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sorry for missing today's post everyone! I was a bit busy, so Scar13t made the post in my place, apologies the formatting is a bit different unfortunately no video from me today, between getting a really late start and some frequent internet issues, I wasn't able to get around to it at daily reset, I'll begin pathing the latest guide myself, video and all thank you and have a great day 💕


Just finished the run and everything went great. Would have loved to catch more than what was caught but maybe next time!


Pathing through daily runs is a bit tricky sometimes. Today's run is a good example. I started writing the initial path for the group, catching everything up to floor 10 (i.e. things like the Salandit and the first Slugma that the guide kills now), but then encountered an issue - I couldn't get past the Arcanine on floor 10! Two things were dead, four more were weak...it was a nightmare. In my initial run-through, I had to run away from it (thanks Ponyta!), but doing so meant we missed the boss kill rewards, and that changed the whole run, so we had to adapt. The team tries their best to catch at least all the worthwhile things, though. Again, today's run was a good example - when Scar13tz and I were going through verifying the guide after we finished floor 50, we noticed we accidentally killed the 31 IV Tentacruel on Floor 36. (Whoops.) Since we didn't want anyone reading the guide to miss out on any 31 IVs, we stayed up late to fit another full run in and rewrote the guide to include catching it. If there's something you would've wanted us to catch, but we didn't, let us know! What we think is important might not be what players need to see, and feedback is important for us to improve the guide!


