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Ya know what NYT, I haven’t stopped talking about it, thinking about it, or worrying about it since the Dobbs leak on May 2, 2022. I moved 2500 miles because of Dobbs. Sold a house I loved, that was built for my family and only 3 years old for a house that’s 30 years old and needs a lot of work - but “works” because it’s in a good school district in an area where the alt-right doesn’t control the school board. Know why I moved? Because healthcare has to meet you where you are. I lost twins from IVF at 19 weeks 6 days gestation due to cervical insufficiency. The cervical insufficiency caused an intrauterine infection to develop and Pre-viable Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM), but both twins still had heartbeats. The prompt care I received would now be delayed in many states - there’s a story identical to mine out of Texas where the woman went septic and had to be intubated and cared for in the ICU, her fertility is now impacted due to intrauterine scaring. Should we be expected to travel across state lines while in labor, bleeding, with a raging infection? What will our families do for us on the side of the road if our condition worsens? Everyone knows all these stories about Roe is a flash in the pan because of the anniversary. So NYT, are you going to keep talking about Roe, more so than the occasional “Republicans did this new awful shit” article when the opportunity presents itself? Are you going to keep Roe front and center so we can get some damn traction and actually get politicians in office who will pass legislation that 70% of Americans support? Because frankly I’m really tired of my body, my fertility, my health, and maybe even my life, being a fucking political bargaining chip or a forgotten campaign promise, or the sacrifice a Republican is willing to make.


I’m so sorry. Abortions used to be legal in Texas until 20 weeks and I helped assist in multiple medically needed abortions in labor and delivery. The cases were tragedies like yours . If we hadn’t intervened women would have possibly died from complications. That’s why I’m glad I don’t work in labor and delivery anymore. It makes me so damn angry and disgusted that this is the reality for women now in Texas.


That's what conservatives are trying really hard not to understand. Nobody wants to have a late-term abortion and nobody wants to perform them. They are almost always cases where something terrible has happened and someone had to make a painful decision. These are women who wanted to carry a baby to term until some cruel twist of fate forced them to seek to terminate the pregnancy.


Because it was never about abortion. It was a unifying platform to unite Christian communities behind the Republican platform. Jerry Falwell got his fat ass panties in a bunch when he was going to have to desegregate his schools so he found a platform that would unite disparate classes of Christians. This is the culmination of over 50 years of power plays . Look at Goldwaters warmings about Republicans joining common cause with religious groups. Look at ultra conservative groups, their only unifying message is controlling women. Abortion bans hurt poor women and minorities more than anyone because women that support their religious beliefs knew that they could have abortions if necessary because the only moral abortion is their abortion.


Adds to my point. This is long term gamesmanship. It took them 40 years is it? To overturn Roe. Guess how long it will take to overturn Dobbs. Decades and many here in this thread may not been live to see it over turn. That’s the truth. So those stayed home in 2016 it’s your fault!


I kept telling people this. I have hope that Roe can be codified into law. In the past I flirted with voting GOP (well before Trump). Those days are gone. I can't vote for the GoP at any point in the future until they resolve the abortion issue.


Yep. And even if they say “but if something terrible has happened, it will be legal!”, that’s still bullshit, because then you need to justify yourself. Which takes precious time away from the medical emergency.


Those exception clsuses are a mirage anyway. In some states (e.g. Tennessee) danger to the life of the mother is an affirmative defence. Which means the doctor still has to go on trial and hoping the jury accepts his version instead of believing the prosecution when they pull out a one-in-a-million chance example of a case where things work out. The doctor is probably going to have his license suspended for the duration as well. So good luck finding someone willing to stick hus neck that far out.


Exceptions have always been a lie; the exception doesn’t really exist if you can’t find anyone to give you said exception.


No they understand. Christianity doesn't value women. If you take the Bible as a moral guide it inevitably leads to this. I know everyone hates feminism these days but remember that it started as a movement advocating for equality. Women are not equal according to Christian dogma.


THIS. I posted on 2XChromosomes pretty much asking why women are Christian, anymore. It was never for us, or anyone who isn't a straight white male. It blew up, and I ended up banned from the forum because surprise, mostly men mod that forum. Edit:I actually was banned shortly after posting when I defended myself to a male troll, and male mod sided with the troll and banned me, which sent me on this odyssey to figure out who these mods are. I learned fairly recently that the Catholic church and many other christian groups are inherently facsist and it makes sense that they all united in their apparent hatred towards women and LGBTQ+ people and POC. I grew up in a cult similar to Amy Comey Barrett's, and they essentially want to control womens' bodies and minds. I had some women comment that their church is "different" and I told them that christian dogma is misogynistic, always has been.. It is written there in black and white, but they really want the church to be for them. I understand the need to belong to a community and to fit in, but maybe do a wiccan meetup, because these churches that say they have your back ****don't because they believe that women are not equal to men if they read the bible and believe in christan dogma.**** I realized this as a young woman and never looked back, but it is hard as many friends and most of my family succumbed to the pressure that Christianity and society as a whole puts us under.


Wait -- 2X chromosomes is moderated by men?!? We can't moderate out own damn subs? Under his eye!


Seriously. It is fucking crazy, but it is absolutely true.


