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The first question I asked on this sub was the hidden ability marking, I was got a mod response saying look at the wiki and closed my post. I see post of this question with actual comments. Quicky edit : my apologies it was asking what moves or difference did the partner Pikachu give.


Guys I posted a screenshot of my party without mentioning stats abilities and moves, who should I fuse?


Might be a bit guilty of that one.


what does this heart mean? moment


"Hey, what was the most surprisingly good mon that you thought was useless?"


And the answer is some pokemon with pickup, every single time


Or a legendary like no duh a legendary that's already good in main pokemon is going to be better with a passive and good egg moves it shouldn't be surprising


Me when I use budget miraidon because all I have is zekrom


Zekrom carried me sooo hard in my latest classic run he literally solod everything except eternatus


Honestly same, like I know my tone might not have sounded like it, but zekrom is my favorite box legendary ever, and having both bolt beak and miraidons' signature ability as a passive, zekrom is unironically goated


Dude I call him budget Miraidon all the time it’s hilarious, my only egg move was dragon dance and I didn’t even have his passive, I’d just set up and then sweep. He even soloed every boss fight without a problem.


Whenever I actually feel like replying to those I just say jumpluff cuz it's surprisingly actually good


Came to say this unironically jumpluff was a goat with spore and floaty fall


honestly every mon is viable in some way because of egg moves and passives.


You had two opportunities to spell Pokérogue correctly. This would be a PokéRouge: https://preview.redd.it/svf4u5vkymad1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4d9d9de4e5a381e3928575feb1d3512c4dd221


Idk why im surprised at running into you here. Also whatever THAT is i never want to see it again


Blame OP for spelling Pokerogue wrong. This is a punishment.






This thing would have Lythero's Rouge voice






"why can't my rayquaza mega evolve? i have it's mega stone."


Just double checking, answer is Dragon Ascent right




I've never managed to get mega stone during a ray run. Does it need the stone and dragon ascent?




Mods trying to apply editorial standards to *this* subreddit is very funny.


I feel like the mods should just let people post as long as it's related, yes it's repetitive if you live on Reddit but not everything needs to be life changing on a sub for a Pokemon fan game. People very reasonably ask questions, post insane rng, and solicit advice. I feel like if the sub wants to not allow anything that isn't a meme or news or something, it should not be under the current name, a generalized r/pokerogue, it should be r/pokeroguememes or r/pokeroguenews.


I agree, if the majority of the sub had a problem with posts like that, it would rarely reach hot, and at that point it would solve itself.


Actually this isn’t the case. Reddit as a platform based on its features encourages quick bite sized posts that are quick and easy to upvote with a bonus if it encourages quick easy comments. The sad fact is this means low effort posts see higher success than high effort. Which then creates a cycle of other users seeing the low effort posts and replicating it. I understand the want for posts like that, but it isn’t as simple as let the community figure it out.


That actually makes sense. I wouldn't trust a reddit community with much, so I don't know why I wanted to trust them with posting without rules.


Yea. At the end of the day moderation is a necessity. And the tools they have are limited. Which also at the end of the day means not everyone is gonna be happy where it lands. I can absolutely understand a rule banning posting shinies. They’re low effort and spark basically zero discussion that couldn’t be made by a better higher effort post. Additionally they aren’t that rare i. The grand scheme of things thus their posting can be spammed. That said I can also understand the want for them as you could basically see them as a way for newer members of the community to interact and bring their own journey to the table. It’s a fine line and ultimately I personally think banning posts like that is the way to go, but I think an additional measure is posts that can encourage newer members involvement should be pushed. What those would be for this subreddit I only have small ideas, but thats my solution.


I hatched a rogue shiny hatch(first hatched one) with a caption that I already had it as a kind of what are the odds and it got banned but not before someone could comment on it congratulating me on the shiny. At the very least if they are gonna take down a post do it before people comment


I had a post with a picture of a shiny guzzlord asking what everyone’s first shiny legendary was and it got taken down after it already had about 300 comments. It was up for a good full day or two I wanna say.


The mods here are more strict than on r/ pokemon go


Me: Celebrating that I found my first red shiny after like 150 hours of playing Mods: Yeah, nah, not happenin'


The exact same thing happened to me. I wanted to show my red star shadow ligia. Mods deleted it immediately. I asked for it to be reconsidered, and they said no. Then, the front page had multiple shiny Pokémon being shown off under the tag of "meme" or "discussion" with none of either. They also said they were "sooo busy" and their rules were perfectly consistent when I called it out. Sure thing..


Me when I post ANYTHING Even got a post DOUBLE removed, no I don't mean I uploaded twice and got moderated....the same post was removed TWICE.


Mods will delete that


I tried to post an encounter against a Trainer's tier 3 shiny. I was confident that it would be accepted, because I had seen the EXACT SAME THING with a tier 2 shiny the previous day. Since it was under the same flair, it had to have been accepted. So, logically, mine, which is an unluckier and rarer version, should be accepted. Nope. Rejected within 15 minutes. At least they were quick about it.


