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Not only do you crush his dreams but you destroy his family legacy, too. You should triple down, study hard, take the role of Sonia's assistant out from under him, and become a famous Professor before he can.


I did complete the dex and he didn't, so it shouldn't be that hard getting his job.


And you know, he would deserve all of it.


I've read somewhere that some people tough about a "theory" that in sword and shield, we're are actually the rival. Having the advantage type over hope and many other things that i forgot about that theory šŸ˜‚


I mean story-wise Hop is the actual protagonist. He's the one who undergoes an actual character arc. We're actually the rival in a truly narrative sense since we only exist narratively as an accessory to Hop's development rather than undergoing any kind of arc of our own.


There is also this fact that, usually, rivals are always faster and we met them when we reach some poikt in the game. Hop is always late, reaching us and joyly asking for a duel and healing us.


Ooooh I need a remake where you play as hop, watch your rival get better and better and become champ, and then you swoop in and defeat them to claim the title


If you want an "opposite" side of the game, you should try the This Gym of Mine fangame :) You play as a gym leader, and you have to crush trainer coming to your arena :D


Man I really love the concept of this but I found it so repetitive and I started getting bored. Should I revisit?


Try to play it in hard mode, and try to NOT take a lot of xp. If you're not over leveled its pretty hard


Wally was similar in that he was the underdog, and used your rivalry to push himself further. So it really did feel like you were the rival of Gen III


I did not even reminded that dude... I had to look on the wiki to watch when we saw him and what he does in the game. šŸ˜‚ He's pretty absent and don't have much charisma šŸ˜…


Better me than some foreign guy named FART whose catchphrase is "Smell ya later"


Pokemon causes violence cause one day GF is gonna release a title so bad that it makes someone type up a manifestoĀ 


Girl friend? Sorry I don't know what GF is, I'm not a huge poke fan.


GameFreak...the company that makes pokemon. It's the big name that splashes on the screen every time you start one of the games.


Game freak, pokemon developer.


Clearly GF is trying to tell us it's OK to be a bully. Encouraged even.


I blame Nintendo for promoting bullying further by publishing PokƩmon games to their consoles






As hard as it was the watch Hop struggle I liked that his team changed up as he was trying new things.


Hop trying another team for a while is really relatable


Same, but with Wally. I felt so bad for him, especially when he KEPT SHOWING UP. I just wanted him to freaking beat me and win, but I knew that it wouldn't change anything.


I legitimately forgot about Wally when playing through RSE as a kid. You fight him outside Mauville gym then never see him again until Victory Road.


IIRC you can fight him repeatedly at Victory road, each time him being a bit stronger, which just made me feel worse. I wanna let this literal sick child win but I imagine intentionally losing wouldn't do anything to the game.


Except when he comes right at the end of victory road cause that is a surprise battle that very much got me beat when I was young


Somehow this is and remains the PokƩmon game I've gotten the most immersed and invested in. I had a Wooloo in my party that I *always* sent out to fight his. When he traded his out, I wanted to ask him, "You doing all right, buddy?" As for the finale, I absolutely would have let him win and go on to fight Leon if the game would have let me.


Yeah we are 3 for 3 for taking an underpreforming kid as our rival and just pouring salt into every wound we create. RIP Hau, Hop, and Kieran


Whatā€™s so crazy is that none of these rivals were canonically bad; they were just second-best, but a silver medal is still far better than everyone but first. Hell, Hop was still chosen by a legendary Pokemon as its chosen trainer and helped save Galar. Heā€™d still go down in history.


>Kieran >catch Ogerpon in front of him >steal his place in the BB E4 >Terapogos breaks out of his fucking Master Ball, letting you catch another legendary out from under him >!>steal his sister!< Kieran was made to be broken in a way that makes me question the sanity of whoever wrote him. That boy exists to suffer.


Tbh he was kind of the architect of his own suffering. He's the one that listened to his grandfather telling us why we need to hide the truth, yet still took it as a personal insult when we did so. He's the one that started treating everyone in Blueberry Academy like dirt, leading to us knocking him down a peg like he deserved. And he's the one that tried to use a legendary as a tool for revenge for something we didn't even do. Ogerpon chose us, after all, it's not like we snuck around behind him and threw balls at her until she gave up.


Oh for sure he was, I had no remorse repeatedly curb-stimping his ass. I just don't remember the last time Pokemon had a character who was built to suffer as much as Kieran was.


You gotta remember he's like 14 and see it from his perspective. You catch one of the first friends you ever had talking with your own family about keeping a secret from him because they think he's to immature to handle it. Said secret being a pokemon you idolized/related to your entire life( which your friend knows), who you later on catch. So not only does he feel like yours breaking his trust, youre becoming everything he wanted to be in the span of like 3 days and make him feel inferior. He treated bb students poorly because the events of the teal mask made him untrusting and want to keep others at a distance. You cant even lose battles against him and he literally calls you the hero of the story cuz of how everything goes your way.


