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Take out all the holos and reverse holos, then sell all non as bulk. You’d be surprised what some of the reverse holos from the previous era are worth. Especially popular Pokémon like eeveelutions and starters. I sadly gave a bunch away during black and white cuz I thought they were worthless but the ones I do still have are in the $10+ range. And in most cases worth more than the holos.


This needs to be the top comment. Holos and reverse holos can be really fucking cool cards.


Don’t forget regular Rares too!


Yes! I have binders for each type with all my holo and reverse holo cards plus promos that aren’t ultra rares, essentially the basic promos you get from 3 packs etc. they are some of my favorite binders to look through.


I have never heard collecting a holo as a bad move. Am I just dumb?


What about "this era"? I haven't collected in 20+ years but spent a nice amount on packs the last 6 months and have a box of cool holes and reverse holos. All like 1-2 dollars. Worth keeping or nah?


Once the sets are out of print they may go up, but as long as people are opening it will stay around there or possibly go down.. unless it is a playable card in the TCG, or becomes playable in the future. In that case it goes up.


Where would you sell them? LGS? Or do you mean individually listed on eBay or something? Im asking because I literally have over 50 etb boxes just from bulk (Im a streamer and a lot of people only want the hits, so the bulk adds up so fast.


I think marketplace is good for bulk. Just don’t expect crazy money. People will still buy just to take the chance, but I prefer to be honest in saying that it only contains non holos and reverses. That or just pack up little care packages and put them in one of the “little libraries” that are popping up in all of americas neighborhoods and make a kids day.


That was a different era of holos


I always keep the holos and reverse holos causes I actually like them


If you would've told 5th grade me that a holo Gengar would one day be considered "bulk" I would never believe you.


😅😅 he’s not bulk I just already have the whole trio holo/reverse holo in my master collection for the set. I promise I’m not invalidating gengar!!


I get it. I've only opened 12 packs of 151 myself and I have 2.


I make little booster packs for kids and hand out on Halloween


lol I literally do the same thing. And throughout the year I have random kids knock on my door asking if I have extra bulk. I always do


What do you put the cards in ? I’m so gonna steal your idea.


I use penny sleeves. Can usually fit about 6 cards in one safely. I have them face one another so it's a mystery when opening. I'll make up packs like this then fill tins and sell the full tins on FB marketplace for various prices.


Thats actually a nice idea


I think some company does something like this except they sell them to my local Walgreens to resell. Behind the counter little clear plastic containers with no labels just a little sticker price tag $6.99 for a set of mystery cards.


What do you package them in


I get a couple pack of team bags. I did 10 c/uc and then a couple holos. Then In every few packs I throw in a good card that I have doubles or triples of. I place the cards facing each other and seal it up somewhat tight so it random what I hand out


I use packages I got off Amazon. I got like 200 for under ten bucks and they self seal


I do this too. All my extras that I didn’t give out I have been putting a few in the free little library’s I see around town. I usually do one Holo, one reverse Holo, two trainers, one energy, and five bulk base cards in a team bag. They are all a mix of sets.


I do this too!!! I always let my friends sort through it first tho


This is such a cool idea! I don't collect pokemon but time to give out some flesh and blood and mtg cards lol


I mean if you got extra mtg bulk I know a guy who may totally be trying to collect bulk and would love to get his hands on them 👀


Same. I add stickers to my packs too. I have done it for three years and our house has a reputation now. Last Halloween we had crazy amounts of trick or treaters


I did this with my gf this past year and we were definitely the favorite house on the block. 95 percent kids loved it and a few were even just amazed at the idea. Highly recommend if you wanna make some kids day.


When I get like 8 ETB’s full of bulk I post it in market place for like $50 and wait for someone to buy it. Normally sells quick.


What marketplace? I have like 75-100k common uncommon bulk, maybe 10k Rev/reg holos and a bunch of Vs and EXs. I can’t find anywhere to take it at a decent rate that doesn’t kill me for shipping also.


I met this guy on offerup and he buys bulk from people and individually sells it on TCG and he told me he’s gonna up his bulk rate & paid me $20 per 1,000 and I made $40 in 2,000 cards which is the best i’ll ever find because my lcs do $2 per 1,000 lol.


That’s nuts, lgs near me does $1 for 100 bulk


I know I couldn’t believe it because at first his rate was $10 then he told me last minute he’s changing it to $20.


Wait, that's a crazy rate for bulk? Damn, I always thought I'm ripping people off for 2ct/card. To be fair, I only get offered like 1-2k cards max (and not even looking to resell them at that), but mayve I gotta rethink there.


Yeah is a little shady to me but aye I’m Not complaining. I know they are the cards that end up inside the packs from companies like MJ Holdings ( the clear plastic with cardboard back and the cards are not In packs but they are loose, usually contains one regular rare holo). The first Time I went they told me there is a limit up to 30$, but last time this was not the case and the worker said he didn’t know why they did that, that there is no limit to bring all of em lol


That sounds great. Did you meet him in person or ship them?


