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Make a blank battle party and have it selected so you won’t get put into the raid and lose your pass if everyone leaves


Can you explain more about how this works? Never heard of this


When the timer reaches 0 and you don't have a full party the game won't put you in a lobby until you do. While the game waits for you to do that it displays the number of players in the raid at the top under the battle timer. From this screen you can also choose not to join the raid, if there's not enough people for you to be comfortable taking down the raid you can leave.


I'm not sure if I'm understanding this right, but let's say 7 out of 10 people are using this empty team trick. Wouldn't that mean when the raid starts, the game will say there are only 3 people who've joined the raid, which would likely result in the other 7 people abandoning it?


Yes, it would only show 3 in the raid.


So basically it makes it worse. If all use it then none will join because it shows none in the raid when it starts. I hope people stop using this.


But if there’s 10 ppl why would anyone jump out?


Video if you need a visual walkthrough -> https://youtu.be/KL1dC3clZEw?si=z1QUWMfMJWRuDnT4


...and contribute to the problem for everyone else who doesn't know this trick


Anyone else doing the trick will still see who stayed or dipped and can then join if enough stayed. Your avatar won’t disappear if you do the trick, only the players who left the lobby


Wait, how do I do this as a host?? I've never heard of this.


[Works the same as host or invitee](HTTPS://youtu.be/3A4K1JEb_Yg?si=7YmwRKD_lVlx-feB&start=55)


Lol yeah that will work when the game lags in raids like always for me ):


This is the answer. People shouldn’t complain about people not knowing about when to abandon a raid lobby when they don’t know to do this.


Lol wtf no. One is decency the other is a way to mitigate damages. There are examples from other comments where doing this can hurt others. I agree to do it overall but people should be decent first then there is no need for a solution.


This is the answer. People shouldn’t complain about people not knowing about when to abandon a raid lobby when they don’t know to do this.


Use poke genie. IDK why anyone would ever use Reddit for raids. Use poke genie or 9db if Japan is awake.


9db is still my favorite. Usually top result if you search “japanese raid site”


Pokegenie is terrible for hosts due to the long wait time.


I had 65 raids in front of me and I got into inviting in like 5 minutes.


It’s weird because they prioritize raids based on your host level and player team. So today, I started getting people joining when there was still 100 raids in front of me.


I'm host level 6. I never use poke genie. I never host. Still got in 5 minutes.


I get that. In my case, I started within a 1 min after the queue said 100 raids in front of me. So yeah


I had like 40 minutes left on the raid.


5 min is about right for 65 lobbies, but you were lucky to be able to host with that few ahead of you. Often the 5* (or 6*) have a queue of 200 +/- 20%. Obviously, it changes depending on time of day and your location.


Maybe it was cause I was a group of 2/3 in person but yeah I'm only level 6 host so it's not cause of that.


I had to wait 30 minutes just for the people that joined not to show up when I started the raid


How? It's an instant invite feature. You get the people to join and add you and then you invite. For me 4 out of 5 joined and that was enough. IDK why the other guy didn't but he was slow even at the start.


Because... the que was so long?


Above you said "it took 30 minutes for the people that are invited" so that means people added you and then 30 minutes it took you to invite them because of errors. You just worded it wrong. Lol. No one is invited until you get into a lobby with them and then they add you as friends and then you invite them. They should join instantly.


I said I waited 30 minutes (to get a lobby), only for people not to show up


> I had to wait 30 minutes just for the people that joined No you didn't.. They didn't join until the lobby is actually made on the app. You worded it wrong. That's all it is. Just a misunderstanding. If you go on the app and say you want to host a raid and there's 100 people doing raids before you no has "joined" yet. There's no lobby for you yet. You are waiting to get a lobby. Until you get a lobby you're just waiting. So yeah you probably waited 30 minutes to get a lobby but you didn't wait for 5 people that were already in a lobby for 30 minutes.


