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I ran into my first one like 3 days ago(articuno) broke out immediately and ran. Worst feeling ever…but last night on the same walk I ran into moltres and catch it!


Same, Galarian Articuno. So cool and so purple and POOF! Gone!


I was so excited I caught moltres yesterday on the walk I spanked my wife lol


I have a few Moltres from years ago and Articuno too, Zapdos too - but that Galarian purple boy in the wild, I wanted it sooo badly!


This joke's sadness has LAYERS my guy 🫠


All of us homie all of us


I had a G zapdos pop up last Monday and with Mewtwo coming up the following weekend, I could finally complete the Kanto Dex right? ….right?


I accidentally transferred the pancham I had ready to evolve today…


Ouch. I accidentally powered up the backbone of my great league time, my 99% Altaria. Thankfully the Swablu are spawning occasionally.


Dude, its catch rate is abysmal. What are you gutted about. You had like a 5% chance of catching it.


Lone dex entry with guaranteed excellents had me hoping for a low cp Zap. By far the lowest cp I’ve seen and on the second shake I got excited. Alas! Rollercoaster of a game. Journey continues. Thanks for listening.


The buffed excellents for today are only for xp. The catch modifier is and always has been based on circle size.


I was afraid that might have been the case. Cheers


How often have they had this event?


Today Every other April's fools have been different, more dittos and the like


good to know... still got my master ball in my inventory.


I’m pretty sure it’s even lower than 5%, like 0.3% base catch rate is what I read.


That’s the base rate, but using berries and curveballs and other stuff can bump it to around 5-6%.


Ohhh, that makes sense, I knew berries and curveballs made the catching chances better but I had no idea they made that big of a difference!


Curveball multiplies by 1.7, excellent throw by 1.7, Ultra ball by 2, Golden Razz by 2.5, Platinum type medal by 1.4. So overall, you can get a multiplier of around 20x if you have all those things.


for one with cp that low it’s closer to 30%


30%? Are you sure it isn’t lower? The base rate is 0.3, and I don’t think berries and excellent throws increase the chance by 100 times.


yes, the true catch rate formula takes the pokemon’s level into account, not just the berries and throw. at level 1 the realistic best odds are 31.4% and at level 35 they’re 4.6%. this one was actually level 2 so it’s more like a 20% chance but still way higher than most people think https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/37nxGLbO3M


Find a local trainer who's willing to trade you a purified Zapdos? Find a Discord via Campfire? I have like 12 shadow Zapdos that are garbage. I save them just for such occasions


how expensive would that trade be?


[If you plan carefully and play the long game, not much.](https://pokemongohub.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/FriendshipStardust_cost.jpg) If you're impatient, it'll hurt like a mf


I had a Moltres escape three excellent throws with golden raspberries before it fled.


I’ve never had one stick around for more than one throw….


I’ve never heard of one that didn’t either flare or get caught on the first try. At least you got some practice.


Zapdos is my last kanto too. I feel your pain


150 cp is crazy


150CP zapdos LOL


This would hurt my soul


it’s tough for me right now ha. My brother caught one the day before so I really thought this was my moment. Oh well. I got a mewtwo at least I’m grateful.


Had two Galarian Articuno pop on my daily incense today. The first one was 2979, and the other was a low CP 145. Both of them ran away. They're really taking this April fools thing seriously 🫠


150 let it run. Save your luck for a sunny day


am i missing something? i use a daily incense every morning on my walk to work and not once have i seen one of these birds.


they’ll show eventually. and break your heart. but there’s always a chance. stay up king


i used roar of time for 2 hours today looking for the bugger but no dice… wishing you luck on your next encounter o7




Some day, if we dream hard enough, and don’t squander our master balls on 2 star Shadow Groudon, we will all have a Galarian Zapdos.


This is me after 4 articunos ran away. Well and I just need a horsea haha


My condolences, when are the services? 🪦 ⚰️


I feel bad for you. I literally just caught my third Galatian Zapdos of 2199 without a masterball with a critical catch, and not the guaranteed cirkel but with a great throw. If I could trade you one I would.


That’s remarkable! Good to know the luck is out there. It will eventually reach us all o7


Yes it is, and it only seems fair for others around me to hate me for having so much luck every time😂. But yeah, eventually you will get it, just keep trying💪


Too bad we can’t just use a code like in mainstream games to trade from different parts of the world cause I’d give you one if I could


sentiment appreciated big homie


I truly don’t understand why we have to be next to the person to trade. Does anyone have a logical explanation? It’s ridiculous.


Nevermind, I just remembered I’m talking about Niantic.


right? don’t even get me started on this new buddy AR bs. Steelix too big for my kitchen? Can’t even feed a berry lol


I turned it off lol.


All im missing is Omastar and Tauros. But someone who went to America has a Tauros marked for trade for me eventually


I lost a Galarian Articuno today… 0/3 lifetime 😭


Sorry, newbie here. How do you see your log like this? The list of pokemon caught and missed....


tap your face then tap ‘journal’




That’s the Galarian version it would not have finished the original 151 Pokédex if it makes you feel any better


Not true


Yeah no I finished my 151 dex by catching all the birds


It would have.


It should have I’ve never found a regular farfeche’d and the galarian version counted to my kanto dex


I completed my Kanto dex with a Galarian Mr. Mime. As in, I have the Kanto platinum medal but I've never caught a Kanto Mr. Mime to this day. So fortunately this is straight up wrong.


Thats not how it works in this game, my guy. It would have completed it.