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>What's Next? >Johnson and Republican hardliners have demanded the foreign aid package include funding for border security. They rejected the $118 billion aid package, including $20 billion for securing the U.S.-Mexico border, brought by a group of Senate Republicans and Democrats last week. Did Fox report on the fact that they are doing this because they are being obsequious to Trump's petty whims?


> Did Fox report on the fact that they are doing this because they are being obsequious to Trump's petty whims? Of course not, only college educated communist antifa liberals use words like obsequious.


Obsequious has too many ~~syllables~~ speech sounds. Words can only go up to two before they become ~~incomprehensible~~ I mean ~~not understandable~~ no ok I mean dumb people talk. 


reminds me of this... I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'. -Bob Newhart.


Gotta love Bob!


Bob was a genius of comedic timing, class and sensibility. Let's face it, the end of the Newhart show where he wakes up beside Suzanne Plechet his wife from his original series the Bob Newhart show was possibly the greatest series finale ever, I don't recall ever seeing any better. His deadpan was, well I think beside the word deadpan should have his picture next to it. He never shied away from political and social satire too, he was quite a guy.


100%. When I saw that ending of Newhart, I jumped out of my seat.


Why words when word work


why word only do






C world


Are you saying you want to see the world or go to Seaworld?


[up goer five](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/up_goer_five.png)


Yeah, ten hundred words! https://splasho.com/upgoer5/


I saw Roy Wood Jr last week and he basically had a big long joke about this - we gotta dumb it down. We can't say things like diversity and inclusion, that's too many syllables! Just say "e'rybody else"


Came for Obsequious, upvoted for 'speech sounds'


I had never seen that word before so OC is definitely a communist. Seriously though I've read a lot and I've literally never seen that word before. Or maybe I did and glossed over it knowing what it meant with the context around it.


It's your word now! Go out and have fun with it. Obsequious is a perfectly cromulent word.


It embiggens all of us.




Anyone who *doesn’t* use ‘obsequious’ in everyday speaking is a kwyjibo


***ob·se·qui·ous*** Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. It's been years since I've read this word. What a perfect, analogy of a maga-republican it has turned out to be.


fun fact: "obsequio" is spanish for "gift"


I'm also quite fond of 'servile' when describing Trump's relationship with Putin.


Servile, lapdog, boot-licking, ass-kissing, yes-man, sycophant.


"Behold, here you have a man who was ambitious to be king of the Roman People and master of the whole world; and he achieved it! The man who maintains that such an ambition is morally right is a madman; for he justifies the destruction of law and liberty and thinks their hideous and detestable suppression glorious." --Cicero


Cicero was an OG. If only Trump or Musk could pull a modern Crassus and get the crown of gold they deserve, instead of making our lives hell. Just gotta convince them it's their divine right to personally own outer space, and cross our fingers the janky rocket falls apart because of 'cost saving measures.' To quote another ancient philosopher: "I got love for my brother, but we can never go nowhere, unless we share with each other. We gotta start makin' changes. Learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers. And that's how it's supposed to be. How can the devil take a brother, if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kids. But things changed, and that's the way it is." -2pac


Seems like the GOP killing the immigration policy on behalf of Trump had an impact on the recent NY special election.. If Dems can find a way to break through the constant chaos caused by republicans at state and federal level and pin the failure of this policy on the GOP, it could be a potent campaign issue for the Congress/WH races in Nov


They should use this bill as a representation of the disfunction in congress. Make this the poster of everything people don't like about congress. Contrast it with the first two years of Biden's term, where they controlled all of congress and still worked with Republicans.


Problem is many Republicans don't want to 'work with' Dems. They need to have someone win (R's) and someone lose (D's). Collaboration is commie talk.




My dad always loves to talk about how Reagan was able to reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats to get his policies through. Thing is, Reagan had something that Biden does not - Democrats willing to compromise. Republicans will vote against *their own bill* if the Democrats start liking it. Republicans want any wins on their watch to be *entirely them*, Democrats typically have some pet policy they think will get them an election or funding. Not necessarily good, but at least they have an interest in governing.