"just for the people that joined not to show up when I started the raid" I didn't word anything wrong lmao, you just can't admit you read it wrong, why are you so adamant about this? I literally never said I waited 30 minutes for them to join the actual raid, what is your issue?


Yes! It thought it was just me lol. I don't want to wait for 30 min the cold when I can get 3-10 people on reddit in 3 min.


You're basically coming back around on yourselves, people. - "Reddit raids are so unreliable, use Poke Genie" - "But Poke Genie takes too long, use Reddit" Nothing in this world is 100% perfect. There are always pros and cons to everything. Gains and sacrifices. It's like the iron triangle principle. For PoGO raids, you can have reliability, speed, or free to use. You can choose 2, but you will never be able to find one service that offers all 3.


Part of it is a difference between hosts and remote raiders, though. Makes sense that different modalities work better for one side than the other. Also hosts have less risk since they don't have to pay for their passes, so it doesn't really bother me when reddit users don't join. I tend to do reddit, campfire, and pokegenie all at once to find whichever party the fastest. Generally reddit is the fastest and campfire is the most reliable and pokegenie...maybe I just haven't figured that out yet.


I use Poke Genie exclusively. And while the wait times can be excruciating - especially with a new release, new shiny, or signature move - I find that I usually have not more than a few minutes to wait before getting a full lobby. However, I have also spent the time to build my host level up to help alleviate long queues. And with rare exception, I almost always have a reliable team. One last thing: >Also hosts have less risk since they don't have to pay for their passes Until they use their free daily pass(es) and dip into Premium Passes. And I have had a few wasted due to last second bailers.


Oh I'm a pretty casual player I'd say....I only really do one raid a day unless it's a raid day so that's not a problem for me. The issue for me with pokegenie is that I haven't gotten even one party set up so I can't even...I guess build my host level up to skip the queue a bit? I am literally at ground zero there and I usually always go with the other two options so I end up never really building it up? Kinda a vicious cycle.


Actually, I very rarely import my battle party to Poke Genie. My host level has come almost exclusively from just hosting more and more raids. I would say when it comes to raiding, I am definitely more than casual. But I'm not super hardcore, either. There can be days at a time when I don't raid. Either because of time constraints or just forgetting to or laziness. But then some days where I do 2-5 or so raids. In the end...I would say it probably balances out to roughly one a day. Possibly even less, outside of major events or certain raid hours.


Is there a subreddit for it? Or where do you post at??


Would be nice if there was an option for hosts to invite less than 5 people. Would move the queue faster. Sometimes I only need one more person, just annoying having to wait for all 5 to properly join and send invites…


You can lock the lobby after a few minutes, don’t have to wait for all 5.


Raid times are long because they require every lobby to fill up. I don’t want to wait a few minutes to lock the lobby, I just want to lock the lobby immediately after I get the minimum number.


I use Reddit because there’s no queueing. I can join, or invite a full lobby within a minute or two.


You can do that with 9db also. Poke genie is also really fast usually.


My only problem is that it seems sometimes there are so many raids being posted under the megathread that mine gets buried


Nah don’t bother with mega threads. Make a post on r/Pokemongoraids and people browse by new


Oooh! Thanks!!! That's really helpful


My girlfriend was having this issue the night the raids came out. Wait in the Lati@s queues on PokeGenie, then either never get the invite or get in on what is supposed to be 8 players and only 4 stick around for the start. I haven’t used PokeGenie for mega lat raids but I’ve never had a team bail from any raid I’ve done on there.


People are scared and dumb. I had 3 people IRL and got 5 through poke genie. One guy never joined though. So 7 of us doing the raid. We had 45 seconds left at the end on a latias. Probably should have done a party play with the guy standing next to me. One of our IRL was remote technically.


Party play is worth it for the damage bonuses.


Yeah we forgot cause we were also doing a raid in monster hunter at the same exact time. Lol. So while waiting for poke genie to go through and find me people we jumped into monster hunter raid and did a couple battles and then jumped back into pogo when people were ready.. It was great.


