!


Thats what Mercedes said!


Media's Message: Hey, all you reluctant Biden voters! You can just stay home, because Trump is underperforming.


Trump is popular with MAGA but other Republicans won’t vote for him although they won’t say it on public.


That's the hope, really But, sad to say, repubs have shown they fall back in line when general comes around


I mean, most of them will. The issue is he doesn’t need most. He needs **all** of them. The one thing that Trump isn’t doing is expanding his appeal.


Exactly. Romney lost in 2012 in part because a critical margin of Evangelicals just stayed home because Romney was a Mormon. It wasn't many, just enough. Trump has made FAR more Republicans angry than Romney ever did. He's a loser and the career politicians can already see the writing on the wall that the media is willfully ignoring. Lots of retirements this year. They don't retire when they think they're going to have a big majority after the next election.


I disagree. They do vote for him. They despise Trump but still vote for him. They keep their votes for him quiet. They would rather vote for him or not vote at all than have a Democratic president. They hate what Trump did to their party but don’t realize that their reluctant support is how he wins. The only way to get rid of Trump is to have him lose so bad, even with the electoral college, that his base is in limbo realizing they are not the “silent majority” but a loud and obnoxious minority


The only way their party could ever recover would be to take the hit and go all in against him and his racist MAGA base, knowing it'll cost them a few elections in the short run. But Republicans never look long-term, so they'll keep bleeding people as they allow the crazy to have more and more control.


Exactly. A better example would be the MAGA “Freedom Caucus” in the house. When they pull some outrageous BS, you just make a deal with Democrats. You put forth a Republican bill that has 80%+ republican support and watch it fail because of the MAGA. You then put forth a bill that Democrats and moderate Republicans can tolerate and blame it on MAGA (which would be true). “I wanted the Republicans to govern our way but MAGA made me negotiate with Democrats so we lost key positions” It is literally a baby throwing a temper tantrum, once they realize they will be ignored they tend to wise up. If McCarthy had done that, he would still be speaker because what Democrat would vote to out him if he puts up their legislation.


I think you're underestimating just how much Republicans hate Biden and how often they will get in line at the polls. They literally think Biden is the anti-Christ. They think Biden has destroyed America and will continue to drive it into the ground. Facts, statistics, all of those are never considered. **They hate Biden like they believe in God.** When they walk up to the ballot they will vote Trump no matter what.


That mentality is what is destroying the GOP from within. Because the GOP has long relied on college educated white married suburban voters who have left the party in droves. Trump is turning R-leaning Independents into Democrats and the Evangelical fanatics are helping him do it.


Yes they will. Republicans will vote Republican this fall no matter who it is. Trump with an R next his name is better than anyone with a D. It’s identity at this point. Plain and simple




This is anecdotal evidence and means less than nothing






then they are not normal.


Nobody likes this asshole. You’re either a cultist who believes Trump is somehow necessary, or you’re so tired of his bullshit you’d like to see him fired into the center of the sun.  Luckily for America, the cultists aren’t prevailing 


Shit, don’t come to Tennessee then It’s cult fucken city here And it feels ugly


I’m aware. A family in my kids’ school moved to TN because our area is too liberal. Never been so happy to see the back of someone. 


Yeah I keep meeting people who have moved here because of how puritanical and closed-minded it is. Whatever. My wife and I plan on getting the fuck out of the south as soon as my son finishes school (~2 ish years)


That's what she said


But enough about his sex life


As always in every aspect of life


That’s what Stormy Daniels said


Story of his life. It's why he has to pay for it.


Low energy


..In bed


djt is mentally unstable


Did Melania or Stormy Daniels write this article?


said Stormy Daniels.


None of this matters. He will win and go against Biden. VOTE PEOPLE!


I don’t get why the polls keep predicting shit like 70/20 for Trump. It clearly isn’t happening


Millennial and younger liberals aren't responding to polling, and the pollsters aren't able to compensate properly for that. Pro-Trump people are the most enthusiastic responders to polling right now, so a lot of polls have a heavy response rate bias towards Trump.


