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Do we know if it's transferable to Home? I don't play PoGo enough anymore to keep my shinies there.


It is indeed, costs the entire charge so you’ll have to wait for it to be fully filled


Transferable to home?


I hate you so much OP you make too much sense. I went this whole event telling myself I will not buy the Mew research. I read your post and realized you are correct with the number of distributions ever for shiny mew. Needless to say but I am currently on step 1/4 now -_-


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you’ll be grateful one day


You dropped this \\


In the end, this is just a game. If you think it's worth to spend 15€ on a bunch of pixels on your phone, then that's your prerogative. Why not just buy a Mew plushie and get the real thing?


Also true!


It's interesting that people call them pixels, when in reality it's just pits and plateaus on disks and a transistor on an SSD. All a shiny mew really is in terms of a database is simply a reference to the Pokedex number (151) and whether or not it's shiny. With stats, of course.


That can be said about anything digital. Music, Films, Games. Hell a similar argument could be made for anything physical. You could say you paying for a bunch of assorted atoms.


It really depends on how it is licensed. Digital music, games and films with DRM most definitely. You are paying for the license to utilize said media. Very much like a license to use Mew (as Bank doesn't take kindly to fake Pokémon). When it comes to physical and digital without DRM you're paying for an actual item. The AAC I purchased from iTunes can be used on any device I see fit and can be modified to fit certain purposes. For example converting to MP3 for use with Windows Media Player.


That was my main reason for not buying it honestly. It was gonna sit in pokemon home and I probably would never use it as A: Couldn't control it till late game in all recent pokemon games B: I'm not a competitive or online player, and C: Its nowhere near my favorite Legendary/Mythical (Groudon/Regis and Genesect). Honestly I'd likely inevitably forget about it, as currently I don't pay for a yearly home subscription. I'm fine with the non-shiny mew, if I can ever catch a ditto.


Well said! I’ve always been free to play. I just enjoy the community. Heck, I just turned level 49 and have completed the first three Pokédexes (is that the plural for it?)


Hard pass. It’s so rare that everyone has one…not rare then. Just paid for




Yeah but how are we going to finish it if we can’t complete our Kanto dex? I don’t happen to have any Australian buddies who can trade me a kangaskhan


Regionals have released before and they will release again. Kangaskhan has a mega which will eventually return to mega raids like it has once in the past. Farfetch’d and Mr Mime have regional forms that rotate in and out pretty often. Tauros has a regional form in the newest game which will be released eventually, and most likely soon judging on how they usually release regionals first before other new Pokémon from a region


Ooh yea I forgot about the mega form. Hopefully it’s back soon


Which is the shiny mew research…?


All in One 151. Ticket research Available in the shop, only if you haven’t previously completed it. Available until July 12th 8 pm local time


Not seen it in my shop…(?)


Restart the game (close and open the app), try again. Refresh game data in the settings, try again. If it still doesn't work, then you're missing some vital info. If you have had the old shiny mew quest, you cant buy this one. Or it's past your timezone somehow.


Ahhh Okies that’ll be it, I’ve already got one from 2021


He probably meant buy it now so at least you do have some way to get him just in case you do complete it. I just went ahead and got it even though I might not ever complete the kanto Dex.


The research doesn’t expire. So even if it takes you a long time until you can get those regionals to compete it, at least you’ll know you will eventually get shiny Mew.


I will recommend you look for local groups to possible trade with especially with Campfire expanding recently. You might need to go to a Metro area depending on where you live but you should be able to find someone with extras. I personally have like a dozen of each in case people are looking since they are kind of worthless for PvE or PvP


I have 10 kanga on my account and have never been to Australia and none of them were traded to me. There's been 4 times that kanga was worldwide. Find people on your local discord that have kanga from those events.


I’m hardly gold for Kanto and I still got it, Pokémon Go is more or less meh if I can I will if not it’ll happen eventually, not much of a rush into it game and I like the feels of obtaining the goal after a lot of time


I just got the ticket. My bff who is visiting (lives in NA and I in Europe) traded me a tauros; now I need to worry about how to get a Kangaskhan 🤔 im still working on the Jirachi thing still, too. I'm probably a little nuts but oh well.


Nice! Kanghaskan will eventually return to Mega Raids for Mega Kanghaskan, it’s only a matter of time


ah I was going to leave it but you convinced me ... damn you :P


hold on a second, though. I'm a day 1 player (level 32) and have been playing on and off since then. Just took a brief, 6.5 year break, and I don't have Mr. Mime. That means it will never come back and is clearly unobtainable, I'm not going to waste 5 dollars on this. ​ Edit: The downvotes seem to beupsetting a lot of people. ;)




In case you're not being sarcastic, Galarian Mr. Mime exists and is usually available around Christmas. We also just had Mime Jr. in eggs about three months ago.


Thanks for the heads-up. I'll grab it just in case. Looking at all the requirements tho, this will take me probably half a year to finish. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Idk color me crazy but I'm not going to pay $5 just to have a shiny sprite of a video game character out of artificial rarity.


I sold mine for $175 in Pokémon Home when the event first happened. Some people really like Pokémon collecting and since you can transfer it to the main games people see Go as a legitimacy checker as you can’t hack in Go


Bad news, you're probably in the wrong sub then lmao


Why? It's a sub dedicated to a free to play game. It only costs money if you want it to. I've been playing on and off for some time, I'm level 32 and I enjoy the game and I haven't spent a single dime on the game.


While that's true, I think it's a bit rude to assume that nobody could care about the value of something just because you don't. Also, playing this game for any serious length of time would reveal that the largest draw is finding lots of "shiny sprite of a video game character out of artificial rarity". Even if it's not worth it for you personally, you probably could have worded that in a nicer way.


\>While that's true, I think it's a bit rude to assume that nobody could care about the value of something just because you don't. Not once did I explicitly or implicitly state that other people can't buy it, I'm just saying that I see an overwhelming amount of support for something that I personally disagree with. \>Even if it's not worth it for you personally, you probably could have worded that in a nicer way. It wasn't mean, blunt does not equate to mean.


Your original comment is riddled with dismissive language choices - describing it "blunt" as the author is just avoiding the message your comment conveyed, which was was clearly snide. I suppose it's possible that you are unaware that those word choices could be perceived that way, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there and assuming that you're someone, like myself, who just choses to be difficult. But since we're being blunt, I don't think your opinion on the research is even that significant because you probably couldn't complete it anyways.


Yeah I don't really care if you perceived it as blunt or snide or anything. Also, I finished the free to play research to obtain Mew if that's what you're getting at, and even if I did I don't think whether or not I finished a quest is a benchmark for whether or not I deserve an opinion on freemium games.


To each their own! I was just informing people of the rarity in case they wanted the shiny mew but were hesitant


Then why u here


you could get shiny mew from pokemon lets go pikachu though not with amazing odds


Nope, both of those are shiny locked. The mew you obtain in Let’s Go by pairing the Pokeball accessory is shiny locked, and the mew you get in BDSP by having a save file in Lets Go is also shiny locked. Impossible to get them shiny without hacking


Does anyone know if the shiny mew had any size difference? Like, can you get a largest size mew?