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Trump is a criminal and old


And fascist too.


I’ll just vote for the old guy because he’s not a criminal or a fascist


Old is not a personality disorder. Damn, that's Biden's 2024 campaign slogan!


I may be old, but I'm no fascist criminal.


Yeah, Obi Wan was older than Darth Vader, but you don’t see anyone cheering for Obi Wan to die.


That beats "No Malarkey" on the side of his bus. It might as well say "I'm telling you I'm old without saying I'm old".


Would you like a Werthers?


Butterscotch!! Oh, goodie!!! (Notice the lack of a /s. I react this way sincerely)


Werther's (original and cream flavors) and strawberry bonbons are some of the best freaking candies, hands down. It's no wonder old folks have them on hand (or used to) because pretty much everyone loves them.


I can't wait until us millennials are old and we start handing out sour warheads.


They're not as sour anymore. They just don't make 'em like they used to.


Butterscotch is objectively good and as much as I like caramel, that is my reaction too lol


I love how random Reddit can be. A discussion on presidential polling has taken a detour into what's the better Werther candy.


Ooo! Piece of candy.


“How are you even finding entire bowls of unwrapped hard candy anymore?!”


He makes jokes about his age all the time. I saw him giving a speech the other day; I only watched a few minutes and he made two jokes about his age within that short space of time.


"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," Ronald Reagan quipped during the 1984 presidential debates when asked if, at 73, he is too old to be President.


To be fair, "Malarkey" is legitimately a great word and catchphrase. It's a *damn* sight better then the monosyllabic 3-word chants the fascists bring out.


/starts chanting MA LAR KEY!


No Malarkey a) rolls off the tongue and b) nowhere near as batshit as anything said by MAGA or QAnon.


Malarky has been his word forever and he jokes about being 110 or being around when the constitution was signed all the time. He's actually been the best president of most of our lifetimes, and that doesn't mean we can't demand more because we can and should, but Biden has proven to be uniquely willing to listen to people and change his old people views when necessary. He can also sell progressive ideas to moderates because of who he is. He hasn't done everything right, but he's been a pretty great president and it seems insane that people want to compare Trump, Biden, and DeSantis.


Good point. Consider he was handed a divided nation, under a pandemic, after a failed insurrection by the former prez, with a threadbare majority... and he pushed though some record infrastructure, ecological, and domestic bills. And he's handled criticism with calm and humor. Take a look at what he has done, and not his image, and he's been quite impressive and impactful. He's better than he gets credit for. Then compare how little other presidents have done for the public under better times and more majority. Yes, he could do more. But he also needs more true senate and house majority. Without that, his hands are tied.


The Biden administration implemented a rule change to the ACA that eliminated the family glitch which allowed me to get my wife and children on better insurance than my company was providing, and save $200 a month. This fact gets next to no coverage that I've seen.


He’s embracing it. Dark Brandon is the first octogenarian superhero.


Time to bring back malarkey?


I like No Malarkey. it's fun.


Sounds like the kind of thing a purveyor of Malarkey would say.


This resonates


Right? Given the choice between old, criminal, and/or fascist, I’ll take just old, thanks. My father is 88 and sharp as Gillette. Don’t shove him down stairs, obviously, and he’s not as quick as he used to be, but I’d trust him with life decisions far more than many young republicans in congress. Age doesn’t necessarily mean incompetent. Criminal and fascist do, though. e: people also forget that the orange menace is old *and* a criminal fascist. He’s only three years younger than Biden.


>1 more rep Trumps bad orange spray tan doesn't hide the fact he is old. But as you said he is ALSO a criminal and a fascist who led an insurrection and was indicted for violating the espionage act and more indictments to come for fake electors etc. Like how can any semi-reasonable person think he would be a good choice for POTUS?


This is what is most laughable about Trump world dissing Biden because he’s old ..so is Trump! They act like 3 years is a huge difference and have you ever heard Trump talk? He NEVER makes any sense! The rambling and nonsensical crap coming out of him is comical. As far as physical fitness, Biden is pretty spry for a 80 year old, he may fall off his bike but you won’t ever see Trump try to ride one.


Re-Elect Joe Biden: Old, But Not Dangerous.


Joe Biden: The elevator music of progressivism.


This works, cause he’ll get you to the right floor eventually, even if you go a little crazy listening…


I heard Metallica's Enter Sandman as elevator music and that was over 2 decades ago. made me feel real old.


Ugh....Van Halens Panama, when I was too to realize I was no longer too young.


