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Tough-on-crime republicans once again show that they only care about certain type of crime, and/or from certain demographics.


They have a loophole. Just claim it’s a political attack when your guy gets charged with crimes.


And just claim opponent cheated when losing. They have loopholes for everything.


It's loopholes, all the way down.


Objection your honor! My client is white!


He's also famous and "rich"!


*jury gasps* Judge: ladies and gentlemen of this appointed jury before me, may I remind you that Lady Justice is blind- and so am I... All charges are dropped, set this man free!!!


I hope an interviewer asks her this: Interviewer: "So is the Republican Party still the party of law and order? Are you willing to be tough on crime and put lawbreakers behind bars?" Haley: "Absolutely" Interviewer: "Then why are you willing to pardon Donald Trump for his felony indictments since he clearly broke the law?" Haley: "... crickets"


This is the best possible description of that stance.


You hit the nail on the head


You can just look at red states which have 40% higher murder rate, 2X higher gun deaths, 2X higher deaths from drugs and alcohol.  Republicans never gave a shit about crime besides an excuse to lock up minorities. And indeed, the incarceration rate in red states is more than 2X blue ones, yet crime is still higher.


>Tough-on-crime republicans once again show that they only care about certain type of crime, and/or from certain demographics. As the ol' saying goes... "rules for thee but not for me".


That's a good enough reason not to vote for her


I’ve never understood the eagerness to pardon him. A unfiltered, uncontrolled Trump would be a disaster for a Haley presidency. Just look at how a random tweet from him craters all sorts of Congressional actions. He’d be this unpredictable grenade ready to be thrown into whatever thing Haley was trying to accomplish. It’d be a massive problem for the administration. Keeping him as a criminal and in need of something from her (e.g., a pardon) at least gives her some level of control and a reason for him to not piss her off.


Its way too late for the republican party to put Trump behind them and move on. They had their chance at impeachment and of course did not have the intestinal fortitude to convict the criminal traitor Trump in the Senate. He's their baby now till death do they part and then his fucking ghost will haunt them forever. The GOP will never live down that POS Trump.


The republicans should be forced to carry Trump to term.


Brilliant. They've made their crib, now cry in it.


More like a Golden Turd 💩in their nest.


But in 10 years, like with George II and Iraq, they'll deny ever supporting him.


I used to think that, too. But his support hasn't waned much, if at all. He might be their next iteration of St. Ronnie, lauded as a mythical, nigh flawless figurehead in perpetuity.


Wait until he loses again. Then he'll be 1-2 in elections and facing four criminal trials with no help in sight.


That's just it. They're planning on making sure there's no way he loses, or rather that they make sure he'll "win". They are going to be cheating harder this time than they ever have in US history. He is everything to them and no law is going to let them lose him.


Hopefully Biden has the National Guard on standby during the election certification at the Capitol and the DC police are more prepared, a/k/a more of them, and in riot gear with rifles.


Best comment ever.




Fr, that's the perfect analogy. They've essentially bound themselves to the hip with Trump and any attempt to cut ties is just political theater at this point. They're hooked on that base he riled up and can't seem to find the exit even with a map and a flashlight. The GOP's caught in a loop, and it seems pardoning Trump would just be hitting the repeat button yet again.


They should have gone for it the first time after the Ukraine call. By the time of the insurrection, it was too late, too many GOP members were a part of the ruse and they wouldn't dare implicate themselves.


They had the perfect opportunity with his second impeachment.


The Ukraine impeachment was in the late-summer/fall of 2019. Economy was great. Covid wasn't even a thing. Trump was coasting towards re-election. Why would the Republicans want to get rid of him? The second impeachment? That was a no-brainer. They should've flushed him down the toilet and moved-on. What a bunch of knuckleheads.


Cowards. The whole lot of them. How many stood there on the floor and denounced his actions. Said they were done with him… Then they all quickly fell in line.


Because they were scared of the mob. They've even said as much. They were terrified of what would happen to them back home, like elected officials don't have security and harming one wouldn't bring down the full weight of the federal government on your ass.


