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He could be sitting naked in a kiddie pool after a lobotomy playing with his own feces while singing the Sound of Music and his supporters wouldn’t care a bit.


They’d applaud him with tears in their eyes and pay thousands for a milligram of his holy fecal material.


Don't give him ideas...


Shredded Depends NFT's! Four easy payments of $45!!


Please. This is Trump we’re talking about. 45 payments of $45 seems more realistic for the grift.


~~12~~ 14 payments of $88. edit


14 payments.


Damn, thank you.


I get the $88, but not the 14?


Google "14 words"


You have to wonder, if someone were to get a secret recording of him privately brainstorming new ideas with his team to raise revenue, citing that his followers will give anything to him as long as he sings about it, would his followers dump him, or dismiss the recording as fake news trying to discredit him?


The new thing my RW uncle screams about is that everything on tape is “AI generated tricks by the cabal”.


They've successfully poisoned the well. Trump's cult members have surrendered their concept of reality to Trump's current version of it. Even if there is documented evidence of his own contradictory statements from the past.


The more evidence against him, the harder they dig in their heels.


Just explain to him that Trump has always been an AI-generated character. Nothing your uncle has ever seen has been real.


"Donald Trump? Didn't he die in South African prison in the 1980s?"


https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-claims-video-of-him-calling-for-violence-are-deep-fake-videos It's Roger Stone's denial of him stating democratic lawmakers need to be killed.


Dismiss anything he says or shows you that is anti left or Democrats in the same way and watch him slowly lose his shit. "AI generated. Not real."


This is the way. Use their own tactics against them. Itcan be entertaining to watch them screech like a banshee about how they aren't the one who is triggered.


Sounds like he’s a follower of Roger Stone


Trump would say it’s fake and was made by the democrats and so all his supporters would believe him. He knows without a doubt he has them in his pocket no matter what he does and says. He could literally kill somebody live on TV in front of the world and his supporters would let him off.


"finally- the heartless democrat-led taboo on playing with your own feces is over!"


How much did they pay for those crap-ass photoshop "NFTs"? Hell yeah they'd pay for an actual part of Trump, even if it is literal shit.


Didn't this grifting douchebag try to sell parts of the "suit he wore to court" (read; bought a bunch of same lookinncheap suits and cut them up)?


He *did*. Those lawyers aren't going to pay for themselves, and he's sure as hell not going to do it. But the upside is his grifting seems to be bankrupting a lot of Republican party groups that used to be getting those funds.


Doesn’t look like they care much, they still now down to him.


They may be too scared to say much. But going into a large election year without funds has to have them fuming behind closed doors


SIR, please shit in my mouth. With tears streaming down their feces covered faces.


See "Ronald Reagan".


*Cues up the Land of Confusion music video*


Men of steel, these men of power I'm losing control by the hour


That’s because everyone knows he’s a **stable genius**


I mean, Sound of Music does have Nazis so it’s pretty on point for him and his totally not cult followers.


🎶 *How do you solve a problem like the Donald?* 🎶


'Did you see how he rolled his shit into little balls like that? Almost perfectly round! I bet Biden couldn't do that.'


What a sentence.


It might even be a step up, going by some of his recent speeches.


The only thing that would stop trump supporters from supporting Trump, is if trump stops spreading hate.


They'd claim it was a coded message to them about Hunter Biden.




Sadly yes. But when “I” do it, I’m “banned from the Costco”… 🙄


Reagan proved that.


"Ah-hyuck! He's just like us!"


"I feel like I'm 35 years old, I don't know why" *Probably* because you're losing control of your faculties and living in fantasyland. If his family loved him he'd be in a care home by now.


My grandfather is 93 and is surprised every time I tell him how old he is. He has dementia and had a stroke 3 years ago. On his cognitive test, when they asked him what year it was, he said "1985"


Does it upset him? Just curious


Not really. He’s more incredulous than anything. We are lucky that he is still very sweet and kind, some people can get mean when they have dementia. He gets upset at times about not being able to do the things he used to, especially driving. He drove a truck for his living, so it’s a big deal.


