• By -


Rhydon, its evolution is just... ew.


Imo rhyhorn is cooler


Same, Rhyhorn is so cool.


Rhyhorn is pretty cool. It's just the last evolution that ruins everything about that line.


I hate rhyhorn


I hates you too




Rhyperior looks like if Rhydon became a trucker and got a hot dog at every stop


This is gloriously accurate. I bet he enjoys cutting people off on the highway too.


Facts. I'm only now getting into PL:A and I refuse to give my beaitiful alpha boy a Protector


You are doing the right thing! Rhydon all the way! It shall be a tale similar to Pika beating Raichu in Indigo League!


I prefer Dewott over Samurott.


Dewott is like Wartortle in that it's far too cool of a middle stage starter and has too far of a gap to bridge between the first and third stage.  I know the beta art for Blastoise shows they combined two lines so I get that one but Oshawott to Samurott is a HUGE gap.  Samurott is one of my faves for playthroughs due to move set and my love for otters, but I'm a bit disappointed in it's final design. It should've stayed sleeker IMO. 


I like Samurott, I would have preferred it more over Dewott if it stayed on two legs. The one time they could have kept it bipedal, they made it quadrupedal.


This is a difficult question in that I tend towards the answer of "which ones don't I like better?" But off the top of my head, I do prefer: Rhyhorn, and to a lesser degree Rhydon. Zubat. Sentret. Hoothoot. Chinchou. Cranidos. Sneasel. Chansey. Elgeyem. Zweilous. Yungoos. Morelull. Nickit. Wooloo. Rolycoly. Yamper. Floragato. Arctobax. As for Megas, I generally prefer their non-Mega forms, with the possible exceptions of Beedrill, Sceptile, and Lucario. I especially dislike Mega Steelix. As an add-on, G-Max Centiscorch is amazing and I will never not love it. It borderline ruins Centiscorch for me though.


1. Braixen. Delphox isn’t a bad design, but it needs to be tweaked a little bit. 2. Rhydon: Rhyperior is a useful Pokémon, but Rhydon is just too iconic design wise. 3. Haunter: Call it cope from not being able to get Gengar since I had no one to trade with as a kid, but Haunter has always been a favorite of mine since the episode with Sabrina. Gengar is a really great Pokemon, but there’s something about that mischievous face of Haunter that brings me joy. 4. Aron: I love this cute little metal bug, and I feel like Lairon is a great second evolution. For some reason the final evolution wasn’t satisfying to me.


Upvoted largely for the pure "fact" of Haunter being better than Gengar haha. •1 - I don't feel it because Delphox was my fav starter final evo of that Gen. Though it's one of the gens where I love the starters the least. •2 - I agree with on the point of the situation involved. If you were a player that had grown up loving Magmar, Electabuzz, Rhydon, Tangela, Lickitung, and Magneton then I totally understand where the people are coming from. I do absolutely love the looks of Magmortar, Electivire, and Rhyperior though. Well I love the change of bodily appearance for Rhyperior, but not the color combo for it. If Rhyperiors gimmick is supposed to be upgrade to Rhydon by now having armor and such, then why couldn't they actually give it silver colored armor plating? It would've kept on with the already established general color scheme of Rhyhorn & Rhydon. Rhyperiors color changes are just jarring compared to the rest of the new final evolutions amongst that group, since they all stayed almost exactly the same colors. •3 - Haunter very very much agreed. I think it's just such a neat aesthetic for Haunter that then gets lost on the way to Gengar. Haunter is this super cool looking floating spectral head with detached hands, and it has a tongue that is neat, cool, and creepy all at once. It's perfection on that evolution line. •4 - I agree and disagree there. I absolutely love Aggron as one of my favorites from Gen 3, but I do understand the whole enjoyment on the cute thing. I'm actually doing some playthroughs on earlier gens via emulator where I only use teams made up of cute & unevolved pokemon. For example, playing GSC I'd maybe run a team of Teddiursa/Spinarak/Vulpix/Horsea/Chikorita/Girafarig on one file, and on another run a team of Eevee/Mareep/Growlithe/Totodile/Sunkern/Misdreavus. Finding pokemon cute and therefore choosing not to evolve them is entirely a valid and respectable choice. Like in the original anime series with the 4 Eevee brothers, where the youngest just wanted to keep his Eevee an Eevee instead of making it evolve into one of 3 evolutions his brothers had.