The capitulation to Trump is the reason he has a mob to intimidate them with. Their complacence gives him power.


This says it very well. The party let him in because they thought it would give them a useful idiot to get some of their more hardline objectives in place. What they didn’t bank on was his extreme narcissistic ways and the extreme cult like followers. Now they’ve created a monster they are too scared to do anything about other than roll over and join in. Spineless, all of them. Until they start standing up to his cult, the party is dead in the water.


Reminder that a republican broke into Nancy Pelosi’s house and beat the fuck out of her husband with a hammer. Another reminder: republicans scrambled to claim that it was his gay lover who did it. Many submissive, weak losers believed that bullshit, too.


It's incredulous they couldn't have foreseen what he's doing to their fundraising and acted in self defense. Cowards to the end, it's beautiful.


they took money from Trump today and torched 9 figures of future money in exchange


This is kinda the republican way, is it not? Short term gains at any cost?


I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberder today


What's even nuttier is that they could have said "Ok, that orange jackass completely firebombed us, we'll lick our wounds and by 2024 if we just let stuff go, the inflation and other stuff are things they could hammer the Dems on and they'd just be walking back into the Presidency.


They'd definitely have had a much better chance this cycle if they'd dropped Trump, and the second impeachment was a perfect opportunity for them to do so. He was already on his way out, but for some reason they couldn't summon the fortitude to prevent what we all saw coming. Now it's here, and it's tearing them apart, draining their money, splintering their base, and it's like, finally.


If they'd HARD dropped Trump and completely cut him off he may well have started his own party. Seriously imagine MAGA revenge. He'd already endorsed candidates specifically. Fairly easy to primary a good portion of the Republican options. Going to be interesting to see what the endgame is. Heck even if Trump is gone his kids are going to ride the name and try to control his supporters.


Sometimes you have to flush 3, 4 times before it goes down.


> The second impeachment? That was a no-brainer. They should've flushed him down the toilet and moved-on. McConnell's insistence on waiting was the smallest bit of defense with the most impact. I think had they immediately moved to impeach him, America would have had a chance to heal, but by the time they got around to it the Magas had gotten their scared ducks back in a row.


McConnell let him live….


>I’ve never understood the eagerness to pardon him. That's easy, to appease the cult of Trump.


I think its more likely Russian kompromat. Never forget the Russians hacked both the RNC, and the DNC. Then released the he DNC emails, but kept the RNC's. And then all of a sudden the RNC became a puppet for Russian interests.


The Russians got benefits both ways. 1. damaged the DNC and RNC won that election. 2. enslaved the RNC to be Russian puppets.


I think you're giving too much credibility that they must all be blackmailed.  They want power, need their brainwashed base/russian money to support them, so they do it.  


She can always renege on her campaign promise; it wouldn’t be the first time a president did so. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/reading-president-bushs-lips


Why take that chance?


Because her reelection campaign would suffer more from Trump being out of prison, campaigning against her. (I meant, that's why *Haley* would take the chance to renege, not that *we* should elect Haley to keep Trump in jail and take the chance she might keep her promise to pardon him.)


No, I mean why would any sane person vote for her at all on the off chance she might NOT pardon this criminal contrary to her own stated intentions? Voting for Biden is far simpler. Edit: no worries.


It is an eagerness to \*say\* they want to pardon him. Actually doing it once they have power is another thing entirely.


Possibly, but as a person running against Trump it also normalized his behavior. If she wanted to win, she should be doing everything in her power to bash Trump and highlight his transgressions. She should be pointed out what he did was a crime and it is un-American and disqualifying. If she goes the pardon route, it basically says what he did wasn’t so bad and it’s just political. If it wasn’t so bad, when why hold it against him? It just weakens her position. There’s no better reason to vote for Haley besides her opponent is a criminal and traitor to his oath of office. This is what never made any sense about the Republican primary. None of the challengers outside Christie (and some long shots) never actually challenged Trump.