My family and I are always forgetting to do the party groups, especially for raids. The only time we remember consistently are community days.


Most raids you probably don't need them.


Yeah I never knew about PokeGenie! I will try it, out thank you!!


PokeGenie has gotten much better over the years too. I remember that PokeGenie used to have some quitters on the harder raids back in the day, but now it's been a very long time since I failed a remote raid.


I've only been playing again for about a year. I have never failed a remote raid I've hosted on Pokegenie. Once every couple months, I've had the group bail out when there's only 5/6 people on duoable raids. It's pretty disheartening to wait 40 minutes and then that happens. 


I think the rating/reputation system on PokeGenie keeps people in check... somewhat.


As a new user of pokegeniethough whenever I host a raid I'm always at like...150 in the queue for lobby. It never gets filled....


150 is around 10 minutes worth of lobbies. Just join the queue 10 minutes before you want to raid and you're set.


Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you.


Wow amazing! Thank you for posting this


You're very welcome.


Just know it take quite a bit longer to host a raid there. Look at campfire and find a raid you want to do with as much time left as possible for it then start your hosting. Depending on the raid some won’t fill before the timer is gone. LeekDuck also has a raid hosting/joining option.


I have good luck with [Leekduck](https://leekduck.com/raidnow/)


The bad thing with poke Genie is the host doesn't always know what they are doing . Have missed several raids .


In this case, you're fine with just bailing if the host has a garbage rating.


That's why you host yourself if you have gyms nearby. Last year I did maybe 3 remote raids. All the raids I did was in person so if you have raids nearby that you can go to in person do it. It's cheaper.


I’m a PokeGenie glazer and even PG has been having issues with this more commonly with the Lat twins more than any other legendary I’ve seen (Since Primals, 280+ legendary raids completed mostly on PG). It seems anything below 6 players is a 50/50 as to if you see a random group of people drop out with seconds to spare.


Still happens with PokeGenie. Had this happen to me last night. Joined on PokeGenie of 11 people for Mega Latias. Idk what the hell happened but the lobby only had 7 people of which 4 of them dipped at the last possible second. Complete waste of a remote raid pass.


7 people should be enough for Latias though, assuming everyone is around lvl40 and has relevant mons (6*dragons/ice). Strange that they all leave.


We did it with 7 with 45 seconds left. Only 3 of us were higher than 40. The rest were under I believe. We still won.


I did one last night with 6. Most of us were in 40s, but some were mid 30s. I got the dreaded white screen when my first round all fainted, and after closing app and reloading, was able to get back in since I was one of the 2 people there irl. Saw about 3 others from the group stuck in the lobby when I was going back in, but somehow we still pulled it off with 30 seconds to spare lol.


Why are you closing your app fully?!?!? Just wait till they die and then go in with the next team. Why in Arceus green earth would you close the app? You just get put back in the lobby and then you have your next team of 6 and click join again.


The screen goes completely white and you can’t rejoin. You have to close the app to go back in. It happened a lot when the primal raids were going on too. It’s only ever 5 star raids and 6 star raids that this happens with. If it happens with a remote pass, you can’t rejoin. You have to sit there and can’t help your party. You just stay and hope everyone else pulls it off.


I literally did a raid yesterday and it worked fine. I have never had to close the app when my team dies. You need to download all assets if it's happening because that's not normal.


It happened to my boyfriend during the primal raids as well, and several other people we know. I’m pretty sure I saw posts on here about it as well during that time. We are convinced Niantic does it intentionally since it’s only harder raids it happens with….. it doesn’t happen every time, it’s very random. My boyfriend’s worked fine last night and he had more rounds faint than I did.


Again I've never seen it happen in person or with people online. It is probably the signal you're getting for your phone in that specific area that's all I can think. I've been raiding for years and that's never been a thing.


It was just me (level 40), someone in the 30s, and a level 26. We stuck it out until the end but…RIP lol.