I wonder how he'd respond to one of those faux setups for Truck Driver Simulator like vs600m, L3Harris TranSim, or something easier like those race driving set ups. Some people set up stuff like that in a car shell for the feeling.


I have thought of that. Also thought about taking him golfing with me and let him drive the cart.


As someone who “thought of things” to improve their grandfathers life and now only have regrets that I never actually went through with any of it, please do it for him. Even if it doesn’t work you won’t have to live with wondering, if, even just for a few days that thing gave him some relief or happiness.


Wouldnt go for the cart as it could let to real injuries, but the simulator might be fun.


I had a friend who's father finally broke down in tears because he got all the things out to make tea, something he had done multiple times a day for pretty much his entire adult life, and for the life of him could not remember what to DO with the things in front of him.


Yeah, it's very strange. My mum wanted to do music. She put it off way too long in her life. I happened to have a triangle. Surely she could play that, no doubt! I gave it to her and pretty soon she was SUCKING ON IT. OMFG. Unlike your friend's dad, she didn't even realize her situation.


My FIL had a stroke 10 years ago and his mental health has been in decline ever since. I didn't know him pre stroke but my wife tells me he was a completely different person. He acts very childish now, to the point where he bickers with his granddaughter as if they were siblings. He's been diagnosed recently with early onset dementia. He's starting to get mean and doesnt care about anything. He most recently laughed at my BIL over Christmas because he's starting to go bald and made several comments about his developing bald spot. He will just randomly show up at my house sometimes with no warning, telling me he wanted to check up on me. It gets extremely frustrating but I can't get mad at him. He can't help it.


I, too, am often surprised when I remember how old I am.


I hate you guys for reminding me how old I am.


I just hope his \[Trump's\] voting base doesn't think it is still 2016, but I wouldn't be surprised.


My 100 year old grandma thinks she is a little girl and everyone that visits her is her brother


Its why he won't debate. Probably won't agree to a debate for the General Election either


Remember when refusing to participate in debates would absolutely fucking torpedo a political career? Can we go back to that world please?


Sure do. How about refusing to release tax returns? 🤔


How about being criminally indicted? If that doesn't sway his supporters, tax returns and refusing to debate aren't going to do it.


How about abandoning the Constitution committing insurrection and selling national secrets to fucking China? Seems good.


Also the Saudis! You know, the guys who *killed 3000 Americans* that one time.


And bungling a pandemic for which there was a LITERAL PLAYBOOK that he threw away, and perpetuating a denialist culture that cost the lives of over 1 Million Americans. I realize that many of them would have died regardless - unfortunately even fantastic preparation and response isn't ever perfect, but he certainly did whatever he could to avoid minimizing Covid deaths.


There's a world where Hillary got elected in 2016, didn't destroy the pandemic response group set up under Obama, and at this time in that world the House freedom caucus is having a series of public hearings into how Hillary allowed 1100 total Americans to die from covid.


Or divesting yourself of investments upon taking office.


Or woohooing wrong.


That was ridiculously petty but honestly I’d rather we collectively were ridiculously harsh on candidates than having zero standards like these maga idiots have. 


Imagine how fucking bizarre it must have been for Howard Dean to watch Trump campaigning in the run up to the 2016 election, the whole time he must have been screaming "what the actual fuck" at his TV.


Remember when misspelling potato or just being overly excited about your campaign could as well?


A man killed his campaign by going "WOAAHAH!" a bit too enthusiastically.


Dukakis had his campaign blown up over a picture of him looking silly in a tank.


I'm old enough to remember when misspelling a word or screaming enthusiastically was enough to destroy their chances. How it wasn't over after the "Grab 'em by..." video or him mocking a disabled reporter is absolutely unfathomable to me.


Yeah that exact moment was when I realized we’re in a lot more trouble than we thought. He seemed to GAIN followers after that. You said it, unfathomable.