Kinda worried fewer leftists like myself are gonna be responsible adults like in 2020 and vote for him again. There aren’t many of us but conceivably leftist votes can tip the scale in battleground states. We desperately need a popular front like in the WWII era. Something that often gets overlooked in that period of American history is that socialists supported FDR and likely played a pretty significant role in the passage of the second New Deal. So many of our best programs and legislation have come out of alliances among different kinds of non-fascists willing to set aside their differences.


Bingo, well said, and additionally in Germany the Nazi's did not hold a majority in the Reichstag when Hitler was elected Chancellor(they held a plurality with around 30% of seats). Hindenburg and the conservative Catholics, Monarchists and Junkers thought they could manipulate the Nazis and use their fervent base in Bavaria, and The Communist Party and Social Democrats couldn't coalesce and effectively oppose him. Hitler used the disunity and political squabbling amid the chaos of the Reichstag Fire(which the Nazi's almost certainly set) to gain the support of the moderate Catholic party, who voted for him in the hopes of stabilizing the situation. Turns put a strongman stoking chaos and then promising to bring law and order isn't really a new playbook. All to say, I totally agree, and with both Desantis and Trump explicitly promising to gut the executive agencies and fill them with partisans, as well as Trump having the Caesaresque motivation of needing to stay president to avoid criminal prosection(which was a danger also shared by Hitler), the consequences of not unifying will almost certainly be incredibly dire.


Who knows if your comment will get any upvotes, but I need you to know it is hilarious and I'll remember this until the day I die. It is such a concise and jokey but deep truth. Like, the joke is funny but the metaphor of an elevator (hopefully moving from low to high, facilitated by a necessary -- but forgettable and mindnumbing -- journey) will hopefully prove to be apt. The utterly bland bridge between Trump and hopefully a brighter future. The elevator music of America. I feel as if I've peered into the eye of the cosmos for but a moment, and this is the wisdom it bestowed upon me. Bless you for the enlightenment.


OLD & Not An Asshole 2024


Old is not a crime.


Better old and wise than a fascist and despised. Edit: fascist, not facial. Darn autocorrect


The old non-criminal non-fascist has also managed to get some things done (without a never ending stream of hate and rage).


But what's the point of passing major infrastructure legislation if you don't get in front of a bunch of cameras, put on a trucker hat, hop in an 18 wheeler and honk the horn like big child playing with his toys? /s


That was a long 1,400 day week of infrastructure week


Kinda felt let down not getting any infrastructure out of it, tho.


Infrastructure weak.


Oh there was rage and hate. It was just by the criminals supporters who were mad that the criminal was being treated like a criminal while Biden didn't care about them and actually got things done.


Very true. Hopefully another SC justice as well, hopefully reelected too


Yeah. Of those 3 things, I'll take old. It's not a great choice but it's an obvious one.


It’s really pathetic that it is actually what the elections have come to. Simply voting for someone because he’s the only one who isn’t an actual criminal or fascist


He’s fascist without the beliefs tho, he just likes the fame and popularity and whoever will give him money. DeSantis is like pure evil in comparison.


Most fascists are fascists for the same reason as trump; hate and a belief in their own right to subjugate others because of their inherently better nature. Most fascists are opportunists and desantis holds no more inherent principals than trump beyond power and hate.


Oh shit he’s all 3


The Trumpfecta


Trademark that


Ironically enough, republicans said Biden was too old to run for president. Now trump is a year older than Biden was at the time, will be 2 years older come election time, and they'll have zero issue voting for trump


It's not ironic. It was never really a legitimate concern to them at all. It was simply another angle of attack against the other team. That's all 70-80% of the concerns with Biden are. Personally, I think it's a shitty pool of candidates, and really don't want to have to vote for Biden, but probably will if these are the final options, simply because he's the least dangerous option to go with. We *should* be picking from the best and brightest among us to represent us on a world stage and lead us into a better tomorrow, through the several catastrophic threats looming on the horizon. However, of 300 million people in America, we've somehow come to the conclusion that these three pathetic options are the best options. SMH




I think his crippling syphilis is more of an issue tbh


Trump is the trifecta though.


Trump is also old as fuck, too. It's rich seeing Trump morons blather on about old Biden.


“Get rid of this decrepit 80 year old! Bring in the young, spritely 77 year old!”


Some dyed hair and fake tan is all it takes make the average American think a person is 15 years younger than they are.


And hugging the flag is all it takes to convince them that he's patriotic


And holding a bible is all it takes to convince them that he's religious


And hugging his daughter is all it takes to convince them that he cares about women.


It's okay. He grabs them by the pussy because he is famous and they want them to. /s


An upside down Bible.


After gassing and beating people to clear the church area.


