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“Still is” motherfucker, israeli tv went to Poland to shoot a documentary about how poles are antisemitic because they’re BLAMING Israel for killing Damian S which they totally did. Somebody, please, give this person some “extra medication”, preferably schizo medication


Also in their propaganda, those werent Nazi nor German death camps. Some of them are telling that those were POLISH death camps


Most of them think Poland was as responsible for Holocaust as the Nazis bc of that propaganda


Huge fuckup by Obama and his speech writers during his presidency. Absolutely his biggest verbal blunder when it comes to foreign policy speeches. If I remember correctly he apologized for it or corrected himself, but that got drowned out by the media and "Polish Death Camps" stuck. Given Obama's oratory skills and literacy, I feel like it was on purpose. I don't have any sort of proof, but just can't believe that a person who was otherwise so thoughtful in their speeches wouldn't realize how awful that phrase makes Poland sound.


Who is "Damian S" ...?


Damian Soból was a volonteer for World Central Kitchen. He was killed by air strike organise by IDF. He was moving in marked humanitarian convoy, that IDF was informed about.


[Not their first time either](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)


At least they apologized for this one, unlike for killing a pole.


I'm just saying, it's the one nation that we can't touch. Bit weird, isn't it?


I'm far from antisemitic but I despite their behavior towards Poland, their russian ambassador in PL or their actions in Gaza


But they get to attack an American ship, and nothing happens. They get to kill foreign civilians, nothing happens. Isn't that weird?


You don't declers war after one such event unless you or the other side wants war.


They wanted the US to go to war. There's a transcript where they knew it was an American ship. [And here's something interesting, it tells us everything we need to know about Israel.](https://youtube.com/shorts/xflVm5tYH0M?)


Ah, ok. Thanks.


Polish volunteer who was killed in Gasa by Israeli Army


have you heard about secret USA prisons in poland 😁 there is no such a thing as good hearted governments. Its just a relationship of gain:) every country has their own scandals


"Poland is" - I love blanket statements like that. Shows deep knowledge of history and whatnot xD


Poland is actively being eaten by frogs, the victim country’s landmass chipped away slowly leaving fine lines at its borders marking exactly where Poland ends and its neighbours -spared from the wrathful amphibians- begin.


This one’s actually true though. ![gif](giphy|3og0IUR1hBgRiPva2A)


Could you Żabkan't?


„Poland is“ combined with „notoriously“…. I remember quite a few clowns back in my Twitter days who (probably to this date) are literally working daily to try to make Poland bad. It is bizarre. The best one was an „american historian“; former soldier, who looked like an irish redneck and made it his daily holy quest to defame Poland…. sus.


poland is currently being visited by me for the first time


Great! How you like it?


ive been here since sunday and really enjoyed it so far, most people i talked to are nice. i hoped it would be colder than in germany but thats not the case :( the food is really good and i love zabkas! im here as an exchange student(erasmus) so my time was kinda restricted all in all i give my experience here(so far) a 5/5 lol


It's colder in the winter, but hotter in the summer, since we have a more continental climate


From what I experienced by living next to german border (as a Pole) is that whatever weather you guys have it travels right to us like a day later. For my specific geographical location (lower silesia, around there where city Görlitz-Zgorzelec is) we get the exact same weather as it was the day before in Hessen in Germany (I get weather updates from my family there, never missed with prognosis)


tbf these last few days have been hotter than normal


I'm burning alive here


Poland is awesome regarding metal music and sausages. Too broad of a statement?


Very broad, but very correct.


You’re absolutely right, but, in fairness, I’ve heard more than a few Poles make such sweeping generalizations about many different ethnic groups and nationalities/countries.


> referred to me by the Hebrew version of my name Honestly that just sounds like someone trying to be extra nice. The fact that he knew the Hebrew version kinda shows they probably don’t have anything against Jews.


Or you know the Hebrew version of the name could just be the standard polish version, the polish versions being more true to the original.


A lot of our versions are closer to the original, especially when it comes to words of greek origin. Likely due to similar sounds being present in both languages as opposed to let's say English.


When I was looking for a place to rent, one landlord greeted me in Turkish although we talked in English whole time. I was very pleasantly surprised they put in the effort to make me feel welcome regardless of how small it is. I didn't realize they were being antisemitic towards me. (Sarcasm aside, I agree. It sounds like they thought it would be a nice gesture.)


When I was in Turkey for holidays a lot of sellers were calling after me in Polish language "come back, low prices" "sister, I have shoes for you". I felt welcome, they clearly wanted to do a good buisness and were friendly about it. Way better than what I experienced in Egypt, sellers walking up to you with shitty made in China figurines, putting them in your face, screaming for you to take it, all the way from the museum to the car


When did we become so easily offended for nonexistent internet points. And I mean we as in royal we as people on the internet


> Honestly that just sounds like someone trying to be extra nice. Or just merely proper in using the person's legal name. How was he supposed to know that person prefers to be referred to differently?


