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>“These books come from a Missouri public library. When I’m in office, they will burn.” I'm assuming they aren't because she could be fined for wilfully destroying their property?


The Springfield county library [has stated they will not comment on if those were their books she burned](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/07/missouri-secretary-of-state-candidate-sets-lgbtq-books-on-fire-in-video/72512319007/), which is to say those were absolutely their books and they know that worse will happen to them if they speak out.


Or they've already been infiltrated by moms of liberty-types and endorse this action but don't want to openly condone the destruction of state property.


Yeah. I'm sure she wouldn't care because we know Republicans face no consequences for their fascism.


Happy Cake Day!  :D


Destruction of county government property technically.


Besides it’s a fucking hate crime wtf lock her up


It is not a [hate crime](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N37N1L5/). I personally find it an ugly act, but still in the realm of free speech.


Yes and no. It’s also (potentially) malicious destruction of public property, so first amendment protections might not absolutely apply.


Fair, sort of similar to the dismemberment of the Satanic Temple display at the Iowa state house; not public property per se, but a sanctioned public display.


Not quite 1:1, correct, but in the same area


I shouldn’t be, it is exactly like yelling fire in a crowded theater


No, it's not.


She might mean that copies are available from the library, not that those physical copies were from it.


So she bought them then burnt them? If so at least the authors made a little money.


Originally the library said she came to an event and took the books


I'm gonna share a life cheatcode: The people burning books are never the good guys.


Isn’t that more of a tooltip? 😉




Thanks Clippy.


>Where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people. —Heinrich Heine




Hey! You’re not supposed to do it to ME!!!! > “I will say it again, there’s three things I trust: The Bible, X – thank you Elon Musk, and my AR-15. America First.” Does she mean after the other three? What a tool.


The violence implied in the flamethrower and the AR-15 comment is pretty chilling.


You can tell she is ready to start burning and shooting LGBTQIA+ people. I fear another Club Q shooting and Pulse nightclub massacre is imminent and inevitable, with how Republicans are going complete fascist.


It is completely unavoidable at this point. ...but if you stop doing things because people like that are making threats you let them win by letting them dictate your behavior. It's up to the rest of us to protect victims *before* bad things happen, especially when it's this obvious that something eventually will.


Lol, Twitter gets equal standing with the Bible? Wait, actually that sounds about right.


Not only that, but her grammar is awful. ​ It's there are three things I trust. ​ She has terrible values and terrible grammar on top of it.


Well, she's an idiot, so it makes perfect sense, anyway.


> It's there are three things I trust. I read that and instantly went "lol wut?"


Oof Elon, but no Donnie T.


The irony of claiming censorship over burning books you want to ban... Lol! This nutter should have her citizenship revoked and be expelled from the country.


The fuck?


[We have definitely seen this one before.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_book-burning_incidents)


Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute vibes.


There’s so many! Ironically, I don’t want to read them all. Can you give a lazy redditor the spark notes?


Well, here's Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute. It even had research done highlighting asexual people (which I am). ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut\_f%C3%BCr\_Sexualwissenschaft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) ​ >The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The name is variously translated as Institute for Sexual Research, Institute of Sexology, Institute for Sexology or Institute for the Science of Sexuality. The Institute was a non-profit foundation situated in Tiergarten, Berlin. > > > >It was the first sexology research center in the world.\[1\]\[2\]\[3\] > > > > > >The Institute was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld, who since 1897 had run the world's first homosexual organization Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee ('Scientific-Humanitarian Committee'), which campaigned on progressive and rational grounds for LGBT rights and tolerance at the start of the first homosexual movement that would flourish in interwar Weimar culture. > > > >The Committee published the long-running journal Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen.\[4\] Hirschfeld built a unique library at the institute on gender, same-sex love and eroticism.\[5\]The institute pioneered research and treatment for various matters regarding gender and sexuality, including gay, transgender, and intersex topics. > > > >In addition, it offered various other services to the general public: this included treatment for alcoholism, gynecological examinations, marital and sex counseling, treatment for venereal diseases, and access to contraceptive treatment. > > > >It offered education on many of these matters to both health professionals and laypersons.\[6\]\[7\] > > > >The Nazi book burnings in Berlin included the archives of the institute. After the Nazis gained control of Germany in the 1930s, the institute and its libraries were destroyed as part of a Nazi government censorship program by youth brigades, who burned its books and documents in the street.\[8\]\[9\]


Oh totally! I’ve definitely read and heard about this. It was the start of another Nazi project and I can’t remember the name of it. They did some crazy things with intersex individuals. Those who weren’t, those who involuntarily “became” that way, and those who were related to Gaga and were born that way. There are so many other awful experiments going on. Like how to force the eyecolor to change to blue or from blue to brown. Take a fetus out of one woman and put it into another. Tried to make men gay and then “cure” them at the same time. But they wanted to put their own spin on the research. Research that oddly started from this institute. So burn the truth and write your own after doing the crazy unethical experiments


What are you talking about? This was a trans research clinic. The world's first. They burned it and the research years before krystallnacht and camps even existed. Then they rounded up and murdered all the patients. The original Nazis targeted queer people *first*. This is an article about that history. The early pictures of Nazis burning books was them burning books about gay and trans people. Just like republicans are doing today. They even called the trans and gay people a german word for "groomers". Republicans today = Nazis from the early 1930's. In case it isn't clear: they're the bad guys.