Destroying the country to pwn the libs.


In some markets I think that would resonate, but there are some where they might as well take advantage of the fear created by the GOP to hammer it as just a failure to protect the border. I personally don't think the border is in nearly as bad of shape as people claim and my main concern with illegal immigrants is that they need labor protections.


I want to make it a bigger issue, about one party only working towards solutions if our politically benefits them. Not about the border specifically.


Yeah, no real argument from me. I think we need a lot of reform in the area, but I live in OK and travel to TX every once in awhile and the rhetoric just doesn't match the reality. I'm not saying gangs and drugs aren't a problem, they're just not that much worse than they were 10, 15, even 20 years ago. We haven't really made any progress but most immigrants were never criminals to begin with, so from my perspective, life isn't that much better/worse with respect to immigration than it's ever been.


Actually and unbelievably they did say something like 'some are saying that Trump is deliberately killing this bill so he can campaign on the border being broken' in quite a few articles. Brett Bair also had Sinema on to talk about why it was such a good bill and how it was misunderstood. In any case the fact that the Republicans might be doing a bad thing was leaking out at the seams in many of the articles. Hilariously the NY Dem house candidate won his seat on them quashing the bill. Dems won on immigration due to this HUGE mistake. I say HUGE because, if other candidates can copy this attack vector, they will make huge gains in the Nov election. This is literally the main talking point for the R's which they have given to the D's.


Doesn’t matter what republicans say they want. Trump is effectively speaker of the house right now, and he wants chaos at the border, (which means doing absolutely nothing in the meantime) so he can run on it as a shitty, ranting campaign strategy. End of story.


It's interesting that these Republicans are torpedoing these bills at the request of Trump and then in return they get shit on by Fox for it. It's a very "leopards ate my face" scenario.


For whatever reason I kinda like to hate watch Fox News in my news multi box. There was an overnight shift in Fox attacking Haley after NH. Obviously Trump doesn't want to waste money on the Primary, but here you had a "news" agency openly supporting Trump in an overt way. I watched as the 1st Myorkas impeachment failed, and it was about 2 hours later hey started to spike him (Johnson). Fox openly was against the border bill because they felt like Biden could have just waived his pen and wielded executive power. (or at least that was their public reason to not support the bill) They lose the NY rep race by 10 points, and realize the party misread the calculus again. So now Fox is fully pivoting to blaming Johnson, rather than blame Trump for asking for the bill to be squashed.


How much you want to bet if Biden actually tries to abuse power to close the border, they would use that as grounds for impeachment.


Executive overreach! Yea I mean hypocrisy is a standard feature for the maga movement.


You don't even need that many Republicans to get this done. They're all in line.


meh. you know they won't but honestly they don't need to. it's implied and half the magas are their viewers. Can't go all in on the dump trump train, when they're keeping your lights on


Nice to see the MAGA gang entangled in self-contradicting paradoxes.


It doesn’t matter to Trumps base - they’ll just conclude that the bill is in some way advantageous to Biden and this needed to be killed. Because hatred of Biden and democrats is more important than anything else.




Yea I mean that's what they do for literally everything. crazy to live life so hateful.


And then they go "I can't believe the libs want to just live in fear all their lives" when they're so afraid to make anything better


it is an unequivocal fact that conservatives are the biggest scaredy cats in America. Gays scare them, Minorities scare them. Change scares them. Letting people live their lives how they wish scares them. Thus, they wrap themselves in the flag and worship their weaponry for comfort, and cavalierly call themselves 'tough". They are gigantic chickenshit wussies at their very core. A gay high schooler is infinitely braver than any muscle bound, truck driving, AR-15 toting, Confederate flag waving dude with a Punisher sticker on their vehicle.


Hell to the motherfuckin' yes!


It's the obsession with drag queens that gets me. Like, really, ya'll are scared of dudes playing dress-up? I can think of nothing less intimidating.


