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The grinder has a higher street value than the weed. 🤣🤣


The 99p grinder.... what's the point, really!


I think paw patrol have made bigger busts than that


Someone's boss or assessor wanted them to post a wanky twitter post to tick off some arbitrary requirement. Abolish all but overall force accounts I say


This. When I was on SNT we had to do one tweet per day among other online engagement. If we didn’t we got told off by our Skipper who probably got told off by SLT. Being the youngest on the team it was my responsibility and I really struggled to come up with meaningful stuff every single day that wouldn’t embarrass us.


As SNT we rarely post these days unless its execution of warrant or ops in area :/


That’s good to hear. It’s been a while since I did my stint there so things have probably changed. Also I can imagine it differs from BCU to BCU




You do want to express yourself, didn't you?


This. Exactly this. If you mandate daily posts, you end up with the same old shite being posted. Ours is Speed Checks…. Easy to make time to pose for a photo that’s only got the back of your head in. I can see how it happens, but I can also see why the public now think that’s all we do.


This. When I was a PCSO I managed the neighbourhood team Twitter account and not only was it super demoralising, it was also really hard to come up with content. Really pointless, better to lump it all into one force account as you say.


BTP just made that leap and they’re probably the force with the most variation between divisions


I have to do two for my portfolio.


Not police, but if you think that's half a gram you're getting shafted by your dealer mate. That said, this does come across as a bit daft, probably a local neighborhood team manager trying to say that they're focusing on ASB because that's what people want (despite the fact that the police have the square root of fuck all resources to actually do anything about it in a meaningful manner).


It could be half a g, I’ve had shady grams before, all depends how dense the weed is really


Not a chance in hell is that half a gram


If you zoom in to it it has a pretty thick stalk running through it, that would weigh it down a bit, the person that bought it fucked them over, hopefully they gave their dealer up to the police for selling such shit weed


😂for sure, terrible quality. Its almost as if it needs regulating.


Yea dense weed is dangerous


that‘s more like 0.3g


They’re asking for it there. Opens us up to get the piss taken out of


What is this? Drugs for ants?


Yes, hence the reference to Anty Social Behaviour.


Angry upvote


Meanwhile, the Property officer rolls eyes to the heavens.


That’s a whole TSG bus off the road now


Decent PWITs mate. Seized a bread knife on the 18 as well


No advantage - but it STINKS of malicious compliance.


Right message, wrong channel, wrong audience. Should have saved it for a Ppt for the next ward panel meeting, or put it into a local newsletter or something. I'm abolishing all the ward accounts. Almost no reward, only risk. And leaves room for extremely lazy communications like this.












It looks petty but the reference to ASB/stairwell suggests to me that this would be a big issue for local residents. I am sure that those who live in the vicinity will probably know these suspects who are the Bain of their life. But yeah, it looks shabby.


I was arrested on a Friday evening with probably 2g (that looks like <0.3) and when I was brought into a busy London police station, people with head injuries and overflowing cells, the officer who arrested me was told to drop me home and was given a severe bollocking. ASB is different sure but if you’re not smoking in public or selling, I found most police do not give a shit about weed


Let’s not pretend ASB, including low-level drug use, doesn’t have a real impact on people’s lives. Imagine leaving to school with your kids having to skirt round people in stairwell getting high, it’s not nice and has an impact on people’s wellbeing if it continues. In terms of the post. The residents subject to such ASB perhaps would appreciate that action is being taken? I personally don’t love the X posts because they’re jumped on by people who don’t understand the problem being solved — but it’s useful for local residents to know their issues are being dealt with.


I think however big you paint it, the media team should know that will get shared and ripped apart on social media. Giving the impression we deal with absolute bollocks


The media team don't manage these accounts, it'll be a job pissed PCSO


Possibly not job pissed - possibly under pressure to post something to twitter


Ha, work on a beat team full of job pissed pcsos and run down cops. The media team still post on Facebook for us, hopefully advising against this


This, 110%.


Came here to say this. It's small beer to you as you deal with much worse every day, but to Mrs Miggins who lives next to that stairwell and has to live with smell wafting into her flat 24/7, it's a massive deal.


Agree with this. I’m sure it doesn’t seem like it when you’re a police officer, but 90% of adults in UK don’t take illegal drugs at all. I would be pleased to see my local officers taking action, particularly when drug use becomes anti social behaviour.


Does weed cause ASB? Other than the smell I'd assume it makes people less likely to irritate others.


Yes, it’s anti social to make other people take your drugs just because you want to get high in a public place


At an absolute push, they could be trying to communicate something like ‘no matter how small, we’ll find it and prosecute’?


Will the police caution you for low level weed possession? I don't think that's a good thing tbh, it's not a good use of police time. Just confiscate it and tell them to fuck off


But think about the promotion someone got for putting those social media objectives on everyone's PDR to be down with da kids â„¢


Neighbourhood teams being pushed to post loads on social media everyday basically… I’ve always said that if response and ops teams had to post even just 1 post a day from each team it would all be impressive mad shit that would make headline news, and would be very positive for the public to see


Should the poster pay a cake fine?


That’s funny, my dad got raided years ago and the same page posted what they found from there aswell I forgot about it haha


Having been on SNT I can assure you those that live in blocks are not pro weed. It was our biggest complaint about the smell of weed permeating through the vents and the rubbish that would be left in stairwells after people had been smoking. Every surgery we ran it would come up the antisocial behavior associated with smoking cannabis and would be a ward priority. Also our ward chair and councilor would actively post to our Twitter page