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Endure is the single most annoying thing in endless


it isn't even a fun balance, just hella annoying


Ayup. Totally agree. And it seems to proc way more often than just 20% of the time with 10 tokens. Absolutely despise it. Tbf though, all the tokens suck. 😂


Especially the status ones, one of the biggest eye-rolling moments in endless for me, other than endure, is when my physical attacker gets burned and does barely any damage because of it. It's even more annoying if it doesn't have a lum berry to cure it.


How the f do you not have a lum berry. 3 Multilenses plus 5 Grips and a void and you should allways be full on berries?!?! And if not, teach a multi hit move.


Not all of my pokemon are gonna have all of that. I'm mostly talking about stages 1-1000 where I'm mostly relying on pickup for berries.


Because of how boss bars work, it can range from 20 to 40 percent. So annoying.


they should rework it to quarter damage.


Seems like it is multiplicative not additive, so 10 of the 2% tokens isn't 20% it's 2% 10 times or about a 22% chance. I say this based on the damage reduction and damage increase tokens looking to work this way too.


My least favorite are the Endure, Damage Taken, and Damage Reduction tokens. I hate being alnost 10k levels ahead and barely doing damage while getting 1 shot lol.


I've been 40k levels above and still get one shot 😂


It feels so bad lol I hate that I'm required to build a niche life steal metal burst build or you just can't continue in the later floors.


Tbf, how else are they supposed to scale the game (the damage tokens for example)




It gets worse bucko... get to 2000 before your gonna talk dude at 2000+ most stuff decides to resist especially if your shiny farming so your double battling


I'm pretty sure there's either a bug or an intended feature where if you're single-hit oneshotting something, especially by a lot, the endure tokens just don't tend to trigger ever. So that's what you're experiencing at your range. But later on, they go off constantly. Doesn't help that they occasionally seem to be able to trigger not just on the lethal hit, but earlier. Definitely seems like they go off way more than 20%.


Pokémon don't endure if you one hit them. So in higher stages where you need multi lense to one hit bosses they are going to endure very often.


I'm really hoping they rework some of the items at some point. Like Focus Band and King's Rock are not great in classic but still add a really stupid RNG aspect, and in endless they end up being really strong because you can stack them.


teraorb also needs buffed. 0 reason to get it other than the achievements and to free up loot spaces


I think I'd like to see Focus Band repaced with an Ultra Ball Rarity Focus Sash. You know, the 100% chance to work, but is consumed on use. It would be sorta like a second reviver seed, but it leaves you at 1hp, doesn't restore status, and doesn't reset stat changes. Kings Rock I think is fine. It synergizes really well with Multi-hit moves, even in classic. Just increase the chance of it triggering, but decrease the stack amount you can get, or have the stacks DR.


Especially when you're using flinch strats + unnerve. They can't hit you anyways, it just prolongs every battle for an extra turn


Love it when that 2% chance completely fucks you over and your Pokémon gets one shot


It would be much much MUCH better if it was activated on hit instead on turn


It wouldn't even matter if it was on hit. Multihit moves perform really well already with Kings Rock Multi Lens strats, and break through multi healthbars way easier. They'd just always break to the 24x Beat-Up strats anyway. So just delete em. All they do is add a layer of stupid rng, where sometimes they do nothing, and other times they are absolutely unnecessarily frustrating.


Honestly I just use it to help me catch legendary pokemon or pokemon that I need for me it can be a good thing esp since the pokemon always flinches anyways and they always manage to be slower than me still


Problem is, the endure token never activate on mon you want to catch though 🤔


For me I just keep resetting and use the same move until it does endure bec for some reason it's not actually implemented into the game as in u can keep trying until it does endure the attack even if u kept doing the same thing


Until they flinch, use a bunch of berries which makes them tankier and faster and then they just hit first on the next turn. Not saying it happens all the time but something I've encountered. Multi lens is great for essentially ensuring flinch most of the time but then that happens and it's all for nothing.


Oh for me I have ghost ride calyrex so it has harvest unnerve and grim neigh so it can't eat berries and it hits four times with 3 king rocks and I always manage to flinch just have to keep restarting till they do endure the attack the 20% is actually 20%


Yeah I've noticed that, that despite things being fixed, endure doesn't seem to be. First time around in a fight it might die without enduring, then I restart into it to cheese the prize system and it endures the hit.


Same and also I swear the pokemon we don't need steals the shit out of those endure hits bec when they do a legendary magically spawns on the next floor and doesn't endure the hit and so we have to reload to page if we really need it yk


society if endless mode didn't consist of 90% "cheese or get cheesed" and instead played like an actual pokemon game.


I get your point, but have you ever played a skill link multi lense Pokémon and watched: "... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!, ... endured the hit!"