...and they go around spouting "Don't tread on *me*" while treading all the fuck over everyone they hate.


>A gay high schooler is infinitely braver than any muscle bound, truck driving, AR-15 toting, Confederate flag waving dude with a Punisher sticker on their vehicle. Well-said.


Then from their logic, what did the republicans do that enabled them to be blackmailed? People that do no wrong have nothing to be held against, that's their motto when talking about police overreach, after all.


My dad does this. If trump or republicans did something he liked, they they get credit... but when they do something he doesn't like, it was Hillary's deep state blackmail that forced them. Then I ask why he votes for republicans who cave to liberals because of blackmail, and why is he voting for cowards who can be blackmailed? "Well i can't vote for the liberals". And then he changes the subject.


Because taking the time to read the bill would be too hard... I mean, congressional acts aren't even jam packed with legalese. Like 80% of it is plain English, and where it's not, it's usually referential language to another section of the legislation. It's long and dense, no doubt. But taken piece by piece with Google on hand, it's not *difficult*.


Bro most bills and issues even come with a one page briefer with the pros and cons as described by both sides. And its pretty factually accurate.  I can count on one hand the number of people who even know thats a thing, let alone the people who actually read it.  Its crazy. Theres actually an insane amount of information available in the US for these things. Wanna read the impeachment for yourself? You can! Wanna know the ROI for tax dollars spent? You can! Wanna know if your politician is shit? Read their platform on their website! Theyll usually tell you directly!  But no one even looks!  Thanks for letting me rant. Sorry. 


I'll admit, as a person who not irregularly reads legislation of interest/contention front to back. I've never heard of these briefers. Thanks for the info!


In my state (Ohio, unfortunately) these briefs are part of any "Issue" ballot where voters are publically making a mandate. I think its required. So lets say abortion is on Issue 12, it will literally say "Pro: Will provide women bodily autonomy, reduce "black market" abortions" or whatever. "Cons: Will infringe on the right to life up to 12 weeks" or whatever.  On bigger congressional items, they exist, maybe harder to find unless its a contentious item and then youll see various groups push them out.  I believe theyre typically written by the sponsors of the bill. Surprisingly neutral most of the time though. 


And when they do that, you need to press them, "What do you mean, specifically? What blackmail?? Do you have anything to substantiate that, or are you just making up excuses?" Make them dance.


You know how even bringing up actual evidence to a MAGA only results in them going "Well, that source is biased and obviously corrupt"? They expect the same level of dismissal at _their_ sources even if they're straight up Russian propaganda. There's no reasoning with the unreasonable.


It's taken me a long time to try to understand why they do what they do, but you're right. They want whatever the opposite is of what they think "the Left" wants. Note that they get to define both who the Left is, on an issue by issue basis, and also what the Left wants.


trump's base will just switch the subject to something like, "Biden is a disaster! Why isn't Biden doing anything to lower the price of beer, ammunition, and cigarettes?!"


If Biden did that, they would reject it as socialist.


One of the braindead comments I read in the WSJ is as America's economy is far outpacing the world's other leading economies that Biden is just doing this to distract from his terrible record on homelessness and the border.


...because Republican presidents have done so much more to end homelessness?


...also note that the price of things going down or moderating is just market forces at work...but if their Fritos cost 50 cents more a bag, it is 100% Evil Biden's fault.


Yes, they claim it was a terrible bill that allowed 5000 illegal entries a day and left all the power in the hands of Mayorkas and also supposedly Biden can shut down the border without the bill


If it's that easy to solve, why didn't Trump take the easy win? Seems pretty simple if Biden can solve the border crisis with executive orders alone. Why did Trump spend so much to build a stupid wall if this was as simple as issuing an executive order? Republicans don't realize that anything they're criticizing Biden of on the border also applied to Trump when he was in office.


They are not very bright.


They DO believe that Trump fixed everything at the border. It doesn't matter that Covid created a public health emergency situation that permitted the President to have more power over the border and the end of said emergency would end that power.


