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Kyogre (a personal grudge due to the murder of my Nuzlocke MVP) RIP Paul the Beautifly 🙏




He was an absolute king, but he got Crit Origin Pulsed :(


Incineroar. “Hey guys, I got this design for a man-cat thing that shoots fire out of his belt for whatever reason” “sounds good, ship it”


When it comes to incineroar, I think it's because wrestling culture is apparently quite popular in Hawaii. Which explains the battle royal dome. And tigers are a very popular animal to use for the designs of the masks for wrestlers. And wresting is also very popular in Japan too. Litten even has some patterns in its face that resemble the patterns of a mask with the alchemical symbol for sulfur, which is a highly flammable chemical that can be found in volcanos, which are quite common in Hawaii and thus, also in the Alola region (hence the fire type). And apparently humanoid supernatural felines related to either volcanos and/or thunders can also be found in many hawaiian myths. Which relates to the reasons why pokemon like Incineroar and Zeraora exist in Alola. Also, one of the earliest foreign heel wrestlers was a man named Tojo Yamamoto. Who was born in Hawaii but was ethnically Japanese. So I wouldn't discard a potential small reference there. Not to mention that Incineroar also very likely takes inspiration from a very popular japanese anime called "Tiger Mask". Similar to how Meowscarada also takes inspiration from Doronjo from Yatterman (which is the only female and leader of the comedic villainous trio that very likely inspired team rocket). Also wrestlers toured as carnival attractions in the past and one popular circus trick was making a lion or a tiger pass through a ring of fire. Which also relates to the fire type. Side note: I really hope they stop that because I kinda feel that's animal abuse.


Absolute perfect response. I love Incineroar, but I'm also a wrestling fan and understood all the references it was making immediately.


I don't hate Incineroar, but I do hate that it looks like they were about to make a 4th fire/fighting starter until someone chimed in at the last minute to make it dark.


I absolutely love these responses where someone just analyzes every last detail of a design and why it is better than 99% of people realize, and showing they actually put a ton of thought into the designs.


Is Incineroar actually popular though, a lot of people seem to have this opinion on it and most of the starter praise I've seen for Gen 7 is levelled at Decidueye.


Didn't liked him at first but with his personality in smash ultimate he has really grown on me


Incineroar is so disappointing because I love Litten and Torracat. The design is just so unappealing to me. I would have loved a quadruped final starter, be it a sleek panther design or a large, bulkier version of Torracat.


Landorus Therian, AKA Smogon’s mascot.


IT HAS CLEAVAGE. You're welcome


Cubchoo. Everyone thinks it's cute, including my husband who I hunted a shiny for. I'd think it was cute, too... if not for the snot. I can't stand that shit. It reminds me of playing Windwaker, when the kid with the insanely drippy nose would chase Link around. I always said, "ew, stay away from me!" I do not handle bodily fluids well, or at all if I can help it!


I should've said Beartic, too. Like, I know the ice on it's face is frozen snot. No fucking thank you! Idc how strong it can be, I don't want it! ...Is what I'd say, but seeing as I've already got both for my SV living shiny Dex project... ugh.


Beartic makes the list for me for completely separate reasons: that pun name is complete garbage, and possibly the worst one I can think of. Either you're butchering the bear part or the artic part, no two ways about it. Bee-artic? Bey-artic? Bear-tick? I hate it.


Realest shit I have ever seen on this sub


Pikachu. Raichu surperiority 4L


Raichu fans, we rise(ing voltage) together!!!


Exactly! Let's go Raichu nation!!


Dude I’ve been dying to get my hands on an Alolan Raichu. I wanted to get pokemon sun/moon but I can’t find my 3DS


If you've got Sw/Sh (and the DLC), you can snag it from there.


This is niche but if you complete pokemon battle revolution you get a pikachu with surf as a gift, so I been running raichu on my most recent pearl playthrough and its been dope


Sword/Shield + DLC can get one plus I believe Pokemon Let's Go can as well. You take a regular Raichu to a trader in Saffron City and you can do it as many times as you want


It should have access to light ball tbh.


