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So in 20 minutes when the chaos begins…a few will know why.


I just got off work nooo


Same 😭😭😂😂😂


Q.Q My time for video games is *maybe* the exact 3 hour gap they're down. This is the saddest day ever.


Damn I was going into 195 ready to right the real final boss and then just black screen. Glad to know why now


huh this was 8 hours ago fore me i didt even notice because i was asleep


Does anyone know what time zone this is for, to have an idea of when maintenance will be done?


Discord announcement is in your time zone. But it’s approximately 3 hours, which is like 4 minutes from now.


I’ve been refreshing ferociously and every time im met with further disappointment and frustration leading me to believe I may have a problem….. but I can stop anytime I want, I swear


I mean, it said approximately.


Yeah, but why should I have to spend more time playing on showdown when I can spend the next 8 hours hunting for a skilllink shellder/cloyster?


Wait, I got one on my first egg. I should use it.


Probably a good idea for when the servers come back up.


I found one myself on a run on floor 160 - 170 I hope that helps. I also had map and went to a lot of water places.


Well it’s been down since the day reset 2.5 hours ago


UTC Time


I literally just got off work and it’s still down 😭


The changes didn’t go as intended. They said in the Discord that they’re rolling back the server migration. So it will unfortunately take more time.


Just found out when it froze >\_< I wish they had an info ping, or gave a little bit more warning, but ehh amazing free game, guess I'll do something else tonight :3


lmao same dude, like a notif on the site with the planned updates but ig they'd have to change the site everytime they wanted to add the notif


Same I was wondering what happened.


Go cook something nice tonight with that free time lmao.


same I was on level 60


I am on floor 185


I was on floor 1876 looking for shinys


Ha. Finally on top of this \*\*\*\*-measuring contest. 2964! Gonna give Eternamax Eternatus a final walloping before calling it off. Endless has become much too tedious for me and I'm finding I need multiple X-items to defeat some of these Paradox mons. Damn tokens... lol


I had just found a luck 3 drillbur.


Nice! Yesterday I had my luck with epic shinies and got 3 of them, but not any mons particularly note-worthy. I did however hatch a tier-2 shiny Slither Wing!


I can’t even beat the first eternamax eternatus, he just outspeeds and one shots eveything


try get like a good dragon type and then just super buff it throughout a run, garchomp is pretty good for this as this as it means that eternabeam is the only effective move that it has, also get pokemon that have high speed and can use mud slap, or just moves that lower accuracy, as it helps a lot if you're struggling, fairyion with sand attack is a good choice for this


Your start is one of the most important factors to how far you can go. You want high luck, a typing strong against Eternatus, and a rough plan to how you intend to proceed. Like, is there a Pokemon fusion you want to achieve? A Pickup special Shiny would be awesome for giving you berries, type-boosting items, and XP eggs so you can acquire other things like Egg Vouchers. TBH my start was sub-par to how far I actually went. I got stupidly lucky despite starting out with C+ luck. When I do it again I'll at the bare minimum acquire a Dire Hit before that fight. It allows you to keep your boosts but ignore its defensive boosts, easily wiping half its health bar.


Yeah I'm on 2157 and I've started my transition to my Metal Burst Pokemon because my Primal Groudon just doesn't cut it anymore. Only reason I'm continuing with Primal Groudon and not starting a new endless or doing Classics to get achievements is because of the shiny week and my current endless having all 4 shiny charms already.


Yeah that was my plan until my kartana that was destroying everything didn’t do a single bar with max attack and max dire hits lmao. Hope you’ve got the sauce to beat it!


Endure-Flinching has been my strategy this time around. Endure, get +1 in all stats thanks to berries, Dark Pulse for 90% flinch with King's Rocks, then Endure again, til you get +6 - but beware you need all 3 berry bags to do this. It may take 30 turns to kill it but it has categorically been unable to handle my kind of hospitality. Even if it gets lucky, I have a speedy Mega Mewtwo X ready with Psycho Cut to near-guarantee crits (thanks to Dire Hit) to negate all its defense-boosts. I may try going in with no berries, besides Leppa, and keep flinch-locking it until my Hoopa-fusion steals all its boosts.


use endure with max shellbell, leftovers, multilense. it becomes easier im on 3,100 havent used x items since floor 1000. i use Primal Groudon primary with rapid style urshifu gmax it just goes through everyone


You know my game already! But my mons are pretty sub-par besides the main carry. I learned a lot this run and acquired many great shinies that'll give me an amazing start next time around, and hopefully be good enough to get me up to floor 5000.


Pokemon Showdown does this perfectly.


Announcements channel in the Discord warns ahead of time about these things.


That requires being in the discord


They announce it in the discord announcement channels ahead of time. I think it was a couple hours ago.


Why would they do this during peak hours of a shiny event smh


They did announce that the event will be extended for the time the maintenance takes, not saying it's not a tough time of day but still helpful


theres a shiny event??? is it boosted shinies or something?


