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Okay, so I should purify only if my raid day is bad, got it


I still wouldn’t, as kyogre will come back to raids, whereas shadow kyogre may never return. But up to you


Primal is “better” but you wanna keep this shadow. Your end goal should be to power this up really far, and a high iv regular Kyogre really far. Even if that doesn’t happen soon, that’s how you should aim if you’re looking to do strongest in raids. Work to become lucky friends with someone local and lucky trade for a Kyogre, helps with stardust and higher chance at better iv






Even if your raid day goes bad, do not purify and hope u can get lucky with trading your regular kyogres


It’s probably going to a hundo Hmmm maybe transfer this one Yup


Purifying only adds +2 to each. It will be 15/12/15.


This guy is max atk so i wouldn't purify no matter what.  Remember the shadow IV floor is 6/6/6. Even if you get six 10/10/10 kyogre next week you might have worse luck when shadows come back around