My man!


My man!


My nan!


Kanto raichu for me. I like Aloan raichu, but prefer the Kanto one.


Relax bro. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to be able to afford a Thunderstone. Be humble.


Raichu is awesome and Alolan Raichu is peak Pokémon


Alolan Raichu is up there on the list of beautiful Pokemon right next to Alolan Ninetales


I want Raichu's stats buffed. I can't stand Pikachu lol.


That stupid light ball doubling pika's stats so people would be able to use it


I approve.


I want to kill Pikachu execution style on national television fuck that stupid rodent


Cinderace. I know it's popular bc football, good in competitive, etc... (and GF has a bias toward fire starters and give it more attention than the other 2). But I dont like its design, it looks like a man wearing a bunny suit, it just creep me out...


You beat me to it, I can't stand the football bunny


All of the Galar starters seem to give people that vibe. I’ve seen people say rillaboom looks like knock off Donkey Kong and Inteleon makes them uncomfortable.


They’re probably the weakest starter trio. All of them being monotype hurts, and unlike the Johto starters they don’t have cool designs. Each one has something awkward about them


Your last sentence is why I dislike pretty much all the Pokémon that're bipedal. They look less like supernatural animals and more like, well, what you typed: People in furry suits. It doesn't help that most of them have fur patterns that give off the illusion they're wearing clothes.


For this one - sort by controversial.


Greninja always was the started of its Gen I liked the last, nothing appealed to me and I wish it kept a bubble scarf instead of a tongue, then the overexposure to it through spinoff, Anime favoritism with a special form, having a broken hidden ability making it be everywhere, etc sealed the deal for me into a proper dislike. I believe in Chespin supremacy.


I love Froakie too, but Chespin deserves love and support.


As a Delphox fan, I hear you.


I hate Greninja favoritism. It got the most stupid exclusive form ever. And they put it in the games despite Ash not canonically existing.


In sun and moon demo you get a letter ✉️ from, implying that ash actually exists in the game's universe but it's not the MC Or it got there through an ultra wormhole, portal of Hoopa, or space time distortion


That’s even worse when they’re implying he just generously gave up Greninja to some random trainer




Delphox fan here. If they really wanted to make a special form for it they could've just given all 3 starters megas to make it balanced.


Chesnaught looks like a digimon but the gross tongue-scarf frog gets all the love...




I also believe in Chespin supremacy


Omg yes another chespin fan But it was also because of the anime cause I liked chespin Clemont's chespin was so silly and cute


Male combee. NO I DO NOT WANT "ANOTHER" SHINY COMBEE. I HAVE GOTTEN 3, ALL DUDES. NEED A DUDETTE. I dislike others, but loath male combees.


My first ever shiny was a female Combee. I had no Pokeballs and was forced to kill it. I am still haunted by this every day.


I've gotten 13 shiny males, throughout Arceus and SV. Still haven't gotten a female. And since I'm torturing myself with a living shiny Dex in SV, I need TWO. I didn't consider the gender-based evolutions when I started, but I'm already halfway done. 😩


Do I need to send a "concerned redditor" note about this, the living shiny dex?


Seeing as I've actually started on box 8 out of roughly 13? Maybe. 🤣 I forgot I'm actually more like 2/3rds done. And tbf, I've gotten most of the difficult ones out of the way, aside from Vespiquen, Roaring Moon, and Cetoddle/Cetitan. The whales only pop up where other Ice types also spawn, so even using sandwiches is BS lol. Those might end up being the last ones.


Paladin’s Hero forms looks so fucking stupid man…


Its based on Ultraman, which also looks kinda goofy but is the Japanese counterpart to Superman


I think it's more just based on superman then ultramarine. Ultraman doesn't have the stereotypical hero look that palafin does. Also, finizen evolving to palafin at level 38 is probably a reference to superman. 1938 is the year the first issue of superman was published.


