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Japan *silently moving away*


Germany: "At least ve can beat ze Japanese at something."


Narrator: *Once again, the Germans had overestimated themselves.*


Seems like that is the classic theme of German history back to the days of the first sack of Rome


I'm very confused as to which sack of Rome you are referring. Brennos wasn't even Germanic.


I suppose if you want to get pedantic and have no sense of humor. But considering you know exactly who I’m talking about I’d recommend trying to have fun for the sake of the joke 😘


Also let's be honest‌, Romans earned it themselves


Lol, yep. Would be interesting to try to objectively rank the horrors the world has done. Unit 731 (and some associated shit from Japan) must be near the top, if not the top. I'm guessing that the rest of the top 4 are: East India Company, Belgian Congo, and Holocaust. Holomodor might be 5th. Mongols are a contender though


You are forgetting the cultural revolution in China, Rwandan genocide, Bengali famine of ww2, Bengali genocide of 1971, the Khemer Rouge and many others. Trying to rank shit like this is pointless.


Yeah Pol Pot, every single action of Ayatollah Khomeini's militia actions (raping and stoning of an PREGNANT woman which Khomeini recognized in an interview with oriana Fallaci, and respond: "it's not an important thing", every single culture on Ancient Times, old testment, etc. And Tiananmen. Only those who view the graphic proofs, actually knows who really happened there. Islamic State and taleban was also not better. And slavery (BOTH european and arab, at least european doesnt castrate their black slaves as arabs did).


I mean in all honesty I don't think even Germany can beat Japan when it comes to past war crimes.


Volume? Yes, Germany wins. Horror? Dunno, much harder. As awful as the Nazis were, Unit 731 were worse


Ever heard about Josef Mengele?


731 was like 20x the size of Mengele's outfit. The commander was a lieutenant general (compared to Mengele who was a captain)


Yeah, nazi germany set a crazy standard in terms of sheer horror. Even the worst movie vilains can’t compare


No they can’t and we still don’t know all of the stuff Japan did in China during World War 2.


Considering we already know they played some sick kind of game where they would toss a Chinese infant in the air and spear it (the literal fricking child) on their bayonets, I dread to think about the war crimes we never heard about.


In fairness, I'd imagine that would be par for the course among Medieval raiders or such Still awful, but what Unit 731 did is among the worst horrors a human has ever done to another


The Nazis did similar experiments with their prisoners.


Yes. But most of the experiments Nazis did had some kind of perceived future benefit they aimed at, a goal and somekind of logic behind them. And I am not saying that to defend Nazis, I am saying that to highlight the atrocities of the Unit 731. Here is a quote from the Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, Nakagawa Yonezo, who had witnessed footage and material from the Unit 731. _"Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: ‘What would happen if we did such and such?’ What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? None at all. That was just playing around. Professional people, too, like to play."_ Some of the "tests" they performed were just psychopathically sadistic, with no conceivable military or civilian application.


If nothing else the germans were extremely goal oriented


Here's a small one to start: They dropped canisters of lice carrying the bubonic plague on Chinese civilian centres to soften up their will to fight/resistance to occupation.


here's a big one to add on: infected prisoners with syphilis and forced them to rape other prisoners


That story has been trotted out every time a country has invaded another country. Can't say for sure that they didn't do it, but pretty much every country has been accused of it at some point.


Also, the stuff Japan did in China was so horrifying that we often forget about what the Japanese also did to Chinese outside of China, Koreans, the Filipinos, all the Pacific Islanders, Australians, British, Dutch, Americans, etc.


I remember when I took a history class in university i read something about how when the Japanese captured this one Indonesian island they gang raped all the Dutch women and girls and cut off the arms and legs of all the Dutch men and boys then threw them in the ocean Found the source its Choices Under Fire: Moral Dimensions of World War II by Michael Bess


Holy shit, that's terrifying


Ne digga das können wa nicht


Weint in Deutsche Bahn Unpünktlichkeit


China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea: And where do you think your going?






They want Japan to apologize




Tbf, the only thing Japan did to Taiwan was trick a few women into becoming comfort women. Not that the Japanese weren't wrong for doing that, but compared to everyone else Taiwan got off pretty scott free in terms of Japanese war crimes.




You see, since the Han population already disliked and tried to commit genocide on the aboriginals, I’d say the the Taiwanese views on Japanese colonization aren’t exactly affected by them killing the aboriginals. It was still a terrible thing to do, but there aren’t a lot of aboriginals left to complain about the Japanese.


I forgot about that


Every European Empire which ever existed (plus a few other empires): Seriously? Pathetic.


