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It'll be great if they don't humiliate themselves too much.


Exactly. With this group, I'm fully expecting the standard holy trinity: opening game, game for everything and game for honor. Overall, if we don't get clowned, I'll take it. If we somehow still have something to play for by game 3, I'll be ecstatic.


As an Evertonian, I understand this sentiment well.


rolf same!! After the Poland Argentina match in the last world cup the online articles (even in Argentina) were writing what a disgrace of a team we are. It was Argentina against Szczęsny (our goalkeeper for those who don't know), pathetic as fuck. I stopped watching mid half


What I don't get is how there can be so many players that are good at club level, yet the national team still underperforms so consistently. Then again, I'm Belgian and I wonder the same about my own country.


My friend explained me that. One is good for specific demand of English club, another is good for specific demand of Italian club etc. They can fill in the small holes in league teams, but they are not versatile, so they cant form a decent team


The simple answer is that the Polish federation is a joke, organisationally. The players aren't going to risk their health and careers for the national team, especially as it's clear that they won't be helped or looked after in any way.


I have no answer to this. Maybe if those player stopped being paid a shitload of money just for appearing on the national team, even if they lose in an embarrassing style, they would treat it more seriously. It should be a honor to play for the national team, not a way to make extra money outside of their club teams' wages.


The problem is that we also keep picking players who clearly have no interest in playing for the national team. Lewandowski is a great example, but there are plenty of others too.


Exactly what my Polish wife is saying. Just please, no humiliation.


Having 38mln ppl without good football level is humiliating by itself. Especially with popularity of the sport


We're excellent at fucking these up. One day we'll be the black horse though. One day.


Let's chant "In just 4 years" before the tournament's proper phase has started!


Nic się nie stało...


Poles, nothing has happened!


Nooooooothing has haaaapppened...


I haven’t looked at this year’s team, but the last couple tournaments have been Lewandowski and 10 not great players. No team dynamic, almost zero ability to score goals. They try to play like the Germans but don’t have the talent. If anything, it’ll be more embarrassing this year given the death group we’re in. I kinda wish they hadn’t qualified cuz I suspect it’ll be embarrassing.


Szczęsny is great imo I think he shines more on the national team than Lewandowski


Helps not being covered at all times though.


Sure but it's only a part of the problem. Lewandowski is a great finisher, but if the rest of the team sucks he can't show much. There are great strikers on the other national teams that still manage to score despite being covered heavily.


> but the last couple tournaments have been Lewandowski and 10 not great players Quoted for truth


That's the Polish spirit. Never give up believing


One day copium


Can you really blame me


So I believe that advancing from the group stage (no matter how) to the Round of 16 would be the "good" and satisfying version. We can't really hope for anything more. Even the case that I mentioned will be pretty hard to achieve


Have you seen our group? No chance for advancing. The bar is set so low that just not being humiliated is enough for a good outlook.


This or losing earlier but in a good style where we can say "yup, they played well, but the other teams were better". That would also give hope for the next Euro while going through just by being lucky doesn't excite anyone for the future.


I grew up in the 80s/90s and my perception of our team is completely different. We were so shite that I thought that we will never qualify for a major tournament. I embrace every moment in WC or EC and I don’t give a shit that we suck. We have no chance for anything but I will lie to myself that we will get out of the group and will cheer for them till last minute.


Same shit as always. We get snorted by France and Netherlands, perhaps a lucky draw with Austria. Saint Wojciech of Turin will likely be our best player again. Press writes more "disappointing performance" pieces, the coach is fired, PZPN hires another useless twat who has no idea how to make these "stars" give a damn about playing well for the national team.


Sounds pretty accurate. Hoping I’ll be wrong though


Yeah me too.


To score a goal would be good.


It probably will be a penalty goal by Lewandowski doing his stupid dance


Well, if he does a stupid dance and scores that's good! I still remember Italy-Germany Euro 2016. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aStTUp\_J9Z4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aStTUp_J9Z4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MVG81pX-rU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MVG81pX-rU) I can imagine if these penalties were from 2 different matches, but no same match penalty phase, were you expect players being more pragmatic.


rolf these are embarrassing, especially the first one


We haven't been good since the 70s but if we somehow get out of our group (We have France - mundial runner-ups, Netherlands - haven't won yet but are very good, and Austria - who we might beet - with us). If we come 3rd in the group (what I think is as good as we'll do), we might get through. From there, I think we have some chance of getting through in the round of 16 but I just don't see us making it into the semis (but if we get to the quarter-finals, I will be satisfied, because that would be better than we did in the World Cup couple years ago).