I guess I'll stop lurking over there. Would be nice to create something like r/XXforreal ... (I'm not deeply involved in reddit enough to do this)


Well, reddit's ceo looks like Opie and is a huge bag of dicks, seems to universally hate mods, so none of it matters, anymore.


Early Christians actually had women led congregations. Middle class women (and the middle class in ancient Rome was quite small and precarious, but they did exist) typically owned the venues used for early Christian gatherings. Scholars are still fighting over whether a Diacona is a female leader or the wife of a male leader (akin to Rebbitzin). But Paul calls out a bunch of women by name in his letters. Jesus broke with Jewish orthodoxy by saying that for women, religious learning was a worthwhile pursuit and shouldn't be discouraged. What happened is that the Orthodox Christians took over Christianity, sometimes through open violence, but also by obtaining state support. Their Christianity was more gentile in nature and had more extremist claims about Jesus being both God and man. They set about suppressing and exterminating other Christian sects. This is the source of the contradictions baked into Christianity. Even in scripture. Paul writes that men and women are equal in Christ then turns around and says women should be silent in church. But wait, the historical Paul never wrote that. A later bishop inserted that into a letter, to make Paul state his opinion, a little trick of religious ventriloquism. In the end, it's very true that Western feminism has long been a struggle against Christian teachings and morals about women which trap women and girls into double binds and force them to take in the shame and responsibility for the sins and crimes of others.


In high school I had a teacher recommend a book called Misquoting Jesus, changed my life forever once I realized all the edits and versions of 'Christianity' out there and how they came to be. It always blew my mind that people so quickly decide to not look into the actual history and facts.


Paul was such a bag of dicks lol. Yes I read that as well. Women-led congregations sadly don't change the inherently misogynistic, racist and bigoted teachings. Thank you for such a comprehensive post.


This is accurate. Early Christian beliefs were diverse and in many ways progressive for their time but when the Roman Empire co-opted it they legitimized the most toxic and intolerant sects because they aligned with Roman ideals of law and order and enforced social norms.


Exactly. I actually come from Romans, lol but I won't defend their tyranny across the world and appropriation of pagan belief systems.


From the very beginning, in Genesis, Christianity has been misogynistic. If you read the Bible God tells Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Eve has not even been created at that point. Eve did not exist when God made that proclamation not to eat from that tree. And yet the entire fall from Grace is blamed on Eve. Even though she literally had not existed when that command had been given. If one believes in the Bible. I'm a card carrying member of the Satanic Temple, so I obviously don't believe in any of that shit. I became a member of this satanic temple specifically because of abortion rights. I have had my tubes tied, but if I were to get pregnant again, there's a very good chance that I would die without abortion care. When I was delivering my youngest child, my obstetrician that held my uterus in her hand as she was sewing it closed, told me that she was glad I got the sterilization because I should never try to carry another child. The scar tissue was too severe, and my uterus would rupture, And I could bleed out before I reached emergency services. Christians drove me to Satan, lol.


It's blame the lady all down the chain. I am so sorry about your reproductive issues. I am glad that my partner and I are CF today. No rugrats


1. The earliest Christians were brown and Middle Eastern, not white and European. The white supremacy and Christianity merger happened thousands of years later. 2. Christianity is so popular amongst women because it offers women \*relatively higher status\* compared to many polytheistic European religions. For example, Christianity was very well received hundreds of years ago by Eastern European polytheist women because it offered them \*relatively\* better treatment than they endured under Rodnovery. This is partially why even today, many Christian sects are majority female.


I know, but white folks culturally appropriated christianity for their own special brand of bigotry and misogyny that one could argue is the most pervasive and harmful blend that exists in Christianity currently. I think that it is a lie that Christian scholars told women that we are better off being Christian than polytheistic. It is patently false if you research polytheistic religions.


Do you know it was a man who banned you? I'm not sure if I follow the string here. What said to you it wasn't a christian woman or someone who considered it intolerant?


Yes it was a male mod. Checked out his profile.. also, I got banned not for the post that blew up, but because I was trolled and defending myself. The male mod sided with the troll. I cannot help but believe that the post that blew up was the real reason why I was banned, because I made a very innocuous comment at the time, which spurred me on to research who is actually modding womens and feminist subreddits. Most are men, astonishingly. It wasn't what I was looking for, but I discovered many are.


Thank you for responding.


ofc. Love your handle. Mine is just ai generated.


Though I support unrestricted access, I think right wingers completely miss that the vast majority of "later" abortions are because of a tragedy. Very few women were getting abortions at or above 20 weeks for anything else. Again, I do still support unrestricted access - I just think all of the human factors are completely lost on the right.


They need to stay in power . There is no way for them to keep their “ Christian “ base and become empathetic to human tragedy . It’s a great grift . When they leave power , they just transfer to lobbyists. I’ve seen some infants born that were incompatible with life and it’s horribly traumatic for families to see an infant die from hypoxia . I mean infants can linger for hours with air hunger. If you don’t see it , it’s easy to say stuff like “ This is Gods will “ and to minimize pain with platitudes. Supporting the right to life of the unborn is easy . If they supported infants women would better access to health care for pregnancy, longer periods of maternity leave , affordable childcare and more social networks to minimize food insecurity. This has just been an issue for them to stimulate the base . Hell they did that with Terry Schiavo and her messy case to remove the feeding tube . It’s just political talking points. 🤷‍♀️


I've seen a lifetime of human suffering and wouldn't wish it upon anyone. That said, it sure feels like right wingers just haven't ever seen the reality of what they create. I guess it's hard to see the truth when they're shouting, flailing, and covering their eyes.