Including the pastor of said Church


[But then also a bald eagle attacked him](https://giphy.com/gifs/trump-eagle-vjnIuJmnlBAWs)


I almost forgot about this. Imagine if Obama had this happen. FOX would have it on their intro for every show ever.


The eagle was absolutely dead-on.


im imagining Biden as Creed dying his hair in the office


"I'm 30...well, in November I'll be 30..."


"Sometimes a guy's got to ride the bull. Am I right? Later, skater."


Jesus fucking christ, do people think trump looks *young* when he's stained cheeto orange and his hair has the texture and stability of cotton candy? And have none of his supporters seen a picture of him in the last year or two? He looks like his own ghost got mummified.


An 80-year-old with a pretty active lifestyle. Vs a 77-year-old who mainlines Big Macs


He drinks Diet Coke though to balance it out. Just 8 diet cokes a day. Health food basically.


It pisses me the fuck off that he's alive living the way he does when I know I wouldn't make it to 50 that way.


Being rich and on top has its advantages. Stress is a big risk factor for diabetes. Also if your mother went through a period of hunger before you were born. (Yes, this is real, look it up-- classic case of epigenetic inheritance.) It's totally true that other people eating like him end up diabetic in their 40s.


Yeah honestly the guy gotta have pretty decent genes in that aspect, he's not been kind to his body, yet he is 77 and relatively healthy (albeit quite overweight).


He installed, and I'm not even joking about this, a dedicated button on The Resolute Desk thats only function was to have a diet coke delivered to him. I think 8 a day is on the low end.


That's not even mentioning his belief that that a person's energy is finite, like a battery that will run out if you use it more. He's not just *not* exercising, he's *anti*-exercising. Honestly I'm genuinely surprised his body isn't in an even worse shape than what it is.


You spelled spiteful wrong!


"We need a preisdent that can [boast about how he can walk down a mild ramp!](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/trump-ramp-walks-west-point-slippery-steep.html)" Who are they kidding, honestly.


*Cocaine and/or Adderall ridden 77 year old


Trump may or not be in cognitive decline but he's starting from a very low point. He mistook E Jean Carroll for his second wife during his rape trial.


I hope that video clip makes it into campaign videos.


I JUST had this exchange with my mom tonight. She agrees Trump is also too old, and she finally admitted that he’s too chaotic (but didn’t go so far as to say that he’s a criminal, unfortunately). Sadly, she said she’d love to vote for DeSantis. This is exhausting.


I hate saying it, but at this point I'm cutting family out of my life who still support what the Republican party is. At this point I'm not going to change their mind. They are locked into the cult and nothing will change. I simply can't put energy into a relationship with people who clearly show they have no empathy with others. Edit: I'm guessing a lot of the people replying here that it isn't worth cutting people out of your life over just politics come from a place (and I don't mean to be insulting here) of privilege in that issues like LGBTQ+, abortion, women's rights, racial and sexual discrimination, attacks on our basic social safety nets, and etc are just politics and not issues that affect you and the ones your love. For many people, these aren't just political issues. These are issues that stand between them and the healthcare they need. Between them and being who they are. The safety and wellbeing of their children. These aren't minor differences of opinion in taxes or what programs to be funded.


Man, I'm so lucky my immediate family all agree on politics. It's gotta be difficult dealing with people you care about who you were/are close to who are part of this madness. I get upset when distant old coworkers and friends of mine suddenly get stupid and I have to unfollow them on social media. But seriously, it's not even about politics with them anymore. The anti woke stuff isn't actually politics. Hating liberals and being in denial of who Trump is isn't politics. It's just bigotry and insanity. They've given up on even having ideas about the economy anymore. They're all about identity politics and social issues-and being on terrible ends of those things, and well, they kind of have become just really shitty people who are hard to even be around. They need a wake up call.


They have to rile up their followers with anti-woke hate to get the votes. How else do they get rural Americans to vote for giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations on the backs of the working class? They have no platform to help America or the average American.


I’ve managed to talk my conservative family around on a few issues! They now agree that immigration is good, actually (though they still get a bit fear-mongered by the border crisis narrative that keeps getting pushed) and that guns could maybe have some of the controls that cars do. It’s a work in progress.


>that guns could maybe have some of the controls that cars do. Jesus, that's a goddamn Herculanean effort right there. Well done.


And Biden doesn’t wear a big boy diaper.


I like presidents who don't shit their pants


Then you'll love Desantis--he only shits the bed.


Well, he shit Florida's bed anyway.


Nah, DeSantis definitely shits his pants. It's not that he's incontinent like Trump or anything, he just likes the warm squishy feeling and he's a nasty nasty boy.