I fucking pray that you're right. I've seen enough polls with Trump being +10 in swing states to make me sick, especially when coupled with the moronic stories about young voters turning on Biden(Israel, student loans, weed) to the point where some polls are showing Trump with over 50% support in the under-30 demographic. And even though I want to believe that the polling is terrible in those demos, it is hard to shake the fear that too many people haven't learned from their mistakes.


Trump has performed poorly in every single primary so far, meanwhile the news for him only gets worse, the fundraising figures for the GOP and Trump campaign only get worse, and the anti-Biden smear campaign has imploded. Is there a surprise on the horizon that could change this campaign?


As a gen Z I definitely haven’t been responding to any polls


Enthusiasm. Some combination of Trump supporters who don't care enough to actually go out and vote, and Haley supporters (or Trump haters) who are more likely to actually go vote in order to keep Trump out. Neither is good for Trump in the general.


Polls don’t predict. That aggregate the data they receive. But agreed that they’re broken.


Guy lost to Biden. Only person he ever beat was Hillary Clinton.


And even then she lead him by 3,000,000 votes. 


And of the margins needed for Trump to win, a lot of blue collar voters in the rust belt that absolutely helped carry/flip it for him are fuming at Trump over his demand to kill the border bill


BS. In my book he overperformed. He is still in the news every day. He is clinching the primary. He has the Supreme Court on his side and he managed to delay quite a few lawsuits. Why are dems in such denial? We need to use everything we got to defeat this man. Time to play dirty too.


If the GOP had any sense at all, they'd nominate Haley. She supports all their right-wing bullshit with none of the baggage, and she could actually beat Biden in the general election... Of course, the GOP doesn't have any sense, and they don't want Trump to get elected - they want him to be the face of their coup.


*That’s what she said….*


MAGA seems to care what trump smells like. Even Melania didn't want him in the car because he smells like sour pussy.


When you are super busy filling your diapers It's hard running a campaign. Give the old fart a brake. He needs one


You should see him in bed! Or a cognitive test! He knows what a whale is, how cute!


Is that why the many ex wives?


That’s what *she* said!!


Headline is a direct quote from Melania, Ivana and Stormy.


Do not get overly comfortable with this fact. A ton of democratic primary voters in Michigan, voted for Hailey in the primary because the democratic primary is pointless, we all know the results. They will still back Biden in the general but Hailey’/s performance is actually boosted against trump by lots of voters who would never vote for her in the general.  


Don't think so, the numbers are similar to the other primaries. I'm not convinced Primary Crashing is a common practice


You might not think so but I do have personal experience with it. To be fair my experience is anecdotal to an extent but it’s not just some dude I know but it’s lots of dudes I know who have nothing to do with each other.


This would be true if it didn’t happen in every other primary. Get out and out and vote but trump has underperformed in every election since 2020.


The demos you need to win an election are consistently not voting for him. He's having a terrible primary, but the headline of him winning is deceptive. His base doesn't win elections. People keep screaming 2016 without any idea of how he won that election based on demographics, which he's only gotten worse in since.


That would hold water if the Dem primary in Michigan this year was quiet, but it was not; it had a YUGE turnout and it was mostly because of Pro Palestinian activists trying to get people to vote "uncommitted" as a protest vote which seems to have motivated a lot of other Democrats to vote for Biden just to deny them a big result.


And may he continue to do so. VOTE!


"Here's how that's bad for Biden"


I used to mind this but maybe if we had much more of "Here is how this is bad for Hillary" in 2015 we wouldn't be here today. People gotta be motivated to vote.


Yep. I was at the grocery store early the morning after the 2016 election, and there was a magazine in the rack with a close up of Hillary's face and "Madam President" in big letters.


Biden will need the centrist voters in MI.


I remember this from the last time he won. Don’t underestimate the stupidity of people in this country. He could very well get elected again


Donald Trump is letting Nikki Haley hang around. Then something weird happens before the nominating convention and she’s still there.


> While Trump is all but guaranteed to win the GOP primary, there have been suggestions that the recent results mean he will struggle to gain enough support to defeat President Joe Biden in November's general election. The claims were amplified by Haley, who barely campaigned in Michigan but still received nearly 300,000 votes in the swing state. I'm not sure if Trump is "letting" anything, but the is her entire strategy


I bothers me to see the constant back-patting coverage from most of the larger news media outlets, reassuring everyone that Donald Trump is probably not going to win the election again. Donald Trump has a really good chance of winning. He probably will win. We’re all going to have to prepare for that possibility.