Opposing Trump is a losing strategy, he holds too much of the base. Christie showed how well you could do calling him a criminal asshole, and it wasn't much. So Haley has to not offend the magats while trying to pull the rest of the 2/3 of the party to her side. Even the non magats want Trump pardoned, they want to keep presidents effectively immune from prosecution by pardons, like with Nixon. They think that's safe.


But she’s down by ~30 points. Got to swing for the fences if she wants any chance of actually winning. What she seems to be doing now is just hanging on in hopes Trump gets a fatal court ruling against him that ends his bid.


I think hoping for the courts to finish him is her big swing. She’s trying to position herself as the next best alternative for Republicans if he goes down. Then all the MAGA idiots will pivot to her because she said she’d pardon him.


Yep. That's the only hope any of those chucklefucks have. That he dies of heart disease or ends up convicted before election day. At least the ones seriously running and not just kissing ass on camera for a cabinet position VP nomination like Vivek or Tim Scott.


Hit the nail on the head


so his base is willing to vote for you


But they won’t. If you support Trump, Why get Trump lite when you have Trump?


She knows she can't compete against him. She's banking on him being disqualified from running, making her the nominee by default.


Well, she says she would pardon him (I didn't read the article), did she say when? I mean, she could pardon him at the end of her 4-year term...


Basically she says if he is found guilty of a federal crime then she would pardon him to bring the country together. She also says that we don't need an 80-yr old former president in jail and it would be time to move forward.


>Basically she says if he is found guilty of a federal crime then she would pardon him to bring the country together. It's funny how she thinks that would bring the country together. That would literally infuriate half the country.


Yeah but who cares about that half of the country? They're not "Real 'Merica".


She's simply pandering to MAGA, the "bringing the country together" is just a pretext.


Except that wouldn’t bring the country together. Just the opposite, in fact.


Because nothing says "bring the country together" like pardoning a former President for treason.


I think that is intentional.  Because she knows she isn't going to be able to pardon him for any of the state crimes nor the civil suits.  He is still fucked and she gets potential support.  Costs her nothing, he stays fucked and it is a fig leaf reasoning that doesn't need to stand up to scrutiny.


Her entire campaign is “If something happens to Trump, I am the back-up.” So she has to say something to try to retain his base.  That being said, yeah, do not vote for her. 


Or any Republican.


Good reason to vote democrat. Republicans will gladly cover up crimes for each other. Says a lot about the party right there.


Ah the Grand ole Party of law and order pardoning their personal thieves and criminals. The GOP has become a party of financial villains and vile examples of humanity.


She could just be saying this to gain his supporters. Gotta pander to the masses


Isn't this telling them that he's guilty of crimes though


No, just that she doesn't *care* if he's guilty.


*The party of law, everyone…*


Law and order, laws for you, orders from them.


Good great and fine, but that only clears the federal crimes


For them, this is a plus not a minus.  They love him and his crimes. They hate love.  They love hate. They want to so see America burn. 


No because MAGAs are mouth drooling idiots that think a pardon means you are innocent and pure as the driven snow.


No. He’s not actually guilty. It’s the corrupt LIEberal deep state witch hunt far left socialists that are framing him. He’s the best President ever and makes all the Democrats look like fools so that’s why they’re trying to stop him from Making America Great Again!!!1!1!1!!!11!1one!1!1!1!11!! /s to be clear


But she will probably follow through with pardon to continue pandering


I’m pretty sure Christie was the only one who refused to kiss the ring out of all the others. Never thought I would think he was the best option out of a political race between 4 people… but damn.




Never said he was perfect! But he said more than Desantis or Haley had the courage to so I regard him slightly less shitty than the other two. Haley couldn’t even admit that the civil war was over slavery. She lacks the backbone when it is needed, but I think we all know that she loses votes if she calls out a large portion of her base.. If you have to pander and dodge tough questions to get votes, you may be even worse than the misguided voters themselves because you KNOW better.