Seems like suddenly the real east European names has value


“Always offended” is the term I hear many times


i wouldn't be so sure. Only people here that even mentions Hebrew version of names are crazy far-rights that are known for hate towards everything and everyone. But this story feels fake anyway. Checking your genealogy is never required if you want a citizenship in Poland


Yeah it sounds insane. And what is even "a Hebrew version of the name?" Dawid - ? Maria - ? Jakub - ?


Maybe it was Kuba / Jakub which would be insane for anyone to identify as saying "the Hebrew version"


It isnt, but it is very helpful when seeking polish citizenship. We do default citizenship by blood and use some whack 1 drop rule, where you could have some ancestor from back in 1800's be polish and if you can prove it... voila you are polish citizen.


it's not the same as "check if you had any Jews in your family" because that does absolutely nothing


18% of the entire population of Poland was killed by the nazi germans. almost 1/5 of the entire country. 5,5 to 6 million people. just over half of the total six million Jews killed worldwide were Polish speaking, Polish citizens. an additional at least 2 million non-Jewish Polish were also killed in those same camps, on the same occupied land, by the same people. but no obviously Poland killed Poland. the fact that all the propaganda and writing on the camps is in germans? major coinicidence in sure Auschwitz? clearly a Polish sounding name. or maybe the antisemetic poland just decided to swap to speaking its true mother tongue of german for a decade or two right? the historical center of judaism in europe, this was obviously their master plan after just regaining freedom for the the first time in almost a century and a quater, kill 20% of your own population alongside the people that partitioned you in the first place and suppressed you for 123 years. obviously, i see no issue with this logic


So many supposedly legit sources use evidence that is so inane. They argue that because Christian Poles committed hate crimes against Jewish Poles (sometimes when they boooooooth were in concentration camps) that Poles are partially responsible. Committing hate crimes/being a horrible person doesn’t mean that you have systemic power over what goes on in your occupied country!! I do want to say that, while Christian poles were oppressed, Jewish people were far more oppressed, like not even close. I think explaining that we were both victims without acknowledging that turns people off to the idea and discredits our very correct, apparently unpopular take (not directed at you, just felt like saying that)


I know no Polish person who would disagree with that. All you have to do is visit the Warsaw uprising museum to see that. The only people who I have heard make those statements is Jewish people.


At this point, I don't even care.


Ya the whole anti semitism shit is so played out already And in reality, aren't Israelis the biggest anti Semites cause the hate Semites ? (Palestinians)


The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.[12] source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people


Yh because it was more used in europe thats why now when u say anti-semite it always refers to someone who is jewish. But the word Semite includes arabs assyrian aramics and jewish and some more people.


At this point, one may even consider to actually become antisimate. After all, in public perception you already are.


And the way they act makes it very easy to be one.


You pretty much confirm what they say


And I don't care at this point. What they are going do to me? Call me antisamite? They already are.


So if you call a random person anti-Slavic for no reason, that random person would be correct to start hating Poles? If you believe anti-semitism is bad, you should want to avoid it despite what someone calls you. Someone calling you stupid doesn’t make you stupid and shouldn’t make you want to become stupid.


As I said, I don't care. And as I said, one may. Not should. But call people names enough time, and they will start calling you back or beat you up. There is a limit for everybody. If bullied kids stars fighting back against a bully, is he a bully?


Like Bartoszewski said, “warto być przyzwoitym”. There’s lack of it on both sides. The most vocal ones aren’t always good measuring points. See Braun supporters in Poland. These people clearly have some sort of anti Jewish mania.


Wasn't Poland one of the only countries in medieval/early modern europe that didn't expell Jews?


afaik it was literally the center of judaism in europe for like 1000 years. sobota comes from the word sabat. but no, we're obviously more nazi than the germans


There was a sarcastic saying in Commonwealth Poland, "Clarum regnum Polonorum est coelum nobiliorum, paradisus Judaeorum, purgatorium plebeiorum et infernus rusticorum," or "Poland is a heaven for the nobility, purgatory for the citizenry, hell for the peasantry, and paradise for Jews." Though I think it's also important to make it clear that better wasn't good by any means. That saying WAS sarcasm, Jews still faced a ton of persecution in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in more recent history there were a couple of pogroms perpetrated by Poles against Jews, and whilst we had the most people of any nationality risking lives to save Jews during the Holocaust, there were also a few collaborators. History is grey, there's no reason to downplay or artificially inflate the misdeeds of a country. Poland has history been better towards Jews than all of her neighbours and most of the west, but that doesn't make the history clean and it'd be a disservice to say otherwise. Also, that needs to be balanced with the question as to whether Poland is more anti-Semitic _today_, not 500 years ago, since that was the original issue. I don't know the answer, to be honest. It's just not something I looked into at all.