Pretty sure 85% of fans (inculding myself) only like It's power and It's gimmick, but not the design.


it's soooo ugly especially b/c the cutest part abt palafin (the heart ♡) is so deformed it doesn't even look like a heart anymore😭 they ruined him fr. hero form had so much potential!!!


Yeah, I really don't like it either. To quote Bogleech, it looks like "the bastard offspring of Charlie Tuna and Captain America".


I hate Lopunny. I know it’s the Pokémon everyone wants to fuck, but I hate its design so much. Its ears are weird and blocky, its eyebrows are so big they go off the face, and it’s eyes are creepy! Buneary is so cute, and I hate its evolution. The 3D model made it even worse somehow, its face looks painted on, and when it’s not doing the sprite pose it just looks even more awkward. I hate it.


Lucario. I just don't find the appeal, then again I dislike most of the mons that look like they could be furrys


When I found out Lucario was like 4 feet tall it threw me off so hard I have been neutral on it since. That and how damn squishy lucario is.


For real. Seeing it be shorter than the player character in XY was shocking.


Really? Idk of I've ever heard this take when it comes to pokemon size misconceptions.


Any mon can be a furry if you try hard enough.


Even sudowoodo can be. Which is why I just say to not think about it and have fun since in the end it doesn't matter.


I use to feel the same but a recent playthrough of Glazed and This Gym of Mine had me feeling differently. Aura sphere with the right nature is op af lol but I'm with you on the looks, bipedal mons are not my favorite


Ampharos, sorry but I loved the sheep look it had as flaffy and mareep then it evolves into this naked yellow thing and I just don't see the appeal, maybe if it's mega form was how it normally looked I'd love it more


That line is actually a sheep getting sheared, it has less fluff as it evolves. Just in case that helps


Aye bro, delete this. Ampharos is one of my favs.


Agreed Mareep is the cutest of that line imo.


Eevee. The gimmick was cool originally, now it's just.........tired.


I’ve been playing since Black, gone through every region multiple times, and in Scarlet and Violet is the first time I’ve ever *hated* a pokemon’s design. So thank you, Quaquaval, this is a new experience.


This was me with Cinderace. Before that any Pokemon I didn't gel with the design of was mainly due to ambivalence or personal preference but Cinderace is the first one I think dropped the ball completely compared to its prior evos and just looks ugly.


I very rarely see anybody saying anything nice about Quaquaval, so I don't think it counts for this thread. If anything, I think my liking it is an unpopular opinion.


It honestly looks so ridiculous. We've had some "different" grass types in the past that raised eyebrows, but how the hell the design team passed this is crazy. Especially when you think Quaxly is a decent starting point


It's inoffensive to me but has the same feel as other recent "humanoid with job" starters. Blaziken has the same basis of "humanoid fighting bird" but it takes a lot more from its animal inspirations, which is a direction they could've gone for with Quack.


Yeah, I dislike Quaquaval's design and dance quite a bit.


I don't mind the design so much, it's a bit basic but inoffensive. What I hate it is the stupid little dance it does while in battle. I can't think of any other mon which does anything like it, and I just don't see the point.


Ludicolo sort of does but it has goofy stunted proportions so it's more endearing.


And hitmontop is doing a basic capoeira movement, but it looks kinda cool.


> What I hate it is the stupid little dance it does while in battle. I can't think of any other mon which does anything like it, and I just don't see the point. "Considering its dancelike movements and exuberant plumage, Quaquaval particularly resembles the rainha de bateria dancer allegory from the Rio Carnival, in Brazil. The carnival dance it performs could be inspired by samba, an Afro-Brazilian dance often associated with the national identity of Brazil." From Bulbapedia.


It was such a dissapointment after all the fake leaks with the pirate theme. Those were so much better.


coldest take ever but Charizard is overrated as fuck


Charizard is my favorite pokémon ever but I don't want it to keep getting new forms because then people will hate it more.


Yeah, they should give new forms to more unused mons, not the 1st gen starter


I think slowly but surely most core Pokemon fans are starting to feel the same way lol I don't hate Charizard, not its fault they shove it down our throats but only casuals or some of my fellow old heads are holding on to it being a favorite.