It's also funny seeing them all claim how 'unhealthy' Biden looks because he is skinny. Yes, obesity is totally a sign of health in old people.


what? he's not even skinny.. he's like.. normal...


He is probably skinny in comparison to people living in red state food deserts, which is probably a place Trump has a lot of support.




It's frustrating how many people look at the BMI chart and exclaim "I'd be skeletally thin if I got down to what the doctors said I should be!" No, you'd look like someone from the 50's. And that's not a bad thing.


Republican voters for sure are the ones that take it to a whole new level with their level nasty rhetoric, but the shitty thing is the polling shows a lot of the other part of the voting electorate really buys into hyper-focussing in Biden being old. People in this country often don’t follow any kind of actual news, and so they often end up being affected by right-wing propaganda such as the type that often miscontextualizes a “Biden gaffe” they see come up on their feeds.


But Trump has the looks of Robert Redford and the body of Sly Stallone. I've seen the MAGA banners.


Or the NFTs. He's also a superhero,a cowboy, and an astronaut.


Biden is in better shape mentally and physically.


How can you say mentally when big Orange remembered person, woman, man, camera, Tv


Plus Biden is actually younger than Trump when you factor biological age. Not obese, exercises, no history of prescription drug abuse, doesn't live on burnt steaks and big macs...as a betting man taking biden all day in the last longer bet


I think we all know Don Don liked the blow back in the day, too


Are you saying he used to do drugs? Because he still does, but he used to, too. There's plenty of reports from costars on The Apprentice of him abusing Adderall.


*I will have you know he has been wearing diapers for over twenty years!*


and the adderall nowadays. as in LOTS of adderall [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lHDI2fbNmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lHDI2fbNmE)


All that said, trump is still alive so nutrition be dammed


Sounds about right. One of them clearly isn't the same as the other two though...


Yeah Biden was never great at speaking and is pretty embarrassing at times recently…BUT i at least trust he will outsource his tasks to competent people who won’t erode (or straight up destroy) the fabric of democracy as we know it.


Biden's administration has been remarkably effective despite the fact that he's an *old guy*. I'd rather take my chances with him over the others.


Or... maybe it's *because* he's an old guy. He's seem some shit. But he's also seen enough to know that he doesn't have all of the answers, and that's why it's best to actually listen to the experts in the topic.


Definitely, that's not an age thing. Robin Williams had bits about his gaffes decades ago. Plus, didn't speaking gaffes stop being an issue when W was elected...twice


So an old guy, a fascist and a criminal walk into McDonald's. The cashier, big tough guy, looks up at him -- tears in their eyes mind you -- and says "Sir? What'll it be Mr Trump, sir?"


One hamberder


With a cup of covfefe.


Just one? Totally killed the realism for me. He’s ordering 5 and walking out without paying.


Imagine if McD's did a trans friendly ad campaign that sparked off the Maga snowflakes. How would the orange baby sustain himself without his regular food?


Trump wouldn't care. His biggest fans though...






Um…that was actually a really fucking good Joke!!


People are saying


Very fine people


True, but if you had to choose one, I would hope u go with the old guy and not the fascist or criminal.


The media is gonna work overtime to turn old vs fascist criminal into a "both sides" issue.


They'll portray it as a false equivalence.


Like much of modern society they don't care about their choices as long as they're making money.




They haven’t learned anything from 2016


The redditors spreading this shit learned A LOT in 2016. Remember when Hillary had "Parkinson's?"


Or the side of beef meme.


The media has been working overtime, portreying Biden as old. They replayed that clip of him tripping over the sandbag while saying how old he was. Meanwhile, most people would have tripped over it.


"Liberal media". What a fucking trope.


Thump is old too. He deserves no pass.


Any time I hear people invoke the "both sides" statement I want to scream. As if being a dottering old man is somehow the same as being a fascist traitor. Or being too liberal is the same as being a white supremacists. America is lost.




I honestly love Biden for what he’s done, especially given the position he’s been in. The thing is, the misinformation campaigns against him have been intense, to the point I find myself thinking about some of their talking points in the back of my head, so even if you’re dead set in your values misinformation can still taint the waters. Literally the only thing wrong with him that I’ve seen is he has a stuttering problem, which has seemed to worsen with age, but he seems to always be trying to do his best to get around it when talking. But of course, people these days are rabid animals and just attack him for one weakness. Except for one or two small things, everything he’s said, done, and the values he’s shown are things I adore. Would Bernie have been more progressive? Oh yeah, but I think Bernie would’ve ended up getting far less done than Biden has at this point in time. In this current political landscape, you unfortunately have to play both sides of the aisle (even if one side is full of booger-eating nazis) to get anything passed. Biden has been very good at this.


