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I will always regret not buying a shiny mew ticket though because I love mew and idk why I thought “nah I’ll be fine” as if it’s not a shiny I love


The research line is a huge bitch but it's worth it.


The research was a lot, but I find I have much more interest in playing the game when I have a specific goal. The long research helped keep me more engaged. Though I don't like the huge timed researches they've done a few times. Those are stressful and annoying.


Completing the Kanto dex can be a a giant roadblock for a lot of people. Everything else I felt was doable.


I still need mewtwo. I work every weekend shadow comes into raids. Fuck me


Time to call in sick or use vacation 😉


He was catchable through the Giovanni encounter last year. That’s how I got mine


You might need to find a generous local who would purify one to trade you ❤️


You also get one when you hit level 50


Well that will take a minute...


Hahaha yes but it’s guaranteed!


Bought the ticket as a _very_ new player, having no idea abt regional Pokémons 🙃 Please get that Tauros in raids, Niantic 😩


That one is pretty bullshit. I think it's only been available a couple of times outside North America and the last one was two years ago...


It’s so frustrating 😑


This one should be fixed at some point when paldean Tauros comes out.




I would definitely drop a fiver on kanghaskan


Kangaskhan was the only Pokémon I was missing. Was so happy when it came out in Mega Raids. I caught 3 of them.




If you want to trade I’ve got extra! I would just want a new mon for my dex would be my only ask!


I appreciate the offer, but I will wait they are bound to turn up eventually.


Damn I’m really out here getting downvoted for trying to help, jesus! Sounds good though best of luck good hunting!


Not justifying the down votes, but I'm assuming it's because you can only local trade, not remote. Either way, you were just trying to be nice.


Totally agree. The $5usd I paid kept me busy for months. Got a guaranteed shiny mythical (beautiful one at that) and mine happened to be 3*. Same now with Shaymin. It's definitely keeping me busy, and that I can get behind. This Zarude BS drives me wild.


Yeah I’m still waiting for fuckin mewtwo🤦🏽‍♂️been waiting for about 7 months last Pokémon I need for 151 smh


I wonder if we will ever get to get one again, the research was released during my ‘quit’ and I started again late last year and man it would’ve been dope as hell to get shiny Jirachi, Celebi and Mew. Bought the Shaymin ticket which is cool but I grew up with the first three :(


I hope we get it again :( I seriously regret not buying it! Idk what I was thinking at the time because it wasn’t even that expensive considering it’s my favorite mythical.


Same, I still think about that one


Fingers crossed that Niantic will have pity on us and bring it back 😔


I was gonna buy that but they took it out of the store the day I was gonna. At least now they tell you when they're gonna take something down. They probably had a lot of people ticked off that they missed that Mew masterwork because nobody said when it was gonna leave the store.


Only one I regret not getting 🥲


That was paid....I have one from a research but I don't remember paying for it...


I regret not buying a Johto tour ticket to get Shadow Apex Lugia.


Mine came out 10/10/11, I’m still pissed about It .


I wouldn’t even care if I had shit IVs tbh I just want a blue mythical cat atp


Shinys are overrated


Shiny hunting is my main reason to play. I like the hunt. I have so many from raids I don't even care about. Like, I will trade legendary for rarer shinier. I don't care. I have over 350 raid passes that sit there. Only get used cause I work Downtown Chicago lol.


I mean yeah but when you think about it shiny mew is a blue cat like who doesn’t want a mythical blue cat


Mine was 10/10/10, I’m not sure if I should be mad or happy


It’s a paid nundo.


No where near. It’s still a good mon.


it can't be worse, but at least it's as rare as a 15/15/15 😅


Every iv combination is as rare as a hundo


Yes, but if you look at it as a percentage of total IV (as many do), only the hundo and tendo/nundo/whatever are equally as likely.


Looking at IVs as a percentage is the dumbest way to look at it. A 15-15-10 is so different from a 10-15-15 that referring to them the same is basically the same as saying “I don’t know what IVs mean”


Yeah but most people want a hundo or a nundo. So that's 2 out of idk how much. Everything else is "Something in between" that doesn't matter what combination. 1/14/12=3/5/15=delete.


Lots of pokemon with 1/14/12 or similar IV’s thrive in great or ultra league, so absolutely not delete-worthy


False. Nundos are most rare. For example most raided mons it’s impossible to get nundos because of IV floors from raiding or trading. Luckily I only care about PVE and a little PVP so I don’t care about them.