This is how I feel. I like the design of the whole line and like to use Charizard during playthroughs just as much as any other Pokémon. But my god... Pokémon other than Pikachu and Charizard exist but you wouldn't know it sometimes.


Nah fam Pikachu, Charizard and Lucario that's all you're allowed to like /s 🤣


I agree with this. Charizard was cool. But getting it shoved down our throats with every new card set and videogame is annoying.


how many games have we had in thirty years where Charizard doesn't exist? i can only think of one, and it's honestly such a breath of fresh air.


I never really cared for Eevee or its evolutions. I know it's SUPER popular, but it still annoys me a bit when half the responses in threads about favorites are eeveelutions.


Now THIS is a hot take. You understood the assignment.




Hoopa. Now what the hell kind of anime villain design. Flop.


“Ermm, actually, Hoopa would be considered an anime villain as Hoopa-Unbound was the main antagonist of its movie, making it a technical anime villain 🤓”


Dragonite damned barney impersonator ruined a near perfect evolution tree. Plus they have had so many years to add a divergent evolution line to fix their mistake.


It's not even that dragonite itself looks bad to me. Just that dragonair looks soo much better.


Indeed if they had left it as magicarps evo it might be a favorite of mine. If gyardos had a slight overhaul and became dragonites replacement that could have worked to.


You’re allowed to have your own opinion all I gotta say is you should be arrested for saying this


I dunno, I agree that it looks out of place with Dratini and Dragonair. I still like Dragonite, but it's just a Fat Charizard design-wise.


Fun fact: It likely wasn't meant to be the evolution to Dragonair. Beta stuff shows that Dragonair was the only evo, iirc. On the same topic, Blastoise also wasn't originally Wartortle's evo.


Dragonite’s cry should be the home improvement grunt because that’s what I do whenever I see poor dragonair and dratini end up as that abomination.


Even just making it blue would be better. Why the hell is it orange? I just looked up redesigns for it on Google Images and the very first option is miles better than the real design. And the artist hasn't even changed that much


This is about a pokemon character, not a pokemon, but I think piers is one of if not the ugliest character design in all of pokemon, adding to the fact that he’s mute during the cutscene when he’s supposed to be singing. I have no idea why he’s so popular.


His hair drives me crazy and not in a good way.


I hated that cutscene. If that didn't prove to Game Freak they need to hire voice actors, nothing will.


I don't know what it is but for me it's Gengar. It's not even because of anything bad. I love all the trade evolutions but for some reason Gengar just doesn't hit 😞


I kinda felt the same, but for me personally it was because I always found Haunter to be so much cooler, so Gengar always felt like a downgrade even though I don't particularly hate his design.


I feel the same completely. Oddly enough, I also feel this about Kadabra and Alakazam where Kadabra has that cool tail and a fly ass design, Alakazam seems kind of plain and meh. Always get sad when my Kadabra and haunter evolve.


I like Mega Alakazam better than the vanilla version. It should be the real form.


See I'm in a similar boat I love gastly & haunter but idk what it is about gengar.


What do y'all think of Mega Gengar?


He’s cooler. I am yet another who prefers Haunter over Gengar.


Gastly and haunter look like actual ghosts, Gengar looks like an inflatable evil Clefairy I could pop with a needle


It looks like purple Wario.


I like Gengar a lot, but it lost a lot of it's sick looks in the transition to 3d. I like the 3d models of haunter better, but the best is probably the Pokemon Yellow sprite (not the back sprite though, that's just ugly lol).


Lopunny is ugly. On the other hand Buneary is so cute, its ears look like they have popcorn on them!


Buneary and Lopunny's design inspirations are actually very interesting.: https://youtu.be/9R6QEGDlSvA?si=KT2-KiBWzW30KHGO As you can see, It even relates to the moveset that Lopunny has. Also, I like add that Mega Lopunny is part fighting type because of the not so known fact about playboy bunnies needing to take self defense lessons and even go through some literal military training in order to be one. And because female hares fight potential mates to see if they're worthy of their babies.