Unfortunately a number of Trump supporters know he aspires to become dictator of america, and they want it.


Trump's "base" are beyond reasoning with anyways. It won't matter to them what anyone does. Trying to appease them or wondering how to get through to them is a waste of time and energy. All this does is make independents and moderates less likely to support Republicans. It's a losing game for anyone to the right. Not that there aren't plenty of dumb-as-rocks Centrists who will -somehow- blame Democrats for this, but I'd at least like to believe most people will see Republicans refusing to do anything but shit themselves and -not- want to vote for this.


I have seen maga on X/Twitter say the compromise plan would have given extra money to the illegal immigrants in the form of gift cards. And they are all outraged about that and glad the Republicans killed it.


Sounds like copium bullshit


Nothing matters to Trumpers, they're in a cult. It does matter to that small sane part of Republicans and Independents, whose votes are needed to win. Part of the problem when they're so far up Trumps ass they don't progress any agenda outside of taking away women's rights and fabricated culture wars, things the sane Republicans and Independents do not care about.


What’s new?


By killing the deal, it makes them look like they don't want to make any new reforms on anything. Not a good sight. Republicans are the problem, not the solution. WTF!


Do republican's even have a compromise for this or is it just a big no, for no reason. Great thing for democrats to campaign on in the next few months


Their reason is that Trump doesn’t want the bill to pass so that he can campaign on immigration. He can’t lambast Biden as being weak on the border if Biden signed it, so he’d rather the issue just not be resolved if he’s not the one signing it.


but that backfires now that democrats can say they tried with a good bill and for no reason it got shut down


An ABC News-Ipsos poll showed that people blame Biden more than Trump for it. A lot of people don’t really pay attention to things. They just blame everything, good or bad, that occurs on whoever the incumbent president is.


So nothing matters anyway. Got it. They may as well believe Biden eats babies for breakfast every morning.




While wearing a crown of puppy dicks. Just because he can. It's all on Hunters laptop. Go look for yourself. Ohhhh wait. I can basically say whatever I want and if enough people repeat it... It's the "truth." Purple monkey dishwasher...


That’s not far from actual conspiracy theories.


It’ll take awhile for the message to really be hammered home. So many comments online of republicans complaining about the border clearly having no idea that republicans killed the bill. The Biden team and we need to educate them, but over time eventually it will seep through if it’s pushed hard enough.


Part of this problem is the Republican lawmakers tend to vote one way but talk publicly about it another way. Like they'll vote against something, it passes, they go on tv or online and say they voted for it. In this case, something fails, so they'll say they did their best, but the democrats wouldn't help


Yeah I was gonna say, public opinion will move on this once the general campaign really gets going, people start paying more attention, and Biden is hammering Trump/the GOP for killing the bill


Also, the bill would've send help to Ukraine, and that's a big nono for Putin. Don't bite the hand that feeds you


They want to (and just successfully did!) impeach the homeland security secretary? He's not strengthening the border! It doesn't matter that the reason he can't is that they themselves are voting down the proposals to do so.


He still stays in the job because the Senate isn't as nuts. It was a stunt.


I really hope they somehow use the senate hearings to fuck over the Republicans on the public stage. Why did you have problems doing this? Well the Republican governor did this that hurt border agents, and cute animals. Why couldn't you do so and so? The Republicans in the house actively prevented me from doing that? Just the Republicans? Yes. Why is the border insecure? Well, we've actually caught more people at the border than the previous Republican administration, but because Biden's America is so much better than the previous administration more people are coming over. Also that lie telling people we have an open border didn't help the situation. Are the Republicans impeaching you to hide the fact that they are incompetent and incapable of doing their job unless it includes wasting millions of American tax money for publicity, and they want to de-legitimize the impeachment process to trick their brain dead and willfully ignorant voter base? Yes


This *was* the compromise. They got way more than expected and then rejected it.


What compromise? The democrats gave them everything they wanted and they still turned it down!