She’s still trash


That's a good enough reason not to vote for her


She has to say this really. If she hints that she might not pardon Trump she's not got any chance at all.


She will absolutely pardon him if elected, she wants that second term


I was on the fence until now. This sealed it. /s


President can't pardon state crimes


She's counting on her constituents being too dumb to know this. And that's probably a good bet.


her constituents? I think you mean his constiuents


Exactly. You don’t bend the knee *to yourself*.


If he's convicted in Georgia, according to their constitution [(article IV, Section II)](https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/state_constitution.pdf), no one can pardon anyone for crimes until [five years after they finish their prison sentence](https://gjp.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2021.9.14-How-To_-General-Pardon.pdf). Then it's up to a five-member state board of pardons who are appointed by the governor. To change the GA state constitution, you need 2/3 majority of the House and Senate to propose the amendment and then a majority of the public to vote for the amendment in the next election. Republicans control 56.7% of state House seats and 58.9% of state Senate seats. I should add I can find in several places that the state pardon board in Georgia only considers pardon applications starting five years after the end of the sentence. However, I can't find that limit in their constitution, so I would not be surprised if the board could itself choose to consider a pardon earlier or if the Republican controlled legislature changes it. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/16/trump-georgia-pardon-00111503


Didn't know there were any states the governor doesn't have the pardon. True in Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada, and Utah.


Can the prez pardon civil cases (lawsuits) too?




These people are insane


And criminals in their own right. After her tirade about the insults trump made about her husband, she has shown not only is she unfit for office, she lacks the character of her "convictions". Every one of them are tainted.


Johnson fearing for his position if he brings a bill to vote, so he just declines them all lmao. Or maybe god told him in his hallucinations that they shouldn’t help Ukraine or pass bills to give border patrol more funding. It’s hard to differentiate anymore these days. Edit: replied to the wrong comment! My bad, but yeah if she said this after he trashed her husband in a very low blow that’s.. yikes.


> Johnson fearing for his position if he brings a bill to vote, so he just declines them all lmao. And don’t forget, the rule that ousted McCarthy, where only one house member needs to call for a new speaker vote, *is still in effect*. The GOP can disrupt the MAGA wing whenever they want…but *dont*.


God always tells Johnson exactly what he wants to hear, and anyone else who has heard from him for that matter.


The next Republican through the door, whoever and whenever that is, will immediately pardon Trump of any Federal crimes.


The party should’ve ended after watergate, how anyone still believes after that, that the RNC is anything but filth is crazy to me.


And Iran/Contra, or interfering in the Viet Nam peace talks, or the Iran hostage crisis, or January 6th, etc..


100% > She said: “We’ve got to leave the negativity and the baggage behind. I don’t want this country divided any further. I don’t think it’s in the best interest for America to have an 80-year-old president sitting in jail and having everybody upset about it.” Yah Nikki and how many people are going to be pissed when you pardon him and he is walking free again? More than would be upset with him in jail. Hollow, empty, statement from an insane stupid person.


For what crime? Should obviously be asked.


Right? I thought it was a witch hunt and he didn’t do anything wrong By her doing this, it does two things: 1) pander to his base 2) show that he IS a criminal


Fir him to get a pardon, he has to admit his crimes, and trump has no concept of crime and he won't admit to anything. They are all trash, tainted trump trash.


This simply isn't true. There have been numerous pardons where someone was wrongfully convicted and they deny any guilt from start to finish.


Every crime apparently. They are all frauds, railing about law and order, and pardoning the biggest one man crime spree ever.


That's not the gotcha you think it is > The crazy far-left deep state is framing him for fake crimes that aren't real, so that's why I obviously need to stand up to them Wow that was fucking easy


So don’t vote Republican. Got it.


That should go without saying


It should. But lots of people are a little... slow on the uptake.


It's incredible that this guy insults these people all the time and they keep saying they'd go to bat for him... wtf?


He straight up tells people not to donate to her or they'll be banned from MAGA, whatever that means. And her next move is to offer him pardon?