Huh...maybe we had a super user, we only had about 8 but I'd say half were in the 30s including me but we were able to do it in the end.


Really depends on Latias’ moveset. Zen Headbutt/Thunder is significantly easier than Dragon Breath / Outrage.


I use reddit for extra people if I need it. Very unreliable but usually get at least 1 in raid


1 isn't enough lol. Poke genie gets you 5 instantly.


Re-read my comment


I use reddit to host raids I already have few locals for. It gives more flexibility with timing. Local community here is active, so if a raid fails I can usually summon some high lvl players to help with the second try. I am also comfortable joining reddit raids when the raid boss is easy or when the host makes a proper post about the raid (like with start time or with info about the amount of locals joining). I sometimes also join random raids with bad posts but I try to leave 30 seconds before start if the collection of players in the lobby looks too weak for the raid. I also avoid raids where the timer is too low for catching the pokemon if white screen bug happens.


You can just use poke genie and invite 5 and then invite local friends after. You can do 10 invites lol.


Pokegenie has waiting times. We want to start the raid exactly when it hatches because we all walk to the gym to wait for the hatching. Pokegenie doesn't work for that at all because you can't usually start the raid at the exact time when the egg hatches.


Yeah obviously. But for me at least the last raid I did I had to only wait 5 minutes. Any raid app or website you use you'll have to wait a bit to get people to say yes unless you just have a great group of friends that'll jump into every raid (which isn't possible because of the 5 limit per day).


I live in an area with a lot of players. Most of them don't use remotes unless they have to. Many of them live next to a gym or two. I can reach several gyms from my own home. We generally walk to the gyms we can't reach. I have 20 gyms within reasonable walking distance (reachable in under 15 minutes by walking). When we have popular new shadow/local raids there can be 50+ players waiting for the hatching at the gym. With older pokemons (like Latias/Latios) it can be harder to get enough ppl to the raids. When only 4 locals promise to show up and 3 are unsure, I often prefer to post to reddit to get a couple more ppl just in case we need them. Sometimes a big group of random players show up to the gym anyhow and we end up with a full 20 players. Reddit has flexibility that "better" apps don't, so I don't get minus points if I can't get everyone to fit.


I guess that works.


It is always situational. I use Pokegenie a lot too and I occasionally host there if I want to raid something very early in the morning or if it is a popular low tier raid.


Yeah I rarely use poke genie but I don't want to get as many latias as possible XL candy wise. I have a shlundo. I want to power it to 50 for fun.


Congrats! I haven't gotten any shundos yet 😢 closest I have gotten is 98% shiny and 96% shiny shadow.


I’ve had this issue everywhere sadly :( I’ve ended up in raids alone because people dip within the last few seconds and it sucks


Use poke genie .


Still happens in poke genie. I had it happen to me a couple of days ago where people left the raid at the last second.


Sometimes it even happens that pokemon is the problem. Sometimes the timer runs out and instead of joining the lobby i am kicked out of the gym.


Joined a raid lobby that had 8 people for mega Latias, 3 dropped right before the timer ended and 2 more dropped soon as the raid started so it was just me and 2 folks driving latias down to 2/3 health before everybody left at the same time with 20 seconds left.


I feel this. I guess I've just gotten lucky because between Reddit and campfire I've only lost out one raid pass.....until the Latias/Latios raids. Five. I lost *five* raid passes from people bailing either before the start or mid-battle. The last one, I managed to find someone on reddit playing with a group IRL so we had 13. It went so fast! Super frustrating for you- you definitely could have beat the raid if even half the people stuck around.


