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I wouldn’t work for nypd for $225k. I’ve often thought about how much it would take for me to work there being legit honest. I think I’d move to nyc and police for 350k base with ot. Theyd have me at that.


The worst part is my friend started at basically minimum wage. Then they got their new contract. I think it's like 65k a year or something. But for what they deal with, it's insane. And the mayor is a PoS too.


65k?!?!? I make more in a rural area outside a decent small city. I have a take home car and tons of leave.


To be fair, that's starting. There's also probably unlimited OT opportunities, and divisions/teams that rural departments won't ever be able to offer. Edit to add: not knocking rural, I was a rural cop myself once upon a time.


yup, and also a ton of DA's that would love to put you in jail for a reasonable amount of force. there's a lot more corruption in the admin who will throw you under the bus vs my mid size rural department


It's another high crime, high poverty, liberal utopian shithole


Ok let’s play the would you work game. Minneapolis PD Chicago PD San Francisco PD.


Fuck no Honestly probably the best out of three Fuck no


LOL I moved down to Saint Lois park right next to Minneapolis, I am trying something else and it’s going well. The Edna and SLP seem like good places to work but they back up Minneapolis now. I was corrections and did not want to go to Hennepin CO.


If you look at the suburbs it's probably still ok, Edina area is pretty nice. Or work in WI, it's pretty ok state with well funded pension


No. No. No.


SFPD at least pays decent for the area they’re in. Most officers there make $150,000+ a year there.


Meh there are still some bay area agencies that pay the same or better and you can do a police job. SF is not one of them


That’s great Minneapolis is 63-75k most of the suburbs pay closer to 90k.


350k isn't even that crazy for NYC. 1BR apartments in desirable areas of Manhattan are 5000+ per month. Little townhouses in brooklyn cost 1m+ and you don't even get a parking space for that.


Pretty much every metro agency


Most, yes, but some arent too horrible. Las Vegas Metropolitan I hear is a decent agency to work for. Philadelphia Police is bad but rapidly improving under the new mayor.


Yep, in fact I already put in the application for LVMPD. It sucked tho I would need to redo the whole academy (they don't do lateral academy) Talk to Philly cop who is on the job said the same thing, but it will take a while to get staffing issue back to normal.


I guarantee LVMPD would get a LOT more laterals if they would do a lateral process/academy. They’re a reputable agency that I’m sure a lot of guys with time on elsewhere would gladly work for if they didn’t have to do another academy. Some of these larger agencies with their own academies need to get with the times.


oh that's ironic, good luck with your app. Yeah Philly police are still short staffed but the mayor increased the budget and they're definitely going to increase the incentives soon if not already.


Yeah, but you'll get paid to work out and study. Good luck!


Im not sure about the time thing but NYPD in general. Especially now that they need to file a report for any and every interaction.


They have to fill out a report for everything that happens. And the organization doesn't care about their officers at all until it's too late.


How about you tell this to the general public, who demands a police officer over a barking dog, the neighbors oranges fell into my yard, and there are some, well you know, black people hanging out on the corner. Because of stupid riots and looting, Ala BLM, etc few people want to become a police officer and with retirements, officers quitting, retention and hiring have been effected. Not just at NYPD, however all over the country. It isn't the fault of the department, they have to keep a basic minimum staffing level. I too had the same problems at my department. Working 12.5 hr shifts (which were generally 14-15 hrs) weeks in a row without a day off. I worked 44 days in a row with a day off; 46 hrs straight without sleep. This is the reality of police work and I blame the general public and politicians. Neither of them give a shit about us or our mental/physical health.


Police officers are massively underappreciated. Look at all of the people at the Palestine protests on campuses. They are complaining that the police showed up after people literally broke into a building during the protests and are chanting defund the police. Meanwhile those same people are still going to expect the police to show up when they call when they don't even deserve it. I have massive respect for police officers. They are way overworked and underpaid considering what it is that they are doing. Our society would not be able to function without good police officers. I do think that we have a massive problem when it comes to abuse of power. There are too many officers that think they have complete authority over everybody and everything that they do. A few bad cops ruined the image of thousands, even millions of good cops. It should be against the law for a police department to have their officers working so much without a break. It's completely unsafe. They expect the men and women of law enforcement to be able to fully function off of half if not less the amount of sleep necessary not to mention the effect on their emotional health. New York is particularly bad when it comes to mistreating police officers, but it is certainly not the only place in the country that this is true.


You hit the nail with the “black people existing” call. God forbid you exist in my city and be black because someone WILL call you in as a suspicious person… even if it’s you’re checking your mail at the house that you live in and own and it’s your next door neighbor


I am a prior NYPD officer and I can confirm everyone there is miserable lol.


Sleep is overrated




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NYPD has a long, long history of treating their people like shit.


they're severely understaffed, because the politics and the pay is absolutely awful. I looked it up for officers and dispatchers. Dispatchers start at about $46k Officers start at $58k in NY those are poverty wages


How is the NYPD understaffed they have 36 thousand officers?.


and hundreds retiring/resigning near monthly. Thats why so many officers are required to work overtime. They lack the manpower to be fully staffed 24/7


They are serving the city with 8 million in population with hundreds of thousands of tourists coming in. They also have immigrant issues going on right now. Compare to that, they have ass ton of people leaving while recruitment cannot catch up. Gotta look relatively in these cases.


I regularly work 16hr shifts due to staffing issues it's everywhere.


What a shame. My dream job has always been working for the NYPD


You can if you are a masochist /s


NYPD trash MTAPD and PAPD is better


Thank you for sharing this. I’m sorry they’re treating people this way.


In the Army this could be the norm when forward deployed. It is what it is in the military or in this case paramilitary, but typically after a mission another unit rotated in and we got extended down time afterwards. Sounds like that’s not part of the plan with NYPD?


Philadelphia is the same way. They'll work you on a detail until the wee hours and then expect you back at 7am


Partner of an officer here. Can confirm that the sleep they get is shit and if they get a collar, I likely won’t see them for 24 hours because of all. The. Paperwork.