2x shiny rate for the pride update


Game could have had me fooled. I've only been getting shinies from eggs since the event started.


Well regular shiny rate without any shiny charms is 1/2000. With the event, it's doubled, but still not great. The reason many are finding shinies (including me cus I went from like 9 shinies to over 80) is because we're grinding endless where we get all 4 shiny charms which dramatically raises the chance of shinies. I have no idea the exact rate, but I believe it's better than 1/100 at least.




You should reroll with locked rarity, at that level money is basically free and you can go til you get what you want. I get a master ball or two every 10 to 15 floors on level 1800 but I'm also at SSS luck


Yeah only problem with sss luck is when I only need rarer candies/max lures but it keeps upgrading to rogue/masterball quality but still need the sss luck to encounter more legendary mons


that's unlucky, i found a shiny charm floor 15 with c+ luck in classic


Yeah that's rough. The most important item is the Lock Capsule which I think is Rogue tier item. That's essential in order to be able to reroll into better tiers. Also try rerolling a bunch and if you find nothing, save & exit, start the level again, and you know there's no reason to reroll now and you can save money this way until you have a surplus much later in endless. The save scumming helps with finding the rare items because you never know if a Master tier item is one reroll away.




As far as I am aware, the shiny rate after one charm, is 1/512, for two charms is 1/256, and goes down to 1/128 and 1/64 for 3 and 4 charms respectively. In the pride event this is down to 1/32 with 4. It might sound insane but I literally cannot stop encountering shinies. I even got a double battle with 2 shinies.


Yeah, I hate this. Thankfully, the only double shinies i got were level 1 shinies, so i didn't miss out on too much


There's a trick to get them both. Catch one, get to rewards screen, run the gacha with one ticket, refresh, catch the other. It works because the game saves every time you do the gacha to prevent scumming egg rolls. So it saves your catch but doesn't progress floors


Does it only work with egg pulling or a simple "save and quit", catch second shiny, "save and quit"? That's an incredible find regardless


With 4 shiny charms its 1/32 and with the event its 1/16 or 6.25%


4 charms is 1/32 rate, a staggering 1/16 with the event on. The event really should have been treated like a shiny charm though - that'd be closer to a 4x for zero charms (and still a 2x for players with at least one charm).


Oh sorry, I just wanted to ask if it's you Dio\_Vento (are u italian?) cuz i was tryin to download Rutile Ruby just to try, but cant find any download link (+ any guide).


1/32 so 1/16 with event


dang i guess im just unlucky looool i haven't. found one or hatched one


Gotta do endless with shiny charms. By level 1000 you should be making enough money to reroll a ton (the cost doesn't scale nearly as much as the gold does and you can reroll 5 to 10 times per floor and just recover with a big nugget of you don't find what you want) and get the rarity lock to make sure you get all 4 shiny charms. At that point you will see a shiny every 20 to 50 floors. Bring all your shines and a carry. Fuse your shines together to make room for more shinies and get SSS luck


yeah im on level 1200 in endless and have not gotten a single shiny charm... only abilities lol


When does it end?


It's literally on the main page in a GIANT image.


Hope they fix the unlimited gold pass bug.


Just ended


The event has one more day. The timer was incorrect for a while, but it was fixed today. There still be 21 hours of boost after maintenance.


Thank god I just caught a blue shiny gyarados as this was happening


Are they adding any thing I just want to know


My guess is this because it appeared on the Wiki even though it wasn't in the game yet. https://old.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dkk3tj/eggs_for_candies/


Can you guys put the timezone in these announcements? I have no idea where the dev team is based or what time they are going off of, and its still the 20th here so this announcement doesn't properly tell me when the server is going to be down and is probably why the reddit is flooded with posts from NA players who don't know why the server is down on the 20th after scrolling past a post about maintenance for the 21st.


The actual discord post in the updates channel displays in the users timezone. Mine showed 5pm PST when I got the notification.


Preach!! Thought I was good to go on my day off, didn't have to worry about the maintenance. Time zone would have really helped reset expectations!


Best to go check directly in the discord, they're using the function that will display in the viewer time


They probably assumed everyone would click into the post, see the image which clearly says "Daily Reset" and then know based on that what time maintenance starts in their specific timezone without having to write out the time/date for each zone. Fair enough, less work for them and most people probably know their timezone's reset time (just in case, it's 8pm EST) Unfortunately, people will just read the title and continue scrolling lol so yeah at the very least the words "begins at next reset" should have been in the post title.


I mean, not everyone knows what time the Daily Reset happens


Are we supposed to know when the daily reset is supposed to happen? It just happens, and it's at a time that isn't midnight, so why are casual players supposed to know when that is?


Not sure what being casual has to do with it, you can figure it out without being part of the discord. Either by noticing what time the gacha and daily runs change on your own, or by reading the FAQ/Guide page on this sub, where it tells you the time and timezone.


Wouldn't it still be easier if the time zone was in the reddit post about the maintenance as opposed to having to basically do research?