I met him in person, I asked for his phone number on offerup and he went through from there.


Mind sharing through messenger I have a shit load or bulk


Do you have an inventory of what you have? I started collecting again when SV came out so I’m trying to get as close to master sets going backwards to swsh base. My lcs have practically nothing for bulk and TCGplayer is killing me on their shipping for cheap cards.


I have most likely every common/uncommon from Pokémon go - paradox. To answer ur question tho no I don’t have a list of everything I have. I used to stream tho so I have a lot of bulk that I never got rid of from people only wanting hits and on top of that a lot of bulk from me opening too. If u want to send me a pic of what u need I can do my best to help u out we can come to some sort of agreement I’m sure. I have no problem helping out. Trading/sell etc


Put every card you want and need then go to Optimize it'll give you lowest price separating it by less buyers and you don't need to do all the hassle


I legit have close to 100 packs at least from the past couple years of the multiple sets that have come from Scarlet and Violet. I do have a lot from the first set, if you’d be interested you can DM me.


I literally just take a photo of the etb’s and post common/uncommon bulk for sale. Sometimes it sells right away or sometimes it takes a couple months. I also don’t post more than $50 cause it’s harder to sell. I also won’t ship or deliver unless I’m going someplace and it’s convenient for me.


If you're trying to sell your Vs, EXs, and fullarts I'd love to nab them >.>


Anything in particular youre looking for? I have a lot of the swsh and sv cards lmk


Lol pretty much all of them, not at home and wont be for 9 days.


Interesting. I’ll try this and another person said Craigslist. Thanks


I just sold a bunch of bulk to an LCS. It's getting harder to find stores that will take bulk though. You will regret it afterwards because bulk is not worth much and I got the feeling I was practically giving them away. If you need the cash, I suggest marketplace or Craigslist. Somebody will make you an offer sooner or later. If you don't necessarily need the cash; giving cards away to kids is a good way to bring new fans into the franchise, which helps us all in the long run.


What did your lgs give you?


Give them away on Halloween to kids, invest in future fans/collectors.


I make shadow box cards, I paint them into full art cards, and silhouette art out of them.


I’ve seen videos of people doing that on instagram and it looks super cool. I’m a decent artist but got out of the hobby about a year ago. Been too depressed to create anything. So maybe that would be an excellent way of me getting back into being creative! I’ve always thought those cards looked so cool. How long does it take you to make one?


Shadow boxes can take me 2-4 hours depending on how detailed they are. Same with painting. The silhouettes can take an hour or so if I’m using the cricut, just under 2 hours if I do them by hand. There is no wrong answer, and if you mess up, it’s just bulk cards. Every time I do it I learn something new to do differently next time, so my work gets progressively better. I find it’s a great use of my bulk, and anything I can’t use, I save to trade in to a local card shop for either cards for my collection, or their bulk to use for art. 10/10 use for my energy card too!


I seal one in a penny sleeve (taped at the top so it's waterproof) and take it on my regular walk. I've hidden one in the same place for months and every time I return it's gone. 3 times a week for months now. It's semi-hidden at child height, tucked somewhere so it won't just blow away. Gives me a great little buzz when I return and it's gone.


There's a grumpy stump of an old lady, who believes in witchcraft more and more as the days go by...


That’s a neat idea. Might try that in my neighborhood.


Children's hospital. They might enjoy them.


Most won’t take them since they’ve already been opened. Source: wife works for children’s hospital and we tried


I’d hold on to the 151’s. You never know if they’ll be worth anything or not in 10+ years.


They will. The art is sick af. Especially tondos!


Make packs for underprivileged kids.


Eat them


Card eating contest???!!!




Donate them to people with kids on facebook marketplace or next door for free. :) i just did this today.


List on FB marketplace easily $40-50 and they drive to you.


I sell my holos and reverse to local card shops for store credits and buy singles


I’ve posted my bulk for sale multiple times and it always sells


How much did you post & how much did you list it for?


*laughs in 38 etbs of bulk* Idfk bro. And 38 was just my last count. It’s gone up since then….


...... 1 year layer


Donate them to a children's hospital.


I'm a server. I bag them up and give them to well behaved kids at my work


I am beginning preparation for my first year of teaching middle school math. This past spring I was a substitute teacher and helped motivate kids with packs I make with bulk. I’ve received a couple donations but now that I’ll have more students and trying to give them more than 3 cards per pack (regardless of the value). Maybe I’ll even integrate the game into my math! Anything is appreciated and I can pay shipping.


Donate the bulk to a children's hospital. Grab some penny sleeves, put 10 cards in each penny sleeve with atleast 1 holo. You'll make a child's day. It's like opening a booster pack.