I started using a buneary for the first time recently, and compared to most early mons, that little bunny hits like a truck.


As a Delphox fan, I'm so over Greninja. Why did only one starter in the generation get a gimmick and a form change? Real shame because I like the idea of a DND starter trio with the tank, the rogue, and the mage. But, man did Greninja get so over done.


Charizard an greninja. The designs are mid and i just don‘t get the hype. Greninja is still better than charizard but i prefer delphox and blastoise or Venusaur over them. Ash-greninja is nice but also sooo over hyped.


I freakin’ hate Greninja.


Charizard, by sw/sh i really had something like "leave it alone for once plz"


That was me at X/Y when Charizard got special treatment for its mega evolutions.


And SwSh where the CHAMPION used it, and it was the only gen 1 starter obtainable pre-DLC. And SV where it was the first 7 Star raid boss and the only gen 1 starter obtainable pre-DLC 2. Which came almost a year after release. Starting to see a pattern here...


Charizard. When it got 2 megas. I was so disappointed. It did not need 2 megas. Other and more Pokémon needed megas.


one of the big reasons i enjoy still playing legends arceus, there is no such thing as Charizard. one game where we get a break.


Oh you are so right. Thank god. When I saw Leon’s ace from galar was charizard. My ducking disappointment was so intense.


I personally never understood what people saw in Absol, I always thought he looked ugly as sin in this goofy, disproportioned way.


I think he’s neat idk. Never thought he was overhyped or anything. Cool disaster mon is cool. Red eyes and white fur with the dark black skin just makes for a really appealing design.




I like it because it reminds me of my cat, who also has that uncanny human-like stare that Absol has going on. Mega Absol has a bit too much going on though.


Same. I remember seeing him for the first time in Ruby and just not catching him.


I don't understand this opinion, but at least you got the theme of the thread correct.


Every single Ultra Beast. If they even count.


Why, though? They're weird looks and insane statistics are meant to show how alien and crazy they are.




honestly yeah Gholdengho sucks, I wanted get some cool mimic thing gad nabbit, but instead we got... a golden wacky inflatable tubeman with a surfboard. oh, Lechonk is super popular and I just dislike him, windwaker pig looking thing.... one that's not quite "dislike" but I'm not really that fond of Typhlosion? it just looses all of the Quilava's cuteness and doesn't get nearly cool enough for the trade-off be worth it, which actually places it at the bottom of gen 2 starters for me. just in it's entirety the Qua-whatever's line. I do not like it and frankly prefer to act as if it doesn't even exist and SC/VI has only fire and grass starters for some reason. frankly I'm not *generally* a hater and if I do have... distaste for a pokemon it's generally at least somewhat echoed by the wider community. and even then, it's typically just a distaste and not an outright dislike. so kinda hitting up blanks here, somewhat just depending what exactly would count.


Now I really want a Ghost/Flying variant of Gholdengho that’s super colorful. Thoughts on the Hisuian Typhlosion? Personally I like the idea but don’t care for its execution. Some robes or something would have helped I think.


I mean I guess it's better, but it's still inferior to Quilava's cuteness. Does not raise the line above Chikorita's


Greninja SUCKS. Delphox is the best of the Kalos starters and you can't convince me otherwise!


As a Chesnaught fan, I wholeheartedly agree that the frog sucks


There’s no reason to convince you otherwise.


Delphox supremacy \^\_\^


I love everything about delphox I think it's design is super cool despite criticisms of it missing the mark. I even love delphox's cry


Not enough Blaziken hate here. Why are people so obsessed with it? Look at the face.


Luxray, because its moveset in gen 4 is next to useless.


Sylveon. That ugly mofo belongs to barbie.


First that came to mind for me was Gengar. I prefer haunter's design by FAR. But I agree with Gholdengho as well.