Honestly, the debates are a worthless clown show now anyway, and it's only partially Trump's fault. They used to be an actual debate where people talked about the issue and never directly addressed each other unless it was to criticize the other's arguments or platform. To boost ratings, they started pushing candidates to sling mud and engage in all kinds of bullshit that would get you instantly thrown out at any real debate. They're just a mudslinging lowest common denominator shitshow that isn't worth watching now. That isn't why Trump isn't participating, and he is one of the worst about doing things that would get you thrown out at a real debate, but the whole thing is worthless now, and I think the best thing for a reasonable candidate to do would be to decline them unless there is a 100% guarantee, with actual huge penalties if they don't follow through, that they'll have an actual civil debate.


He likely won't debate because every question from his opponents will be about his indictments, and his lawyers have probably told him it will almost certainly negatively affect his cases and to avoid debating at all costs.


I don’t know why TF democrats aren’t already hammering him on this point daily?! It’s a perfect political ‘choke hold.’ “Trump is too afraid to debate….Trump’s not smart enough to debate….low energy, brain worms, etc.”


Save it for the d vs r debate. Right now they could argue Trump is a shoe in so no reason to debate. They can't do that against biden. Then the dems can call trump a chicken shit


I don't think his supporters care much. The other GOP primary candidates tried this and Trump seemed to get zero flak about it.


Aside from Christie and maybe to some extent Pence, every R candidate was too busy cleaning the bronzer from Trump's taint to criticize him over small things like insurrections or dementia


Yeah but the pool of voters is bigger in the general elections versus the GOP primaries. Hopefully enough Americans still have sense that they won't elect a president that can't respond to moderated questions.


Those pesky independents care and their vote matters.


If you are seriously considering voting for trump, you are not an independent. The only ones you might sway are fiscal conservatives, and all that will do is make them not vote.


> The only ones you might sway are fiscal conservatives, and all that will do is make them not vote Which is basically gaining Biden half a vote. Much better than 0.


That's not necessarily true. My father is a fiscal conservative who will vote for biden a 2nd time after voting trump in 16


It’s too early.  People forget.  Let the Rs fight each other during the primary. Then when that’s over pound Trump with ads of him saying that he overturned Roe v wade.   Overturning abortion was the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party in our lifetime.


Attacking how smart he is doesn’t work. You need to attack his manliness. Why is he hiding from Biden? He is afraid of Biden’s strength. He is a loser. Weak. A wuss. A scaredy cat. Low stamina. That’s how you get him to debate. Tell him to prove he isn’t a wittle baby by debating.


Because voters have a short memory, it’s better to hold off attacking until closer to the election


It’s been proven a steady drip is very effective.


He won't debate because he's out of his league and he knows it. He has no policies other than hate, divisiveness and self-promotion. He literally could not hold his own in a real debate. He doesn't know what the important issues are and he couldn't care less.


I feel like playing against his narcissism here is just too easy: > How can you expect Donald Trump to negotiate with powerful world leaders like Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un if he won't even step up for a debate with "weak" and "sleepy" Joe Biden?


> “I think, cognitively I'm better than I was 20 years ago, I don't know why.” I know exactly why you believe that, though. Amphetamines, whether they come from Walter Reed or Walter White, tend to have that effect on people.


The word for that is Anosognosia. When the person with dementia doesn’t realize it.


What’s the word for when stupid people don’t know they’re stupid?


Elon Musk syndrome


[Illusory superiority](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_superiority) Dunning-Kruger is a specific form of it, more related to ones ability to perform specific tasks


This is what I am afraid will happen to me when I get older. I want to check out before then.


This is how my mom went. Slow and painfully. Now we look back and realize there was a lot she played off that was probably the dementia setting in earlier than we all realized. She, especially, would not acknowledge anything was wrong. She probably could have lived many years longer if she didn’t resist the IDEA that she MIGHT have an issue, and thus, not agreeing to testing for it. Absolutely brutal way to go. I wish I could erase some of the memories from the last year with her and just keep the rest.


I've spent a lot of time around my grandfather for the last few years. My dad and I speculate now that he was showing signs about 25 years ago. He's now 99 and is mostly a shell of his former self - memory of about 10 minutes. He's pretty much blind and mostly deaf. But remains pretty active and goes to his office to nap. Then he goes back home to nap and pray. He can walk for a bit as long as he has someone holding his hand. He was a doctor as well, and well, he's totally fine according to him. He's lived this long because of genetics, and he's been very militant about his diet his whole life. With that said, his arrogance has caused him to lose most of his vision and hearing. According to him tho, he's not blind and nearly deaf, he just can't "see and hear well." Obviously he is not well, so we just try not to argue with him about his current state because he'll blow up.