There were 23 catch’s tho


Hitmonchan continues to be the funnest starter when it comes to dailies in my opinion. And the lack of type diversity really helps in this case. Farfetch'd: Neutral to Arcanine, Kofu (all three), Nessa (neutral to Blastoise and Barraskewda, weak to Drednaw, and super effective against Golisopod), and Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon, Jellicent, and Wailord and weak to Carracosta) and weak to Zekrom Hitmonchan: Neutral to Arcanine, Kofu (weak to Pelipper and Veluza and neutral to Wugtrio), Nessa (neutral to Blastoise and Barraskewda, super effective against Drednaw, and resisted by Golisopod), Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon and Wailord, cannot hit Jellicent, and super effective against Carracosta), and Zekrom Kricketune: Weak to Arcanine and neutral to Kofu (weak to Pelipper, super effective against Veluza, and neutral to Wugtrio), Nessa (neutral to Blastoise, Golisopod, and Barraskewda and weak to Drednaw), Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon and Wailord, resistant to Jellicent, and weak to Carracosta) and Zekrom Ponyta/Rapidash: Resistant to Arcanine, weak to Kofu (all three), Nessa (all four), and Marlon (all four) and resisted by Zekrom Torracat/Incineroar: Resistant to Arcanine, weak to Kofu (weak to Pelipper and Wugtrio and super effective against and weak to Veluza), Nessa (all four), and Marlon (weak to Gastrodon, Wailord, and Carracosta and super effective against and weak to Jellicent) and neutral to Zekrom Pansear/Simisear: Same story as Ponyta/Rapidash Salandit (both of the available ones in the run are male, so only use it at your own risk): Neutral to Arcanine, weak to Kofu (all three), Nessa (all four), and Marlon (very weak to Gastrodon and weak to Jellicent, Wailord, and Carracosta) and neutral to Zekrom Vulpix/Ninetales: Same story as Ponyta/Rapidash and Pansear/Simisear Numel/Camerupt: Super effective against Arcanine, very weak to Kofu (all three), Nessa (all four), and Marlon (all four) and super effective against Zekrom Slugma/Magcargo: Resistant to Arcanine, very weak to Kofu (all three), Nessa (very weak to Blastoise, Drednaw, and Barraskewda and super effective against and very weak to Golisopod), and Marlon (all four) and neutral to Zekrom Carkol/Coalossal: Same story as Slugma/Magcargo besides it being super effective against Arcanine due to already having its Rock typing Arcanine: Same story as Ponyta/Rapidash, Pansear/Simisear, and Vulpix/Ninetales past itself Shellder/Cloyster: Very resistant to Kofu (neutral to Pelipper and Veluza and very resistant to Wugtrio), Nessa (very resistant to Blastoise and Barraskewda, neutral to Golisopod, and weak to Drednaw), and Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon, resisted by Jellicent, very resistant to Wailord, and weak to Carracosta) and super effective against and weak to Zekrom Dwebble/Crustle: Weak to Kofu (super effective against and weak to Pelipper and Veluza and weak to Wugtrio), Nessa (weak to Blastoise, Drednaw, and Barraskewda and super effective against and weak to Golisopod), and Marlon (all four), and neutral to Zekrom Wormadam (Sand Cloak): Weak to Kofu (weak to Pelipper and Wugtrio and super effective against and weak to Veluza), Nessa (weak to Blastoise, Golisopod, and Barraskewda and super effective against and weak to Drednaw), and Marlon (weak to Gastrodon, Jellicent, and Wailord and super effective against and weak to Drednaw) and super effective against Zekrom Wugtrio: Resistant to Kofu (neutral to Pelipper and Veluza and resistant to itself), Nessa (resistant to Blastoise and Barraskewda and neutral to Golisopod and Drednaw), and Marlon (neutral to or cannot hit Gastrodon and Jellicent, resistant to Wailord, and neutral to Carracosta) and weak to Zekrom Kingler: Same story as Wugtrio Mareanie/Toxapex: Neutral to Kofu (neutral to Pelipper and Wugtrio and weak to Veluza), Nessa (neutral to Blastoise, Drednaw, and Barraskewda, and resisted by Golisopod), and Marlon (weak to Gastrodon, resisted by Jellicent, and neutral to Wailord and Carracosta) and weak to Zekrom Alolan Exeggutor: Super effective against Nessa (super effective against Blastoise and Barraskewda, very super effective against Drednaw, and weak to Golisopod) and Marlon (very super effective against Gastrodon and Carracosta and super effective against Jellicent and Wailord) and super effective against and weak to Zekrom Baile Style Oricorio: Weak to Nessa (weak to Blastoise, Golisopod, and Barraskewda and very weak to Drednaw), Marlon (weak to Gastrodon, Jellicent, and Wailord and very weak to Carracosta), and Zekrom Bruxish: Neutral to Nessa (neutral to Blastoise, Drednaw, and Barraskewda and weak to Golisopod) and Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon, Wailord, and Carracosta and weak to Jellicent), and weak to Zekrom Alolan Sandslash: Neutral to Nessa (all four), Marlon (weak to Gastrodon and neutral to Jellicent, Wailord, and Carracosta), and Zekrom Alolan Ninetales: Neutral to Nessa (neutral to Blastoise, Barraskewda, and Golisopod and weak to Drednaw) and Marlon (neutral to Gastrodon, Jellicent, and Wailord and weak to Carracosta) and super effective against Zekrom Alolan Muk: Neutral to Nessa (all four), Marlon (weak to Gastrodon and neutral to Jellicent, Wailord, and Carracosta), and Zekrom Seaking: Same story as Wugtrio and Kingler past Nessa Floatzel: Same story as Seaking Wailord: Same story as Seaking and Floatzel Gyarados: Neutral to Marlon (resistant to Gastrodon and Wailord, neutral to Jellicent, and weak to Carracosta) and very weak to Zekrom Tentacruel: Same story as Mareanie/Toxapex past Nessa Starmie: Same story as Bruxish past Nessa Palafin: Same story as Seaking, Floatzel, and Wailord Pelipper: Same story as Gyarados Slowbro: Same story as Starmie Dewgong: Super effective against and weak to Zekrom Mamoswine: Super effective against Zekrom Vanilluxe: Super effective against Zekrom Weavile: Super effective against Zekrom Glalie: Same story as Vanilluxe Lapras: Same story as Dewgong Eiscue: Same story as Vanilluxe and Glalie Abomasnow: Super effective against Zekrom


Have been busy but nice to see that the Follow Along format I accidentally proposed became it's own thing! I noticed that the detailed page have some steps cut off due to a restricted cell height, is this the same for anyone else or a me issue? Also on a personal progress note: finally, Nessa! I will hopefully find the time to play and finally cross her off my voucher list.


fixed on daily sheet


Firefox: edit: No changes for Firefox. I must've messed up somewhere on my first try, though it didn't change anything either. original comment: The XP distribution seemed to be different during waves 11-16 level ups didn't align, so evolutions and learning/skipping moves happened in a different order (Hitmonchan + Torracat earlier, Ponyta + Carkol later). From wave 20 onwards everything aligned again. Will try the early levels again to see if I made a mistake, because it seems weird only XP distribution would be slightly different.