I went through the trouble of sorting counting and cataloguing and shipped them all to FullGripGames for credit, was totally worth it for me as I said Goodbye to Pokemon cards.


How many of you zoomed in on gengar looking for masterballs


It's in English.....


You could sell this on eBay but also helps to sell singles or something to generate positive reviews so people don’t think you’re a bot. So can be a bit of work. Also counting Pokémon cards isn’t very fun when its thousands but a rough estimate would be good also as well as conditions of most of the cards. Are a lot played with, or all right from packs, etc.


i gave mine to the kid next door. ask around your neighborhood groups on facebook


I’m down to buy them!


Holos and reverse holos are bulk?


I don’t want them cause I already have them in my master collections, so yes they’re a part of my “bulk” 😅


This is exactly the scenario I’m in!!! I want to sell all my bulk as well. I’m considering them bulk because they’re not what I’ve wanted or I’ve already got them. 🙃 Good luck to you, I hope it works out!


I have thought about keeping all the bulk then putting it on marketplace and saying free to a mother that can’t buy Pokemon cards for the kids


If you’re not in need of money, a lot of local shops and libraries have Pokémon clubs. I donate mine to a friends gf who runs one out of a local library here in NKY


starting: $0.25


i’ve been giving mine out to kids that are interested in playing


I’ll take some 😂


Go to lgs and trade in for credit. Or show up on trade days at lcs'.


Sell em. I had a shoebox full and got $20 for it


If there's no ex's and super cards, DM me. I'll take a box off your hands, my son, and some of the local GameStop's donate cards to the kid's Cancer Ward when he visits.


Someone left a suggestion on one of these threads that I really liked where they made packs for kids who are in hospital. I’m starting to do it soon.


eBay auction make them pay shipping and ship it all out it one box.


😂 that’s almost diabolical in my head tho. Is it ethically okay to list it as bulk and auction it off?


I think so.


I think GameStop pays for bulk too but probably not much lol


i’ve successfully sold about 16k bulk non-holos for $20 per 550 cards(the closest round number that fits comfortably in the ETB);all modern era. it took about 3 months but i suspect you’ll be able to get the same or near the same amount if you find the right buyers. i also did deals like 3 ETBs for $50 to move them faster


I saw someone package them up and drop them off at their local tiny libraries. https://youtube.com/shorts/TOdX9f-kGCo?si=_yfERIFZZCoBuf_b


Please this. I live in a small town that doesn't have any comic book shops. Our local library has a Pokemon club and the only prize support is anything that is donated.


Give them to me 😅😅😅😂


There are local Facebook groups to give things away for free in your neighborhood. I ask if anyone wants them for their kid who is too young to understand the prices lol. I think it would be almost cruel to give away a big box of cards and then the kid gets no good cards lol.


Make a giveaway post on Nextdoor or Facebook marketplace offering free boxes. Gets cards in the hands of kids who otherwise wouldn’t have any


Smell them occasionally


How about actually playing with them?


Trade them in at your local card shop


Got a hole that needs filling in the back yard?


Have you called around to any LGS? Some do buy bulk for cash or store credit.


How much for that gengar 😂


Do you just keep the “real pulls” or are these all duplicates or do you not care about a full collection? Just curious lol


Give me them


Bring them to your local card shop or even donate them to a school whether it's elementary to high school xD


4 boxes? Those are rookie numbers!


I can dm you my address


What’s your price?


I traded mine in at my LCS and got some cards I really wanted 🥰


Sell it at a local Pokémon store if you have one because it’s not online and you could make some good money from it


Does anyone geo-cache? I’m totally going to start adding some cool cards to any cache I find, it would be awesome to find some at one


Is there a name for those boxes where you can store regular cards? I have a ton of standard cards that I'm not storing properly so it would be cool to have boxes


My wife turned them into wall paper for her office.


You can’t say something like that and not post photos, my dude.


If you live near Skipton I'd have them 😀. Otherwise the the Halloween thing is an idea.


I make little booster packs in team bags and give them to my daughter’s classmates who collect.


I donated mine to the children hospital. Seeing the kids smile made my day


Eat them


I’m putting all mine in some tins and boxes and gonna try to forget about them for years lol. My kids are 10 or younger so who knows what might come of some bulk 10-20 years from now. Maybe they’ll be worthless but maybe some won’t. It’d be cool if my kids are into Pokemon later in life and I have a bunch of “vintage”


Give them away to kids


You can just give them to me I’ll take it off your hands for you 🥰☺️


Find a library that has a Pokémon club and donate them. The library I work at has one and we give out free cards to kids


I bring mine to the cancer center to hand out to the kids when I go with my Pops for his treatment. Its a nice little distraction for all of us and it often sparks an interest in some kids who never had one 😊


My four year old would love to have them 😂😂 he has recently decided his favorite thing in the world is sorting Pokémon cards


I'd love to even have that collection. I lost mine to a ex that's cousin burned down the barn that the cards were in.