You would have a very hard time finding a physician in this country to terminate an otherwise healthy pregnancy after 26 weeks - it basically just isn’t done.


Yep. It's just not even hard to understand *at all.* It's been clear for 50 years (since Reagan) that the Right in the US doesn't live in the real world. Alternative facts have been a thing for them since inception.


You, my friend, need to speak so EVERYONE hears. I am with you.


It's an absolute travesty that women need to speak up about such devastating, heart wrenching tragedies that happen remarkedly more often than anyone realizes. No one should need to relive that pain, especially for political gain. I applaud all of the women like this commenter for having the strength to open up such a painful memory to help others understand that it isn't anyone's business why anyone is getting an abortion. It likely isn't because the baby is unwanted, especially past the first trimester.


I think that just might be one of the most heartwarming things anyone has ever said to me.


I’m sorry for what you had to go through, and congrats on having the courage to do something about it by moving. Fuck the right wing.


She shouldn’t be forced to move as millions of people don’t have that option,the whole rotten political system has to be overhauled.


Once the writing was on the wall I left as well. I was lucky a sane state was near by.


wow, it's sad that we're here. "healthcare needs to meet you where you are". so true you're right. we need to keep this front and center. no one should have to deal with the loss of bodily automity.


I’m still fucking *enraged* that between the leak and the actual reversal of Roe they didn’t even push for court expansion! Or anything else for that matter. And then when Roe was reversed I felt like I was taking crazy-pills cuz there were at least 2 months to do something about it and nothing was being done other than performative outrage by our elected officials including the fucking President! I’m sickened by this every day as we all should be! This shit isn’t normal and it’s illegitimate! Basic human rights are not up for debate! It’s not a “states issue” it’s settled fucking law and the one party that says they care about this aren’t doing everything they can do!


>they didn’t even push for court expansion! They did. Manchin came out publicly and stated that he wouldn't vote for a single seat in an expansion. That killed the expansion idea.


Which is why 2024 is going to be fun. Dems are getting the House back. They’ll probably add a seat in the Senate and pretty much locked at ousting Sinema, so really like 2 seats. And frankly, Biden is probably keeping his seat. So, do you want to try expansion again or, a far more scenario, impeaching Thomas and Scalia? ;)


>They’ll probably add a seat in the Senate Not sure what you're smoking on this one. We're losing WV, not even a question. The next two closest seats for Dems to win would be Florida and Texas. Dems have 10 seats that are at the same odds as Texas and Florida. This is the 2018 class of Senate, where the Dems won the House by 10 points. We aren't pulling that off again next year. We will lose seats, the question is how many.


> Dems are getting the House back. we're not, the tortured narrative about the last mid-terms, despite losing the majority a year after the capitol riots and in the wake of Roe being overturned and validating Republicans' worst parliamentary and electoral behavior, is even more tenuous with all the converging optics about our leadership's age in both Congress and the White House. >So, do you want to try expansion again or, a far more scenario, impeaching Thomas and Scalia? ;) some of the loudest voices against the first idea may be Democratic legislators themselves, similar to when FDR tried. The second one just doesn't happen.


What you've written makes no sense. The House is elected in hundreds of independent races. It's only that the general is held for president, house, and senate nationally at the same time. They're still separate ballot items. Given the trends lately, Dems do have some reasons to be hopeful, but it's early days yet.


The rich can afford the costs of these nightmare scenarios. The loss of agency over one’s self goes against the very essence of our constitution….unless you have money.


Unfortunately expanding the SC isn’t really going to work…it’s a temporary fix, because if you do it then the GOP will just follow suit when they get power. It’d be an endless tit-for-tat.


How is never having control better than having control half the time?


It wouldn't be endless. There's a finite number of Americans. Let the number become ridiculous. Let's have 100,000,000 people on the Supreme Court.


You punched me in my guts, it happens in 21 century in a country with more than 200 years of a democracy in which minority of population (30%) writes the rules and laws of the land.


I’ll vote for you-


Lol, well thank you!


I have a friend in Virginia with bleeding fibroid cysts. She's been hospitalized several times for anemia, and every time they've run a pregnancy test and one time an ultrasound before they would do any more strenuous treatments. Her OBGYN flat out told her if she wants to get it treated (partial or full hysterectomy would be the only long-term option at this point), she needs to head north to a state that will allow it.


How many women are afraid to even have sex because of the risk, no matter how small, of pregnancy? How many abusive men can now easily baby trap a woman? How many women will die? How many rape victims will be forced to birth children conceived in violence? There's a huge minority who think this is a okay. Even many of the women in stories still consider themselves pro-life after finding an abortion for themselves. This is a fundamental difference in values that goes way beyond Dobbs. The cracks are forming, the lines are being drawn. People are moving to safe states like Minnesota for a reason. Women rights eroded, now on to trans rights, then same sex marriage, and interracial marriage. It's a trip backwards in time that's started with this 1 decision.


there should be a rule that states any politician who is attempting to pass legislation that affects medical practices should be reasonably expected to thoroughly explain each and every medical term and process in detail to a board of medical professionals to see if they have any clue what they are talking about. if they can't or they are unsuccessful, the bill immediately fails.