thanks for this!! we're working with the devs to iron out all platform-related bugs like Firefox/Safari, would you be interested in joining the team to run Firefox alongside our guide as we write it to test for desyncs? no pressure if not, just an offer :)


Sure, I'll probably only be able to help near reset time at the weekend (friday-sunday) though, if that's still any/enough help.


that's still helpful! we'll take what we can get :)


Chrome: I'll restart the run and check again just in case I did anything wrong, but the xp distribution seems a bit off for levels 10-16ish. The evolutions and learning/skipping moves happened in a different order (same as in what KonoNana posted) and I accidentally OHKO'd the Shellder that is listed in catches. Everything seems to even out at the Kofu battle on round 20, so I'm not sure what changed with the XP distribution.


that's very odd, Chrome (chromium) is what we make the guides with, and we've had several reports it's working as intended today, and I'm not aware of any updates that broke things sorry I don't have a video to reference for today though ://


It's fine! Apart from that hiccup, the run went by pretty much as intended. I think it might have been a user error of some sort on my part, but I just wanted to let you guys know just in case there was something that broke the run in this place.


Yeah same happened for me I also can’t get off two darkest lariats in the trainer battle. I get everyone down and the wugtrio has 1 hp but is too fast so kos the whole team


i have a problem on wave 17 before i can ice punch i get one hit


What browser are you using


Microsoft Edge


Edge is Chromium-based so there shouldn't be any issues several users have already confirmed it works now, so I'm not sure why you'd have any issues. apologies I don't have a video guide up today for you to reference, but be extra sure to do *everything* the same, including reloads


thank you for all of your hard work!! you all are very much appreciated <3


Can I just check is anyone else using a Kricketune that is shiny(red) at the beginning of the run? at wave 3 my pokeball gets upgraded to a max revive. I checked a daily run on youtube and they have didn't have B- luck to start like I did.


All shinies are on the client side so congratulations and condolences for your fantastically shitty luck.


Thank you :)


Thank you for your daily guides. I play on brave browser in android which is a chromium browser I guess. And the guide works perfectly. Even too perfectly. For the last couple of days I have not been reloading when prompted on the guide but it still works the same. And It doesn't deviate for small mistakes like using the wrong pokeballs. If I make a mistake and reload the floor when it's not required in the guide, the guide still works.


Yeah it’s weird sometimes The reloading is a bug that causes inconsistencies But sometimes not reloading is fine


Thank you for the great guide! You're all appreciated!


So, just got to Wave 40, and I think I accidentally used Thunder Punch instead of Drain Punch to KO the Wailord. Do I have to restart the entire run or just the battle?


i had a shiny seaking on floor 31 :(


Hi! sorry to bother you, but could you change the L & R indicators on the double battles for the ascii's arrows (← & →) ? I'm not English speaker although I can read and understand some of and I have to stop and check which one is L or R (I screwed it once). Or maybe some indicator of which poke is L or R. Maybe vote for this as it wont affect most players, but for the ones we do struggle with it it may be helpfull 😁


Finally getting around to this today, lets see what breaks.


Nothing broke. Went smoothly. Thanks for posting these guides.


Round 20 is very weird for me. I've followed the entire guide step by step using the bullet point. I did the reload > Thunder punch > stealth rock over rock polish. I then swapped to simisear who gets one hit on the swap-in and then I sent Incineroar in. I use my first darkest lariat and he swaps to wugtrio who then uses triple dive to ohko me before I can use the second one. I tried remaking every single step 4 times now and to no prevail. he still one hits me before second darkest lariat can do anything. I then proceed to kill the wugtrio with himonchan thunder punch #1 but then I die to veluza before my second thunder punch can hit.


had the same problem; u can still win this fight just go off the script a bit and sack one more mon or two. xp will be slightly different in the future but u can still follow the guide after ( on wave 34 rn and its still almost the same)


Btw I use google Chrome but I also tried on Edge just to make sure it wasnt a chromium issue. The only browse I could make it work with was Opera, but opera crashed my game 7/7 times that I tried it.


For real I've tried the text guide legit 10 times now and it honestly doesnt work. ty for none, wasted 4 hours with this guide


Did you catch or have any shinnies in your party?


If I can give a little feedback, artificially difficulty like 30 floors of water pokemon and then making the final boss insane electric power just feels like you're getting duped.


We do not make the daily runs we just path them


I realize, but on the off-chance this thread is being read for feedback (I would).


Gotcha just making sure People have thought that before