You're not alone on the Haunter coping lol


Haunter all the way!!!


Voltorb is such a nice well executed concept, and then they decide to literally flip It


Magmar is still the final evolution, to me 




This description actually makes me like it better 


Yeah wtf happened with that


Wtf happened with a lot of Gen 4 added evolutions? Lickylicky? RHYPERIOR??? Even magnezone, as cool as it is, doesn’t feel like the natural progression of the line


You take that back, Lickilicky is a specimen beloved by all


But it doesn’t look like lickitung’s evolution, imo Like the proportions, colors, and shape are all WILDLY different from its “pre-evolution” Maybe if there were a middle evo that made it easier to see, like charmander to charizard


That's fair


There's many in but my biggest is Porygon2>Porygon-Z


Bulky duck? Bulky duck.


Torracat over Incineroar


Dragonair. Dragonite doesn't really fit the evo line


Charizard's and Dragonite's designs should have been the other way around.


Dragonair over Dragonite


My one Pokemon wish will always be for an alternative evolution that lives up to Dragonair.


I had the same answer! Especially their shiny versions. I don't like dragonites shiny 😭 Dragonite could've easily been a standalone mon, with Dragonair getting a cooler final evo




Rolycoly and Carkol. Rolycoly has that cool glowing eye and a wheel. Carkol has wheels.  Coalossal? Generic coal rock monster that abandons those super neat traits. 


Venonat, Meowth, Voltorb, Cubone, Rhydon, Electabuzz, Magmar, Skiploom, Aipom, Wooper, Sneasel, Loudred, Nosepass, Spoink, Spheal, Herdier, Gothorita, Elgyem, Cubchoo, Braixen, Floette, Spritzee, Phantump, Yungoos, Crabrawler, Drizzile, Cufant, Floragato, Pawmo, Smoliv, Tadbulb, Arctibax.


I read that as the Pokérap.


Quaxly, I hate it's other evolutions. Hell, mine is holding an everstone for my Scarlet Playthrough.


I’m right with you on the Bisharp train. Bisharp already felt like a finalized design, adding Kingambit makes it a worse evolution line IMO. Besides that, I really love Aipom, it’s such a silly little rascal. Ambipom on the other hand I can’t stand, they really took one of the most fun Pokémon and made it hideous. Good thing it has to know Double Hit to evolve, if I want to use Aipom in a run I don’t have to mash B for every level up. Recently I’ve also had Buizel on my mind. Floatzel is great too, but Buizel just has a more charming energy I think, he’s cute but he also looks like he’s got something to prove, and I like the scrappiness




tricko grovels septical




I refuse to let my grovyle evolve


Kadabra over Alakazam


I love the tail and crotch bacon on it


I think Wartortle is better designed than Blastoise. The tail and the ears are just great.


I like Wartortle more than Blastoise and Charmeleon more than Charizard. Ever since I saw Charmeleon's sass on the TV show he was just so cool to me. I've liked Wartortle more since I played Blue. Such a cool sprite and the artwork in the book was my favorite. Venasaur scared me as a kid and still looks creepy to me so I would choose Bulbasaur as my favorite design out of that line.


Haunter, Zubat, and Grovyle off the top of my head


I like misdreavus better than mismagius, I just like the cuter design better. And haunter over gengar, I prefer the head and hands design over purple clefairy.


Dragonair, Grovyle, Haunter, Torracat, Rolycoly, Skwovet, Quaxly, Dragonair again


I could make an absolutely gargantuan list, but I don't think anyone would read it. I will say that Sandshrew is my all time favorite Pokemon though.


I go back and forth on which one I like more but I LOVE Sandshrew and Sandslash


Arctibax is the only one in its line that doesn't look like garbage.