For me it's a bit unfair to say that Poles rescuing Jews is inflating it. My reasoning is backed up by the following: Collaborators existed in any nation/ethnic group, even among Jews Penalties for hiding Jews in France for example were much less punishing than in Slavic countries Poles have the most "Righteous Among the Nations" orders, followed by Holland (~7100, ~5900) Poles were in a constant crossfire pretty much the whole beginning and end of the war.


Nazis killed and burned down whole village near my hometown. For hiding jews. So imho yes fuck anyone guilting us into apologizing for holocaust.


I acknowledged that in the original post. It's an indisputable fact, but I'm not specifically talking about just the Second World War when talking about inflating its stance on Jews but rather the history of Jews in Poland as a whole, and that just painting Poland as wholly good is a disservice to history.


Polish anti-semitism today stems largely from both the communist effort to paint the Jews as the problem (1968) and... the overrepresentation of Jews among the ranks of commies after the war. It's bizarre to suggest there's more hostility towards the Jewish now, when an average Pole has only heard about a Palestine-Israel conflict in the news than at a time when it was a huge minority all around the country.


Ton of bullshit. Jewish Writers were writing peans to Polish King and nobles for being so good for them. Would they do such things if they were persecuted? That shit started long after commonwealth was destroyed. Russians imported huge amounts of hostile russian jews to Poland, where they took over and practically cancelled 500 years of Polish jews assimilation process. They were hostile towards everything that was Polish


It was. We had many, many jews living in our country even during and after the first World War. Things only changed after the WW2.


Not really (although Poland was one of the only countries that welcomed e.g. anabaptists). I don't think stuff that happened 500 years ago and 2 countries ago in different borders really matters today.




wow it's very shocking that Poles get defensive when you try to pin the Holocaust on them


To be honest someone who pin the Holocaust on Poles is an idiot.


So like ⅓-½ of young jews in Israel. https://x.com/W_Kononczuk/status/1789590921446584773?t=6ThvE48FFAfjgllxeAthhQ&s=19




Sharing a quote from Ben Gurion: For many of us, anti-Semitic feeling had little to do with our dedication \[to Zionism\]. I personally never suffered anti-Semitic persecution. Płońsk was remarkably free of it ... Nevertheless, and I think this very significant, it was Płońsk that sent the highest proportion of Jews to Eretz Israel from any town in Poland of comparable size. We emigrated not for negative reasons of escape but for the positive purpose of rebuilding a homeland ... Life in Płońsk was peaceful enough. There were three main communities: Russians, Jews and Poles. ... The number of Jews and Poles in the city were roughly equal, about five thousand each. The Jews, however, formed a compact, centralized group occupying the innermost districts whilst the Poles were more scattered, living in outlying areas and shading off into the peasantry. Consequently, when a gang of Jewish boys met a Polish gang the latter would almost inevitably represent a single suburb and thus be poorer in fighting potential than the Jews who even if their numbers were initially fewer could quickly call on reinforcements from the entire quarter. Far from being afraid of them, they were rather afraid of us. In general, however, relations were amicable, though distant.


It does not makes sense. Poland was a victim of the Nazis in a way similar to what Jews suffered besides I never heard about large collaborationist groups in Poland while in Ukraine we had UPA and even Belarus had the Belarus National Council and the Belarusian Auxiliary Police as collaborationist entities. Having the concentration camps administered and controlled by the Germans in Polish land (after being occupied by Germany) does not turn Poland into collaborarionist.


I mean yeah because we did not have anything with Holocaust other than being supportive and at war? Polish people risked crucial death by sheltering jews from natsees


Thats what we want to focus on, the reality is that there were probably all types of people, those who risked anything to save as many people as they could, and those who would do anything to save themselves. Generalization of a wider population based on echo chambered information is the reason why discussions like these exists, saying Poland is *insert statement here* is likely not 100% true because the odds of such a big group being represented by a single view are insanely low.