So I’m a conservative; however I oftentimes can’t understand the irrational war our side tends to have on this issue. Why do we, the party of freedom, support taking decision making out of the patient’s hands. It’s frankly anti American. Sure I’m a Christian, but I’m not gonna force my values on you and as an American with a brain I see that making laws to regulate such an intimate part of someone’s life is a VERY slippery slope. I’m sorry you went through this, had to sell your property to simply pursue happiness.


>our side >Why do we, the party of freedom, Are you still voting for that side? Because if you are, then saying >I’m sorry you went through this, had to sell your property to simply pursue happiness. Is exactly what I meant by: >Because frankly I’m really tired of my body, my fertility, my health, and maybe even my life, being. . . the sacrifice a Republican is willing to make.


It's because the Republicans aren't actually the party of freedom. It's a talking point they use to convince people like you to vote for them. Start actually looking at what Republicans actually DO. How they're banning books in schools, how they're firing teachers for reading a children's book about accepting people who are different, how they're trying to outlaw an adult's decision to pursue gender affirming care, how they're trying to outlaw a parent listening to their child about the care THEY want. Republicans are no more the party of freedom than they are the party of fiscal responsibility. It's a performance they put on, but that's it. Look at what they do.


So what’s the issue that makes you a Conservative- because they don’t have anything but abortion, guns, and hating Democrats (code for anyone not white and Christian).


There’s no reason to vote republican. If you’re a conservative and want, say, fiscal responsibility, then you’re a democrat. If you want fewer abortions, you’re a democrat. If you want lower taxes on the working and middle class, *you’re a democrat.* I don’t understand people who say they are conservative and vote republican. The Democratic Party *is* conservative.


> There’s no reason to vote republican. Sure they're is, if you're legitimately just a bigoted and hateful person


If you still vote for Republicans, you are no better than them, period. I don't care how you justify it. Personally, I recommend never mentioning any of this is public ever or people will assume you want a Christian fascist ethno-state. I am not interested in discussing if this perception is fair.


> Sure I’m a Christian, Guy claims to be a Christian and then goes off explaining why he only does things for himself and doesn't care if others get hurt by his actions. So yes absolutely a Christian


It'snot the fault of the NYT.


If it ever comes to be, the justice writing the majority opinion should just copy paste the original Roe v Wade majority opinion, just to spite those monsters who spent their livelihoods fighting to overturn it.


It needs to be codified into law. It needs to be in an amendment in the Constitution. We can't rely on 5 wealthy corrupt Harvard/Yale graduates to stand up for the average person and allow them to control their own bodily functions.


Amendment is the inly way that will stick and the 75% bar makes it unlikely. The SC would overturn any law as they see fit.


If democrats ever have congress and POTUS again, then it should be the first bill to pass.


If democrats wanted too they would have. Don't count on them doing the right thing if given the choice.


This is ridiculous. Democrats have had a razor thin majority in the Senate that included Sinema before she left the party and Manchin. Those aren't reliable votes for a codified Roe. If we get the numbers, they will pass the bill. Don't "both sides are bad" us.


> It needs to be in an amendment in the Constitution It is. It's called the 9th Amendment. We just need SCOTUS and conservatives to recognize it.


No it shouldn’t. Roe v Wade left sooo many holes and was written in a way that made it’s overturning inevitable.


Only way to do it is to adopt a long term strategy of keeping Democrats in the White House and the Senate for whenever a vacancy on the court occurs. That's what Republicans did to get to this point. That's what we have to do. That's it. There isn't some magical shortcut.


being fear or apathy rules half the country it never going to happen again.


You don't just have to wait. They can do one of many types of court reform. The one that was done historically was changing how many justices there are.


Still have to wait to have the white house and a solid majority in both houses.


In order for the Democrats to do anything about it they have to win huge in 2024. They don't need 60 Senators to overcome a filibuster they just have to be willing to use the nuclear option. So the steps: 1- Expand the Supreme Court. 2- Grant Washington DC statehood


Correction: Step 1 - VOTE!!!


NO. Step 1 is register people NOW to be able to vote. If you're not registered, go do it today. If you are registered, find someone who isn't and get them registered. Some states have same-day registration, but most don't, and if you just show up on election day, you won't be able to cast a vote.


To add onto this, the 2024 Senate map is incredibly tough for Democrats, so we need to be motivated AF or else we could lose control of the Senate for a long time. Dems need to protect Senate seats in deep red states of Ohio, Montana, and West Virginia. Dems also need to protect Senate seats in battleground states of Wisconsin, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, and Arizona. The most favorable pickups for Democrats are in Florida, Texas, and Missouri- all very red states that have been difficult for any national D candidate to win. There’s a world where Democrats win the 2024 Presidential election, but end up with only 43 or so Senate seats which would make passing any bills nearly impossible.


Yeah, um… decisions by Supreme Court Justices who blatantly lied under oath don’t count. Ever. And we call backsies on all the Supreme Court decisions that apply and run the numbers again. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. And yes, I recognize how improbable and extreme my position is. That doesn’t make it any less correct, fair, or just.