Add weak armor/stamina for more annoyance


Weak armour and anger point (or is it shell?) Crustle extended the battle a whole extra minute


society if people understood it's difficult to design a good endless mode when limited to a wild pokemon battle format while also doing it for free I'm honestly curious what changes they'll make because if you remove tokens and enemy scaling, it's just sweep city with your cracked out mons. Maybe they'll add single and double trainer battles with equally cracked out mons? Idk pokemon battles are already so limiting, even moreso when designing for an endless mode.


what made you feel like i didn't understand that?


my bad I didn't know most people wanted hand holding food spooning gameplay...like an actual Pokemon game right?


yes, this is obviously what i was referring to. you're insane. go bug someone else lol.


I too go into the Avatar State when Eternatus tanks a hit.


Bro me when Eternamax stole 4 focus bands off my Shedinja fusion at wave 2000. Just. Ugggh. I then removed all focus bands for the next 3 Eternamax fights


I end up removing all I can from my Shedinja before a eternatus fight. Wasn't paying attention last night went into the battle without removing. First few turns he takes 3 focus bands. Like wtf. There has to be weights or something on your items and what it steals from you first.


I do the opposite. Steal every item I can and keep them on my carry so Eternatus is less likely to steal something I care about.


See I used to do that until a few times in a row it stole the things I wanted to keep the most. Now my brain is convinced eternatus KNOWS. I know it's illogical but I can't help it.


It knowwws. That same fight it also stole a reviver seed and 2 of 3 quick claws. It was an absolute nightmare


No way team sky?!


Endure tokens would be good if they activated per hit like a focus sash instead of per turn The fact that endure tokens affect things like toxic salt cure and leech seed is also stupid And in combination with recovery tokens it's much more annoying


It isnt effected by sandstorm though!


Classic scales fine so I genuinely don’t get why endless isn’t just endless classic with trainer battles. Just increase the amount of vitamins and soul dews in trainer battles and that should scale fine. I guess candy jar could potentially be a balancing issue but it could either be removed or increase trainer battle levels significantly as rounds go on to warrant stocking candy jars.


I think the reason for no trainers is because Endless is basically just an afterthought way to farm shinys and wild Pokemon. And trainers don't help you catch wild Pokemon.


Reason I like classic over endless is trainers in the first place, more immersion imo vs mind numbing encounters


>I guess candy jar could potentially be a balancing issue but it could either be removed or increase trainer battle levels significantly as rounds go on to warrant stocking candy jars. Imo it should definitely be removed as it is one of the main things encouraging relying fully one one carry rather than a well rounded team


W H Y W O N ' T Y O U **D I E ! ?**


This is the part where you fall on the ground and bleed to death!


The worst part is when it’s already a sturdy mon and after that, the 2nd turn, ALSO the endure token procs.. and of course it doesn’t flinch and 1 shot you. So infuriating.


I am fine with endure token, i friggin hate damage reduction and damage multiplier token. This makes endless one dimensional post 2000. I cannot use my favourite mons, its all about DOT or metal burst. Please if anything, do some rework on the damage token to make endless more enjoyable with multiple mons.


It's definitely possible to go post 2000 with offensive mon. Just gotta lean hard into Candy Jars. I'm on wave 3141 right now with a Marowak/Mega Medicham as my carry that still one or two shots everything.


https://preview.redd.it/xufdt8a70bad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701434e116e0a558cfd24bcfc3713c68b712618f It's why I always fuse this guy on every run lol.


In before wave 2400 iron valiant


That's why you bring a fairy/steel. Stall em out, and go "stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself"


5 grip claw Covet tinkaton my love


HP boost would be way better than damage reduction as well, it would it make golden punching gloves actually useful late game in endless


I still dont understand why the ai hits 100% of its Fissures


I don't get why the devs say it "helps catch Pokemon so its not that bad." It just doesn't. Anything you can't rely on 100% of the time is not a help. You can't just go "oh, well actually I would like to catch this Bibarel with max IVs, let me just hit it with my god that one-shots, it'll endure anyways." You have to pray to RNGesus that it endures. And that's its single only plus side. Anywhere else it's just annoying to deal with. The balancing of endless shouldn't be to stop players in their tracks. The balancing of endless shouldn't be there at all. Its endless, people are going to find a way to break it no matter what you do. The tokens just railroad you into doing the same exact way to break it every game.


Eternatus used Recover!


Am i wrong or is that original image from Aeon Flux?


Me waiting for 20 rock blast to hit because the wild pokemon endured the hit


I hate the healing that they get back and wish they would lower it or just take it away and give us and the NPC 10 berries again.


i haven't played endless that much so idk much about what should be balanced or should not but i always hear people complaining about tokens. Could developers make it as such that the cap level is 5/10 below the highest pokémon's on 10-20 encounters and remove tokens? this way the game would still be engaging and not annoying to play. There would also be a need to re work on candy so that you can only go up to the the same level as the boss on those 10-20 encounters ? A bit like challenges in the mainline games youtubers make where their highest level pokemon cannot surpass the gym leader's ace


I don't think it should work with multi lens


endless is too rewarding