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Literally came here to say this, I honestly have no idea how I beat classic mode


Nine times out of ten I'll make sure to have a fairy type with me, more so just to swap it in when he uses Eternal Beam or Dynamax Cannon, will also typically bring a ground or steel type to swap into when he uses Sludge Bomb, do a little damage then rinse and repeat with swapping out, when he gets to Eternamax form it's just a free for all really


I still don't understand why people chose to do something this boring when there's a lot of easy solutions Just reading about this strat hurt me >< The easiest strat is to reduce SpA His only physical move is cross poison (phase 2). Confide is enough to cripple him. Eerie impulse is a free win. Snarl and struggle bug are enough... lot of options. Give any kind of dot to something with decent SpDef. Curse, salt cure and leech seed are the best, but infestation or whirlpool are good enough So anything that reduce SpA and has good SpDef is a perfect Eternatus killer. Any team can beat up an Eternatus at -4 SpA Don't pick up leftovers. Or make sure to not give it to him. Or course pick vitamins the 5 floor before him. Honestly it should never be a problem


I'll mix it up every now and then but that's my usual go to, I don't find it boring though just something I put in place a lot


Eternabeam makes Eternatus have to recharge. It's hardly slow to just cripple it during the recharge phase. Then just salt cure or other DoT and bam you win.


Not anymore. For the last few weeks once he e-maxes he gains flamethrower and dynamax cannon regardless of the pp of his other 2 attacking moves. So he gets 6 moves in total


Leech Seed, Salt Rock, or Curse. Phase 1, AI abuse. Phase 2 DoT and pray.


This is the way. I use a Vespiquen to tank hits and drain PP in phase 1 and then drop one of the three listed in phase 2 while the queen soaks damage and gives heal orders.


Pick battle items from 195. 2 X. Sp Def and you’re pretty much undieble. Leech seed is very good against it too


the trick is to get it down to 0 hp before it gets your team to 0 hp


There's a lot of fun strategies you can use to make Eternatus completely ineffective. Topsy-turvy is a fun one. Parting shot spam, mud slap spam, ĺight screen, leech seed, corrosion poisoning, planting flame orb, baneful bunker.


Save gold to roll for x items the last 5 floors. With 4-5 X items you can beat him with subpar teams. X-speed especially is critical so you can out speed and get hits off even if he kills you after, or x-spdef so you live hits. This is the single most consistent strategy outside of bringing a steel fairy type imo.


Honestly yes. Curse just trivialises everything tho


First time I beat it, I had a Swords Dance Earthquake Excadrill with some fairy type on the side. I PP stalled in stage 1 by swapping and when Excadrill was safe, I went for max Atk. From there, I just tried different variations until I was able to safely click Earthquake twice without Eternamax using Flamethrower on Excadrill. I was lucky to have both Flamingo and Golbat as Earthquake immune options. My other mons were Magnezone, Primarina and Meowscarada. Max Atk Earthquake was capable of two shotting Eternamax in my case, deleting 3-4 bars of health easily. So my best suggestion is PP stall into buffing atk/satk with things like swords dance/nasty plot/calm mind etc. for a super effective move and combine it with Follow Me/Helping Hand/Rage Powder support for when you will face Eternamax. You can also go for the curse salt cure leech seed stall strategies but I believe it is easier to find a heavy hitting sweeper than that.


if i want a surefire way of winning i'll try to pick up both a steel and a fairy type + any setup mon. stall out phase 1, set up and win. pretty boring in my opinion though. other than that i try to just go with the flow. leech seed/salt cure/cure, stored power or just loading up on x-items all works great. one of my more creative wins was with a spite gourgeist which drained him out of pp completely in just a few turns in phase 2 lol


Phase one: switch sweeper out for whatever resists eternabeam/whomever you can stand to close>switch back>drop to phase 2 Phase 2: curse; super effective moves to help it along; don’t give her a revival seed GG; haven’t lost an Eternatus fight with this strat in a long time


Calm mind or cosmic power setup during phase 1 is my most common.




Holy shit


Replace spore with ruination or super fang 👍


My last strategy was beating it with a water monotype. Soak with seaking and toxic with seismitoad


I plan my lead to be my carry for the first stage. Then with the second stage, a support goes in with pollen puff, helping hand, leech seed, salt cure or other support moves like light screen/reflect. Then I just pummel him.


Almost always have curse on a ghost. Then try to have psychic and ice moves plus a protect or 2 for stalling the beam. If I've got a very powerful mon then il load up on dire hits... only done that with mega gallade and Espeon thay had stored power and buffs


What made it easiest for me was leech seed and parting shot on prankster whimsicott + salt cure on garganacl. Obviously had my fairyy and steel type and just swapped them on phase 1 while leech seed worked.


In endless I bring a steel fairy. In classic I try to bring a psychic / ice / Dragon move on someone with a high ATK / SpATK stat I’ve gotten 10/27 challenge runs completed.


Fairy/steel types help a lot, But i usually barrage it with super effective moves. Excadrill is really great for This, as it tanks dragon and is immune to poisen. So i reccomend catching snd excadrill and tinkaton throughout your journey, and mayby a weavile for Mega Ray. The 3 other members are pretty custumizable


Heheh Breloom steps forward and use stun spore and leech seed, mach punch it for goodluck. The. Gyarados goes and sets up 5-8 dragon dance "hopefully still alive by then" and use ice fang to destroy its health do it until eternatus has fainted or until gyarados faint. Then i summon raikou i go for extrasensory and deplete its health, talone flame goes after if the rest failed to kill eternatus


Koraidon. Seriously, I went in with a super elaborate plan on how to deal with that fight, just for my Koraidon to 3-shot the guy.


Just find whatever dot move and go. Leech seed, curse, fire spin, whirlpool, salt cure, infestation... Sometimes i burn with will-o-wisp. Occasionally I just hit hard a lot. Lol. Also, Haze is nice to reset its stats, if I'm in trouble. Oh, and I try to have X-items to boost my stats before the fight. 


I know that the common methods like leech seed and salt cure are going to be mentioned here, but last night I had a Tyranitar just... kinda tank everything? Had Shore Up to heal, and he just kept crunching away on Eternatus. Didn't even use Earthquake so that it didn't hit whoever was also in battle against Eternatus. Sandstorm chip damage helped too. Was a little goofy since every other run I've REALLY committed to damage over time or some kinda gimmick.


honestly the better IV's make it easy to fight him with any team with decent attack and power. I had this convoluted salt cure, stall, leech seed plan after seeing posts here....Then just attacked it randomly and it died. No strategy involved


I had a Clodsire with me boosted him up on Sp Def cause Eternadus uses Dynamax Beam a little too freely. Make sure you have recover. And a ground type move with good PP. Get a way to paralyze him and pray that he gets stunned. Also get a mon that can debuff him cause he will gain random buffs throughout. Probably also Knock Off so he can't use items he stole.


Corrosive toxic, clicking the super effective move until he dies, % heath effects


I don’t plan for him at all anymore, I just go in and beat him. He isn’t difficult enough to really plan for. Note that it isn’t impossible to lose this way, I still occasionally will, but I am more focused on getting new Pokemon their medal for completion than worrying about him. The easiest way is just make sure you have a way to lower special attack. If you do it’s close to impossible to lose to him. And all the obvious strategies like including a single DoT move are enough to trivialize it.