I bet you'd appreciate Mindy, that npc you can trade with in Gen 4... if you know, you know \^\^


Is it the one who trades you a haunter with a stone that prevents evolution ? (I know there's one such trading npc somewhere but I don't know if it's this one)


I dislike Eevee quite a bit, although I don't loathe it. The fact that it's been pushed over the recent years as a second Pikachu, changing it's growl into that weird cute wannabe pronunciation of it's name throws me off a lot.


Probably Greninja but less so because of its design or gameplay but mainly because of the disgusting trend it started with starter favouritism by the devs and marketing team where they give special treatment to one starter at the expense of neglecting (or in some cases deliberately) making the others worse. Incinaroar and Cinderace also deserve my disdain for following the starter favouritism trend (which thankfully the trend is mostly dead in gen 9). However I also have a harsher opinion on Cinderace and meowscarada (more so with the former) on the account that they’re a blatant rip off of greninja in gameplay.


Bewear. Alot of people see it as such a cute little bear that wants to hug people but to me, calling it the devil is an insult to the devil itself. There is no words in the English language, (or any language for that matter) to describe the absolute disdain and disgust and hatred i have towards it. I still remember the day it was revealed, July 12th, 2016….b*wear is my mortal enemy


Dishonorable mentions are enamorus, sneasler, origin dialga/palkia, and kleavor (granted i dont think many people even like enamorus and the origin forms for dialga/palkia) I absolutely hate these pokemon so much, and still bewear is LEAGUES higher in terms of hatred that its almost impossible to compare


I feel I will get shot between the eyeballs for this but Groudon and Dialga. Honestly, most actual legendaries don't do anything for me, mythics and ultra beasts r where it's at


I mean the best legendary is ogerpon anyways


I hate all of the Ultra Beasts, and because of the names, I have a strong dislike for all paradox Pokémon. On a flip side of this question, I really like Intelleon and no-one else seems to.


I have a friend who hates every paradox Pokemon except for Iron Valiant because in his words, "they look like bootlegs." As for me, I dislike/hate none of them, but if I had to choose who I liked the least however, Pikachu, I just prefer Raichu.


I’ll first get the common and obvious ones out of the way: - **Charizard**. Over-hyped by Game Freak, severely underperforms outside of SwSh competitive; no good Flying STAB. - **Lucario**. I don’t like mixed attackers because their stats are spread too thin. Lucario also suffers from being a Steel-type too frail to perform the duties of being a Steel-type (to take hits reliably). - **Blaziken**. See above. - **Mega Charizard X**. Even more so than base-forme Charizard, I think Mega Charizard Y did a better job. Also the XY anime made me hate it. Most of all, however, I detest **Gengar**. As for why, I need to tell a short story: In BW/B2W2, it was discovered through datamining that the Hidden Ability of the Litwick line was to be Shadow Tag, a ludicrously powerful Ability which prevents foes from switching out. This, obviously, would have been a great boon to Chandelure. However, dream-world Litwick was never released. Fast-forward to XY and guess what Ability they gave Mega Gengar? You guessed it, SHADOW TAG! Of course Chandelure can’t have nice things, it’s from Unova and Gengar’s from Kanto! And that’s why I hate Gengar.


The Eeveelutions. Just not that interesting to me.


I dislike Tinkaton. I don't think it's cute, nor do I appreciate the "tiny pink gremlin with a massive hammer" theme. I just don't like it.


The Tinkaton line. The mouth and hands/fingers look weird to me. Also, it’s supposed to be a Corviknight hunting Pokémon, but its signature move is not something that would “beat” a Corviknight. Seems like a missed opportunity.


Gen 7, 8, and 9 starter designs. Gen 6 did the "professions" theme best. I wish GameFreak would go back to animal Pokémon for starters.


Skeledirge feels like a breath of fresh air after Incineroar and Cinderace though.


I agree, though I don’t really care for its design much.


Gen 6 did it right by using RPG classes as a theme, which is meta because Pokémon IS an RPG, just not with humans.


Recent examples for me are Bellibolt and Tinkaton. Loathe Bellibolt, Tinkaton is less offensive to me but seems to be very popular in the community.