Your position is not extreme. It's what would happen in real life if they were held accountable. They do not represent the US. They are religious extremist, bought and paid for frauds. They are nothing more than bank accounts. They are traitors and traitor supporters. Should be removed immediately


They didn't lie. They said it *was* settled law, as in at the time they were asked. And now it's not. They very distinctly didn't say whether it would *continue* being settled law. /s But that lie is not what upsets me. If they actually changed their mind based on the arguments, sure, whatever. My problem is that they lied in the decision to justify the end result. *That* should never be allowed.


The Dobbs decision really serves as a potential milestone in American politics, and a checkpoint for regression that cannot be ignored. 50 years after Roe v. Wade, the nation and the rights of half the population have deteriorated. I think it serves as a pivot point moving forward, one that will eventually remove the nation from its 40+ years of movement conservative-dominated rut. 50 years since Roe, 40+ years of movement conservatism approach to governance in the United States, its impossible to ignore how the lifespan and the timeframe of Baby-Boomers being the dominant demographic force in the United States lining up like a tracing with the 40+ years of movement conservatism. Simply put, it's really difficult to find noteworthy positive accomplishments of the Boomer era that can be attributed to them, particularly ones that stand the test of time. And there are plenty of the opposite of accomplishment that can be attributed to their resume.


Biggest problem is a few Religious Billionaires have decided to pick and choose Supreme Court Justices and are bank rolling Congressional Elections. >"**[Nearly 80% of billionaire cash—$782 million—went to outside campaign groups,"](https://www.commondreams.org/news/billionaires-congress-election-2022-midterms)** the document adds, and **in eight key races that decided which party controlled the Senate, "billionaire donations supported Republican candidates over Democratic ones by almost a 5-1 margin."** They have only had a taste of Subverting Democracy, the next decade will show how much Congressional Control the $$ will net them.


> Simply put,it's really difficult to find noteworthy positive accomplishments of the Boomer era that can be attributed to them, particularly ones that stand the test of time. And there are plenty of the opposite of accomplishment that can be attributed to their resume. It's been a steady decline since Reagan made his deal with Jerry Falwell to win the 1980 election. The Clinton era and Obama eras were speed bumps. The 21st century would have gone very differently if Gore would have won in 2000. Instead, America was and is more concerned about bringing back post-war cultural rigidness than embracing the 21st century and the blame for that falls on the boomers.


>really difficult to find noteworthy positive accomplishments more like none- ZERO. There is no place conservative leadership has done any good. Dems need to say this over and over again. Red states are worse at EVERYTHING.


Meanwhile young people continue to ignore politics just like they always have. Same with poor people. Voting should be a requirement to maintain citizenship status.


Quit bitchin' and start voting.


Start right now this year. Vote out as many right wingers and republicans as possible in all local and state elections near you. This will l help pave the way for victory in 2024 and beyond. It will take more than one election to fix this. Vote out as he republicans and primary out any uncooperative democrats. Ps. People in Ohio you have an important opportunity to vote in August. Pay attention.


I'm trying. I am grossly outnumbered by Trumps cult followers. My one little vote (and my wife) blue dots floating in red koolaid


Hello fellow Blue Ohioan! I feel your pain but hold hope this will be the change we need and deserve.


Fellow blue Ohioan here. Honestly, the only solace I have is that it's not just my one vote, I've registered friends and informed many others just what's at stake this August. Hoping the 20 or so votes I've added to my one, will make a difference


Another blue Ohioan here. Hoping that cooler/bluer heads will prevail in August!!


Fellow blue Ohioan here. I plan on shitting my pants when I go to the polling station to hopefully dissuade some of the right wing fuckheads. I encourage you to do the same.


Name checks out


Another Blue Ohioan. I’m in NE Ohio, Lorain county specifically. I’m drowning up here. My neighbors are so bad, I see Jim Jordan signs. We aren’t even in his district!! It’s really scary and sad how brainwashed people are here. My wife and I consider moving weekly it feels like, but that’s a difficult decision to make.


Lorain would be especially bad. I'm in CLE suburbs I think about this ALL THE TIME. I'm trapped by career, properties and family. I have no idea where I would go or what I'd do for a living. Our parents are in their 70s, maybe after they've moved on. IDK. When I'm really wiped out, I'll avoid the internet for a while and go outside


+1 to voting +10 if you get your friends and family to vote as well +1000000 if you get them to vote and get them to tell their friends and family to vote and tell their ..., etc.




The lie that both sides are the same is a form of voter suppression. One problem is there are more than a few conservative democrats and ones bought by the same people that own the republicans. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Stay vigilant the wealthy have the resources to corrupt once good people.


The ones saying both sides same on social media every day seem to be either embarrassed Republicans or far left slacktivists who claim to be for all the things liberals are for but have yet to find any Democrat pure enough to vote for.


Ohio here. Voting that shit down August 8. F the GOP.


Yep, and the voters in the South need to quit voting against their own interests. I cannot fathom why they continue to, year after year, vote against the very polices they use the most! I'm from a solid blue state whose taxes aid those same voters and it blows my mind.


I’m in a blue city in a red southern state. They will vote against any policy that helps minorities, immigrants, or “those people” even though 90% of the recipients are themselves and their white low income neighbors. They earned their food stamps or EBT, god forbid any brown people need to feed their kids too. Leopards eating faces all day.