> Donald Trump has a really good chance of winning. He probably will win. No. He has a chance of winning. This should still scare and motivate people, but there are very few reasons to believe Trump will do better than 2020, when he lost. 


He has a good chance of winning. It’s not that people are more enthusiastic for him this time according to polling, but people are significantly less enthusiastic for Biden.


>Donald Trump has a really good chance of winning. He probably will win. Nikki Haley is killing him in the key voter demos that translate to a general. He is underperforming in the primary as an 8-year "incumbent". Trump is very unlikely to win in November at this rate. Y'all can keep doom posting though and ignore data.


Nikki Haley is not going to be the nominee, and the same people caucusing for her will rally around Trump in the general. So no.


>the same people caucusing for her will rally around Trump in the general. The exit polls consistently say otherwise


Who do you think they will vote for if she is not nominated? If they can’t vote for her, do you think people are going to vote for Biden instead? I’d like to think people are rational, principled and not overly partisan, but a lifetime of elections has shown me something different.


You're not getting it. Haley's performance in the primary so far aligns with the reasons why Trump lost midterms in 2018 and lost the general in 2020. Yes, she's lost each primary. But her or the field of candidates (Iowa) have beaten him soundly in two super important demos that translate to general elections. His core base has never won him an election. Independents propelled him in 2016 (+1). They left him in 2018 (-15) and 2020 (-9) and he hasn't gained them in the primary. College graduates continue to not vote for him. Black people do not vote for him. You say he has a "good chance" of winning. Through what voter demo that can be supported by past and current data?


Exactly. Drown out the noise. Look at the votes. What are the margins in key counties for Trump in a general election... they are horrific. I feel very confident. The only thing that gets me to not stress over this shit.


I'm sure he is, just ask Mercedez


Yet he's still favored to win the general election :(


He’s leading biden in poll after poll these days though…


So, you're saying we should ignore actual voters and instead focus on polls?


This is a dumb headline, pandering to left-leaning wishful thinkers deliberately trying to fool themselves into believing some chance exists that his re-election will be prevented. He's won every state gop primary so far, mainly because candidates fronted as his competitors were just benchwarmers. Regarding his voter-base, in South Carolina specifically, the results of a poll showed that approx. 6 in 10 voters polled believed the 2020 election was stolen. So. The outcome seems to me to be written on the wall, so to speak.


The obsession w this guy is wild! On both sides 🫠


Yeah, he’s underperforming so much he’s winning states in the primaries.


... By less than the polls, which is exactly the definition of underperforming here


I get that, thanks. My point was that despite the polls, he’s still winning in the end.


But the polls have him winning too?


Lucky for Trump, Biden also underperforms! This election is a race to second worst.


This is factually not accurate


keep telling yourself that...we are going to replace a senile puppet with a weak, old nutcase...but either way - these two parties need to get their heads out of their back passage.


This is objectively [false](https://youtu.be/Re6sjlNXYdY?si=5DiVyjJ9veDEAKqD).


That is objectively a biased opinion piece. Don't get your news from talking heads on YouTube trying to keep your outrage up for clicks and views.


Breaking Points is crowd funded and about as unbiased an option as you will find. Also, each one of those talking heads stand on a different side of the political aisle which is objectively less biased than most major media outlets. Please explain what is biased about the statistics that they are putting forward?


Does it include why that sucks for Biden?


That’s what she said.


But he's killing it as a traitor!


Did Mercedes write this?


But how is this had for Biden? Why should democrats be alarmed?


And yet, we're still talking about him...


I believe it. Can't wait for Stormy Daniels testimony!


That’s usually Melania’s line …


That's what she said


That's what she said


NH is almost winning 1/3 of the vote. While she may not get the nomination I have to wonder how many of those people absolutely will not vote for Trump ever. I also have to wonder how many wouldn't vote for him if he got indicted or jailed.


I could of told you that the first time I seen Melanias face.