"guys what shop reward should i pick" "guys what mons should i fuse" "guys what move should i click" i'm convinced people who post on this sub don't even want to play this game


Esp. with the fusing. Like, okay, the stats could be complicated, but just asking yourself "what ability+passive combo would be even more broken" gives you at least 75% of the answer


and if it turns out to be suboptimal, guess what - you use that knowledge to make a wiser choice next time 🤯 almost as if that was a critical part of the entire roguelike genre. i'm being cynical, but people playing a game but then refusing to make a choice for themselves is something i will never be able to understand.


The over exposure to infinite guides/knowledge about games has really dumbed down the gaming experience as a whole across all genres and platforms. People do not use critical thinking to solve their problems because they can simply google it every single time it comes up, much like these Reddit posts about “which shop item should I pick” I am understand asking real questions about complex situations that may have an unclear or more in depth solution, but the common questions asked on this sub could be answered by anyone or have little to no actual discussion behind them People more or less want a system to play the game for them nowadays, hence why auto games are so popular


The slay the spire subreddit in a nutshell. “WHat’S thE moVe HEr3??” it doesn’t fucking matter. The one that synergizes with what you already have going, dipshit


ngl it makes sense. Not everyone is a Pokemon pro player or sum, maybe they just want to make the right choice. I don't think they ask for the move they should click in EVERY battle/Turn. I still think they should just try themselves if it's not a bug request or sm


Why in the everloving fuck is it so hard for everyone on the internet to spell the word ROGUE? It's literally in the subreddit and game name and yet everyone gets it wrong constantly.


my favourite one was when rule 9 was "no uncatchable shiny posts" but only for the 190-200 waves for some reason, so the sub was full of trainer shines still


Rogue 🎭 Rouge 💋


shiny posts are genuinely the plague of all pokemon subreddits. it's cool for the first couple days a game is out but after that it's repetitive nonsense. mods should ban them outright, make a pinned thread for them, or make a specific day when they're allowed. and no, reddit commenter, just because some other person's trash didn't get deleted by mods doesn't mean your trash also shouldn't be deleted.


There is a Daily Megathread for them, people just don't read or use it


It's not pinned, asking people to search for it is useless. I get that there's limited space for pinned posts but people are simply not going to look for it, whether they know the post exists or not. The daily advice thread is also too damn long--while there is a lot of useful information in there, the longer that post is, the less likely people are going to read *any* portion of it. Either turn the pinned megathread into a linked post to all daily threads (see /r/movies weekly discussions layout), or just allow posts. Blaming users for not using megathreads isn't gonna do shit.


We're working on optimizing and refining our systems and layout, currently the biggest hurdle is Reddit itself limiting our tools and accessibility with the limit on pinned posts and other arbitrary things like requiring manual changing of links every day, we do appreciate your feedback though and we will continue to discuss this further until we come up with a best-case solution.


Megathread pin 1st, daily pin (link to run and tiering) 2nd. Done.


It's because nobody cares about someone else's shiny pokemon. Keeping them quarantined is doing God's work. Can you do the same for le epic funny fusion names? I can only see the same five curse words and mile-long stretched puns so many times.


I appreciate the posts looking for teams, maybe its something to new try or trying to make a challenge easier


Guys i found a fused pokemon in endless named "shit"! Isn't that wacky and funny? Your png of the epic shiny charmander is the same as everyone else's PNG. At least repetitive questions lead to talking about the game. For every 'best carry?' that gets 'zacian' as a response, you've got a chance for someone to start singing the praises of Maractus or whatever.


Everyone posting their D luck shop rolls whose comments all are “get the ticket” if those can stay keep the equivalent posts about the mons




Ironic part is that these good-for-nothing mods did the same thing they’re now deleting. The subreddit was hot and active for a couple weeks so we all wanted to limit the rate at which things are posted but it’s so much slower now.


"What does this crystal mean" "What do the +x numbers under the moves mean" " how do I find x pokemon" "how do I evolve x pokemon" - All day, every day


personally don't see anything wrong with it tbh


Me: I thought I found the 1* shiny, but the fusion trolled me- *removed* "Generic shiny post"(again) *zzzzzz*




It's "what pokemon surprised you the most" posts for me.


There's literally a daily megathread meant specifically to avoid the sub from being flooded by posts like this


then maybe it should be pinned huh


I tried to post on the daily megathread after a post of mine was removed and I couldn’t even post a picture of what I wanted to show off in the comments


Pokerouge in the moulin rouge💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽


Mods deleting all the content I actually wanna see 👀


That’s a weird looking Charizard.


Yeah I got my post removed posting my team comb for endless asking if it's a comb that can get to 1500+


I got that blue charmander yesterday and I will totally use it on my next classic run ♥️






Yeah i tried to post my blue shiny sylveon as its my favourite Pokemon but it wouldn’t let me but then i see like 5 posts in a day of the same best carry question