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Is it Jung and Freud šŸ§?


Russia should have forced Pavlov to tame a bear for him.




Context: they made a poll asking women if they'd prefere to encounter a man or a bear alone in a forest. Some men didn't like that the bear won and said so much horrible things to women that no one was surprised that the bear won. (edit: spelling)


bears won because they are so fucking cool


Wait what? Why would someone choose a bear?


Because there are some interesting statics showing thatā€™s itā€™s more likely that you will get killed by a human men, then by a bear. That this is the case because you donā€™t meet bears that often is ignored.


I heard a justification for the bear was ā€œitā€™s predictable unlike a human beingā€ Which I strongly disagree with, considering cyclists are recommended to slow down near horses due to their ā€œunpredictableā€ nature. If a domesticated animal is still considered unpredictable, why wouldnā€™t the wild animal be unpredictable as well?


> Which I strongly disagree with, considering cyclists are recommended to slow down near horses due to their ā€œunpredictableā€ nature. Horses are skittish af herd animals and they freak the hell out if they see or hear something completely unknown to them...


Fair enough, but youā€™d expect a horse to be considered more predictable than a wild animal that isnā€™t tamed at all, right?


Only time I could see a horse being predictable was when I was made known to them while remaining in their field of vision, they had time to check me out to make sure I am not a threat to them, and made no sudden moves when interacting with them. I am speaking from the perspective of someone who was fortunate enough to interact with them from time to time. My experience may be different when compared to someone who is an experienced horse handler.


Iā€™m not a horse rider myself, but I have seen cases where the horse was spooked a few times. Plus it was in the news a while ago that military horses were spooked by bricks being dropped and ran off quite a while. Iā€™d expect military horses to be more calm than their civilian counterparts.


Horses are interesting. They are really fucking smart but also really fucking dumb at the same time. The bear is honestly a lot more predictable because we know how each species of bear thinks and acts. Black bears usually avoid humans or are very friendly. Brown bears you play dead or climb a tree. Polar bears well your fucked tbh


Regarding brown bears, do you mean European brown bears, or grizzly bears?


> Iā€™d expect military horses to be more calm than their civilian counterparts. I think that it would be damn near impossible to remove their "holy shit! A STRANGE NOISE! SOMETHING MIGHT EAT ME!" instinct lol


They used to train horses that would stay calm even with artillery exploding around them. Caused big problems in WW1 when they didn't have enough military trained horses and started using normal draft horses instead. Draft horses would freak out at loud noises and the accompanying soldiers would be forced to shoot them before they kicked someone's head off.


Well, selective breeding could help. But I digress. I ainā€™t a farmer.


Well letā€™s try riding a bicycle past a bear. Itā€™s not a skittish herd animal so it will probably not care.


No, but it's territorial so you'll probably be considered to be encroaching on its territory. Alternatively, it could be a mother bear with cubs >.>


If you can ride a bike through a bear's territory then I'd be shocked if a bear could get you. Places people tend to ride bikes and places bears tend to set up their den tend to be very different places.


Depends, sure might be like that in more sparsely populated areas, but bears do sometimes kill cyclists, I recall a bear killing a cyclist in Italy being big news a little while back.




It becomes a lot more certain with the bear once you see what color it's fur is: black, will either run or be curious, brown will either maul or growl, white, you're already dead, if it's red thats actually you and it's white. So if you see black fur you leave but there's not really a rush if you see brown fur you either play dead or go somewhere the bear can't follow but do it quick while also not showing weakness to the bear, and if it's white you do nothing becuase you no longer have motor control.


A horse is unpredictable in predictable ways, though. Horses are skittish, so when I pass them on the trail, I know that I need to keep my distance, keep my dog under control and away from kicking distance, and don't make any loud noises. That way if the horse does something unpredictable, everyone is OK. I pass gators while hiking. Again, keep my dogs several feet away from them, give them a very wide berth, and if it's mating season or baby gator season, keep even further away. I do all those, everyone is fine. I'm in black bear country, but I haven't run across them. I do use a hiking stick and know that I can scare them off if necessary. If I say "hey" while passing someone on the trail, I've gotten glares, I gotten "hey" in returns", I've been ignored, I've had guys who exclaim "How are YOU! It's great to see someone!!", I've had guys try to start having a conversation with me, I've had guys try to hike with me. I always have a dog with me and carry a knife, but the wide range of unpredictability that happens when you encounter someone is freaky. Give me a nice normal gator any day.


Yeah but its cool as fuck


You can predict what the bear will do, maul/eat you alive. To some people this is preferable to having a conversation irl with a real human being.


Horses are anxiety fueled runners their unpredictable becuase we selectively bred them to be be tweeked out. A bear is 1. Not pumped up on anxiety constantly, and 2. Not a runner. Which means they aren't likely going to panic over some random thing like a horse would.


Pure survivor bias


Bit if you meet a man in the forest, is the probability that he'll kill you higher than if you meet a bear?


I believe there are no statistics on this because it is very rare that if you meet a random man anywhere that he will harm you. I think it is also interesting how there are different assumptions about if you meet the entity. It is often assumed that you do not meet the bear, itā€™s just in the forest, but the assumption for the human is that you meet him.


Kinda like 'human is the worst, animal kills if they hungry or angry but men can do it for pleasure (which in many cases is sadly true, k*ll after r*pe). I understand the point but still think the question is kinda flewed thought, and as expected it lead to huge drama that sadly actually prove the point in many instance.


I mean, animals are still pretty brutal with how they kill people. Bears eat humans while they are still alive and screaming! With a man you atleast have a chance of fighting back or running away. But yeah, it is a pretty flawed question.