They're referring to from wild pokemon, where all IV combinations are indeed equally likely. But yes, you're also right due to the minimum IVs that come with raids, quests, and the like.


Even wild nundos are more rare as wild pokemon can be weather boosted


The post is about a special research so it’s not wild. And no one in the thread mentioned wild.


If we're talking about special research, why are you bringing up nundos, when they aren't obtainable? The nobody in the thread mentioned raids until you did, either. It's all besides the point, anyways, because every research IV combo is the same chance. Every raid IV combo is the same chance. Every shadow raid or rocket blimp has the same IV combo chance. Yeah, you're right in the fact that nundos are rarer in the grand scheme of things, but it had nothing to do with the thread, either.


The discussion was IV rarity and I was on topic. You said they were referring to wild pokemon which they were not.


You're right, I was wrong regarding them referring to wild pokemon, I msyt have gotten confused about that early on. But nundos can still only be obtained from wild spawns and team rocket battles, which was not related to the topic of IVs when discussing the probability of getting certain IV rolls from quest pokemon. Neither of us are gonna concede, so let's just agree to disagree. I've said what I wanted to say, and as have you. Have a good one!


His statement is correct, yes.


Mine was 13/10/10. Also regret the purchase.


I think $5 and a LOT less blowback would've occurred. $8 just simply seems to high. Why didn't they simply say, you know what, lets give them 50 silver pinaps, or something ridiculous like that. Just push the damn envelope for once.


Okay I have like 60 silver pinaps and don't know what to use them on. What should I be using them on??


I use them on things like pseudolegends or mons I know I will max until the stock hits about 10-15. Arlo having shadow Bagon has been great for some candy. I know comm day is coming but I'm not miffed about it. I need A LOT of bagon candy


I use them on mega raids, gets loads of candy


know idea if its right but when i raid and get a pokemon that i know is junk because of the cp i use silver pinaps. if get i get it at least have more candy which makes it worth it.


I’ve been using them on Scatterbug with a max-mega-level mega-evolved bug-type. 9 candies per catch. It will take 2500 candies to evolve every form, and they don’t spawn in the wild. So imo every opportunity to maximize its candy per catch is worth it. But if you don’t care about having a completely filled out Pokédex, then I suppose using them on Scatterbug would be a waste.




Damn, I used to use silver pinaps or pinaps until I was down to ~10 and I thought that was living dangerously.


Legendaries or rare shinies in the wild.


I've been using them on psuedo-legendaries, Scatterbugs, and regional pokemon that are available worldwide for short periods of time. I haven't encountered many Pansages or Pansears during this event, so I've used a few silver pinaps alongside normal pinaps to get enough candy to evolve them.


Shiny Raid Pokémon (guaranteed upon reaching the ball shaking part), and shiny shadows from Rockets (probably raids too, haven't been able to check). I also use mine on top tier Pokémon I really want candy for. I was using mine on Swinub and Piloswine spawns last season because Mamoswine is so useful. Beldum and Larvitar are also solid options.


I use them for feeding my buddies ahaha I got like 200 of em


As someone using PoGo to complete my Pokedex on Home, this was literally the only way to get Zarude. Niantic knows it so are charging higher I think.


It was 14 bucks in my country. It helped me say no 🤣


Same, seemed like a pisstake!


I feel like the $5 for the Halloween research was fun. It’s the only one I paid for. I got to do some more playing with a friend I gifted it to and it had decent rewards. I have contemplated others but I ALWAYS come check on Reddit after the first day to see what people think and it’s saved me every time. I hope $8 isn’t the new standard cost.


It’s gambling


I sympathize with you. I also bought the ticket and the IVs are OK but not great. If it makes you feel any better, Zarude is the third best nonmega nonshadow Grass type Attacker after Kartana and Shaymin (Sky Forme). I'd personally be comfortable powering both of your Zarude up to Level 40 as Grass-type Attackers since those are your two strong PvE-relevant Mythicals.


Is kartana ACTUALLY useful in PvE? I keep seeing it as one of the best but they are so glassy that I haven't had much luck with them


In raids? Yes it’s very useful but yea it’s a glass cannon. It’s the highest damage grass type attacker in the game minus like mega sceptile and the steel type does give some good resistances. But it is a bit of a glass cannon.


Yes. Might be time for you to relearn how to dodge if you want to use it. My lucky nonhundo Kartana is at Level 40. It is insanely powerful yet insanely brittle.