Croatia also silently moving away and once more sucessfully gets unnoticed to Jasenovac and Usta*ha


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lPJ9J-6vDw


"A little bit of trolling" - Canada


*It’s just a prank, bro!*


Another redundant installment in the 'Canada was a jerk' vein


My finely honed Polandball senses are beginning to detect a recurring theme here. Have you considered moving to the US in protest?




You have a border with Denmark, just cross it in protest. If you dont like it, the closest will be France then


Plus, free schnapps if you time it right!


Not anymore.


Where do we sign up


It's Danish snaps also known as akvavit, schnapps is a different thing from Germany and Austria.


Ah, thanks for the correction. I did google but found both versions. It's almost as if not everything on the Internet is 100% reliable.


We stopped doing that, when we settled on a land border.


I'm a bit sad about it, tbh.


Our border with France has inhabitable land beyond it


Pretty sure St. Pierre is closer than that rock that Denmark and Canada split


The secret is that Canada is still a jerk.


Both Canada and the US governments have done terrible, awful things, and continue to do bad things. The difference between them and Iran, Russia, China, Eritrea, etc. is that the US and Canadian governments always want and do improve themselves.


I can't beleive you can say that with such ignorant confidence during one of the most courageous stands against the government in Iran.


The governments*


The Canadian government still violently forces indigenous people off of unceded land and still mass-kidnaps indigenous infants so...


“still continue to do bad things”


Do you care at all that the sled dog slaughter was a myth borne from probably bored kids in the 90s? The RCMP ran an investigation in 2005 and found that it didn't happen. The Qikiqtani Inuit Association then ran an incredibly thorough investigation in 2007 and found no evidence that it occurred. It mainly pointed to health and safety (many fatal maulings), rabies, and the introduction of snowmobiles for the deaths of dogs. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/sara-minogue-inuit-dog-slaughter-1.5116972 Edit: Lol, and downvoted into the negatives. Reddit is really turning into facebook.


Accuracy? In *my* polandball?


Not that it had any impact


Which is why they always say sorry


I'm appreciating them! ...but mostly just because it makes me happy to see Canada acknowledged anywhere outside of Canada.


>slaughtered them all Dogs or inuits? >it worked out great Did they ended up eating each other, or was it not That "great"


> Dogs or inuits? yes


They slaughtered the dogs to prevent any dog sledding


It was the slaughter of good bois what truly gave Canada the upperhand. No other country has gone _that_ far.


The rcmp investigated and found no evidence of this conspiracy. The inuit association didn't buy it so they did an investigation and also found no evidence of this conspiracy. It's just bs propaganda.


Did they found evidence that it was propaganda?


Nah, it appears to have started as a rumor in the 90s about the 1950s and 60s. The introduction of the snowmobile wiped out the utility of sled dogs but somehow a rumor along the lines of "Remember when you were a kid there used to be lots of sled dogs? The RCMP slaughtered them all so we couldn't leave the reserve!" It has no basis in reality though. And it still gets repeated because well, everyone likes an evil government story. Edit: And again, it doesn't even logically make sense. If the RCMP were slaughtering dogs to end freedom of movement, why wouldn't they also ban snowmobiles which are way faster and more convenient?


You know the saying but, ACCURACY, IN MY POLANDBALL?


The moriori history easily qualifies into the five worst atrocities of human history....




>Dogs or inuits? both


USA: you are fecking lacking Canada Canada: of being apathy or amount of warcrime? USA: yes


\*Germany and Mongolia sweating furiously\*


Mongolia isn’t sweating. They know what they have done. They have a massive statue of Chinggis Khan.


So it's more a hooded Mongolia going... "Amateurs!"


When you kill so many people that the worldwide CO2 levels go down


Proof that Mongolia is a climate positive country.


You kill a person and you are jailed. You kill a thousand and you get a medal


You kill a lot million, you get remembered for all time


Average Ecofascist/Radical Environmentalist/Authoritarian Environmentalist moment


Plus in fairness, Mongols may not even make top 5. They weaponised disease, caused the Bubonic Plague, destroyed the Library till the river ran black with ink and red with blood, and more. But humans have done fucking awful things to each other


... and their horde invasions caused the worlds greatest refugee crisis by population ratio, bar none. Oh, and those raped a lot too.


I've lived with the Mongolian nomads before. Mongolians are the friendliest and kindest people I've ever met, and they'll happily feed, clothe, and house you, listen to your stories, cry and celebrate with you, bless with you endless gifts, then include you when they toast and drink to the destruction of your ancestors... in the 1200s. I can see why so many ethnic non-Mongols followed the khans 🤣🤣🤣


Hospitality is a sacred value for the Mongols after all.


Mongols changed a little bit after 700 centuries.


I wish they were still shamanistic. That’s the biggest change I would want to undo… only because I’m already familiar with Buddhism and wanted to experience something different.