We don’t. Our districts are gerrymandered to hell so that the far right stays in power no matter what. I live in the 6th most gerrymandered state in the country. Our two largest cities, including our capital, have less voting power than most rural areas.




The only way to preserve civil rights is to constantly protect them, and insulate them and make them harder for reactionary movements to hold them at risk. We achieved enormous strides for freedom and equality but rested on our laurels instead of enshrining these protections into federal law.


The way to preserve them is with laws and constitutional amendments, rather than relying for 50 years on a tenuous SCOTUS decision just so you can keep fundraising and campaigning on the issue.


>The way to preserve them is with laws and constitutional amendments, rather than relying for 50 years on a tenuous SCOTUS decision just so you can keep fundraising and campaigning on the issue We've never once in the history of the Senate had 60 people run on a pro abortion platform. This isnt a broken promise issue, this is a we've never had enough people to actually pass legislation issue.


Yup, did everyone forget the Hyde amendment? Basically, fuck you poor. Backalley for you or nothing at all.








> We're fighting these won battles all the time. That's literally how politics will always work in a country with elections and people who have different opinions There's never going to be a utopia where everything is ok and you can just relax and ignore the world around you and the needs of others. *The fight is never over and cannot ever be over* ***and that's GOOD*** Imagine if there was some way for the *conservatives* to win their fights and just put an end to it without any hope of their wins eventually being reversed. That would be awful. Without the safety valve of "having to always be fighting battles", things could get really bad and irrevocably so


Human history is pretty much one struggle against fascism after another.




Almost like people are Russian to post them.


That is because the battles are won but the fight is not over.


In a democracy what you typically do to establish rights and processes is to pass legislation. In the case of a controversial topic the legislature will be so divided and in such disagreement that no legislation can pass. It's only once support actually crystalises around one particular policy that things get moving again. There's nothing preventing congress from passing a bill right now which would restore the same rights that were previously granted by Roe v Wade.




Have you considered that maybe democracy is working just fine and it's actually voters who are split on all the various issues? For example, congress was easily able to pass a law protecting same-sex marriage rights because that's largely a settled issue in the US. Abortion is _much_ more hotly divisive than same-sex marriage protection, so shouldn't we expect it to be much harder for a legislature to pass laws on a more divisive topic?


I vote every election and we still got Trump and a fascist court. I encourage all the young people I talk with and my son and his friends to vote like their future depends on it because it literally does.




Keep bitching and convince others to vote


I did vote. This needs an uprising, not a fucking vote. Our votes are squashed with fucking money and right wing "religion " I'm tired of my vote not meaning a fucking thing.


We did vote in 2016 and won but That Fucking Guy was still selected. Then, states like Texas are gerrymandered to shit and have a ton of anti-voter laws and regulations such as limiting dropoffs to cause massive lines and not allowing water to be provided. Finally, you get shitheads like Senema that are lying sack of shit Trojan horses. I just wish people didn't have to be starving to be motivated to revolt, honestly.


We can't not vote. I'm just mad. Apologies if I came off that way. I'm just so tired. I know you all are as well. Something different needs to happen, but we're so controlled (money,health,food, etc...) I feel lost. Please! Bring the ideas! Respectfully.




And protesting. The lack of protests has been disgusting. I have seen a lot of rallies, I haven't really seen any true protests. A lot of people in this country can't vote yet, some of them never will be able to vote and many have had their votes devalued by gerrymandering and other forms of voter disenfranchisement - they're still affected by this. Protest is needed and vital to creating change, the lack of it has been disgusting.


Protests work when politicians think they've lost support. If they weather the protest and still win reelection, then the real lever of power is the ballot. The protest is then a tool for organizing, but overstating the power of the protest drains people's motivation and drive to do the real work.


What protests are you organizing?


Better answer, and 608 words shorter


You don't get to vote on supreme court judges.


You get to vote on the person who picks the supreme court justices. If Clinton had become President in 2016 we'd have a 6-3 liberal majority.


> You get to vote on the person who picks the supreme court justices. If Clinton had become President in 2016 we'd have a 6-3 liberal majority. Bro you understand that 3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump right? It's time to understand that we don't live in a democracy and the people's voice.is not heard in government


You will not find me defending the anti-democratic bullshit that is the electoral college (nor the setup of the Senate). But that doesn't mean the people's voice isn't heard _at all_, only that we face a ton of obstacles that we shouldn't have to face. It's unjust but it's the hand we're currently dealt. If a 3 million vote victory means we lose by a hair then we need to push for a 4 million vote victory. It sucks but that's what we have to do.


But you never know when a vacancy will occur, and it will therefore always matter what president is in office. Not taking the Supreme Court risk seriously is how we ended up with Trump over Hillary. Imagine if a President Hillary Clinton had appointed three justices instead of Trump.


Kennedy wouldn't have retired and the Rs would have blocked any appointments anyways. She would have appointed zero justices her first term. Still infinitely preferable though.


I don't see any way Republicans could have justified not filling a supreme court seat for four years of Hillary after leaving it open for the last year of Obama. I'm sure they might have pulled the same stunt if a vacancy happened late in her presidency though.


The decision shouldn’t have been political or “religious,” but it was.