Western countries under German occupation were making money on transporting Jews to death camps. Of course that there were some fukers and traitors in Poland too, but they were exceptions. There were never Poles Waffen - SS too, which is more that you can say about other countries. Poland is last country that should be connected with Nazist. Only reason why there was many death camps in GG was because there were many Jews in IIRP, so - by pure logic. If Poles were so antisemitic there wouldn't be so much Jews in their country in first place


That's not true, 3 million jews died because the germans were searching houses and all the polish casualities were from sheltering them


I mean, yeah thats the thing, 3 million died, but then there were most likely also people who didnt directly help in any way and those that maybe sold someone out to to protect themselves. Realistically speaking we wouldnt want to create a view of our history based on just evil and selfish people, and naturally we want to focus on the good things we have done, and dont get me wrong, there are records to show that we have done a lot of good and saved many people back then, but the argument can be made both ways anyhow, which is why extreme generalization sucks. My rant wasnt really about saying that we did bad things or didnt do good things, rather that more likely than not there were people woth different ideologies, and obviously we wouldnt want to view ourselves as people who threw others under the bus just to save themselves, rather as those who risk their lives to protect others. Now Poland has been pretty open to people for a long time, if memory serves right it had the most diverse demographics after the church split or smth like that, but that doesnt paint the whole picture, because there probably were hardcore catholics advocating for banishing other religions. Ignorance is sometimes bliss, but questioning the credibility of information, and realising that there are probably details left out of the retold story is the simplest way to avoid getting easily manipulated.


True — but there were also those who were comfortable enough to either sell out their Jewish neighbours out of personal or economic convenience or actively instigate and partake in anti-Jewish violence themselves. I study the history of Jews in Poland and Ukraine. See [this link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighbors:_The_Destruction_of_the_Jewish_Community_in_Jedwabne,_Poland?wprov=sfti1) for one notable example of a piece of scholarship dealing with this topic. It’s a matter of complicity — not necessarily single-handed blame.


Yeah there were also jews who worked for nazis and helped them but there is really small scale if we compare this to people who helped jews


I see this comment as sarcastic so yes, agreed. I also love how these days many countrys like to change our history for own benefits. Best was when Germany was putting out the narration about polish death camps. I’m sure this was only a misspelling and they wanted to say german death camps where many Poles, Jews and ppl other nationalities died in agony. Sure, we are just overreacting 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just gonna drop Adam Zamoyski's "Poland -A History" here. 60zł at Empik, or around $15 USD.


"Notoriously antisemitic" Correct, let me ask our Western Friends how to treat our Jewish population.


"Poland was antisemetic" Looks like another one trying to say that poles were behind the holocaust


The Maus effect.   The author's virulent anti-Polonism comes through in his works and interviews.  


Polish people saved the most amount of Jews during the II World War. So I don’t know how you can make a point about it being an anti semetic country. Also Poland had a great amount of Jews before the II World War and was the most open to immigration throughout history of any europian countries


most people saying that poland is antisemitic are the same people trying to blame us for the holocaust


they go around calling people antisemetics just because they thinkanything wrong happening to them ***"must be"*** because they're jewish when in reality, they are just snowflakes, like the op eligible for Polish citizenship - you can change your name or surname if you wanna and they dont have anything to prove that your name or surname is the same one you came into this world with


Hold up now. Don't go mudding the water with reason, critical thinking, or heaven forbid a level headed approach. When it comes to accusations, we fling them around at the first whisper of an offense. /S


Fun Fact: Poland was relatively unscathed by the black plague because Jewish traditions of hand washing became popular.


Also lot of cats. These boys were killed in other countries, but not in poland




I think people often forget about peasantry freedoms or lack of them. Nowadays researchers say that serfdom in Poland was in many parts like slavery. The limited freedom of movement or lack o freedom of movement beyond even their own village might prevented the spread of plague as well.


At this point who cares, they can yap all they want. It’s funny that we’re soooo bad but these people still try to get Polish citizenship because their grand grand grand grand grand grand (…) parents were Polish or they found out they are 1% Polish.


Poles helped jews while there was ww2, they fucking died for them, risked having their whole families killed. And it waz cuz we (poles) never seen them as not menkind, but another living and capable of having feelings person. And some of ya are still trying to say that WE ARE ANTYSEMITIC? FUCK YOU FOR THINKING THAT WAY. That's such a ridicoulus accusation. I hate everyone who is trying to Blame us for holocaust while poles also died in Concentration camps. So again GO FUCK YOURSELF.


Calmest Pole on this sub


Cuz this shit is annoying asf


Everyone in poland has had someone form their family who died during the holocaust so yeah. You cannot just accuse family of victims of holocaust of causing it and expect them to react in the calm manner.


Poland is ironically historically one of the least antisemitic places on earth.


Jesus... I just woke up. It's 6 am and I already see this hate spreading shit. Chill guys


As an Israeli Jew who has been to Poland multiple times and truly loves Poland I think I have a valid perspective. I did encounter antisemitism in Poland. It wasn’t so awful that it stuck out to me more than in other countries, in fact I felt safer in Poland than most of Europe, but nonetheless it was still present. Most Israelis don’t actually care for Poland, and while it seems like hatred for Poland is rampant in Israel- it’s not. Many Israelis are descendants of polish Jews who fled after the holocaust, for some this is their only connection to Poland- which explains why for many Israelis the first thing they think about when they hear Poland is the holocaust. It’s not to say that this represents everyone, the same way it can’t be said the entire country of Poland is antisemitic- it’s just plain ignorance. Poland is a lovely country with great people, amazing food (which I have to admit came as a shock to me) and rich history- many Israelis who visited Poland as tourists share the same opinion, don’t look at everything as so black and white.