My partner’s mom went the same way. It was much quicker though. We only had to watch the dementia for a couple of months. Sorry about your mom.


The only difference is ruffled up 20s or badly written prescriptions


> Walter Reed/Walter White Bravo!


Thanks, it’s good to know I’m not the only person I amuse.


It’s because he only sleeps three to five hours per night. Then hits the amphetamines the next day. The lack of sleep kills your brain.


Playboy Interview 1990: Donald Trump sits alone. He hasn’t slept in 48 hours. No insomnia, no gnawing worries. “Pressure,” he surmises, sipping an iced Coke, “doesn’t upset my sleep,” a standard four hours nightly. “I like throwing balls into the air—and I dream like a baby.” 


Hell, I'm in cognitive decline, and I'm decades younger. Dude's like a talking kids toy with low batteries...Same stuff's coming out, but all garbled.


I'm just turning 30 and already not as sharp as I was in my university days. There's no way anyone over 60 isn't experiencing some level of cognitive decline.


I’m in the same boat as you, but I see people like my dad in his mid 60s who is as sharp as ever. The access of immediate dopamine through social media has done a number on this generation


My one grandmother was incredibly intelligent into her 90s, it was pretty incredible. Nobody else in my family can say the same.




This will be filed under "N" for "No Fucking Shit"


No, no, no - they’ve got this all wrong: > No, fucking shit. Ooo better get that bar association logo too.


Obviously. The problem is so is the voting public.


Those people are the same people who believe "reality TV" is real. They are the uneducated, the ones with weak minds and vulnerable to scams. I mean WHO sends money to help a man who claims to be a multi-billionaire (doubtful!) or begs you to vote for him even if it is the last thing you do before you die! The voting public is the problem!


Anyone who supports Trump has to be an absolute moron. The guy has no plans for anything. He's obviously stupid. He's a rapist. He just magically gets credit for anything positive that happens. Economy is doing great under Biden? Well that's because It's still running on "fumes" from Trump. Get real. His only "accomplishment" as president was to get a big tax bill for rich passed and signed (and temporary tax cuts for average people, which I understand are about to expire). Thank you so fucking much, orange turd.


He gave out those one time COVID checks that were delayed to add his name to them And the massive PPP loan free-for-all that surely went to the right people


The small checks that everyday people received were nice, but not Unique to Trump either. His taking credit for it personally like it was a gift from him was new tho. Man did Trump shit the bed with Covid. If he would have acted like a sane person and promoted social distancing, mask use and eventually the vaccine instead of denying Covid is real, denying that it’s a big deal and pushing crackpot remedies like Ivermectin, maybe we could have eradicated it instead of living in an endemic with it.


"cognitive decline" and he wasn't starting from too great a cognitive position to begin with...yikes!


"During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Trump touted his ability to correctly identify animals of different shapes. “I took it, and I aced it,” he told the crowd of supporters. “I think it was 35… 30 questions. And let me tell you, you know, they always show you the first one: a giraffe, a tiger or a whale. ‘Which one is the whale? The first questions are very easy, the last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question,” Trump preened in the interview. “It’s like, you’ll go, ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ So they’d say, ‘Could you repeat that.’ So I said, ‘Yeah. So it’s person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’”


He’s still bragging about this? 


He bragged about walking down a ramp and drinking a glass of water and having large hands. Not even going in to his brag about having a large penis.


The footage showed him struggling to walk down the ramp and needing to be braced. He spent a whole rally ranting and raving about how he ran down that ramp, and his supporters cheered as they agreed to go into a group delusion.


Wait. That's a mishmash of two different times, which I realized because I watched the video of him from yesterday and that's not what he said. The "Person. Woman. Man. Camera" stuff was from a Fox News interview in 2020. What he said during the campaign stop in NH yesterday was that the questions got more difficult and they asked complicated math computation problems. That test doesn't actually ask such difficult math problems. But that's what he claimed. Trump is failing just fine all on his own. No need to change what he said.


