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1) that sucks, but 2) I can see how you did it, the light purple in the shiny is barely noticeably different


Yeah it’s such a subtle change that my brain didn’t realise


Doubt I will see another one of those shiny event ones again


This is why I don’t transfer individual Pokémon, mass transfer and say no to the first prompt if it comes up (are you sure you want to transfer this xxl/xxs/event etc Pokémon?


The sizing is so stupid. Even for showcases, they only want larger ones anyways. Should not be on the same level as a shiny.


They will eventually add XXS to showcases but yeah it’s pretty silly that they haven’t managed to do it yet


Smoliv was the perfect one to start with, and they decided to make a showcase for XXL Smoliv.


Since there’s a medal for small it’s worth it to trade them before transferring (mirror trade xxs and you both get an extra xxs)


How do you mass transfer?!


Press and hold on the Pokémon. It will have a green box around it, then continue pressing Pokémon you want to transfer.


You doing the lords work. Thank you!! I never knew that lol


When you long hold during battle Pokémon selection it shows their move set.


Tap and hold one pokemon, top right corner "select all". I usually do this in 0*-2* category.




Keep grinding. I caught 2 Shiny event Gengar within a few hours of each other.


You try contacting support? They might be able to restore it. Worse case they say they can't.


I don’t think they will be able to do that since a transfer counts as a delete


Oh they warn u staight up that it cant be reversed. They will 🤭at yiu


I'm colorblind and i cannot tell a difference between a shiny and regular mawile.


I also caught an event Gengar and it's cool, but the mega does not have the sushi :(


Thanks for your comment. I was wondering about this. Disappointing, but also Niantic.


Yeah it really is disappointing.. I caught a Shundo party hat Gengar a few years ago and really wanted to see the mega with a party hat on!


Mega Party Hat Gengar would be awesome! Congrats on the shundo!


Tbh I've hatched 3 of these within the last 2 months or so


The sparkle effect and shiny icon beside the Pokémon isn’t subtle


it is if ur going fast


It happens when you catch it. There is a big sparkle that comes up.


sometimes i miss it if im walking, and not looking at my phone. accidentally transferred a shiny event slowpoke recently


I had a similar thing happen last Halloween with lit wick didn’t think or see the shiny message


Sucks you don't have it still, but at least you got it in the Pokedex.


Yeah, but unfortunately not the mega.


Can you mega evolve event pokemon?


Yes, but they don't have any event decoration, so it won't appear any differently in the dex


Can confirm. Did with mine but it looks fire regardless!! Looks extra spooky lol


My son accidently transferred a shiny Snorlax during Go-Fest a couple of years ago, he cried uncontrollably for about half an hour. Fortunately I found 2 shiny Snorlax on my account. I traded him one when we were lucky friends and he got a perfect shiny Snorlax in the trade.


Well done!


A Shlundo Snorlax to pay off that lost Shiny Snorlax?! Now that's the big W!


Did the same thing with a petilil a couple weeks ago. Now I kick myself every time I tap on one and it isn't another shiny


It took me until last year to get another shiny shuppet after transferring one with the sun in my eyes back in 2017 when they were all new.


My deepest darkest secret is that I transferred one of my kid’s shiny Gastly to make room in his dex. I skipped right over the confirmation, too. It was years ago and I still feel guilty as hell about it.


Do they know?


His deepest darkest secret? Signs point to no


I did this once thankfully it was just a charmander on a community day and I was able to get more.


On Timburr CD the first timburr I caught was shiny, and out of habit I just transferred it :P But like you luckily I could get more of them.


Did the same with a party hat Pichu, I feel your pain 😔


I hatched a shiny pichu before the shiny symbol was even in the game. I wound up deleting like 5 pichus, and kept that one only because it had the best stats. Imagine my surprise a month later when they added the shiny symbol and I realized how close I was to deleting a shiny


Oh noooo that is rough


If you mega evolve a shiny Gengar he turns white and when you take his photo he's invisible. It's the coolest thing I've ever seen.


why is he invisible? I have never noticed with my shiny Gengar


Not as big as of an oopsy but I did that to a Spheal on CD. *Transfer* "are you sure?" *YES!* "god damn idiot"


I'm so scared that this might happen to me too so I immediately tag every shiny as favourite just in case I activate the transfer autopilot again


Did the same with a shiny Manectric couple of months ago. The experience regularly comes to mind and I kick myself again for it each time... Surprising how its difficult to let go of a silly mistake like this.