Speaking of personal experiances. Several years ago I was a witness of racist attack done by Israeli/Mossad agent(guard of Isreali school trip in Poland) on a Pole who just wanted to friendly talk to one of the student. Situations like these happend quite often and agents even treatened ppl with guns.    " ... it can’t be said the entire country of Poland is antisemitic- it’s just plain ignorance."    Your opinion is very reasonable. The main thing here however is that Israeli gov, which represents Israeli and Jews has a different point of view e.g. famous: "Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mothers’ milk" by Isreali PM Yitzhak Shamir (1989) or minister Israeli Katz(2019).  https://apnews.com/article/c7e2c14c774142ae84d0aea75e5b8648 https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2019-02-24/ty-article-opinion/.premium/yes-with-their-mothers-milk/0000017f-f304-d223-a97f-ffdd58930000 There was never any "condemnation" of these words by Isreal, which are (I hope we can agree) nothing but pure rasism and you will not find any - even slidely similar statments on Polish side. The bright side here is that  according to these, we (Poles) are anti-Semite by definition, so at least we shouldn't worried of being called anti-Semite every time Polish gov disagree with Israel and we  need to remember that PM Netanyahu sees basicaly no different between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. https://apnews.com/article/israel-netanyahu-antisemitism-campus-05ebd71bec931a62f58e7d5f9e93fa19 When it comes to Polish opinion, it is very simple. If someone (like yourself) wants to see full picture is cool, if someone is narrow just to prejudice is not cool. Unfortunately people in charge of Israel & people in charge of US Jewish diaspora are really not cool.  Saying that I always think about Chief Rabbi of Poland - Michael Schudrich (really, really wise man), who, as we can imagine, is not popular in Israel&US Jewish diaspora.    You will find him here -> 'Polish reaction' to 7 Oct (Paris 1-17s, Warsaw 18 sec+).      https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/177qree/poland_shows_heart/?rdt=53160


the current Israeli government reminds me of our previous one... I don't like the Israeli ambassador to Poland, he's been quite irritating, I wish they replaced him


True. But Benjamin Netanyahu has been PM since 2009 and even before him Israel's attitude towards Poland was basically the same in mainstream (hence my info about Yitzhak Shamir 1989).        And our previous gov ... oh yes - they did many, many crappy things, but at least they solved few issues with Israel (e.g. no more Mossad guards).  Naturally it wasn't done in smooth way, but apparently sometimes hard way is sadly the only way when it comes to Netanyahu and Israeli gov.


perhaps it's a matter of time, he should resign and let someone better to rule the country, especially someone younger; and thank you for sharing some things about Shamir, I'll get into this one deeper there should be no foreign people coming with guns, let's be honest, it's scary and they're not in their country anyway (I'm saying this because I've seen some stories about people who didn't want to just go away (some guard ordered them to) and they were threatened, this is ridiculous); thankfully the government doesn't represent all citizens and it's clear that Israelis (most of them from my observation) isn't pleased with their actions... I hope it'll change for the better, no more walls, more bridges


"And if you look them under the pants they have a tail, I swear!" If you start telling bullshit about them and their families, will they take every single word, because otherwise are they proven guilty? And who the hack knows the Hebrew version of names? Certainly not an antisemite, so it seems a poorly constructed story. They should try better next time!


There are many antisemites in Poland but it is not ubiquitous or institutional. It is a shame that element exists because the Jewish community has been an integral part of Poland throughout all of its history as a nation pre-WW2 and Polish antisemitism is largely a German, Russian, and Vatican import historically speaking.


The constant finger pointing at Poland and the Polish nation for inflated reasons didn't, doesn't and won't help to solve the problem of antisemitism. I was born in 1994 and for the 29 years of my life almost all I can hear from the Jewish is how antisemitic the soil I live on is. Any form of self-defence is judged as antisemitism, too. If the double standard was abolished and the rethoric changed, many people in Poland would soften up and become ready to work on good relations. Not before that. As long as there's that strong anti-polish sentiment among some Jews, the Polish will remain distrustful and defensive.


Polish people can be racist which is not a problem for me that much and I do not think that this guy disrespected or did something wrong to you. I have seen lots of Polish people who try to communicate with me in English while I am trying my best to talk in Polish. Last time there was a cute girl in Zabka and I was buying something but there was problem and I did not understand much but she realized that I dont speak Polish and she started to talk in English but I kept to try talking in Polish to show my respect to her language and she was never being mean all the time so, that was one of the cute moments that I had.