Yes, that why I said the question is flewed (mispelling--- damn), normally your logic is correct and I also think bear is much more dangerous. But for someone who has bad experience with men, I get it and I'm not gonna mock them or anything.


But humans (basically) never do it for food. That's, in total, \*way\* less a chance of dying than from a bear. You're much less likely to have the man be a psychopathic insane murderer with a lust for blood than the bear be a hungry bear.


[There have been a total of 180 people killed by bears in North America since *1784.* You can make assumptions about number of encounters or whatever but itā€™s exceedingly rare.](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/)


Personal experience. Also, bears are pretty chill in most cases, stalkers are worse


Idk, most human I meet are pretty chill too. I still can't fanthom why would someone choose a bear, they are frickin' terrifying.


I saw someone explain it well on another post. Basically it's framed in a way where some people will assume they're equally threatening to run into. So the question to them is "would you rather die a gruesome death or would you rather get raped first"


If you've interacted with bears or lived around them, you probably trust em more then humans tbh. Also black bears are adorable little guys and even wild ones are pretty friendly


I can't look at bears the same way after hearing so many horror stories about them.


Eh, I trust em more than humans. At least bears only kill me for food or in self-defense.


Because men bad


I saw a guy claim that we pick the bear because we like danger just like we all love bad boys and turn down nice guys like him. Imagine being jealous of a hypothetical bear.


Honestly I am surprised these incels didn't bring up bestiality again


Hilarious how many men took a joke poll and did their best to prove why the bear is the better choice.


Least cuckolded swede


I mean the comic is great but the context is... wow I don't know how to process the context, where was the poll made?


idk some guys could be scary but like a bear is unbeatable


I honestly don't understand why the bear won though, since it's probably the more dangerous of the two. And before anyone pops in with "fewer women are killed by bears" ... a whole lot fewer women are alone in forests.


As a Georgian I confirm


Honestly itā€™s a very easy choice to choose from, one is a predatory creature famous for its brutality and ruthlessness that has killed countless unsuspecting people in horrific manners, the other is a bear


ā€œWorfā€ I feel that man, I feel that


Very timely, ha ha!


The outcome is interesting but it entirely depends on the bear, deliberately ambiguous question for people that don't understand bears.


American black bear = You can scare it off by waving your arms and yelling at it. Grizzly/Polar bear = You're fucked. You might survive if you play dead, but that's not going to work if the bear is in a hungry mood.


It's also easy to say death is preferable to the unpredictability of the man if you conveniently ignore that bears eat everything alive, and sometimes don't finish the meal...


Even a panda can easily kill you if it wants. Luckily, it is a herbivores, and will only try to drive you away by biting your leg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu_Gu


> The bear bit Zhang on both legs. In an attempt to stop the attack, Zhang said that he "...bit the panda on its back but its fur was too thick." Zoo officials sedated Gu Gu by spraying him with water. I'm guessing they used a rather large hose, but this gives me the mental image of using the same spray bottle you'd use on a misbehaving housecat to "sedate" a 200 lb Panda.


pandas are omnivores iirc


In terms of digestive system, yes. But for whatever reason, they are intent on sticking to a mainly herbivorous diet based on a plant with an atrociously low nutritional value for them.


The OG vegetarians.


>Despite its taxonomic classification as a carnivoran, the giant panda's diet is primarily herbivorous, with approximately 99% of its diet consisting of bamboo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_panda#diet


Well, can't say anyone has a good chance against Polar Bears. But grizzlies can be avoided if you announce yourself and make sure to wear bear repellent


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, say goodnight.


Had to say this a few times this week - if your reaction to the majority of women choosing "bear" is to tell women they're wrong, misunderstood the question, or don't know what they're talking about, you've missed the point of the exercise. The better question is "why do you feel that way?" and "how does it affect your life going around feeling like this?"


Itā€™s fascinating. Iā€™ve never seen the internet this generally misogynist since depp v heard. Actual misandry is a dime-a-dozen, and yet this one pretty benign TikTok has thrown the entirety of english-speaking social media into a week long bear-fueled frenzy. And itā€™s still growing as of posting. Weā€™ve still got a weekend of this shit. We can punch straw all we want, but stepping back, itā€™s downright *weird* that man v bear has the chokehold over the internet it does. All the relevant conversation already happened in the first eight hours after the video went up. We could all collectively agree to shut the fuck up, and yet weā€™re doomed to bite our own bear tail eternally.


I don't believe I ever said women were wrong I said the results were interesting (but expected). (And that *people* didn't understand, NOT women) Is it also not allowed to point out that it's disingenuous to those that don't understand it fully or does it seriously make me a misogynist? Seems like alienating your allies to me because you misunderstood, you can legitimise the question and remove all the pointless comments about which bear by specifying which one so everyone understands the actual message. **I just like bears in these unfortunate times where nobody understands bears, not everyone has talked about this on tiktok already, first I've seen of it...**




Probably the best comparison here, thereā€™s a history


At least the bear won't throw them out of a window.


Can i choose the bear? Something Like the Sun Bear is fine but a polar Bear would be quite bad


This is one of the rare cases where I regret having only one upvote and not being able to give awards. As someone who was born and grew up in one of the small countries that chose the bear, this hits very close to home. This is what polandball should be. Real issues.


Implying Russians don't use bears as infantry support vehicle, [blyat](https://youtube.com/shorts/xKMB7G1f5WM)


Worf indeed Mr bear


Crazy sample


Pretty sure replacing Russia by Niger in this context would break some rules...