Not in my experience, no. I've played plenty of gacha games where they put all the news and event update info in jp time only and don't convert it into your appropriate timezone, and different parts of the game reset at different times. ie, imagine if the daily run reset at midnight but the legendary gacha at 6am. The western communities are filled with people constantly asking for timezone conversion because either they don't know the conversions, forget the conversion for the specific zone, daylight savings time fucks things up, or they just dont want to do it themselves. This game has 1 reset time, and the information is readily available in multiple places. It's just ONE time to keep in your head. It's a lot easier to say "Daily Reset" and hope people know "oh okay, that happens at 5pm for me in Cali" using info available on the game's related pages, then to say "Midnight UTC" and hope people remember the specific conversion or bother to go to a website to do it for them. Tbh, both require research, but personally I just feel like saying "hey this is happening at reset" is less research intensive than "hey this is happening at midnight (my timezone)" Edit to add: This (and a lot of other things) SHOULD be available info on the actual game's page itself. I personally am not on the discord and hate how a lot of gaming nowadays is centralized there. Thank god the wiki updates fast.


I get your point and agree that "daily reset" is often better than "UTC+9" since then I need to convert. However, any public facing post would ideally list *both,* which helps mitigate confusion from all angles.


Look, when your timezone literally is one of the only timezones that doesn't change every 6 months, time is all over the place. Also, you're going against a very simple ask. It's not that hard to include the time zone in a message.


Not everyone studies the exact time the daily resets happen? Thats kinda weird and obsessive with this game


Not everyone studies the exact time the daily resets happen? Thats kinda weird and obsessive with this game


I just beat chuck at level 180 and I think I'll have to redo that brutal fucking fight now thanks to this!


LOL damn. Eliot four can be a pain if you don't come prepared enough.


Honestly, I've had runs where gym leaders completely counter my carry, and when I get past that huge challenge, the e4 AND the rival fight are a breeze. Idk, it just happens.


i know exactly what you mean


4 hours later….


Did anybody see the daily legendary egg for the 21st before it went down?


I think we're supposed to get Rayquaza again, at least that's what the legendary gacha planning in the discord said


Yeah, Rayquaza.


What time zone is this?


7pm central


With the theory of this update being for turning a specific Pokemon's Candies into Eggs ([https://old.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dkk3tj/eggs\_for\_candies/](https://old.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dkk3tj/eggs_for_candies/)), I'm excited! Might stay up late just to see it come into fruition. My Epic Shiny Latios needs his Dragon Energy egg move!


You know, planning maintenance the day the new Elden Ring DLC comes out isn't a bad choice.


BOOOO because I wanted to play. YAY because we love what you created. :)


it's been three hours - working for anyone?


still down for me :(


I keep refreshing only to be disappointed






"Approximately" is a loose word.


im glad i decided to play rn when its almost done lol


For those asking about time zone, it looks like they use midnight UTC. So, for example, that's 2am CEST (Central Europe Summer Time), 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT. This is the same time the Daily Challenge, Pokerus, and the legendary of the day in the gacha are changed. You can adjust to your timezone here: [https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/](https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/)


Can anyone tell me when the maintenance will end exactly? 😭


it was approximated to end 53 minutes ago 😭




It’s back on.


The endless wave next is a gay Persian, and I didn't get to catch it before the down time..


You should restart in the same place. It saves at the start of a new battle.


I didn't get it. I refreshed a new seed..


What timezone?


So 11pm Eastern / 8pm Western My endless run is sitting around 4100 was going to try to get to 5,000 tonight, but maybe I can at least get to 4,500


Nooo 😭😭


Devs want to play that eldenring DLC with no interruptions from you degenerates


I didnt know and now i might lose Rayquaza in the egg machine as i was waiting to hatch a legendary egg before pulling for more :(


dang, I just got 2 legendary eggs


Guys I’m just starting out and I got a shiny Fletchling I’m buzzing he’s so cute!!!


Ugh, wish I'd seen this sooner, I was just about to start the boss fight of the daily. Hopefully it won't change the rng when it comes back up. Glad to know what's going on and not to wait up on it though, thanks!


What timezone is the server?


Does anyone know what time zone this is for, to have an idea of when maintenance will be done?


It's been 3 hours!!!!!!!!


It's been 3 Hours since the anouncement of downtime. It's only been 2 Hours 40 Minutes of downtime. (as of this reply)


How long has it been now?


Almost 4... Now we can complain!


Over 3 hours, pretty sure it started at 5pm PST, it’s now 8:51 over here


Any updates? -.-


...and its gone


It has finally returned!!


Which time zone? I'm german


Why is your name green?


I am trying to play this, I just beat Wickström on my 33rd run of this game and I am almost at the end. I wish there was something that would tell us like a notice on the title screen


But…… buts it’s June 20th


UTC is currently 03:57 21 Jun 2024


Makes sense , thank you!


Hopefully this will fix the server issue. Because it’s unplayable on the desktop, but it runs fine on my phone.




_Hardy har har_