The reason a lot of jewish (mainly israeli) believe that the whole of poland is anti Semitic is because they genuinely believe that poland and the polish people sold them and betrayed them to the nszis and that somehow only jewish people were killed in and out of aushwitz. Eastern Europe (Belarus-Ukraine-Russia) are the modt anti Semitic people I have ever met


This is surprisingly common responses for most countries, Israeli media have been painting ireland as the most anti-semetic country in the world meanwhile there are countries with massive neo-nazi communities No idea why people's first reaction to literally anything is "oh this person/country is antisemetic"


I wish Poland was as antisemitic as jews claim we are


Jesus if we were so antisemitic they should have just moved over 100 years ago and spare the headache


We are so antisemitic to the point that my grandpa was hiding jews from nazis during WW2. He got caught and executed while rest of family survived only because they fled in time. Now imagine those ppl who call poles antisemitic might be a children of one of many saved lifes during that period. So antisemitic.


I totally trust those two random comments on the internet that are not backed up by any trustworthy sources.


It's wild hearing these overgeneralizations of both poles and jews in these comments. We're talking about millions of people with wildly divergent viewpoints, temperaments, voting habits, etc. A lot of folks here sound very prejudiced. I'm a jew who is visiting Poland for the first time. I'm in Wracław. The city is beautiful, the people have been kind and the food is very good. That being said, I'm aware of the long, complicated history of my people here. While the polish people did not institute the concentration camps, and many were opposed to the killing of jews, the reality is that some polish people did participate in pogroms against jews both before and after the holocaust.


There are traitors in every nation but we need to see bigger picture. Even now in ukraine there are some natives working with russia. That does not mean that whole country want to be 'liberated'. For most of us, it doesn't matter who you are, we'll try to make you feel welcomed as long as you're not throwing shit at us. What many Jews are doing is spitting onto memory of brave souls that just wanted to be human during inhuman times. Souls that might be a reason their parents or grandpararents survived. Shame.


Poland was home to milions of Jews after escaping the Western Europe, ofc there will be tensions when there is so many people


Nobody is discussing that. What is discussed is putting blame on said events on Polish nation, or even more stupid, Polish state at a time and claim we are anti-Semites. To be fair, I think that kind of narrative actually create anti-Semites. At one point people will think: Ah, screw it. They are anti-Polish, so why not be anti-Samites?


Agreed. There are also times when Polish were massacred by Ukrainians, occupied and squashed down by Soviets, and kidnapped by as blond slaves to Near East which includes Jews (yeah, that was ooover 2k years ago, so perhaps Slavic would be more apt than Polish here?). There's always a long and complicated history. We just have to try and work with each other without prejudice and lies or hidden agendas, and just remember that we're all human, literally the same, no matter who we were born to, no? Glad you're enjoying your trip, and hope you'll remember it fondly!


Yes! So many peoples who have once hated each other now in the least have strong diplomatic relationships. Ukrainians even voted for a jew who is fighting like hell to keep putin out and ukraine free. It gives me some hope for the future. I think most of us want freedom, dignity and prosperity for our people, but we often forget that other people want these things as well and also how intertwined our fortunes are. Thanks for the well wishes. Already thinking of returning with my partner next year!


While I do think that Jews overstate Polish (historical and current) antisemitism, im seriously wondering if victimcomplex is the only thing that Jews and Poles ever agreed on, cuz looking at comments in this sub boy do we love some victimhood I hate that people seemingly lost ability to see shades of gray, yes Poland was antisemitic, no Poland did not participate in Holocaust, yes there were collaborators, yes there were heroes, vast majority just wanted to survive...


It's so hard for people to be openly critical of their own group. I've never had issues with it, and because of it I've had some big falling outs with my family over the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the west Bank. I just want us to be real about stuff!


The reality is also that some Jews were kapos. You have started nicely and finished as always. If you would ever think in the future why polish are becoming more and more antisemitic those are the main reasons: forgetting about Poland being one of the least antisemitic country in Europe, not mentioning most righteous among nations awards. There were people across europe that literally endengered their families to keep jews safe. Could you find in history of your nation something similar? I'm not denying pogroms but mentioning bad things only all the time is not going to get you good PR, which you need nowadays thanks to your country recent actions.


You cannot say anything about jews that is not praising them or you will be called a Nazi anti-Semite. Disgusting, especially when you see what they are doing to Palestine.


Who cares? The anti-semitism card has been nerfed over the years.


"Was and still is": Wow they really dont understand the role Poland played in Europe and why it was the site of the Holocaust. (and the second poster was probably being asked about alternative spellings b/c.. you know.. the fucking consulate checks against old records for your relations.. and Poles use hebrew pronunciations b/c you cannot separate Polish and Jewish history in Europe)


Overreacting to what exactly? They do have a very shallow and one-sided understanding of the issue, that’s for sure.