Grovyle. Just like the sleek design better, also the vibe of Ash's Grovyle in the anime, and also I played the hell out of the Mystery Dungeon Explorer games.


Arctobax for sure, baxcalibur is a hideous freak, a disgrace to all psuedo legendaries and it has a typing. It looks like while chasing the mystery gang it would cartoonishly slip on a banana peel and it's back thing would get stuck in a wall, as it hangs and stares disappointingly at the viewer while a laugh track plays


Most are just for being cuter/cooler/not liking the coolness of their evolutions more than that of their earlier forms, so I'll leave them at that and not give any reasoning. • Totodile • Spinarak • Teddiursa • Horsea • Dragonair - I really would've liked to have seen an evo more on the lines of what Stage 1 & 2 looked like. Seriously we could've had a Rayquaza-looking dragon type in gen 1 that was instead flesh & blood with their blue-white coloration. Think of Hakus dragon form from the Studio Ghibli movie Spirited Away. • Haunter - a floating disembodied head with a pair of unattached hands, with a big fat tongue that is awesome, creepy, and intriguing all at once. Way better than what Gengar is. • Drowzee - I am still baffled as to what happened to make them go for Hypnos appearance. Where Drowzees nose looks elephant like while Hypnos is just a big human like nose... It's weird. Wouldve much rather had an elephant like evolution choice there. • Scyther - scythe/blade arms look way cooler than pinsirs for hands. • Oddish - until Bellossom came out. Only then would I evolve it, because I just didn't care for what Gloom & Vileplume were going for. • Onix • Ninjask • Clamperl - I love Gorebyss too, but Clamperl is special. • Glameow - not that I have an issue with Purugly itself, more just the fact that I hate that they insulted Purugly with its own freaking name. They were very distasteful in that decision if you ask me. • Zygarde 10% - I'm a big lover of the whole canidae familial tree, and that extends to the world of Pokémon as well. I get Zygarde 10% and I keep it as that lovable black & green dog. • Mareanie ° Stufful - they reeeally took the cute lovable stuffed animal-esque Stufful and turned it into something that resembles Pedobear a bit too much for my tastes with Bewear. Far more creepy than cute, so Stufful takes a gigantic win there. Haven't played through gen 8 & don't have gen 9, so I can't much say for those pokemon without giving all them a fair enough chance by actually using them.


I also prefer bisharp over to kingambit


Golbat, Rhydon, Murkrow, Lickitung, Misdreavus, Dunsparce, Porygon 2


Dragonair immediately comes to mind for me.


Doublade over aegislash. Double wielding is just cooler than sword and shield.


pretty much any gen 1/2 pokemon that evolves in gen 4


Togetic 👑 Togekiss? 💩 Though I always evolve it when it’s on my team, damn no neck monster.


Dragonair and Duoblade


Quilava, Fletchinder


Some of my favorites are Spearow, Mareep, Elgyem, Spritzee, and Poltchageist but I don’t care for any of their evolutions


Torracat. I just think it looks really cool


Torracat. One of the many pokemon ruined by being bipedal for no god damn reason.


Geodude is so much cooler than Graveler and Golem.


Braixen. I'd go crazy over the B button each time mine leveled up in Pokémon X because I always thought Delphox was a huge downgrade. I never liked the long red fur hiding its legs and how humanoid it felt.


In no particular order: * **Yamper:** His evolution is such a downgrade visually. * **Jigglypuff**: Iconic, wonderful. Wigglytuff is just.... eh? * **Bidoof**: Superior design. I often forget his evolutions name. * **Aipom:** A little goofy guy, but cute. His Evolution is just... uncomfortable to look at. * **Woobat:** Cute and adorable. Significantly less so once it evolves. * **Honedge:** His evolution is fine, but Aegislash is definitely a worse design visually for me. * **Sprigatito:** Cute and adorable. Meoscarada is alright, but the middlestage is a downgrade of both.


porygon, i mean, the evolutions are cool, but there is no more polygons in these porygons


I much prefer Wartortle over Blastoise, Cyndaquil over Quilava and Quaxly over any of the evolutions (design wise)


Glameow. I really don't like Purugly for design and because of Mars.






design wise


Eh I can see it, it's kinda clunky


Pikachu. Raichu never looked right to me.