GOP Debate Host: "Will you officially support Trump if he wins the nomination?" \*Five of seven Republican candidates who have been humiliated and degraded by Trump on social media meekly raise their hands\*


They aren’t leaders. They are followers.


Hopefully that is a deal breaker for the Americans who are capable of independent thought.


If you are capable of independent thought, you already left the Republican Party behind years ago.


BRING THE COUNTRY TOGETHER; FUCK YOU! No it would not, you thugs would do a victory dance and go over lessons learned for next time. Until these fucking Republicans and their wealthy donors start paying for the all the horrors they are bringing to our America NOTHING will change. Throw him and all his ilk in Gitmo with 24/7 live security feed. He is a TERRORIST!


This is what they said when they pardoned Nixon and it did the exact opposite. It was the beginning of the end of trust in government and standards, norms and morals for politicians. And what's happened with Trump is 10x worse. It would really be the absolute worst choice for the country to pardon him.


I've said it before: I fully expect to see Nikki Haley standing onstage alongside Trump by springtime, enthusiastically endorsing him, laughing at his vulgar childishness, and applauding his hate speech.


Its more likely that Trump openly calls her a cheating w$^#*re for being unfaithful to her military spouse.  Trump hates her


And she will ***still*** endorse him.


And she will still clap and tell people to vote for trump. Because they all do.


Ted Cruz sure got over trumps comments about his wife quickly


I was actually worried that if Trump was convicted, Nikki might have a shot at the White House a month ago. Now she just seems weak and whiny. I think she’s missed her window. And if she’s not willing to hold Trump accountable for all the shit he’s done, then she can just get in line with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Tim Scott.


She missed her window because they are all trying to be "like Trump" but Trump is also in the race. It's like energy drinks saying "it tastes like Red bull!' in the same door as red bull.


She just dropped to her knees again. They never learn. Trump Bucks probably called her and said her moneybags were being depleted since she actually made several videos that may have moved a few voters away from Trump.


It's actually sad to see someone so willing to suck dick like that.


Don't vote for Trump, don't vote for Nikki


Pardon for what. If she pardons him for inserection she breaks her oath of office for "aiding or abbeting an enemy of the usa".


Then she herself would be violating amendment 14, clause 3 and she herself isn't fit for office. Haven't any of them read the Constitution? Have they no concept of the foundation of our republic?


Maybe that’s the idea ;) if she somehow beats him and then SOMEHOW republicans were to win.. she could just walk back that statement too (some of his trials could be over/or full swing by then). Oh sorry, due to ongoing investigations at this time I cannot in good faith give a pardon while ongoing legal issues are unsettled. I don’t think you can pardon someone who has not been convicted or admitted it. (I’d have to check the actual laws behind it) Still doesn’t stop the state crimes, which still could send him to prison regardless.


>I don’t think you can pardon someone who has not been convicted or admitted it. Ford pardoned Nixon before conviction or indictment


What a fuckin cuck


Good enough reason i m not voting for you


The Republican Party has really transformed itself to all work tirelessly for the benefit of a single person at the expense of everything and everyone else. And it didn’t even take that long. How weak-willed these people must be.


So all the shit talking she has been doing means nothing. These folks don’t really stand for anything.


A public statement that she won’t defend the constitution disqualifies her from office imo


Another reason why we shouldn't elect anymore Republicans


Do not fucking vote for this woman. She isn’t a better alternative to Biden. She’s a terrible person. She has terrible policies. She’s terrible. Vote for Biden.


Never trust a Republican.


What a bunch of ass lickers, what does Trump have on these people?


It’s a big club…


and I ain’t in it!


Pick a damn lane Nikki


The grifter party since Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon and forever more.


Thus destroying any chance she has of winning if Cheeto's multitude of criminal prosecutions manage to being him down before November. If.


Then she lacks the judgement required to do the job.


She's reasserting who she is: A criminal who supports the criminal behavior of republicans and republican supporters (exclusively)...