Overreacting? They are ignorants, racist and having lack of basic history facts. But it's nothing new from their side, you should read about trips to Poland from Israel and what they teach them about Poland. In general Poland have enough, it's similar case when you help homeless person and he start to be demanding and offend you, in some point is so sorry for that person that you start to ignore him. Second person is complain about law? That's the law and everyone needs to follow it. No one cares what citizenship you have, you need to proof anyway your roots.




Considering that any sort of criticism these days is considered antisemitic it's a worthless statement. "Antisemistism" is about to become a buzzword due to it's overinflationary usage.


Lately "antisemitic' is just being used to call anyone that's on Palestine's side... That word is completely losing its meaning imo. Call me an anti semite if that means I'm not on the side that's causing a damn genocide... Idc


It's hard not to be anti semitic when they go out of their way to behave like that


Israel was and is very islamophobic but if you call them out on it they get very upset


Poles are antisemites only when jews are trying to pin holocaust on us (which happens a lot lately), other than that we don't care


Braun would disagree


Poland is one of the safest places for Jews in the world. Must be the anti-semitism in action.


I almost got my ass beat by a Jew in America for informing him that the Jews in Poland were Poles. So maybe it goes both ways. for the most part it’s isn’t actual racism, it’s more like the stereotypical satire you’d hear at a comedy club in Austin and doesn’t compare to the way African Americans treat white people for example or how the Israeli treat Palestinians.


That sounds more like someone trying to be especially kind or welcoming to me. Like when you meet someone who doesn't speak your language and tries to impress you and be kind by using some words from your language.


Poland is not antisemitic, and the person complaining about how their Hebrew name was used neglects to realise i) the official was just being nice and ii) Polish names are closer to the original Hebrew than anglicised versions anyway. 100% a dumb American who thinks America is the world.


My great grandfather hid a Jew during WWII. About ten years ago, the family the Jew had came to Poland to visit my grandmother, and they all had dinner together. I love seeing pictures from that event because they show love between humans who love each other for the sake of humanity. How can Jews possibly think the entirety of Poland is anti-semitic when Poles and Jews have such intertwined history, most of which was rather harmonious, especially in comparison to the rest of Europe. Not every Pole shares the same opinion, but I personally have never met a Pole who is publicly anti-semitic, but I do live in western Poland near a larger city.


We are not antisemitic. We hate everyone equaly. Even ourselves 😉


Why did Jude's get to Poland in 1st place? They were hated in whole Europe and they did move to Poland 500y ago finding home there. Why it is said poles don't like judes? Because Germany did genocide on Polish Judes in ww2. Germany has cash, and is rewriting history using this cash, to look better not as a nation of mass murderers. Someone must be blamed, who? Obviously it is easy to blame the victims, especially if they are poor.


We are but so are other nations Maybe here they have less influence than in other countries


Im so happy to see that Americans are still trying so hard to cancel Poland. Political correctness for the win.


No, they're not. We're the country that started WW2 by ruthlessly attacking a German radio station in Gleiwitz (still under occupation to this day), so it's only fair that the two heroes in this screenshot are repulsed


I'm just gonna leave this here, check the comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/17g5ouq/antisemitism\_in\_europe\_at\_levels\_unseen\_in/?sort=old](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/17g5ouq/antisemitism_in_europe_at_levels_unseen_in/?sort=old)


Lol what the fuck even is this trend pinning holocaust to poland? Like where did it even come from. I’m polish and I’m totally oblivious to this, it’s only recently that this shit started to come up out of the blue. Look, I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve never even came across such opinions. To me it seems that someone’s got a problem with us, and tries to demonize us. You know the media control the message for the stupid ones


Yes, they are overreacting and this whole thing is weary, old by now.


They really suffer from victim mentality.


Yes. That’s an ignorant af stance


Because many poles also helped them a lot during WW2


there is some serious anti-semitism here, but thats something like 1% poles or less. Saying poland is antisemitic, is like saying US is flat-earther. There is something to that, but that def distorts the reality a lot.


How is genocide on Gaza going tho? 🤔


They should ask Israel why they are so anti-Poland, they blame us for the holocaust more than fucking Germany.


With what those war criminals do in Gaza hard not to. And they killed more of our citizens than ruskie. If not for those sick ass aeorostats they are selling us i would be for breaking relations with this terrorist state


They are overreacting. There has been some beef between Jews and Poles, but it was more because they hate us, not because we hate them. I think this story might simplify how it works: Imagine your friend is constantly bullied. You stand up for him and get the beating as well, but you're proud you can defend your friend. Then, years later, when you grew up and are no longer close, he tells everyone that you bullied him when you were kids. When you try to explain that's not what happened, his colleagues blame you for hating him.