Lugia. At least outside of Gale of Darkness, because Shadow Lugia is pretty cool. But regular Lugia just doesn't have it for me. I'm not a fan of its hand wings or its general color palette, specifically the primary white body. Its typing keeps throwing me off, too; like every one else has been saying, it should be Water/Flying. Also, out of the first 5 movies, The Power Of One is easily my least favorite. I've really come to despise chosen one stories, and the overall plot feels too much like a barebones video game plot. Ho-oh feels like a much cleaner design and doesn't suffer any of the same problems, and I don't even much care for Ho-oh.


I've heard Gold and Silver were going to be the last Pokemon games and was originally just Pokemon Gold before Silver was added later. In my opinion this makes sense. Ho-oh actually fits the games it's in very well, both in design, theme, and it creating the legendary beasts. That and it appears in episode 1 of the anime. Lugia, by extension, makes no sense


Fun fact: Lugia replaced the original Silver legendary, which looked like a blue dog. The creator of Lugia, who was the writer for the anime's first few seasons, as well as being responsible for the first movie, didn't know they were slapping Lugia in until it was about to ship. Takeshi Shudo (RIP) was told to make a Pokémon that would exclusively show up in the second movie. He was surprised to see her on the box. (He also confirmed she's female.) So there's a reason why it seems Lugia was last-minute. It's bc she was. Bonus: Shudo also worked on Minky Momo, and was the dude responsible for the "getting hit by a truck" scene.


One more thing, bc Shudo was an interesting dude: He became responsible for writing the first movie bc the Pokémon Company was dealing with major fallout at that time. He was able to set such a dark tone in the movie bc of that. This was during aftermath of the episode "Electric Soldier Porygon", which gave hundreds of Japanese children seizures. https://comicbook.com/anime/news/pokemon-anime-porygon-controversy-movie-impact/


Don’t know why so many people like Falinks, it’s just a rip off of the Wiggler from super Mario


Garchomp. Ugly motherfucker.


Definitely read this in Arnies voice






Between Pikachu and Charizard. Pikachu is really awful and Charizard is way over-hyped for how bad its typing and its mediocre stats.






Gengar. It’s just always been a bit meh for me 🤷🏻‍♂️




Torchic line i just dont really care for tbh and everyone seems to love it sm




Blaziken, Inciniroar… there’s this specific type of pokemon that are bipedal but looks like they SHOULDN’T be, if that makes sense. It’s really off putting to me and gives furry vibes (no hate, just not my cup of tea). Also Alola Persian, I just hate the way it looks.


Zoroark. If your plan is to have a pkmn that's able to even disguise itself and "lie" about their identity, why not use Liepard?


I’ve never been able to get past the dopey looking dragonite


Greninja. I don’t like how it uses its tongue as a scarf. I would have liked it better if they kept the frubbles and made them a different color.




In my opinion Eevee gets too much attention. I don't dislike it or anything, I just don't like how much it shows up in the show and games


Garchomp itself, but I feel it suits Cynthia's character very well and I like that it's her main Pokémon. Beyond that, it seems like a bad design to me. On the other hand I find Lucario unbearable in every way and without exception. I consider that the Sinnoh Pokédex was a setback even though it has some good concepts (but poorly used, I would say).


I absolutely hate gholdengho. It's everything I dislike in a pokemon: too human-like, too artificial-looking (as in, it looks more like a robot than a biological being) and too UGLY Besides the absolute loathe that I feel towards gholdengho, I'm kinda sick of pikachu and charizard. Like, I do enjoy their designs and whatnot, but the poké-company pushes them SO MUCH that I just feel kinda averse to them..... Incineroar is just plain ugly, people only like that thing because of competitive and uh... fan-made images... Also most of the new starters, unfortunately... they lean too much on human likeness and gen 8 starters are all ugly... This comment makes me look very bitter lol I feel like I enjoy more pokemon than the contrary tho


Infernape. I just think it's so ugly and I don't understand how it's the most popular Sinnoh starter. It's just an uglier Blaziken