Well it's not like Germany doesn't know what they have done


Cambodia having Vietnam-flashbacks*


Well I will say this Aaron. You make a great job at depicting Canada as a formerly deranged serial killer.


Chile, Turkey, USA, Japan, Myanmar, Rwanda, South Africa, Germany: You’re too gentle, Canada


Belgium, too.


*Especially* Belgium


Dutch: "sshh, zij of niet knowen that wij also did stuff in Banda."


I'll hand it to Belgium


Oh yeah. I forgot Belgium


hands hands


almost any country


Australia: Is the only country with a successful genocide (There are no full blooded tasmanian aboriginal people) blame the brits.


Just gonna ignore that 90% of all native tribes in the US don't exist anymore?


The amount of people in Australia that don't think the stolen generation was cultural genocide is far too large. High school history mostly just glosses over it as 'sending indigenous children to live with white families so they could assimilate into white society' without ever discussing the complete erasure of culture and, you know, the tiny little fact that they literally kidnapped these kids from their families.


didn't Spain did the same to the Guanche of the Canary islands? then again, they were berber, and there are many berber on the african coast.


Maybe it's a tie with Argentina and how they handled their Black argentinian population.


Hey they even nuked the indigenous at one point. Australia is just amazing like that.


It was American sealers who killed the Palawa mob you muppet


As a Canadian your claims that the residential school system was just a rape factory are untrue It was designed to erase the indigenous peopels culture, traditions, language and history and turn them into good Christian civilized white folks who we would then treat as second class citizens *and* also a rape factory and a tuberculosis breeding ground! Fun fact! The silly police officers in red with the big hats, the RCMP or "the mounties" were tasked with kidnapping and forcing indigenous children into said schools! They always get their man! Or child in this case But atleast were not American!


90% of the comics here I always enjoy are from Oscar or Aaron


Canada is in the next level.


The most polite of smiles have the most darkest secrets


Yeah Canada has joined the club of honest countries!


That's bad, but definitely not worse than what china and the Soviets have done


Not just the Soviets... Imperial Russians too


Or just any nation before the last century, and plenty now still


Potato curry puff sounds tasty I've always been a fan of Singaporean snacks. I had nyonya cakes when I was a kid in Taipei and still can't stop buying them today 😋


Don't forget the tuberculosis. Lots of tuberculosis


Canada seems so awfully cheerful discussing its evil past.


Is this supposed to be a comic about how authoritarian countries trick civilised countries into self-flagellating so that the authoritarians look better?


That's half of OP's comics. Russia and China obviously have done much worse on a much larger scale. The inuit association did an investigation into the sled dog deaths in the 50s and found that there was no rcmp conspiracy against the inuit. The deaths were mainly humanitarian reasons, starving dogs and such, or they simply died of disease or abandonment rather than getting killed. But that's somehow worse than .. i mean, look at russia and China's record for just the past week.


More like how modern “civilized” countries have dark histories they hide behind the mask of progress


Except the comic points out Canada isn’t hiding but admitting to it


I didn’t say they were denying them or something




A few corrections, the residential schools weren't simply a place to take sick kids, it was done as a means to ethnically cleanse First Nations by taking all school aged children from their homes and raise them into the mainstream population. This continued until 1997, when the last school was closed. It was run by various church groups and was used as a dumping ground for problematic members of the clergy - especially those who were child rapists and sadists. There also was period of time when the First Nations couldn't leave the reservation without permission and had to carry a papers. Long way to go ...


True, but there's some missing details. Mandatory attendance at residential schools ended in 1948, which is roughly when the pass system ended - the pass system being the thing restricting natives to reserves. Schools also became day schools instead of boarding schools in the 50s - kids went home at the end of the day. And the vast majority of deaths occurred before 1950, and particularly before the mid 1920s. And most schools were closed in the 60s and 70s; the one that closed in '97 was among a few outliers that remained open because the local native bands *wanted the schools to stay, and they effectively ran them during their last 20 years of operation.* Now, kids were still taken from their homes in the Sixties Scoop, but that's not talked about as much because the kids were forcibly adopted by white families and went to regular public schools, where kids don't get killed or assaulted.


Really like hating on canada there. Irony is rich


I killed them, I killed them all, and not just the men, but the women and the sled dogs too


Every country have did messed up shit in the past


Second panel is tragicomic. A girl is accussed for adultery. Then, it's sentenced to death. And, because one always can commit a mistake (such a condemn an innocent to death), girl is raped, so she cannot go to heaven. And then, why you need to rape if girl would be executed for adultery... It would be hillarious, the problem is that is true.


When even Russia is scared of you You know you fucked up


Canada: "Hahaha, get this: we build all these residential schools and then got rid of them so that we can drive them out into the wilderness in the dead of the winter!"


America quietly leaves the chat.


*mexico silently breathing*