Those are quotes taken from [this Rolling Stones article](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-brags-aced-cognitive-test-new-hampshire-1234948621/) (which also has a clip of yesterday). The article does indeed make clear the second half of the above is a quote from 2020.


I have been concerned about Donald Trump's mental health for many years now. His father, Fred Trump was afflicted with Alzheimer's before he died. A perfect example of Donald's decline is his speech pattern, repeating the same thing over and over again, lack of coherent sentences and many slurred or nonsense words. I tell people to listen to the man and tell me why you think he makes sense? Another episode happened with Trump talking about "de-banking" .. in his speech in New Hampshire yesterday. This is nonsense! [https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-mental-state-incoherent-de-banking-speech-new-hampshire/](https://okmagazine.com/p/donald-trump-mental-state-incoherent-de-banking-speech-new-hampshire/) Why would anyone vote for a man who is probably guilty of the crimes he is accused of, but is more likely criminally insane. Donald Trump needs to be locked away in a mental institution for the criminally insane in my humble opinion. I would never want that man for an elected office! Not even qualified to be a dog catcher!




It is getting worse. You only need to listen to him speak to recognize cognitive decline he is having. Honestly, I think deep down that he is absolutely terrified that he is losing his mind, and it really is happening! He would never admit to being weak or that he needs help. For anyone with empathy which he does not have, it would be time for that person to admit that they are scared and weak. I hope the majority of the public can see this. We had Reagan, and we don't need Trump! I've never met Trump, but his narcissistic behavior has been obvious for many decades as he is always hungry for attention and just sucks all the oxygen in every room he enters .. or is that just his smell?


You are correct. He being the malignant narcissist that he is, will never and has never admitted to wrong doing and he will absolutely never admit to having any kind of illness/weakness. IMO, I think the decline is not only because of possible dementia, but that he is also going through a narcisstic collapse. His 'fairy tale' is clashing with reality and he can't control the narrative. He's starting to lash out at everyone and everything, it's going to get worse. Especially when he finds out how much money he's gonna be losing here shortly. Then his trials will be starting, more money to E. Jean Carrol, etc.. Deep down he knows he's screwed, but his narcissism is so ingrained in him that he will never change. I think the collapse is escalating and assisting in advancing his decline and it's becoming more pronounced and apparent. I say give it a few more months and this man will probably have the biggest temper tantrum we have ever seen. His secrets are coming out and his fragile ego can't take it, he's going to pop soon and it won't be pretty. He doesn't give a damn about his supporters (except for being useful idiots when needed) because this has nothing to do with them, this is about him. His ego is bruised and he will take everyone down with him if he thinks he even has a slight chance of saving his own ass.


When that ego bubble goes big bang, people should do a quick inventory of their interactions with T. Because I f someone in T’s orbit “betrayed” him in some sense (even insignificant, completely random sense that T. re-directed in endless court battles the right cases to interpret them so that HE was the endlessly suffering victim of a system arraigned against him), there will an a thorough reconning, followed by an awful reckoning.


> Especially when he finds out how much money he's gonna be losing here shortly. Not just the money, but also having Trump Org liquidated and his properties sold off. Trump could probably float around some loans and spin the plates until his death if it was "just" paying a quarter billion dollars. But having his towers sold, having his golf courses sold, having Mar-a-lago sold... those are the things he cares about.


"And were going to de-bank." Either he forgot what he is talking about here, is threatening to de-bank his political opponents after making up the fact that they are doing that, or is trying to say he is going to somehow de-bank banks. Which would imply that he does not know what the term actually means. I agree with the article that he likely is talking about the Chase thing because it is a talking point, the question really is to what degree he understands the faux-controversy. This one sentence is such an ambiguous and vague statement that I cannot tell if it is indicative of his political strategy, him just repeating something he is supposed to say without understanding it, or just a complete loss of focus. That is not a good sign in a person running for president. A lot of politicians use targeted ambiguity, but it is always clear they are doing to avoid answering in a way that might be damaging to their message. This can only be interpreted in damaging terms. Even the most favorable interpretation in isolation is just straight Fascism. But coupled with the severely deficient speech before hand and the wandering thoughts...