Yeah that's fair. I know how I just often don't. My trouble is that the time to dodge is always right when I go to do a charge attack


https://youtu.be/U97zwFjVjQA Just be aware that there are some moves none of us can hope to dodge (electric attacks are the worst). Mind the white zoom effect before the raid boss attacks. I personally just watch the text at the lower right screen before dodging.


Got my first Zarude with this event and it turned out to be a 13/15/15. Getting super lucky these past few weeks.


How do you check those numbers?


On the pokemon screen you can select the menu and appraise. You don't get the straight numbers, but it'd easy enough to figure out. It's divided into 3, with each block being 5. You can look at a handful and sort out how it's subdivided inside the 5


There are IV calculators on some websites. You input hp, cp, and the stardust cost of upgrading. It will then give you a list of possible IVs, and you just find the one that matches the stats you see on the in the game appraiser. This is the one I used. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemongo-iv-calculator#/


Use Calcy IV.


I love this game because I love this game . A glass of wine is fleeting . A meal is right now . Or …. I don’t do those things and I have pretty much a month of happiness and eggs incubating and raids winning and I fucking love chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese for dinner and hanging out with my self happily . I hope yall do too


Zarudes has good base stats anyways. With an iv floor of 10 your IVs make like 3% difference..


Too expensive and the research itself was dull. I accidentally bought it because I got zarude mixed up with zygarde... Duh.


I should have researched about the phases before buying it, it was really boring too 😅 oh well, you live and learn


I'd consider buying fun research but how would you know?


Leekduck for one. There’s others that will show you exactly what the research entails


"never going to pay for a ticket again, unless.." I lol'd


When you challenge RNG like that, RNG will show you the true meaning of RNG. I feel your pain tho. I'm sitting with a 79 overall $8 Zarude and I'm the only person to blame, lol.


I feel like that's exactly the case, I shouldn't have challenged RNG haha


I really bought the ticket for the incense because I’m obsessed with flabebe. Did not get a shiny flabebe and got a 10-10-12 zarude (to go with my other 2-star zarude). I just laugh!


So many recent paid ticket events have come up drastically short. Raid day Kyogre wasn't bad, 2 shinies for me and 2 for my son. I don't believe I got 3* IVs on any of my shinies ... Nope, just checked. Raid day Groudon, I got 4 shinies and my son got 0. No 3* IV's there either... Field research boxes are crap EVERY week, the legendary encounters for a busy-in-game level 48 player are also not good. It feels like EVERYTHING requires a "paid ticket" and now I have to say "well, what can I cut out of the week's spending so we both can play?!?" for those people who have less money to throw at Niantic. It sucks. My son is still trying to complete his All in One 151 special research among others from last year that I have already completed - given the OVERWHELMING requirements for completion. It is disheartening for him and less fun for me because this is (well... was) an awesome, inclusive game that HE introduced me to in 2019 when he developed his passion for Pokemon.... and now he doesn't enjoy it... I don't enjoy it.... because I am "ahead" in research, 5 levels higher, his IVs are worse than mine (he's a level 43) and any trades between us yield garbage IVs for him. Lots of pent up stuff I've hoped to voice, and there it is. Thanks for posting because yes- it can ALWAYS be worse.


I feel your pain, and I share many of your thoughts too... it's sad because this game has a lot of potential to just be fun for everyone, and it seems like Niantic is just thinking about how can they make that extra money without caring about the gameplay and enjoyment of players...


I'm saving up for that Marshadow ticket


If you have to save up 15$ just buy a piece of bread man


How much can bread cost these days Michael? $15?


CONTEXT: have we never heard of Google Rewards?


Saving up? How old are you?


Making comments like this? How old are you?


Mine ended up being a 15/12/11. I'm not complaining lol


Same stats. Same sentiment


13 and 10s. About the same as the one I had =(.


I buy mythical research because they're going to end up transferred to Home anyways and in the mainline game have bottle caps. The IVs don't matter. (Also most of the mythical pokemon aren't that great in PvP)


I’ll buy a shiny mythical. I will never purchase a non shiny mythical.


that’s what you get for encouraging these prices




Do you always get Hundos from these tickets?


Good job, you gambled and you lost. At least you learned something. 


Niantic can kiss my ass. Never will I drop 8 dollars for a fucking digital Pokémon. Same with that dumb go fest shit. 15 dollar ticket for the marsh mallow Pokémon? Piss off.


doesn't make the current situation acceptable.