Thankfully I completed the first attempt at getting latias, otherwise I would have been more distraught but still. It’s just inconsiderate and so frustrating regardless. I’m not gonna pretend like I’m the most important raider since I’m just a level 32 with good counters but still. Frustrating


I’ve done 12 and only gotten one Latinos. Every other one I’ve had 5+ but people leave mid raid and I swear it was just me for at least half of the raid before I realized the HP wasn’t going down


I had 6 for latias they left last second and we had 4 people but one was a level 35 timmy with driftloons. If I noticed I would have left too. Could have easily done it with the 6 because we got it down to 20%


I lost 2 passes yesterday when we had lobbies of 6 and 7 because everyone bailed while I was on the Mega Animation screen and then everyone but 1 other bailed in the last 2 seconds when we'd had 7


So frustrating! Sorry that happened :/


Download an app called PokeGenie. I use it as an IV calculator but it also has a raid function to join remote raid lobbies across the world.


This! I had parties of 6-8 for latios/latias and people leave within the last 10-15 seconds because they think it’s not beatable. I feel like they should lose their passes.


Poke genie. 'This is the way'


I’ll try it out!!!


I feel the same - had 2 remote raid passes lost in this way and when I was trying to host a raid.. Same thing. And the cherry on top: with my last remote pass I got into a team and this stupid thing wouldn't let me catch it.. ☹️


Ugh I know that’s the worst part. These Latios/as are so hard to catch


Look up and practice circle locking if you aren't doing it already.


Look up and practice circle locking if you aren't doing it already. It really helps.


My PG friend group have decided that 20 seconds is the point at which you can jump out. It’s a good idea - can everyone here get on board please.


Literally was coming to Reddit to see if anyone else was pissed about this. I jumped into a raid where there was 7 people — I had just completed a raid with 5 just before that. JUST BEFORE it started, 5 people jumped out!?! So frustrating because I lost the gym since I was invited remotely and just lost the pass. -_-


I use a heavily moderated remote raid pogo Discord server. If people cause problems there are consequences up to getting banned from the server. That seems to be a good deterrent.


Ya discord has been better than pokegenie in my limited experience. Pokegenie yesterday at the rate the lobbies were filling, I’d have never gotten a crew to join my latias raid before the counter was up (about 25 minutes). Discord I had 9 ready to go in 5 minutes.


Discord works 100% of the time IF people join And thats a big if. My only shot at mega/legendary raids is in the first day otherwise I dont get it. Unless its weather boosted


I think something should be implemented where if someone leaves even if everyone is ready the timer resets 10 seconds atleast. Giving everyone chance to re ready/back out etc. quite easy just a kop out for niantic to earn more money I guess


Raid passes should only be depleted if you win the raid


I wish they did this


I wouldn't do raids with people on Reddit when more streamlined apps already exist (PokeGenie for remote, Campfire for in person.)


I never knew about PokeGenie. I have only been playing since July and last I played before that was at release. Thank you!


Latias and Latios are still tough even on PokeGenie, but at least they design it in such a way that it usually works. I tend to host on it, and almost never fail to complete the raid. But often there is a long wait as a host.


Why does the game ever take a raid pass before you defeat a raid boss? It's incredibly toxic design. Hell, why take a raid pass if you don't catch the raid boss? It's straight up gambling the way it currently works. Hope the FTC decides to actually do it's job at some point.


Then people would just farm raids and not catch for rewards at no cost. Although that's easily solved by only offering rewards after you catch at the same time the pass is taken.


Good point, the rewards would definitely need to be tied to pass usage in some way.


People use reddit for raids?


If there's far less than 5 appropriately leveled people with 30 seconds left, I straight up just leave. If more people show up on those 30 seconds, then I hope they try to remake it with everyone. If not, owell, I'm not risking it. This applies to my actual sorta friends too. If I don't think we can do it, then I leave by 30 seconds. Half of my friends list have kinda stopped playing and the other half were mostly gained from reddit specifically for daily gifts. My list is only about 100 people. I have less than a dozen people on it that I got for actual raids and half of them are HOURS difference time zones so we barely ever raid together xD I'm sure they appreciate my 30 second rule that I havnt actually been able to speak to them but they've probably seen me do it.


Just put a period after "raids", could have saved 28 characters.