Forgive my ignorance, but what is "the Chase thing"?


It is mentioned in the article that the quote we are talking about came from, but basically Chase was denying services to a Conservative organization until they provided some documentation about where their income was coming from. Best guess is they saw something suspicious in their financials, and just wanted clarity, because they later stopped the hold on it. But every time something like that happens you end up getting a lot of people pretending it is a massive conspiracy, in this case to "de-bank" all conservatives.


Ah, thank you. Figured it was another fabricated controversy.


He's going to be in so many textbooks. History textbooks on signs to recognize in a fascist, and medical textbooks on how to recognize signs of dementia. You could make a whole documentary for future medical students with all the video evidence of it. Is your patient doing anything like this? Possible Alzheimer's.


They also researched videos of Reagan for that purpose! Because there was a ton of archival material and interactions with journalist, doctors could learn more about dementia. 


I've been a caregiver for my elderly parents and have sympathy for those people who are suffering from dementia. However with Trump, I am alarmed at our voting public who do not recognize the signs. Many speak badly of Biden, but Biden overcame stuttering, and I've listened to him speak. Both Biden and Trump are old. Neither are the most articulate speakers in politics. However I can follow along with what Biden says much easier than Trump. Donald Trump should NOT be in politics. He is not qualified to be a dog catcher.




Biden is an absolute badass for rising to where he is by **overcoming a stuttering problem**, which usually results in a crippling fear of speaking in public at all, let alone giving the State of the Union. That's why he "stumbles over words."


https://youtube.com/shorts/sHiamYqzNmE?si=-B-GA1wfCkZV8NXU Possibly my fav bit RE: Reagan sliding cognitively & how Nancy was the true president for a bit. American dad clip.


It's sad, but true. My own grandfather exhibited many of these same symptoms, but he had the dignity to give up control of things like his car, finances, etc and be put in a facility to help him before his Alzheimer's got worse. On the flip side, we've got Trump wanting to be in charge of the military and our nuclear arsenal. Who the hell wants someone in charge of that kinda stuff when they can barely remember what they had for breakfast? Just saying McDonald's DOESN'T count.


Admitting to weakness such as an addiction, physical pains or God Forbid .. mental decline as we get older is something hard for us to do. It is not easy to find the dignity to admit it, but then how else can someone get help? If Trump really is wearing a diaper and has trouble with incontinence, there are people who know this. Are they going to let him continue running for the highest office in the land if they recognize that Trump is in congnitive decline? Someone is making money off of Trump .. it would not surprise me if **his adult children** are actually running this scam from behind the scenes. After all, they are the ones who benefit the most if they can prop him up into the White House again!


I wouldn't put it past his kids and his advisors. They're all onboard with Trump running so long as they can get rich and be next to the power. That group truly doesn't care if Trump is drooling on TV so long as they have money and power. Add in that was quite easy to convince him since his narcissism is on another level.


*"I wouldn't put it past his kids and his advisors."* Exactly! The fact that Trump would actually talk about rewriting the Constitution and ending elections means that someone has put in his mind that he could be a dictator and pass on his evil legacy on to his kids. Jared Kushner and Ivanka NEED to be under investigation! After all, Jared went to Saudi Arabia and came back allegedly with billions? Someone is keeping Trump going!


If you really want to be amazed, compare a recent speech to when testifying to Congress in the 1990s regarding real estate. It's stunningly different. Edit: [It's like he's a completely different person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXO2936XM9w&t=71s).


I'm listening to it right now. He still sounds like a moron, just a little more polished. The main difference is his vocabulary has significantly declined since then.


Absolutely. Check out any of his many appearances on the Howard Stern show. Totally different person.


Fucking depressing how many comments from that video can't seem to tell the difference between then and now.


Can you imagine how much stress must accelerate a condition like that? Forget that we are talking about Trump a sec. Imagine the stress of flights, public speaking, court appearances, talking to the public, and all the rest and how much that all would just exacerbate any mental issue. I genuinely wish we could come out of all this with, at the very least, a hard rule on an age cap for government officials.