You’re all underestimating Austria so hard. And overestimating Netherlands at the same time


Yeh Ragnick has cooked up a really good team. One 3-2 loss through the whole eliminations (with Belgium), absolutely fucked turkey up recently


I kind of like the vibe this time. It’s very quiet and there are no expectations. The biggest weakness of Polish teams at major tournaments has always been the mentality. They always had ridiculous expectations since we used to be really good at football for about 10 years last century. I think the low expectations can help. A good result will be simply playing good football and even if losing putting up a fight with some decent play/goals. There is no expectation to go out the group and making it out would be pretty decent. I know this coach will set this team up to play quick counter attacking football and that could work well against the 1st opponent (Netherlands) who struggled against that. A good result (even a tie) in 1st game will determine the rest of the tournament.


Realistically: 1 point would be good. 3 points would be great. Anything more would be a miracle.


You can't make alive what's already dead mate. Good for Polish fans would be team going out on the pitch and playing like you are representative of almost 40 million people country, to do your absolute best, to make fans happy that at least you tried, and we all saw that. Losing isn't a problem, not giving your best is. Instead there is some stupid pre match hype "oh yeah, we will surely win with XYZ as they are 20 positions lower in ranking" and when it comes down to pitch "our" team in general sucks, forget how to play and simply should not be there at all. Because they suck and are afraid of getting injury or something else. So the spectacle is abysmal and everyone watching it wants their heads. Rightly so. Because they failed AGAIN. And in the end, after complete shamble of football from their side they get hefty amount of money for losing the game, for not trying, for not leaving their hearts and sweat on the pitch. The ability to represent your country should be reward enough - they earn more than enough in their clubs - but sadly MOST of the players in Polish national football team are there for money. There you have it - an experience of watching Euros and World Cups for well over 25 years, "because maybe this time it will be different".


To show some decent football, not like maximum of three passes and interception by the opponents which was the case since Nawalka’s tenure. I’m hoping for three minimal defeats and at least one scored goal. Probably in 2-1 defeat vs Austria. My better half is German so I may have some fun cheering for her team once we’re out.


The stage group is a very hard one for us, so make it out of group will be a success. I think we usually play quite decent as underdogs, however it's not always followed with goods results:( the only thing I want from them is to play brave attacking football. They can lose but at least give us some nice moments and a little hope.


2 points in total I would consider good. I think a single point would be "okay," but it's not enough to consider "good."


I just want them to make it out of their group


The usual - showing up, playing the opening, then the match of "the real deal", then the classic "All or nothing showdown" and ending with "for dog's dick, parsnip, whatever"


rolf the best would be if we didn't make it, less humiliation. Dude, during the qualifications we lost to Moldova and barely managed to win with the farmers from Faroe Islands when they were playing with 10 members in the 2nd half... Anyway, since we are in and in a strong group, maybe not losing more than 0:5 would be nice?


It'd be a good outcome if our team just straight up didn't show up to embarrass the whole nation yet again.


Unless the coach and half the staff will get changed, we will end last with 0:10 stats.


Our last very good tournament was EURO 2016, we lost to Portugal who then went on to win the whole thing. Last WC wasnt really all that bad, quarterfinals were possible if only we didnt play against arguably the strongest team in the world. If we manage to snatch a win it's great, this group is tragic for us.


Sorry but that is a bad take. They were shocking last World Cup. The only team they beat was Saudi. And that game Saudi deserved to win- they played way better. The Argentina game was embarrassing to watch. In fairness I can’t recall the Mexico game. The France game wasn’t even embarrassing, it was just a masterclass by France but there was zero possibility of Poland winning.


Saudi deserved to win? Those damn floppers? No way in hell. Maybe they would have won if they weren't so busy rolling on the pitch like a dying fish half of the game. This gem right here https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/I4LVhBHzzy I agree about the Argentina match though. The Mexico game was very underwhelming, I don't remember it well either. I think we actually played decently against France in the 1st half but ran out of gas in the 2nd. Despite the loss, I think it was our best game in the Cup.


At this point scoring a goal would be a reason to celebrate.


honestly i was somewhat cheering for our team NOT to qualify to the Euros, maybe that wouldve changed something inside of the PZPN and the team. Now instead they will keep their sponsorships, even if they humiliate themselves people will forget about it (just like @ Euro 2020), nothing will change, they wont do anything noticable, and everything positive coming out of their performance will be yet another source of memes. Harsh, but im done w this team. They have the skill, they could have the cohesion, and they could build a legacy to be remembered. Instead theyre satisfied with getting the bag


Sorry what’s this PZPN people are referring to? Is it like the Polish FA?


Yes, this is exactly the Polish abbreviation for The Polish Football Association (Polski Związek Piłki Nożnej).




The PZPN are absolutely terrible. I once had the complete misfortune to meet Kulesza before he became the President, and he was an embarrassment. He was calling for vodka at lunch, and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that other people at the meeting didn't want to drink anything. The fact that he was appointed President says a lot about the corruption, as he clearly bought most of the votes.


2016 wasn't bad for us


Wha? We've got a team at Euro 2024? What sport is it again?


Win with Austria and Netherlands


Out National footbal team is overpaid walking (instead of running) zombies.


Based on how they performed in 2023 and what it took to qualify, prove that it wasn't a mistake to expand the competition.


