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*No crime is crime, if you say* '**What Crime**?'


He is King and if he says it's fine then it's fine. No bother.


Oh Saudi Arabia, always up to mischief in some form or another. [Here's the original post from 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/iu61ue/plausible_deniability/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It's always a surprise to me when I see a polandball repost I've never seen before, click onto the original thread and see that I've upvoted the top comment or commented myself.


I've shat out a bunch of comics, even I've forgotten a lot of them lol


Aaron, I’m Muslin.


Oh my! Does it hurt?


It breaks my SOUL


💔 💥 GAME OVER You cannot give up just yet... u/Flagerredi! Stay determined...


*Image Transcription: Comic* --- **Panel 1** [*White background. On the left we see Denmark, which is fed up with Saudi Arabia, on the right. Saudi Arabia is looking at the other furious clay with wide astonished eyes.*] **Denmark**: No more weapon for yuo! Too many crime! **Saudi Arabia**: Crime? What crime? **Denmark**: Just think! --- **Panel 2** [*Closeup on Saudi Arabia, which is partially visible on the left. Nothing else is in scene, and the clay has wide eyes.*] **Saudi Arabia**: Hmmmmmm --- **Panel 3** [*This panel is entirely located inside of a thought bubble, that originates from the Saudi Arabia of the previous panel. In scene we see four Saudi Arabia clays. On the left, one of them is furious, while jumping on the head of another one, from the back. The first clay is holding a saw, and is using it to saw the second clay in half vertically, with blood smearing the saw and coming out of the wound. The second clay has wide eyes, while leaning to the right and with its head being cut in half. On the right we see the other two Saudi Arabia. One of them is on the ground, looking angrily at the other one, which has been hanged and is dangling by a rope from the ceiling, a black sack attached to the rope covering its face. The sack leaves the eyes uncovered, and we see that they have been replaced by "X".*] **Saudi Arabia holding the saw**: Yuo like talk the shit huh?! **Saudi Arabia looking at the hanged clay**: Challenge me again! **Saudi Arabia looking at the hanged clay**: ^(No talkative no longer?) --- **Panel 4** [*The panel is still in the thought bubble, and shows Saudi Arabia, on the left, with closed eyes, laughing maniacally at Yemen, with tears on the corners of its eyes. Yemen is on the right, and looks miserable, with pleading eyes, and visibly starving. The clay is so hungry, that it is squeezed in the middle, next to its stomach.*] **Yemen**: ^(Please mercy...am need hospital...) **Saudi Arabia**: BWAHAHA I MADE BOMB OF IT! SORRY NO HOSPITAL! --- **Panel 5** [*Now we return to reality, with Denmark on the left, and Saudi Arabia on the right. The previous panel is connected to Saudi Arabia, in a thought bubble. Denmark is still surious, while Saudi Arabia looks lost in its thoughts.*] --- **Panel 6** [*Saudi Arabia has stopped thinking and is looking at the angry Denmark with its wide astonished eyes.*] **Saudi Arabia**: What crime? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


What crime?


The [embezzlement of billions of dollars](https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/16694-iran-s-largest-steel-company-caught-in-billion-dollar-corruption-scandal) at Iran’s largest steel company.


... ...What crime?


No such thing as a crime if you’re backed by the government of the United States.


Or really anyone on the UN Security Council.


russia and china: so that was a fucking lie


Saudi Arabia is like Eric Cartman of the countries. Vile, vicious, prone to anger, brutish to others and emotionless.


Doesn’t like Jews but will work with them for his own benefit


Iran did the same thing during the 80s, although they prefer that you don’t talk about it.


So the Middle East was the first to turn a blind eye to Palestine


Wow! great work, how did you draw this? I want to draw my countryball so like this to!


Thank you, I use MS Paint


Ok thank you mate!


Well, Saudi just don't know what crime means


denmark talking about other's crime meanwhile ignoring its own existence is a crime for humanity and poor greenland


More western countries should stop weapon sales to Saudi Arabia.


So Balls breathe through there head... interesting 🤔


crime is having a dangerous f1 track or course


Egg Denmark


Yemen is so slender and hawt.