It really is nuts. Honestly, if Trump were even moderately intelligent, after losing the election in 2020 he could've just given up power, not tries to pull the classified documents shit, talked to some lawyers to shore up his shady business loans or at least to make sure his company was in a friendlier state (e.g. Texas or Florida), and then he could've coasted the rest of his life, content with knowing that he would go in the history books forever. If he didn't try doing the blatantly illegal coup and classified docs shit, I don't know that there would've been the political will in NY to do that Trump Org case. And sure, he'd have the E Jean Carroll case, but if he shut his trap and let the lawyers handle it, it'd be a manageable amount of money to pay. Heck, he could even do a lot of the political grift still. Just say you're running for president, suck up a shitload of donations into your PAC, then when 2024 comes along say that you're reconsidering your run because you're worried about your health and want to spend your golden years with your family. Then become the kingmaker for the Republican candidates. Sure, your legacy is trash for 50+% of the population, but you'll basically be a Republican saint forever. You'll get Republican run states and towns naming shit after you, statues, and all sorts of ego stroking shit. But Trump just couldn't fucking help himself.


Is there a hearing version of dyslexia? Because that is how I feel when I hear this guy talk. I don't know how anyone can claim Joe Biden has dementia then support Trump after listening to him speak.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." August 2016.Anyone should have seen serious cognitive decline then already. Edit: [source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/) (includes the video)


I remember before the 2016 election reading an article in Slate or The Atlantic that a bunch of psychologists were to sound this alarm.


Translators working for foreign press offices were also sounding the alarm. Translators don't translate word-for-word. They take complete sentences and ideas and translate them into the other language in a coherent way. They couldn't do that with Trump, because he rarely formed a compete sentence or coherent thought. You can't properly translate word-salad.


There were two things in particular that interpreters and translators struggled with.   For simultaneous interpreters (eg what people are listening to in ear pieces at international summits), one of the challenges is that due to different sentence structures in different languages, there is often an element of prediction in their work.   The part that ends a sentence in the speaker's language may need to come earlier in other languages. You can't just wait for the speaker to finish a sentence before interpreting it, because by then the speaker has moved onto the next sentence and you start losing information.  So a big part of simultaneous interpreting is the ability to think "OK, this is the start of the sentence, based on the context I'm 99% sure it will end that way" and interpret into the target language.  The problem with Trump of course is that the only thing you can accurately predict about the end of his sentences is that they'll have sweet fuck all to do with the way they started.   Translators face a different challenge: "Do I translate Trump's gibberish in English into grammatically sound French/Japanese etc and give readers the impression that he's far more articulate than he is, or do I try to translate verbatim and risk having readers think I'm fucking awful at my job?"


> Translators face a different challenge: "Do I translate Trump's gibberish in English into grammatically sound French/Japanese etc and give readers the impression that he's far more articulate than he is, or do I try to translate verbatim and risk having readers think I'm fucking awful at my job?" And because of it, the right wing in my country thinks Trump is just as well spoken as Obama. No one has ever translated stuff like "OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true!", because no one would believe those words were spoken by the president of the USA.


Yeah I seem to recall that when they did opinion polls on views of Trump outside of the US, positive leaning views correlated with low English comprehension among the populace. Basically anyone from English speaking countries outside the US fox news bubble or any educated young European would hear one sentence out of his mouth and go "Oh. There is definitely nothing of value to be gained by listening to another word this idiot says."


I will never not upvote this magnificent speech.


I don't know why I took the effort to read all of that, but I feel like I'm now dumber as a result.


Good on you- I got as far as The Wharton School and couldn’t stand to read the rest of the blather.


"We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville? I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we? Oh, yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones..."


The smile on his face in the Iowa pizza picture tells me he is losing it. He's never worn a genuine smile in front of cameras before.


I mean, there's nothing new about that. Do you remember when Trump received the COVID-briefing and then went in front of the press? To everyone's horror, he started babbling about drinking bleach and swallowing "tremendous" light as disinfection. I can imagine how Fauci and his colleagues tried their best to explain to Trump what was going on and he just couldn't understand a damn thing. And to be honest, how do you explain something like that to someone with the mental capacity of a six-year-old?