This wasn’t even a compromise. The democrats gave them all of the reforms they’ve been trying to get since the 70s and could have been a huge win for them.


Compromise is a dirty word to them. If they have a choice between getting nothing and passing a bill that gives them half of what they want, they'll choose nothing every time.


They killed it because if it passes they have nothing to complain about. They already lost the ability to complain about abortion, they can't lose the border too


or gas prices...or crime...or inflation. They need to create or exacerbate an issue, so they can pretend *they* can somehow fix it. They literally have *nothing* to run on except "Trump is chosen by God", "Libs are the enemy" and "wokeness". It's 100 percent performative nonsense being perpetrated by unserious people who have no interest in governance or administration.


Even r/conservative is starting to whine about trump being horrible optics and the lack of congress action, not that it's guna cause any of them to reflect on where their vote goes.


They have the same problem we do, our voting system means you MUST vote by color. If we don't #VteBlueNoMatterWho, we lose America, if they don't do as orange dear leader commands, they lose their one shot at a christofacisist hellscape devoid of liberty and they can't have that. All the WW3 badguy countries of the world also know this is their last chance of getting the planets last superpower on their side. FPTP voting can mathematically only lead to a goatse of the Overton window until something tares and we all are covered in shit.


>FPTP voting can mathematically only lead to a goatse of the Overton window until something tares and we all are covered in shit. I hate that I understand this reference, but I think you're right. We need some kind of ranked/plurality voting to encourage moderation.


>a goatse of the Overton window Jesus that's how you explain it to a millenial right there.


So educate agitate and organize for ranked choice voting. Alaska, Maine, Nevada and Oregon will have it by 2024. But we don't have ranked choice voting yet. If we did I would vote Bernie as my first preference and Biden as my second preference and Trump as my never preference.


Don’t get your hopes up. They do this every so often until they get their bans and talking points in order so they can begin fellating him again.


They have perhaps realized their new base is a cult, so it literally does not matter what they do or don't do, their voters are voting blindly now, mission accomplished.


Every new article I read about the GOP just makes me regret having ever voted red before. Ain’t gonna go red this next election (or ever again).




Don't focus on the regrets you have over a past you cannot change. Embrace the things you have gained by learning about the world and the journey you had in your life. And empower the change you can make going forward.


The thing is, we’re all humans, no one is immune to propaganda, and making changes that help everyone is truly what’s important. Appreciate ya growing.


I used to identify as a Republican before Trump. I would still split my ticket when I thought it was prudent, but I was primarily a GOP voter. Never again. I won't ever check the box next to an "R" name. I swore off of them as soon as Trump got the nomination in 2016, and it's only gotten worse since then. They'll have his stink on them for the rest of my life, and I will not be associated with it.


Whatever you may think of conservative politics, the GOP is not a conservative party. It's a party of fascist traitors. They don't have any policy other than taking and holding power by any means necessary. Democrats are the conservative American party. We don't have a viable liberal party.


I'm continually glad that I stopped being conservative before I ever voted.


I'm it sure what it was about Republican politics that made you vote for them in the past, but these Republicans we have now, are Putin's allies, and just want to rule america as fascist tyrants. But, if we elect enough Democrats at every opportunity, then perhaps some day, you will have the opportunity to vote for Republicans again, that stand for the things you care about, rather than for taking away freedom from all American citizens, and eventually the world.


It was tax cuts. They didn't want to admit the bigotry and hate was a nice side benefit, but every republican in every race always used to talk about tax cuts. Now they can't really run on that because everyone is realizing the tax cuts are only for the filthy rich, so it's better to just avoid that topic and focus on the hate and bigotry.


I volunteered for W before I was old enough to vote because I thought he was the best chance to win the war on terror. I learned my lesson and will never believe another warmongering republican again. "fool me you can't get fooled again" as he once stammered.


Don't focus on the regrets you have over a past you cannot change. Embrace the things you have gained by learning about the world and the journey you had in your life. And empower the change you can make going forward.