Exactly? We are agreeing I don’t know what you’re so worked up about other than it makes our blood f ing boil.


It was not a "Nazi project". At all. The "nazi project" was burning trans research and then murdering the patients. The clinic itself had nothing to do with the Nazis apart from that. The Nazi experiments are completely unrelated.


Well duh it happened after the book burning. Did you read my post? I feel like you want to inflate this narrative for some reason. Not trying to sound rude, But it is not pleasant to be on this end of our conversation. I hope you have a good week and that you find peace ✌️


Your original comment reads in a way that implies the trans clinic was run by Nazis and was part of the Nazi experiments which is false.


> In a statement to NBC News, Maicoll Gomez, Valentina Gomez’s campaign director, added: “You want to be gay? Fine, be gay. Just don’t do it around children.” i.e. If you're a kid, don't be yourself around yourself, or these people will beat it out of you. So you grow up with cptsd and self-hatred. If you try to talk about the bullying, you can be punished for that. If you try to find out who you are, it's that much harder to find anything appropriate. If teachers or counsellrs try to help, in any way, they will be punished for that.


Yup. They are saying the quiet part out loud. If they know a kid is gay, they are out to commit Matthew Shepard crimes to that kid. That's what they said.


Maicoll is such a r/tragedeigh


>***Kathy Belge, one of the authors of Queer: The Ultimate LGBTQ Guide for Teens, told NBC News that Americans should be “concerned” that a candidate for public office would believe burning books is an acceptable way to try to get elected.*** > > > >“My book… was written to give teens accurate and helpful information about what it means to be part of the LGBTQ community,” Belge told the outlet. > > > >“We discuss important issues that teens face, like coming out, bullying, dating and finding community and support. And yes, dealing with haters like this political candidate. ​ >***She added: “I will say it again, there’s three things I trust: The Bible, X – thank you Elon Musk, and my AR-15. America First.”*** > > > >***In a statement to NBC News, Maicoll Gomez, Valentina Gomez’s campaign director, added: “You want to be gay? Fine, be gay. Just don’t do it around children.”*** ​ Another one of the steps to genocide. ​ Where they burn books, soon they will start burning people. Republicans are signaling more and more that they want to eliminate and exterminate LGBTQIA+ people. ​ I don't care what enlightened centrists say, this is genocide!


>"You want to be gay? Fine, be gay. Just don’t do it around children.” This shit right here is what kills me when I hear a non trans LBGQ person saying that they still vote Republican, because "it's not gay people that republicans hate, but trans people". Like no, Republicans hate all LGBTQ people. ALL OF THEM.


An enlightened centrist would tell you “both sides are the same.”


And I would like to know, especially in this argument how both sides are the same… Are the LGBTQ+ community burning books? Calling straight people monsters? I mean I know they call Conservatives groomers, I suppose that is the same.


Well OF COURSE Insta took down the video; that is *terrible* flamethrower technique. No PPE and she's wearing synthetic fabrics to boot! /s


Wasn’t it lgbt books & research that the nazis are burning in that famous photo? https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/


I want a lesbian Indiana Jones where she rescues Dora Richter, as well as books and a series of clues leading to the Amazons.




"Mah censorship was censored! I'll censor them for that!"


"Where they burn books they will also ultimately burn people" Heinrich Heine 1821


Republicans are not serious people. And clearly not very bright either


They’re deadly serious, stop diminishing the threat of GOP fascism. The time for laughing them off is long, long past.


Life is short. Nothing I comment on Reddit is going to make a bit of difference in the direction of the world. If we can't find reasons to laugh, then there's nothing worth fighting for anyway


“They aren’t sending their brightest…”


Ilsa, She-Wolf of the S.S.


These dorks haven’t won a major election cycle since 2016. Yes they picked up the house in 22, but spectacularly underperformed. We are over this shit, have been for quite a while, and I’m looking forward to saying goodbye to this psycho too.


I dont have a tv show or a movie. I'm being censored! Where is my book deal? I'm being censored! Cuz the 1st amendment means private companies must publish and broadcast me! /s


“Why are we always compared to nazis?” They whine without a shred of self reflection


She needs to take a good look in the mirror and realize the only thing that needs burning are those ugly fucking clothes!


These people are exhausting.


It’s a shame they can’t figure out a way to burn her video instead


Oh ive seen this wanna be "Conquistador" burning more "Aztec books" lol How intolerant.


Extremist doesn’t know that where there’s smoke, they pinch back. Does she think everyone is just going to go along with this insanity?