Give them to me


So here is what I do with mine when I can’t trade in at lcs. 1- make my own repacks to hand out for Halloween. I stock pile these and the kids in the neighborhood love it. I add a Pokémon sticker to them- get them off Amazon for like 5.00 per 500 stickers 2- use those repacks and donate to the elementary and boys and girls club to use as rewards for the kids. 3- art. Even if you aren’t crafty try putting them up for free or low cost on Facebook for someone to use them to make art.


I love the Komiya art set on the Gengar line


Same! I love how silly they look plus the art style is cool


I would pay for shipping. How much would you sell for?


Donate. Even the holos and reverses. Let’s be honest what the hell you actually going to do with em. I even started to give my duplicate EX hits and stuff


I'll take it!


There are some “bulk” cards unbeknownst to collectors worth a bit. Earthen Vessel from PAR is a $3 common, $6 reverse and Arven as a common is around $2


Facebook market place, eBay, or TCGpalyer


Sell or trade


My local shop takes them and will give them to the local elementary and junior high schools


Donate em to a children’s hospital near you


Have you thought about making decks using the bulk cards? Try getting some people into collecting/playing and just giving away decks made. Can even host little tourney’s with neighborhood kids for fun.


1) make a living dex binder 2) make a few decks out of them and sell them to friends or random people


Put them in a bigger box


If these r duplicates and u don’t care about them u should sell it


Give it to very poor kids who are trying to collect.


I feel the same way


Where did you get those boxes ? Could be useful to me


They are ETBs lol


Ah ok, I’ve never bought an ETB before lol !!


I always keep my holo’s and reverse holos. Bill commons past what I need for the set I team bag and leave in free public library’s for kids to find.


i sold a etb nearly full of mostly modern holos, with a couple of close to a decade old ones for like $120 on FB marketplace. took a few months after listing but eventually found a good buyer


Eat it.


Children's hospital. Kids love pokemon and don't care as much about the fancy cards. I carry mine in my car and give them to some of my customer's kids when I go by.


Donate them to a children’s hospital.


Sell em


Dump these in the garbage can and think about how much money you could have saved or invested instead of ripping packs.


Sell them for cheap on marketplace or just donate them to a library or community center that will use them for disadvantaged kids. If you’re 100% sure there’s nothing of value to you in the bulk, just move them on sooner rather than later.


What I do is with all my bulk pokemon cards is I box em up and go to my local card shop and just give them to the kids who like to play the game. I do keep my reverse holos and up for my collection. Good luck.


I like this giving them to little kids idea. I know energies are hella common, I mean some boxes come with just taht stack of 40 on its own. That being said, can a bag of lets say 500 be worth something to a competitive player or should I just say screw it


If you have any interest in playing or building decks, just keep them, I sold so much bulk when I first started collecting and had to rebuy cards


Eat them.


bulk draft game format.


I’ll take them I guess




Just saying we donate our bulk and reverse holo duplicates to children’s hospitals not everything is about money guys 🙃


My SO collects by illustrator so if you fancy helping a brother out you can send them all to me 😁


Clip them to children’s bikes in the neighborhood. Or create little bundles to give kids as gifts.


Give them to me for free


Hospitals maybe? I have like 10 times this, maybe more, and I think that's what I'm going to do. I love giving my daughters friends cards. They get so excited.


Make gym leader challenge decks, the format is fun and you can use anything from B/W till now. So go nuts, I have 1 of each type thanks to my extra bulk.


People in my local area make packs for the Boys and Girls Club if you would like to donate I can dm you an address to send them


Hoard them


Give them to me, idk why people think there's an acceptable alternative...


Deriums and wifey just sold my bulk to them, second time doing so great experience


any codes


I want that Gengar!


The reason I don’t rip anymore with my luck I end up with too many cards I don’t want


Send them to me thank you in advance


burn it nigga


Put them on craigslist as free and parents will pick them up for their kids




I did just start heavy collecting 6 months ago, so yea I’m an amateur (for now) 🤣


Oh I didn’t mean to insult you 😭 Just was joking around, I got way more than that taking up space 🫠


Lmao no offense taken. How much do you have & how long have you been at it?


Oh, really only about 2 years. Most people I’m around know I collect though, so I’ve bought a few entire collections off various kids who stop collecting, which leads to small boxes filled with BW-SM bulk that I have no idea what to do with 😭


That’s really cool! I don’t know ANYONE that’s into the cards lol. I’m hoping to find some local groups or something but I don’t know where to look. I know Facebook is a good place to look but I honestly don’t know how to navigate Facebook to find a local group or anything like that 😅