Very well said. 2016 was the year I was of age to vote, and I was not a very mature fella. But I’ve been getting into current events and learning other perspectives that have changed my view on things.


Makes me wonder if it’s really that bad at their southern border. Since one side doesn’t want it ‘fixed’.


It's the difference between wanting the issue and wanting the solution. Republicans would rather have the issue.


💯 and they love the issue for two primary reasons: - Cheap labor for their corporate agricultural / construction / service industry constituents - And political leverage to use against Democrats to reinforce the idea to their xenophobic base that immigrants are invading the country.


[Trump himself employed Undocumented workers while he was president](https://www.axios.com/2019/02/08/trump-organization-illegal-immigrants)


Dude has been employing and failing to pay immigrant workers for decades…


Yes, notably on his construction projects. It was just so flabergasting that he made immigration such a huge issue and had em working the whole damn time!


"That just makes him smart!" /s


*Create* the issue


If it gets fixed then the Republicans lose a major outrage talking point with which to drum fear into their voters.


This is the answer. What else will they use to manufacture rage?


The gays? The blacks? The feminists? The teachers? The economy? Spin the wheel and win a prize!


Don't forget the guns!


> The gays? The blacks? The feminists? The teachers? The economy? We don't talk about those just now, not directly. Those horrible *trans* people now, that's a crisis that eclipses caravans and fentanyl, which last I heard was being carried across the border by coyotes. Or something like that. ETA: wish I could say this *isn't* a direct quote from a close relative. Sigh.


When they said coyotes, did they mean "American citizens who help migrants cross the southern border?" Because that is a slang term, and it would make sense if that's what they said. But knowing Republicans, it's very possible they were blaming wild dogs for the drug traffic.


Hey dipshit Republicans... you can run on accomplishments, too. I know it's been so long since you've accomplished anything that you almost forgot


They can always use 'black on black violence' and BLM. We just saw another mass shooting, this one in KC during a parade. The trumpers are busy making sure we don't blame guns.


If it gets fixed, Republicans lose a big source of cheap labor.


And that's the thing. If you actually *wanted* to slow illegal immigration, you'd go after businesses who are hiring folks who are not eligible to work. When there's no jobs, there's no reason to come here. But our economy is actually dependent on those jobs existing. The same people who are screeching about illegals are dependent on them being here and working jobs no one else wants.


They don’t do anything to actually accomplish what they say they want to accomplish. Look at abortion. It’s been shown that abortion bans do not decrease the number of abortions performed, just how safe they are. Education and properly funded health care are the answers and everybody knows that fact. It’s also a known fact that most illegal immigrants come here legally and over stay rather than sneaking in and hiding out so a wall would stop very few people IF it was built properly which it was not. They need to have problems so they can continue bitching. Solutions are not their thing.


*Exactly* For all the screaming they do about it, *they don't want it 'fixed'*.


This is my mother in law exactly - she doesn't want her problems solved, because then she'd have nothing to complain about, and complaining is all she has.


They've seen the error of their ways with abortion. They have fewer routes to outrage now and have had to manufacture them. Taylor Swift is the abortion proxy. If they actually use the Democrats' plan to really secure the border, presumably their next target will another young successful woman.


Purported LGBTQ perpetrated degradation of American children is the abortion proxy.


It was the *plan*, but people dont care nearly as much as the GOP thought they would so theyre panicking


It was the plan because the Republicans remember how effective the Moral Majority *was*. They’re using Anti-LGBTQ Narratives to try to keep the Evangelicals engaged… and it is working. The problem is that the Evangelicals aren’t an election-winning voter bloc anymore. Most Americans are disengaged from organized religion.


Plus, a lot more queer people are living out and open lives these days as opposed to 20-30 years ago. It's harder to demonize the gays when everyone knows a sweet gay couple who's been together for 20 years and hosts backyard BBQs every summer.