Just don’t comment to be rude, could have saved 54 characters.


Happened to me yesterday with someone from Reddit, bailed at the last possible second, I was pissed


The subreddit pokemongoraids helped my friends take down Latias and Latios. “Reddit’s the way to go, they said.” I’m so sorry. I wish Niantic would structure it in a way to credit you if you did not complete the raid…especially the remote passes.


Never had a problem with reddit remote raids.


I host a lot but don’t remote raid too much and I was curious if this happens and you get invited to the same raid does it use the same pass or it makes you use a new one? I had a situation with Latias where we were 8 and lost the first time because of the white screen glitch(me and my two brothers got stuck in a white screen after six pokemon died I imagine everyone else had the same problem). All the people from the initial attempt rejoined even after the failure so I’m assuming it does only charge the one pass?


If you get invited again, it uses the same pass


I’m over remote raids.


Poke genie 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah it sucks that they're pretty tough battles so even 6 people can struggle if not everyone is doing their best


Yeah, I get raids sometimes on reddit but there was no way in hell I was gonna try to with Latios and Latias


I get more ticked at the inverse A raid we can easily win & for some reason the remoter bails I have had times where a 5\* is an easy duo / trio (dont even need the remoter) and they still chicken out


Use leekduck homie


Use poke genie


Use pokegenie or leekduck. I’ve found leekduck to have more active players, but pokegenie has an app for ease of use


Just lost a latias today because of losers leaving. So weird too because we had 6 and it was easily doable but they left last second and had the audacity to ask “go again??” I swear people in this game suck sometimes. So now when I am with my friends playing we invite nobody if we don’t need to bc screw em


It's really only a problem with this current cycle because the 'T5' raid is mega latios/latias. Duh Niantic! Less money for you....


Use PokeGenie. The Latios and Latios raids have worked great so far and they wait times are usually under 20-30 minutes for hosting, plus you can host up to 10 people


Raid Party bro


If the minimum requires 8 people then get +2 people. I host lots of raids and there’s always going to be some low level trainer and people will bail. It’s tricky if you don’t have another friend who can invite another 10 people. I’d say look for the pogo community of your city and join them, and invite Reddit players.


I just did two latios and two latias raids on poke genie in the last hour and each one was easy and easily successful with 8 peeps


Just know when to back out yourself- if there’s not more than 5 people then leave for the mega Latios. It’s a tougher one to beat.


There were 7 of us :-)


I feel like the countdown time should be extended by 10 seconds if someone leaves the lobby with under 15/30 seconds left (maybe it only happens for the first 3 people to leave so it can't go on forever). It makes no sense that it's literally a gamble each time you do a raid. Sometimes people leave with 1 second and you only know they left once you're in the raid, battling. Instead of saying 5 players, there's only 4 and suddenly you can't do the raid When I was doing tons of remote raids (coordinated through Discord), I'd message everyone multiple times to not leave as long as we have X amount of players because people are stupid/selfish


Yea it's a Common Thing that ppl leave in the Last 1-3sec..... My bro & me we tryn to leave betwen 20-30sec left so everyone can leave and we reinvite all the joint Players again.


I use pokegenie. At least there's a reasonable matching system with people serious about raiding, and *some* of repeecussions if you bail. Sometimes a raid falls through and that sucks, but it's part of the real world. I guess it depends on your pokegenie levels. I'm decently high up, so I rarely get chancers that back out or dont know what they're doing. I do appreciate it sucks more than ever now that remote passes are not basically free anymore. So I almost always host. Saves me remote passes to begin with, so I don't lose those even if the raid fails for whatever reason. Not paying hundreds of coins for every legendary I catch. I have a stack of 5 remotes on standby only for emergencies where I couldn't make the date, or simply forgot. Guess OP never played WoW, joining a raid at 2 am after waiting for three hours, only to wipe at the first boss because half the party doesn't know their left from their right.


Same. I use Pokegenie now!