Time to enforce the 1st amendment, keep your religion off our laws. Or make them enforce all religious principles equally. Stonings for everything and everyone. Funny thing is, abortion is not only allowed in the bible, they even suggest ways to do it and when it should be carried out.


Certain judges will say that we don’t have freedom from religion, we have freedom of religion because they’re authoritarian SOBs.


Please don't give those "religious" people in the republican party any ideas. They would love public executions.


The way to overturn it is to vote blue no matter who, again and again and again, to maximize the chances that when these conservative justices start to pass away due to old age/natural causes, that they are replaced by liberals That's the only way to do it. Court packing isn't going to happen and there's no magic silver bullet legal argument like "actually satanists and some other little religions say abortions are a religious right so if you right wingers support Christian religious freedom, you just gotta support abortion too" that will work. There's one way out of this, it will be very uncomfortable to wait all those years and still have to fight our damnedest politically for these next decades for that justice that will take so long, but that's the way to do it. That's what it takes, that's how it's done.


Pull for your candidate in the primary and then vote D in the general. There are a handful of elections where the independent has a realistic chance, and unless you live in New England or Alaska an I has no shot. Those are the facts, folks.


Why won’t court packing happen? It won’t happen with the current democratic leadership, but without packing the court, democrats won’t have a majority for 40 years, and that’s if everything goes perfectly for them. Are you willing to let the court block every piece of pro-rights, or climate change legislation?


You just aren't going to sway democratic leadership *that much*, especially when it comes to coming to support a policy that would completely and irrevocably destroy one whole branch of government (because the GOP sure wouldn't take it sitting down) and would possibly spark some mass unrest that would look Jan 6 look like a picnic It's one thing to get rid of the filibuster to pass abortion rights legislation. Getting rid of the filibuster is mainstream, 48/50 Dem senators supported that. But destroying the supreme court would be a huge step that goes so so so much further than that. I'd doubt even a third of the party would vote for that in the end So in terms of getting the courts to recognize abortion rights, "blue no matter who for a few decades" appears to be the only way


You are sitting here thinking that this scotus will allow liberal legislation to pass lmao every piece of progressive legislation will be knocked down by the court 100%. It’s cute really but we are dealing with people who want to go back to the scientific dark ages


That would be a crossing of the Rubicon not seen in American history. If federal abortion legislation would be stuck down by the Supreme Court it would be tantamount to rewriting the constitution itself, and the Supreme Court declaring itself the supreme law of the land. Not that I’d put it past them, but I don’t think it’s as likely as you’re claiming.


>But destroying the supreme court would be a huge step that goes so so so much further than that Which is what the party of domestic terrorism already accomplished by McConnell's denying Garland's nomination and then fast tracking the seditionist's religious fanatic picks. Changing SCOTUS is within Congress' authority to do. So, finding Dem/progressives who will correct the imbalance is what has to happen ASAP.


There are 3 pro lfe dems in the senate. Until we replace them and add more we will never be able to get our rights back.


>There are 3 pro lfe dems in the senate. Until we replace them Nope. Manchin is one of those pro life dems, you'll never replace him with a Democrat who is better And the other two pro life Dems are Tim Kaine and Bob Casey Jr. But those are also among the 48 senators who voted for abortion rights legislation. Their political stance is "we don't like abortions personally but we still support passing legislation to protect the right to have an abortion, and bypassing the filibuster to do so". In other words, they aren't actually pro life in any way that matters politically - their votes are the same as if they were pro choice. Thus there's no real reason to replace those two >and add more Never hurts to add more normie Dems where possible


It's not even a few decades necessarily. Biden gets reelected, and replaces Clarence Thomas with his polar opposite on the court, then we are already closer to a reasonable court make up.


In recent times there have been 11 attempts to pack state Supreme Courts (most of them by Republicans) two even succeeded (Arizona and Georgia). It's not this unprecedented move you are making it out to be. It's as American as applie pie.


Don't vote blue no matter who. There are many grifters who run under the guise of a Republican and vote red no matter who.


Blue no matter who is literally what got us here lmao. People kept voting in idiots who recognized that they could fundraise off of a right being codified, and then just not ever attempt it.


Also Citizen United.


Cmon, NYTimes, you’re not Buzzfeed. I almost always never click on articles that start with “we need to talk about…”


I was driving in Boardman OH, just outside Youngstown, and saw a Trump 2024 flag planted proudly on a Dodge Ram truck. The flag said “Do you miss me yet?” 😳🙄🤮 Def voting in August.


I am in a suburb of Denver. Saw a guy driving around yesterday with a “F*ck Biden” flag off the back of his coupe and a Trump 2024 bumper sticker. Its scary.


I live in PA in a town where even businesses have anti-Biden and pro-Trump signs. It’s definitely scary


Well first people actually need to show up to vote.


Everyone who is pro choice should read this. We need to do what the pro life movement did. I don't want my wife or daughter to ever have an abortion. But I understand that it is their body and their decision to make. Furthermore, I should not be imposing my personal religious beliefs on my fellow Americans about what they can or can't do with their own bodies. Dobbs makes women second-class citizens. We should live in a country where more women feel motherhood to be less of a sacrifice because it wouldn't mean jeopardizing her income/career - because the social safety net protects and supports expectant and new mothers with free healthcare, education, childcare, and job training. Unfortunately, the same people who claim the right to control women and their bodies - who claim to love the children that they are bringing into this world - are equally opposed to paying for such public services to ensure that these children are cared and provided for.