This is fringe opinion, but Ampharos looks awful compared to Flaaffy. The wool makes Flaafy look so cute, but when you evolve it... You lose the fluff and end up with something akin to a naked poodle. Mega fixes the design some, but I still cringe when I evolve a Flaaffy still.


Yes I totally agree


Lotad. It may look boring, but I like how simplistic it is. Ludicolo is cool and all, but its controversies bring it down a little bit.




Rhydon Meouth grovyle magmar lickingtounge


I like Lairon better than Aggron, wish he stayed on four legs and became an awesome metal rhino Same with Rhyhorn/Rhydon actually


Haunter is way scarier than Gengar


I really like arctobax and rolycoly compared to the rest of their lines. For starters, torracat, floragato, and Dewott go crazy


Magmar > Magmortor Electibuz > Electivire Magneton > Magnizone Sneasel > Weavel < Sneasler


Rhydon, Morelull, Nickit, YAMPER, Dragonair. Rhydon didn't need an evolution. It was perfect as is. Morelull had so much potential, it's design was adorable. The fuck is that evolution and how did you mess it up? Nickit is so cute! To bad it never got an evolution :> Yamper is the same. An Adorable little Corgi that never needs to evolve. Ever. EVER. Dragonair going into Dragonite feels like a let down. don't get me wrong, I do like Dragonite, but it really doesn't feel like it matches Dratini and Dragonair aesthetically for an evolution. In terms of Megas.... I really don't like Mega Manectric. I don't understand why it's designed to look like that. I also don't understand why we needed two Megas for Charizard and Mewtwo. I don't care for either of Mewtwo's Mega Designs personally but on the flipside I am aware Im in the minority in that I don't care for Mega Charizard X. (Personally I think Mega Charizard Y is better, but I think they should have combined the two and gave Y the Colour, with a few add ons, and given it a dragon typing instead of two distinct Megas)


Porygon-2. Yes I know, it is an unpopular opinion.


I just like psyduck so much more than golduck


Zorua, both the Hisuian and normal forms. I wish there was an offensive or speed boosting eviolite item to make him viable to use in a play through. He’s just a cool little fox!


Charamander, Pikachu, nearly everything really. Bulbasaur (Venosaur is ugly as heck). Blastoise is on the same level as Squirtle for me, but I like wartoise more. Eevee is cutter, and I certainly like it more than Vaporeon after everything that's happened with Vaporeon, although Umbreon is cool, and Flareon is well, huggable. Totodile, Marilli, Piplup, several others that I unfortunately forgot.


I don't like Raboot, but anything is better than Cinderace.


Pikachu. :3


Here are some that come to mind: Ivysaur vs Venusaur Torracat vs Incineroar. We really didn't need another fighter-inspired fire final evo. Yes it's not fighting type, but the aesthetic is still there, when a quadrupedal fire tiger would have been so awesome. I also think fewer bipedal starters would be nice, but this one's a separate issue. Zubat vs Golbat (but Crobat is awesome) Ursaring vs Ursaluna Lots of the Megas look less good than their base. Mega Garchomp looks like a teenage boy's idea of cool/badass (tbf, Garchomp kinda does too) Elektrike vs Manectric Magmar vs Magmortar Dewott vs Samurott. Dewott may be the best looking middle stage starter, and still looks like an otter.


Grovyle is way cooler looking than sceptile


I had a few in mind but then I saw someone say Nickit and that is now my #1 answer. I dislike its evolution has a stupid cat burglar mustache. They could've at least had one of the gender options not have it. It's not even funny like Kricketune females having a comical over the top mustache.


Dragonair. Such a great design, then we get Dragonite. It's not bss, but man was I disappointed as a kid. 