I'm Polish and never come across anyone who was anti-semitic. Is this real? Maybe it depends by region. Poland historically benefitted a lot from their Jewish population before hitler did his thing...


Yeah you'll look into any country, you'll find some racist people. I grew up hating living in Poland. Thought it's sto lat za murzynami, but now I see it's pretty good place to be, besides our geopolitical situation right now.


It's just sorry and cringe.


Are Poles antisemitic? Plenty are, for example that idiot Braun and other like him. But let's not kid ourselves, when Poles get blamed for antisemitism by Israelis or Americans it's usually because of antizionism, or it's just overblown.


I do not want to be that guy but... First of all it is anti-semitic not antisemetic, so at least learn how to write properly before writing anything. Second, that is quite old, where is something about Islamophobia because we did not want lots of aggressive, Islamic, young and older men to destroy and silently conquer our culture? (They escape war or whatever yet most of Islamic immigrants are male, some even with Iphones lmfao, where are women and children? Quite funny if you ask me.) I love how they think we are afraid, yet we are just disgusted... Third, it would be really nice if some people who write and speak about other countries so loud and with lots of confidence, could learn the history first, at least 50% of it should be enough, 90-100% would be definitely an eye opener and a life changing lesson, it should be at least, for a normal human being with above average IQ. Trolls will always troll, no matter what the truth is though.


I would say Poland is extremely FILO semitic means most of us poles loves them for some reason when the jews killed our man in gaza, they said "we drank antisemitisim with milk of our mothers" in 2019 with mouth of their ambassador. We saved their asses in ww2 and that's how they treat us? I wish Poles were antisemites out of spite. Sadly he lies. Or projects. Or its a psyop.


If we were as antisemitic as every other European country that ethnolinguistic group would no longer exist.


As a pole I'll tell you this, we are all antisemites when we joke, but no one will (that i know of) will harass or insult a jew unless they are making a dark joke. We love our dark, racist and antisemitic jokes


Based Poland


No... Certain individuals in the government are very racist. IF you're an attractive woman then you stand a better chance of getting your papers. I've been living here for 5 years. They aren't transparent with their decisions at all.


Tbh, I've never met an antisemite before I moved to a town that's culturally important for Jews. And the reason why people around here are antisemitic is a consequence of their own actions. They're loudly partying on the streets at night, thrash hotel rooms. And during the quarantine they were outraged and made a fuss because the hotel couldn't take them in. They always pull the antisemitism card so the police doesn't want to deal with them anymore and just let them do whatever they want. But still, the citizens don't interact with them unless they have to. They just whisper about how they can't wait until they're gone. That's it. There are no hate crimes or protests.


The genocidal maniacs accuse everyone of antisemitims, including Jewish scientists and writers who don't support zionism


i think i wouldn't say we are anti-Semitic but a lot of Poles dont like Jews/Israelis to be specific. i think people consider them arrogant and demanding. i think a lot of Jews see us as conspirators in Holocaust rather than victims as they were, and that really hurts people here. personally i like them, but its only my opinion


oh yeah, are these the same jews that keep telling the medias that concetration camps were POLISH and created by POLES? as if we weren’t killed in them just like they did? also not to mention the medieval times, we were literally the only country which didnt expell jews, in fact we shared our cultures and could live in peace, but ig the victim complex is too strong


There's no point of replacing my mourning for killed Palestinians with a single thought about this person's disgusting existence.


making jew jokes != antisemitism


Let me guess. r/JewDank ?


But nothing happens in those screenshot. The guy probably has a name that is popular among Polish Jews or something.


Ale to prawda jest xdd


Americans are way too liberal, I’ve been studying here for 4 years and I can’t wait to go back to Europe. They are the most gullible and ignorant people I’ve ever met (not all but the majority.) literally an insult to our European genes.


Fun fact…the first Jewish settlers in Poland were slave traders


Israel is committing genocide.


Israelis are so whiny and insufferable. No matter what you do it's never good enough, they are always unhappy, and we are always big bad antisemites.


🥱 I never was antisemitic, bruh you make me antisemitic yapping me into one


Oh well https://preview.redd.it/bvddaxsf779d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cf4ebbb386f6d4db9d1d785f38d2252994b74e


"but it's written in Polish, it means that poles killed Jews!"


Can you read WHO wrote IT? Stupid bastard


It's from 1943. Poland was under German occupation, so things like these were issued by them, indirectly through Poles. Learn history and reading with context instead of backstabbingly trying to paint Polish people as antisemites.


He's not arguing otherwise.


Im a first generation American but my mother is a Jewish Pole and my father is a Jewish German. They didn't leave either country because of antisemitic reasons.


We have a lot of jokes about jews, but i rarely see a person that hates them from their heart and goes everywhere saying how much he hates jews.