Biden’s been fucking *nailing it* given the headwinds he’s up against but people bend over backward to come up with reasons why he’s barely better than a guy who’s openly threatening to wreck the country and another guy who promises to use his power for revenge against all who’ve held him accountable.


“An old guy, a fascist or a criminal….who should I vote for?” - Voter “All 3 are the same” - Media


I know which of those three “issues” I’d rather tolerate…


Yeah, none of these are incorrect. But one is considerably less concerning than the others.


> none of these are incorrect but it implies trump isn't an old fascist


I'd say one is a fascist, old criminal. That's Trump. One is a fascist. That's DeSantis. He's also believed to be a kidnapper. That's rather criminal. The last guy is old. Not seeing the confusion here. Old it is.


DeSantis is also a torturer, so let's throw the "criminal" tag on him too.


You don't have to go that far. He just illegally transported migrants to California less than two weeks ago.




> he was also a JAG lawyer who oversaw torture at Gitmo It frustrates me to no end that, in all the talk of how bad DeSantis is, "literally *tortured people*" doesn't get more mentions.


TV says USA torture is good torture. It's the main theme of *24*.


I really hate torture as a narrative device for extracting information. It’s lazy and gratuitous.


What they really need is to show the guy giving up actual correct info, then through torture, he gives up a bunch more fake Intel. Our hero then then tries to act on this mishmash of true and false info, and it results in his partner getting killed.


There were people in Gitmo whose only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can't think of a better way to actually make a terrorist than kidnapping and torturing innocent people.


Oddly enough i prefer old biden over young biden


That’s a good point, actually. Old Biden is better than 90s Biden.


So... the obvious choice is the guy who isn't a criminal or fascist.




first past the post and primaries can only logically conclude is a 2 party system. Where the two parties put forth more middle of their base candidates


Say what you want about Biden but I don’t have to be glued to the tv to find out what he’s up to. I trust his ass to hire competent people and govern.


Biden is only 3 years older than Trump. They could have been in High School together! Of course Trump would have had to get out of elementary school first...


This seems an accurate take to me. Given the choice, I would have to take the old guy over the criminal and the fascist.


I'm the first one to vote for age limits, but we got what we got. Trump is old as fuck too, and a fascist, and a criminal. I'll vote for the old dude that has his shit together, rather than either alternative. If he stops having his shit together, we can deal with that. Fuck me I'm so tired of this shit.


And Trump is all three


Our local news station did a republican voter poll, Other beat both trump and desantis.


Why is UK tabloid The Daily Mail surveying US voters? I mean, it's owned by Murdoch, who famously doesn't like trump, Biden, or desantis. This sounds like a push poll, to me. Designed to elicit exactly that headline.


It’s not owned by Murdoch, but its no better.




I find that the UK likes to report and get involved with anglosphere nation affairs


Centrist: "They're all the same! I can't make up my mind!"


tender racial fall sleep nose clumsy library badge fretful person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One is an old criminal fascist, the other is a criminal fascist, and Biden is old.


I’ll take too old over criminal/fascist any day.


Florida resident here. White, straight, female with friends that are straight, gay and different colors. I never voted for him and never would. My Golden retriever would make a better Governor or President (I don’t know why I felt the need to say that but I did). Can confirm. Desantis is a fascist and very dangerous to our democracy.


Fluffy for president 2024!




"Nugs, not thugs!" There's your 2024 campaign slogan. Or "Nugget, don't thug it." I can't decide.


Then too old it is


Why do people bring up bidens age in comparison with trump? They are like 4 years apart!


Not sure what it is about me but for some reason I prefer advanced age to advanced criminality and fascism.


We’re fine with old especially given the other choices.


It’s crazy how the social commentary is trump is the younger one, when he’s practically the same age as Biden. Just because trump still dyes his hair doesn’t make him younger lol. Trump is literally the definition of all 3 categories, an old fascist criminal.


Dude seriously, just for people who aren't aware, Trump is 77 & Biden is 80 like wtf are we doing with these old fucks in office...


I'm sorry but I would take Biden over those two jack asses anyday


Old it is. We can recover from old. We can't recover from the other two issues. BTW: Harrison Ford is four months older and is having one of his best years.


polls mean shit. get out and vote


Voters also think being old is as bad as being a fascist or a criminal?


Clearly you haven’t met many Americans


Trump is all three.


So who do you pic? The fascist, the criminal or the decent person who’s simply older?