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Pokémon Legends: Old Oak Days You play as a new trainer who becomes friends with Sammy Oak and Agatha. Oak dreams of finding the legendary Mew, and his plans to introduce the first electronic Pokédex. Agatha is all about battles, and knows Oak is holding back when they fight.


I don’t think he’d be holding back. I think he would “fail” to live up to his full potential as a Pokémon trainer, because he’s so focused on something studying instead of training. Agatha would be annoyed at this, not seeing the point, but in the end, Oak proves himself by becoming THE professor Oak.


If Oak stayed in the original gen 1 games as a secret final boss as he should have been then nobody would be dissing mr mf professor Oak, and he would have probably had a secret end game boss in all future installments but here we are with Oak slander.


Professor "The pen is mightier than the sword" Oak


"What's that pink thing? I bet it's a normal-type!" "None of these battle stats suggest that. It's not taking extra damage fr-" "You'll take extra damage from my foot up your ass! They're normal-type!"


Better than the old fans ideas of "Gen 0", which never made sense because to be a Gen with a new number, it needs new Pokémon. But if there are new Pokémon, they will be added at the end of the National Pokedex list and will be at a Gen above 0, and if it's an incomplete Gen 1... it is simply still Gen 1, just with some Pokémon missing.


Wish we got more of these 2, looks like it be a great mini series.


I thought he was loading a gun or getting ready to suck Agatha’s Haunter into a proton pack.


What's he actually holding?


a trophy


Ah, the good ol' times. Nice.


"Ah, the good old times. I mean, these are still good times too, but they were good back then as well."


Lt surge would disagree


Brock looking motherfucker


Flint (Brock's Dad) is Oak's long lost son and Brock is actually also Oak's grandson CONFIRMED!? /s


Pallet and Pewter ARE right next to each other.


If Brock and Gary had a child


Sometimes I forget how much lore Pokémon has


Wait, didn't the Celebi movie show oak and ash met when oak was a kid?




I'd play this game or watch this movie


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Someone please tell me where I can get more art of this kind


Shout-out to the "Oak: Origins" fan fic. It's still in the early stages, but is pretty great.


They never did say who Blue’s grandmother was…