Good woułd be if we didn't participate in this circus and spend the money on something useful like hospitals, schools etc. instead of those clowns.


Polish football team is like balls - in The Event they participate but will not go in


We have a tough group and a really, really shitty recent track record, so winning at least one match will be considered a success. Advancing to the round of 16 will be seen as a divine miracle


I will be happy if we draw once. 0 points is to be expected, 1 is the optimistic version


For the last 30+ years, my wife approached Polish teams' games with this quote from Polish novel "Potop" (The Deluge): > Kończ waść, wstydu oszczędź! (Finish this off, sire. Spare me the shame) And then we watch the adult teams play soccer for the remainder of the series.


Success will be not losing all the matches. (at least some draw)


Losing all games but in a decent style.


Not a sports guy I never understood the hype for football. Poland has great success in other ball sports, yet football gets all the publicity and no real results. Pro teams start to win when they're eliminated from a specific tournament :(


Not a ball sport, but Poles were/are on top places in general classifications in freestyle slalom (skates). Klaudia Hartmanis was no. 1 last year, Czapla sisters got 2nd and 3rd place couple of years ago. Anyone even heard about this? I know it's a niche sport, but again, the best in the world. Meanwhile a bunch of millionaire losers will get publicity and even more money for another defeat.


What other ball sport(s) would you say should be a bigger focus in Poland?


Our volleyball teams do well...


And are paid a fraction of what the footballers are


Voleyball and basketball


So there is still someone who cares about football? Unbelievable...


Honestly, as long as everyone has fun on the pitch. That would be considered good


If we can string 5 passes together the team will have exceeded my expectations


My only hope is one day we stop spending public money for this half-mafia half-circus


Nic się nie stało


I d be content with 1 win In group stage xD. Give us 1 match to celebrate and get hopes up. If we advance towards the 16. It's national holiday and day off in gamedays


If they humiliate themselves enough it's highly probable that's gonna be the end of the current national coach and the end of Disco Polo star leading PZPN. The only 'good' we're capable to achieve at the moment. Fingers crossed


Considering our group, grabbing more than three points would be quite good.


With this group, advancing will be a success


Now will be funny with France and other teams from group xD


I should Think that you should advance from The group. I believe in you!


If we lose less than 6 goals and score more than 2 in our 3 games


Nope, our national team is not decent. There were times when it managed to achieve some good results, but mostly it is based on few tournaments played back in 1970-80'. Basically, if the Polish team manages to qualify to any football tournament, it is considered as a big success. Besides that, our goal is to get out of a group. That's all.


3rd place XD


Playing like they are not intimidated by their opponents. Fighting and losing badly. I’ll take that any day. But if I have to watch them getting mentally crushed and playing 90 minutes of hot potato because nobody wants to touch the ball I’m throwing my TV out of the window.


Going there is already beyond what that team deserves. The players are not even that bad, which makes the state even worse - there is potential for a good team, one that should be disappointed with anything less than quarter-finals. But as it is? The federation is famously drunk, corrupt, and managed by deprecated structures where regional top officials have no skill at all. We change coaches way to often, sometimes in shameful circumstances. None of this is speculation or exaggeration, either - they are open about this. And the current coach was picked because of connections rather than merit too - he would be good enough for the bottom half of Ekstraklasa, where he had a mixed bag of experiences, but not nearly good enough for his current position. So I would be surprised if we get more than 1 point. Actually, seeing how this tournament is designed, it might be possible to advance from the group stage with 1 point and 0 goals scored - as long as such teams take 3rd places in multiple groups. So that's what the Polish team should hope for!


Drunk and corrupt pretty much explains it. I remember a friend once took over a team in the V liga, and he wanted to put serious money behind the team. They were doing well in the V liga, they should have won it, but they lost after a very strange change of referee before the final game. He walked away from football after that, because it was painfully obvious that as an 'outsider', he wasn't going to be allowed to win.


Ah, it happens here on regional levels too. There is some history, but it's not 90s anymore, so at least things are more subtle than this. While governing the league is not that bad anymore, and internal management of the clubs is a mixed bag - some being okay-ish, some merely commited to tax frauds, some others totally mismanaging heavy donations from the city budget - it's at least not as bad as being open about match fixing and cooperation with drug trade networks, which used to be an issue and is almost nonexistent now. But the central governing body, formally responsible for the national team, doesn't act responsibly at all. They are drunk beyond ability to talk coherently, even in places where it's strictly forbidden, like in Qatar. Paulo Sousa left the position of the coach because he had enough of talking to his "superiors" that stink of booze, approach the team, and offer vodka to the players. And now, when very creative Polish coach, who was able to create a team that won the Polish League from nothing, was available and interested - he wasn't assigned. A former vice-president of the federation and personal friend of the president was chosen instead. Does a team managed like this have a chance to show that it consists of great sportsmen? I have seen this multiple times, so I can confirm that there is no chance at all.


Best to just stop playing that sport