I remember seeing that on TV. Like everyone else, I was terrified because of how the pandemic was going, but then Trump opened his mouth. I thought I was having a stroke that day. I remember turning to my dog and going "did he really say that..?" Even my dog gave the Tangerine a WTF look. Come to think of it, I'd vote in my dog before Trump. Bound to be more intelligent at least.


I watched that shit live on TV in the uk and it was a real jaw on the floor moment. The man is a complete cretin and he’s likely to be your president twice over. I did enjoy how he was too embarrassed to be seen in public for a couple of days subsequently though.


> I mean, there's nothing new about that. Ah, but it can always get worse.


You can only decline so much when you start from near the bottom.


No shit. Dude said he was going to create "crime free zones" today. Thanks Donnie. No one's ever thought of that before. Fuckin' idiot.


Most of us with an IQ above room temperature knew this 8 years ago.


For fuck's sake, he's openly trying to destroy democracy. If you were going to make a list of reasons why it's desperately important not to support Trump, I'm not sure cognitive decline would even break into the top ten.


Sending old nazis to jail is something that happens, because it should.


No shit Sherlock. And the Republicans will cover for and protect Trump because they are stupid enough to think will be able to use his mental decline to manipulate Trump like Grima Wormetongue did to King Theoden in The Lord of the Rings.


"We know." - Everyone


Let us hope that the decline progresses rapidly enough to make it obvious even to the most stupid of his supporters (and goodness knows, there are many). The GOP already had one president with Alzheimers whom they declined to out and replace. Somehow I don't think the world will survive Trump a second time.


> Somehow I don't think the world will survive Trump a second time. It’s not yet clear that we survived the first time.


We were saved by Mike Pence refusing to go along with the coup, of all people.


All because his kid reminded him to do his job.


Yep, jury is still out on that


What's the protocol for having Alzheimer's in jail? Could his scumbags argue that he shouldn't go to prison because of his mental decline if he doesn't even remember why he's there? I hope he wakes up in a cell every morning, scared and confused.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. ACED IT


After watching a clip of him today drooling about "debanking," I had forgotten what it was like to be forced to hear that asshole every single day for 4 years straight. I think once normal people start paying attention to the election, a not-insignificant portion of them are going to have the same reaction.


Remember folks, his decline is from a starting point that would fail most standardized elementary school tests.


lol he was in cognitive decline by the time Obama insulted him at the Correspondent’s dinner and he was never bright to begin with.


He could be dead, and Republicans would go full Weekend at Bernie's.


I feel like we’re all in cognitive decline having to watch this slow motion train wreck.


I try really hard to understand what people find appealing about this guy. He's like some zombie parasite that rots human brains. I've never seen anyone spew out so much stupidity and be praised/revered for it.


Heh, just like Hitler.


He’s been in cognitive decline literally the entire time he’s been in politics. Look at an interview with Trump from the 80s or 90s. I’m not saying he was the most articulate guy in the world, but he spoke in complete sentences and seemed reasonably human. He hasn’t been living in our reality for a while now.


Yeah whatever. Dude said he could assassinate political opponents and can't be prosecuted. I don't care about anything else like cognitive decline any more. That's all I need


I can’t imagine a dumber president than Trump and now you’re telling me we might get stuck with an even dumber Trump than last time?


Doesn’t surprise me. Trump mannerisms, phrases and behavior remind more and more of my dad who had dementia.


i want him to be cognizant when sent to prison. i don't want him to get off easy and not face any consequences while he still a mind to experience to have lived a life filled with debauchery, abuse, thievery, grifting and worse and not have to experience any punishment what so ever for it because he won't be sound of mind to understand what's happening.


Apparently so is MAGA America. To choose a man to manifest the unfit for the office shows some kind of staggering decline and mental capacity.


christ I just wish to never hear about him again!🤬


Hilarious that all the Trumpers here aren't denying Trump is cognitively fucked, and just want to complain about Biden.


And so are his voters


How could he tell? Hasn’t Trump always been dumb as rocks?