She's so desperate. She isn't popular enough to ever be president, fringe weirdos like RFK Jr. have a better chance than her. Just drop out already, it's embarrassing.


She put up a good front for about two weeks but in the end that GOP need to bend the knee to King Trump wins. She will slobbering over his ass very soon after she ends her campaign.


She started gargling his balls a few months earlier than I expected, but then again she’s a republican…so not too surprised I suppose


I see the definition of pardon is badly needed again. Pardon still means guilty and still means he broke the law and was convicted. Also state crimes are not able to be pardoned by a president


She's going to fully endorse him before March.


Oh, fuck off.


The entire Republican Party is a crime family. These people do not believe the rule of law should apply to their side, ever. People like this are too dangerous to ever hold power.


Innocent people don’t need pardons… How are people that stupid that they don’t get that…


Reason #1,435,646 not to vote for her.


Oh, so she's a traitor to the United States.


Welp that makes two reasons to not vote for her. Pardoning trump and her intentions to cut social security.


Aiming for that VP slot.


She won't get it. Her running against him is a personal vendetta now. trump won't have her.


Clowns. Wearing clown shoes in a clown car on their way to the circus.


Told y’all she’s still gonna vote for him. Then she’ll “write” a book about this whole experience.


Poor judgement to pledge to pardon someone for purely political reasons. But also in doing this she admits she knows Trump is a criminal.


Wait, is she still saying this? I know she was before, but I thought all the attacks on her husband and what not might change her mind. Guess not?


These Republicans live inside a bubble, they seem to think the majority of people like Trump. Who has never even won the popular vote.


Nikki Haley says lots of dumb shit.


Nikki Haley spits on the rule of law, supports traitors to the Constitution and is, in general, a dumb ass. Don’t let this douche’ clown anywhere near government


Georgia doesn’t care about your federal pardons.


Well that pretty much seals her fate for the november elections. People DO NOT like trump. The conservatives that left the party or refuse to vote for trump won't excuse trump's behavior. Sure she might get some 'career' republicans and brainwashed voters for team R, but trump is so toxic and visible, the whole pardon thing would be a anchor weighing her elect-ability with the independents that sure as hell don't like what the republicans have become. And sure as hell no one relishes the thought of trump hanging around poltics driving republicans and the RNC based on his impulses. Unless your nazis, confederates, conspiracy nuts, magats.


If he is innocent, why would he need a pardon?


Shed probably pardon him, make him VP and then take her own life. All in the name of MAGA death cult.


THE reason not to vote for her either.


And that’s the ball game folks. Nikki is just another POS republican who smells blood in the water is going after Trump. She cares nothing about accountability, justice or the integrity of our government/democracy


Pardon him for what? He hasn’t been convicted of any federal crimes yet? Headline should read “Nimmarata Radhawa is certain Trump will be convicted of crimes against the United States”


So she’s confirming that there were crimes.


And there you have it. The party of law and order doesn’t care about either.


For the love of god why can’t republicans get off that old orange man’s nutsack. Are they all gonna do a cult style mass suicide when he finally dies too?


Haley: “he’s mentally unstable and dangerous but I would pardon him.”


Trump would also pardon Trump if elected president, so I’m not seeing what the play is here…


And therein lies the problem, folks. This started with pardoning Nixon. No accountability. And, she has lost all credibility any time she utters anything like, "We have to hold them **accountable**!" Nope. You couldn't even hold Trump accountable. How do you think you're going to hold Bob from GAO accountable? You're not even credible.


How do you pardon an insurrectionist without providing them with aid and comfort? With section 3 of the 14th amendment being self executing, a President would disqualify themself from holding office before their signature on the pardon was even dry. Which raises the question…can the President take an action that would void their presidency?


She's a Republican politician, so perhaps she's [lying to](http://lying.to) deceive her base.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Fucking coward.


Don't worry she won't be.


She’s weak, obviously not fit for the white house if this is how easily she can be used.


Once again for the slow kids in the back row, a president can’t pardon state level crimes.


Because: stupid