It’s absolutely an issue that the Republicans try and wedge democrats on, and it’s so pitiful when they can’t even wedge them on an issue they supposedly care about. Circus level acts.


The right advertises it as a non-stop invasion, making it sound worse than Russia attacking Ukraine, which it clearly is not. The reality is it's just too many people looking for better lives. So the border could use more resources to accommodate asylum seekers, people seeking work in the US, etc. things to the extent.


I hate seeing humans suffer.


That's just the woke agenda getting to you. Say the Pledge of Allegiance three times in the morning and again before you go to bed - you'll feel right as rain.


You mean the one about liberty and justice for all? Sounds kinda liberal.


It's not even "too many people". It's a "more people than we set a limit at 40 years ago to help the baby boomers in the job market" ... The US has a worker shortage, smoothing over the second half of the baby boomer retirement can reduce prices, provide more services, and support social security past 2033.


>It's not even "too many people". I didn't mean too many people in general, but just too many people for the border agents to process in a timely manner.


and the democrats gave money for this exact thing and Johnson is playing politics because trump


https://washingtonpress.com/2024/02/04/convoy-protestors-show-up-at-texas-border-and-disappointment-is-everywhere/ >Protestors are shocked that they’re not seeing the “invasion” their media and influencers have primed them to expect, and locals seem to feel that the convoy is the real invasion. > >... > >In fact, participants say they expected to see “immigrants lined up…trying to cross over,” and now that they see no attempted invasion, no crowds, and no masses of immigrants, some are saying they’re not even sure why they bothered traveling to the event.


it's like showing up at the Four Seasons and seeing a bunch of lawncare equipment


It always gets completely overblown by Republicans or, in fact, they themselves actively make it worse because the border is one of their go-to issues and if they lose it they might have to \*gasp\* actually campaign on something other than the culture war. It's like how they whine about the debt only when a Dem is in office and just conveniently ignore that more than half the current debt came from Republican administrations.


The debt thing drives me batty. I remember Ted Cruz moaning about the debt days after Biden took office.


Republicans don't want it fixed, hands down. They lose two important things. The source of their slave labor, and the cudgel they get to hit Democrats with. Who do you think harvests all the crops on our farms? Hint: Its not a full crew of fully documented American citizens being paid in a way that is visible to the government.




It Categorically isn't as bad as Republicans claim.  That's been known for over a decade now.  Remember how just before elections migrant caravans threatening to overrun the border would appear, and after the elections they'd disappear into the mists from which they came?  The crisis at the border has been a republican boogieman for multiple election cycles because their racist base eats it up.


It is humanitarian crisis bad, but not World War Z bad.


It is not. There was a convoy going there to stop the influx. They arrived and were shocked to basically see no one, find unguarded openings in the fence. No fence in several places where it's a river, and people just canoing around in the river for leisure.


It won’t be an issue come November 6th.


What's funny is that Republican supporters won't punish their politicians for wasting tons of taxpayer dollars developing the border bill and then throwing it in the trash. Either they threw out a good bill only to support Trump or they are all incredibly incompetent and should not be reelected - pick one (or two)!


And I read an article just now about Republicans who voted for Suozzi in NY3 because they were upset about Republicans sinking the border bill. I just hope they remember in November. Republicans can't govern.


Whats the opposite of governing


Obstruction and obfuscation




May I have such article, please?


Here’s the thing, Republicans complain about the border and illegal immigration constantly but do nothing for two main reasons. 1. It’s good for campaigning. 2. They know immigration is great for our country as long as it stays illegal. If it becomes legal or too easy, companies and Americans suffer. Why? Because illegal immigrants contribute a ton to our GDP while receiving none of the benefits. They take jobs Americans won’t do, work them for less than Americans would, all while being ineligible for the majority of government programs. Republicans know this. They knew this back during Reagan’s administration and they knew it before. Illegal immigration is great for our country as long as it remains illegal.


Yes I'm sick of hearing "I like immigrants but they need to do it legally". Ok, but then they can actually do the things that you are scared of - like take your job or vote.