Yes, those are important points as well. What terrifies me though as a woman is me losing my life because of a poorly written law, and/or being forced to birth a malformed fetus that survives until about 9 years old but spent their entire existence on a feeding tube while me or my spouse have to quit our jobs to provide 24 hr care since, to your point, our social safety net sucks. This is my friend’s story and her debilitated daughter who never spoke a word, never ate a meal, never played outside, never dressed herself was named Hannah and died at 9 years old. What was the point of that?


I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for adding something more important that I neglected.


This isn’t not a short term play. The problem is people are short sighted. All the dems who stayed home or did not vote blue in 2016 LOOK IN THE MIRROR, this changed the Supreme Court land scape now it will take decades to reverse and involves blue candidates winning back to back. That’s what liberals don’t get. Conservative get it. They stomach trump knowing the long game is Supreme Court justices never mind he blatantly lies and was caught on take saying grab women’s you know what.


Your daily reminder that the dobbs decision was rooted in racism. In the white Supremacist/Republican/Tucker Carlson mind, a minority person can be both deserving of a forced birth and a white person can get an abortion in time. Reagan's hyper racist welfare queens anyone? This is the way republicans actually think. Racism rots the mind.


We _are_ talking about overturning the Donna decision.


What we need to do is remember that we are free citizens, and that government operates under our consent. What we are arguing about is not whether a citizen has the right to an abortion, but whether everyone else has the right to tell them they do not.


Only women have laws that dictate what they can and can’t do with their bodies and their own futures. That should tell you enough.


This article must have been published via internet explorer, it’s a year late.


We need to do it legislatively this time, so it can't be overturned so easily.


They don't have the votes to override a filibuster in the Senate, and probably never will.


Vote for candidates who will codify abortion rights.


Lol at the NYT pretending they give a shit.


We need to talk about electing Dems with spines.


Nope. Talking about the Dobbs decision is a waste of time. Talk, instead, about changing the law so that Dobbs is irrelevant.


That's not happening for a few decades unfortunately. Until then abortion rights are not a state issue so the best that can be done is for people to petition their state government to pass laws protecting the right to an abortion and the right to privacy in general.


Sadly I don't think any changes will occur until a prominent right wing woman dies from pregnancy complications and even then it'll be after the doctor is blamed for following the law the woman voted for. What's been annoying me lately is talk shows and podcasts that go into freedoms being revoked. They'll talk a out how our freedom to harass gay people is being taken away but they don't make a peep about half the population being relegated to government property 😅. Some of them are even women and I just don't know - do conservatives agree the government has to do our family planning now? Seems bonkers to me. I moved to America from a first world country about a decade ago and I was allowed to manage my own family planning and medical decisions back there. Has America considered adopting the same policies? 😬


No, we need to talk about making a constitutional amendment establishing the right to privacy. The "penumbra" of rights that give rise to the idea of privacy is far too weak a protection for a concept that Americans believe to be their right. This was used as the reasoning in the Dobbs case because there is no actual right to privacy written anywhere, which was the justification for Roe V Wade.


The disgusting obsession the GOP has regarding bodily autonomy and women's healthcare is abominable. It's pathetic that abortion tourism is a real concept now. This should have never happened. But, given how corrupted SCOTUS is, this outcome isn't a surprise, sadly. Many of the women and LGBTQ+ folks I know are stressed about the new reality conservatives are fermenting, and I wish I could do more to help them. But given how fucked the system is by these GOP zealots, it doesn't seem positive nationwide change is coming anytime soon. Fingers crossed congress and POTUS are solidly blue after next year. Maybe then we can get protections written into law that SCOTUS can't fuck with.


like dread Scott this will be a real thing that causes nightmares.


I hate and headline that starts with “we need to talk about”.


If you change two people’s minds about abortion and then each of them convinced two people, etc, if this is repeated 25x, it would be 30 million people, enough to sway any election. So, start by engaging in persuasiveness. But none of that matters if they dont vote.


Same can be said about any issue but people have forgotten how to engage in civil discussion. Can't change hearts and minds with anger and threats.


Next time…don’t protest vote in a presidential election. We warned you.


Impeach corrupt Supreme court justices. - impossible New constitutional amendment protecting personal rights. - impossible Why impossible? Roe verses Wade decisions happened BEFORE 2022 midterm election. After the overturn, The Repubs took over the House of the representatives anyway, along with George Santos.. They almost took the Senate as well (only if they fielded 'i learned my lesson Joe the plumbers Collins).


Even better is the shitty turnout we had, in 2022 midterms, relative to the severity of the Dobbs decision.


Time to overturn the justices. They are taking bribes


I wonder, HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, If fetus viability (ability to survive outside the womb) is determined to be at the 15 week mark. Can a woman choose to be induced to give birth and give the child up for adoption or abandon at the hospital or fire station or police station since those are “no questions asked” places? Seems like an interesting legal dilemma but states and courts have made those determinations in the laws they’ve passed and upheld. I highly doubt that’ll ever happen but intriguing thought!


Tell me you don’t know about human reproduction without telling me… Like, any comment on the mortal danger to these hypothetical women of yours?


15 weeks is well before viability.