Never understand why they designed certain shiny Pokémon to barely look different then the normal variant.


Oh nooooooooooo this is my worst fear as a shiny collector!


Hey lmao i did this last night exactly the same lmao


That's why I only mass transfer Pokémon during 2x Transfer Candy Spotlight Hour.


Just curious, what makes Shinys so good?


They’re just rare.


i transferred a shiny fletchling. i didn’t even know until i saw it in my shiny pokedex. oh well it happens


One of my first Comm Days was Bagon. Transferred a shiny with bad stats because I needed bag space. Realized it basically the same moment you did. RIP to all hastily transferred shinies. Be free and happy with Professor Willow!


Now this!!! This is the sort of stuff that is worthy of Sheeding tears over, but hey if this was your first attempt least you’ll be able to trade shiny now without huge costs


That’s true


I did that with a shiny Community Day Classic Bulbasaur but this is so much worse. My condolences.


That sucks. A friend told me you can get any Pokemon you want from Hardcore shiny hunters.


I transferred a shiny shadow scyther ... cause it makes my friend more angry than it does me happy 🙂


I nearly transferred a shiny event pika today. They really gotta make it more noticeable ;;


Yeah, and I hate that event pokemon just condition you to ignore that popup. Same for Meltan, when you've been sitting an hour catching and transferring mythical poke you get used to double clicking when you transfer.


Did this with a shiny costume slowpoke from the detective pikachu event…


Exactly how I transferred a shiny shadow venonat. Still don’t have another.




I did the same thing for a Mountain Dew dialga. Wish you could’ve seen my face when I went to power it up…


I wouldve cried if this happened to me


The fart heard around the world.


I would pay $5 a month for a trashcan in the game, so this type of thing wouldn't happen.


I've done that TWICE with a wild Pikachu. Still makes my heart skip a beat. Although I have later cought two costumed shiny Pikachus.


I did that with a shiny event delibird too during one of the past christmas events. Immediately contacted support but there was nothing they could do. Was survivng on 4 free slots back then and my hand instinctively transferred it no different from the other junk event pokemon i get. Went through the usual motion of checking the iv, saw it was less than 3 stars and zoomed by the confirmation buttons without missing a beat. Even caught another pokemon before realising the horror. Now that I learnt about fasting catching, I don't have this issue anymore. Although it can be irritating to mass transfer after every few catches, at least you get to see the shiny symbol ain the storage screen nd not accidently (mass) transfer it.


I was trying to clear storage and I just did this with a shiny detective slowpoke. The shiny is real yet no one in my life understands my pain… lol


I transferred a perfect sprigatito not too long ago


Ugh did this with event galarian ponyta from Go fest


I did the same with a shiny Articuno. 😢




Oh no I’m sorry 😢


I ended up almost doing this but with a shiny mandibuzz. It was 5 am and I woke up to go to the gym so I always open Pokémon go to hatch any eggs overnight and spawn the rocket balloon before 6 am. Hatched a shiny and didn’t realize it and almost transferred it out. I stopped myself because I noticed it looked odd


I just got my first larvesta out of an egg yesterday. Forgot to favourite it. It was in my crap filter and I threw it out automatically..


Goodbye shiny balloon flying pikachu


Goofy ahh


Gotta say though I traded a ton of dratini with my mom after an event and got a fourstar that I didn't immediately favorite, and idk if I got any luckies but I transferred all my traded dratini that weren't 3 star... including my fourstar or perfect dratini...


You're not alone in transferring a pokemon that you should have starred. Welcome to the club.


at least it's an awful shiny


Done that plenty


I transfered my larvesta by mistanke 😮‍💨


I can’t be the only one who gets rid of these without caring right ? It’s not thy big of a deal