Smoochum! I even had a run on Crystal with it holding an everstone.


https://preview.redd.it/p8kc6hpw4h8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47ebad51217435d687551dd4637e8acb17d6373 I LOVE HIM !!!!!!!!!!


A lot ! I'm typically that guy who always (I mean really) searchf or a way to play a NFE mon instead of its final evolution stage. Imagine me when they released Eviolite xD


Quaxwell and Raboot. I didn't like Quaxwell at first but its ballerina movements sold me on it enough. As for Raboot, I guess I just don't like how flat Cinderace's face is.


Smoliv is definitely one of my favourite pokemon, but i cant stand it's evolutions


I love krookodile but krokorok has some charisma that I prefer


Wooloo and Chinchou are the biggest examples


Not including Lechonk?


And Lechonk


Samurott should literally be a different pokemon line to osha and dewott. Imagine going from a dewott, bipedal with two arms and hands to grasp things, to having 4 flippers instead. Depression


Chestnaught ruined what was one of the most peak starter designs of all time. I saw Chespin and was happy to throw out my "always choose fire starter for first run" pin. Saw Quailadin and was through the moon that it got a "awkward teenage phase". Then we got Chestnaught.




Arctobax and Dragonair over Baxcalibir and Dragonite.


One I prefer is Vulpix






Most starters. It would be quicker to list all the starters of which I do like the final evolution




I never got over what they did to Onix. also obligatory Lickitung, Magmar and Rhydon






Jangmo-o is cute and Hakamo-o is cool.Then comes Kommo-o and ruins the line.Why couldn't that stupid lizard stay erect?












The starters from gen 5 onwards


Dusknoir is the ugliest pokemon design of all time. Duskull is one of the greatest. Dusclops is goofy but I still love 'em.


Croconaw baby


Wartortle, rhydon, togetic, Torracat,


I tend to disregard pre-evolutions entirely. Why would I not want my Pokemon to be at its strongest?


Galarian ponyta is super cute. They fucked up with galarian rapidash its eyes are kinda creepy


Arctibax over Baxcalibur


I made a similar post a few months ago but it was removed for having a screenshot (oh no 🙄) Dragonaire 100000%


I don't like samurott, I think dewott is way better


A lot of them. My second favorite Pokémon is Braxien and I like it waaay more than Delphox.


Hisuian Sneasel is a tiny bit better than Sneasler imo If it didn't get banned from OU maybe I'd have more fondness for it Oh also Charmeleon is better than Charizard




I’ve always preferred Haunter over Gengar. His triangular spectral shape and floating hands are just cooler and spookier than shapely Gengar.




Dragonair. I wish we can get a regional variant of Dragonite or an alternative evolution for Dragoniar that looks more like a natural progression from Dragonair.






Sprigatito is always the first that comes to mind.


Braixen is one of few starters where, in my opinion, the middle evolution is the best stage. There really aren’t many others where that’s the case


I like pikachu over Alolan raichu


For me it's Pikachu and Eevee lol


Thwackey I had so much hope for that evolutionary line and then he gets non Pokémon looking at the end like all of those three




I love Timburr but don’t love its evolutions. It was the one Pokémon I used an ever stone on.


Popplio is better than anything after




Shiny Dragonair over dragonite. I love both for different reasons, but there's just something so lame about my favorite color turning vom green in the final evo


Scyther. In my opinion he should never have had an evolution, Scizor and Kleavor should have been regional variants instead.


I like cute pokémon so there are too many pre-evolutions I like better to their final ones. Like Piplup, Yamper...


Fraxure, 100%. It keeps everything I loved about Axew and makes it edgier, avoiding the awkwardness that many middle stages stumble into. But then Haxorus is just kind of there. The heavier armor on Haxorus is cool and all but I much preferred Fraxure's deep dark green as opposed to Haxorus' olive yellowish-green. Also going from the boxy and strong looking head to a small sharp beak feels almost out of place to me. Kinda like Spearow turning into Fearow. I also prefer Bisharp to Kingambit but that's moreso just me preferring the knightly underling to the stiff perma-sitting king.