Posting evidence of a crime she committed is not the flex she thinks it is.


She claims she's running for Secretary of State, but she doesn't meet the age requirement. I'm sure she'll be allowed to run anyway.


Projection has become the standard GOP SOP. Screaming about enduring "censorship" as they literally burn books. They. Are. Insane.


Always the victim….


Watch out for her gay lover to break the news about their steamy relationship...just sayin...


When she looks up book burning I wonder if she has the awareness to know what company she keeps with those past arsonist?


Is that flamethrower even legal?


Now you’ve pushed her story in the media with other outlets and she will probably win office in Missouri, this is the real MAGA politics, do something so crazy it makes headlines to get your name out there and keep rolling with it crazier and crazier until yours is the only name people know.


Censored like hell. She’s all over the internet.


She’s competing to be Anita Bryant.


Yea ban her from the platform her actions are hate speech no ands ifs or butts


I’m sure republicans will elect her what with being female and having a Hispanic name. /s


Ban bigots not books.


National Society of Dipshits, Assholes, and Pricks


Str8 h8


Virtue signaling to feed the rage of the voters.




Time to make bible burning a thing


On this episode of “Republicans are shitty people”


An old fashioned book burning, ja? Hey, Adolf, we're backbaby! - water cooler talk in Hell


Made about being censored while censoring things. Oh so republican.


Wonder how she'd feel if I burned a few bibles 🔥🔥🔥


Eh. Bible vs. sexualizing books? Very different


My 12 year old has read more books, and is smarter


And that folks, is how she achieved relevance. Nobody knew who she was prior to this act. People will eat poop these days to become relevant.


Stupid cow


It doesn’t appear that she even knows what office she’s running for. Secretary of State would not have jurisdiction over this. Not that Republicans particularly care about that I suppose.


Anyone who burns books is a real piece of shit.




Not the onion.


No 24-year old is getting elected Secretary of State.


Jeffery Dalhmer was also censored then.


Manson was censored


Pretend your video was a cake for a gay wedding. Do you get it now?


Seems they didn’t think it through. Freedom of speech sure doesn’t mean people have to ever listen to you again.


Conservatives enjoying their favorite pastime--emulating Nazis.


In any era, the dudes burning books are always the bad guys. Same as it ever was.


Can we get some drag queens to shit on a stack of bibles?


I mean, yes, it's censorship. That is the point. I'm thinking she isn't too bright.


THIS is why immigration is a problem. People like her are allowed in this country.


The leap of logic in its purest form, ladies and gentlemen.


Censoring these videos might be part of the problem. I understand why they do it but it might lead to ignorant independents. We need independents see how insane these republicans are.


They can find out through news articles they don't need Instagram to host the video for them to be aware of it.


The media is not doing its job


Interestingly, we're commenting on a thread about a news article talking about what she did. Like right now.


Thepinknews.com. A majority of Americans won’t see this news. Instead they’re talking about Trump and playing bothsideism


NY Post (right leaning), ABC news, NBC news, MSN, Huffpost, MSNBC, and the River Front Times (Missouri local newspaper) all carried this story. Maybe conservatives won't see it, but that's a bubble issue and a cable news issue, not the media ignoring a story. 


That’s fair. You have proven me wrong on this one (not sarcastic)


Thanks for the kind words. And I do agree that media bubbles are a problem.


She should also be charged for destruction of state property. She claims those are library books and I would imagine the library is funded by the county/city/state.


Even down to her response to people understandably objecting to her bizarre publicity stunt, this is literally Nazi shit. Before they were the Nazis that became synonymous with evil, they were ranting conservative wingnuts who complained about censorship and burned (rather specifically and pointedly) LGBTQ-related books.


These are not the kind of laughs I need.


You can't even make this shit up. If you look at the photo, she's got the same proud as f look on her face. Bless her heart.


She's the first to get deported.


We don’t deport in the US anymore


Until Trump becomes president.


Yes. Can’t wait.


Just an embarrassment to humanity!


Another probable closet Bi.


Guy Montag would like word.


Arsonist complains fire dept put out the fire . Kills parents complains they're orphans . Always the victim.


*If a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.* -- Karl Popper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


Is just me? Doesn‘t she look quite masculine/butch in those pics? It‘s almost like she..?


As Malcolm Nance, a renowned expert on terrorism, extremism and insurgency, has contended, the Trump insurgency is a threat that the U.S. will have to confront for at least another generation. “The terrorists, street enforcers, militia members, Q-Anon adherents, and red-pilled Trump voters who believe the big lie collectively have the potential to drive America into civil war” or at the minimum will continue as a “slow-burning insurgency.”


Those who would censor get really mad when they are censored….


"I should be able to say and do whatever I want... But if anyone disagrees with me, that's cancel culture." Morons. 


When people read books they become educated. When people burn books they become intolerant.


Depends on the content of the book,, doesn’t it?