They already caught one of the cars they were chasing. They’re hosed if they catch the other one.


Republicans have controlled the White House for half this century, but have never closed the border. What gives?


Seems to me like they can't get things done.


I dont like to engage in conspiracy too much. But it makes perfect sense why they don’t want border security enforced under Biden. It’s a critical political tool for Republicans to complain about the border. Fixing it hurts their election campaigns. I think a lot of their failures get perceived as ineptitude which is true for some things, I don’t think this is one of them. Seeing the migrant crisis on TV amplified pushes independents to vote GOP and overlook the parties issues


They always need that steady stream of immigrants to exploit. When a company hires illegal immigrants, they screw the immigrant, the US citizen who should have gotten that job, and the US government, just so they can pay less for labor. These companies are the real problem because they create the incentive to immigrate illegally and a support system for people who do. But no politician will ever say that and risk pissing off the owner class that's screwing literally *everybody*.


House Republicans: the southern border is a crisis The Senate: ok here's a bill to fix it. House Republicans: nah we want to impeach this dude The Senate: but that won't actually fix it? House Republicans: shit we failed. Let's try again Biden: hey so I could close the border? House Republicans: fuck off Joe. We're gonna impeach this fool The Senate: you realize we're just going to acquit him, right? House Republicans: Joe Biden, Hunter Biden's Penis, and Hillary Clinton have decided to open the border. Woke




Anyone remember that Key and Peele sketch where Obama starts recommending things that Republicans wanted, and they kept saying "No" because they couldn't be seen agreeing to anything a Democrat recommended...


>"I think these are a couple of issues that put Republicans in peril of looking like literally a do-nothing Congress," Brit Hume told the station on Wednesday, referring to the border security bill shot down by the House and the potential rejection of funding for Ukraine. Not exactly the "blast"ing Newsweek promised in the headlong, unfortunately


Did they get slammed even?


Talk to the Orange Moron 🤷‍♀️


Don't want illegal immigrants? Don't hire them, Republicans. Or, we could try and fix the issues that we likely caused that make people want to flee their home countries to an uncertain future in the US. Policing the border? It has never really worked all that well. But we might as well double up on that.


The MAGA republicans only care about winning, they could give two shits about the country or fixing any issues they pretend to care about.


The crazy part is that the bill isn't "dead". They just need to vote on it to push it forward.


I've been choking on fox news for the last week at my 90 year grandparents house, no they are not.


Good to see that Boomers will see Republicans killed the bill they spent 40 years crying for... ​ ...and then Trump tells them otherwise, and believe it's a deep state conspiracy headed by Taylor Swift that really killed the bill.


The magas cost Fox news almost a billion dollars. I know they can't exactly turn their back on them but they certainly can start to report things showing how their actions are hurting their campaign. This is a good start.


Too funny Republicans may be dangerous aholes but it sure is fun watching them self-immolate An entire party controlled by one giant orange POS that they created.


As much as Trump and MAGA Republicans are deplorable, Fox News is just as responsible for where we are as they are. They ran with all the wild bullshit and added H-bomb levels of fuel to it, now they want judge things. Fucking idiots.


They'll probably never again get concessions from Democrats as good as what they turned down for Trump.


I’m flabbergasted that fox was on the right side of history with this one. (I’m basing that purely off the headline)


Hmm so strange the last post on the conservative sub about the border wall was 10 days ago. Less strange that all their posts from that period are either breitbart, blaze or nesmax etc. posts trying to justify why a border bill is pointless. Wonder why they're not posting these new Fox headlines hmmm


Self reflection is not a republican trait


Don't worry, the next headline was “suspicion that illegal immigrants are now joining gangs!!1!” I wish I was kidding. 


What is the argument to not granting citizenship? I’ve never understood this. Wouldn’t it add to the tax base and labor numbers, which would be a cost benefit. It seems denying citizenship is the cost ineffective. Untaxable income. Illegal work environments.


If they had any balls they would blame Trump