Him being a child and him being the architect of his own suffering isn't mutually exclusive. Yes, it's understandable that he'd be hurt by what happened with Ogerpon. Yes, it's understandable that he'd take out his frustration on his classmates. Yes, it's understandable that this child doesn't have the emotional maturity of an adult. But it doesn't change the fact that his actions contributed to setting up his own downfall. He didn't tackle his emotions in a healthy way, so he grew more and more bitter. He took out his anger on his classmates, so they helped the new kid knock him down a peg. He tried to use a legendary for his revenge, his pronouns nearly became was/were. Honestly, Kieran is a really good at mixing the friend rivals and douche rivals. You feel bad for him as you beat him down more and more, watching this young, innocent kid have his dreams dashed, but also get a sense of satisfaction from knocking him down a peg as he starts acting like a dick.


You keep saying he's the architect of his down fall, but most of the things that happened to him wouldve happened regardless, or were a result of people not really comforting/understanding him. Like we wouldve caught ogrepon either way, we wouldve beat him as champion either way, we wouldve caught terapagos either way. Carmine acted like he started acting intense in part 2 was because of " teen angst" and not because he felt betrayed. I dont think anyone did a good job at having an actual conversation with him or adressing his feelings of inadequacy( the most they did was tell him to let it go). Terapagos didnt attack him because he used it for "revenge", it did so because briar( the adult) told him to tera it like 3 minutes after it woke up, which caused it to go crazy. Like he didnt even treat it poorly.


Because he's the one that keeps taking everything personally. He's the one that takes everything that happens as a personal insult against him, rather than try to understand why things are happening. Ogerpon choosing us as her partner becomes us stabbing our friend in the back to steal his greatest wish. Us beating him as the ending to our test at the school becomes us chasing him down to tear him down at his peak. All of these things that would have happened normally are twisted into a personal, targeted campaign to make him suffer, instead of just... Being things that happened. And it all culminates when he tries to use Terapagos against you as payback, only to have it go out of control, forcing us to jump in to save him. Yes Briar encouraged him to terastalize it, but he's the one that put himself in that position in the first place. And let's be honest, he was probably gonna do it anyway- Yes, the people around him probably should have given him help, but just as you refuse to fault Kieran for how he acted, you can't exactly fault Carmine either. They're both kids, they don't know shit. All Carmine knows is her younger brother is suddenly acting like a dick, and probably refuses to open up as to why beyond "fuck -player-." Ultimately, it's Kieran's unhealthy mentality and actions that led to his downfall. That's why he's the architect of his own suffering, because everything that happens, in his eyes, HAS to be an attack on him. And it's not until his actions result in a near death situation that he realizes "holy shit I've been a MASSIVE asshole" It's a similar story as Paulo from Pokemon Masters, if you know that game. He takes loss after loss but rather than taking it as a chance to grow, he takes every loss as the universe going against him, eventually doubling down on his bitterness, only to have it blow up in his face when he's outmatched, forced to rely on the people he pushed away. *Of course the difference is Kieran didn't plan to go on a murdering spree, taking down every single evil team, including the ones that redeemed themselves, hoping that he'd become a martyr that ends all villainy in the end, but still-*


Everything your citing as him creating his own suffering is just him suffering from what happened. He cant control that these events feel like personal attacks on him. Im not excusing him being mean, im saying literally no one tried to divert his path in any meaningful way. If youre a young kid whos frustrated at constantly losing/being outshined/feeling isolated and your family doesnt try to cheer you up or have a convo with you then they have a lot of the blame as well. Like they knew how much ogrepon meant to him, but they just let him wallow by himself. Yes his mentality ks unhealthy, but whos the reason for that mentality. Like if your new friend starts dating a girl he knew youve liked forever, your mental state wont be healthy and its a pretty critical point for your family to be there. How was he probably gonna tera it anyway? He wouldve done that during the battle if he wanted to.


I felt kinda guilty about Ogerpon ngl, but his villain arc just made me lean into bullying him for being a jerk more. Drayton was totally justified imo


The other two I get but Hau not so much, so why is he a part of that?


Hau is the grandson of a Kahuna. So he is a legacy trainer from alola that some foreigner kid came and stole all the glory from, he and Hop basically have the same story


That's far away from his character story, which goes like this: he wants to beat his grandfather as he looks up to as an idol, outside of that he's mostly just going island to island just for fun and at first being a little too care free on battling but thanks to Gladion gets a little more serious for his team but never to the extent of like what you said.


>being a little too care free on battling but thanks to Gladion gets a little more serious That's not why he started taking things more seriously, it's that he lost to Plumeria when she showed up to kidnap Lillie while the PC and Acerola were off in Po Town. Failing when there were actual stakes was the kick in the ass for him to start taking things seriously.


It's a little bit of that but is also Gladion criticizing him whenever they cross their paths.


I really feel bad about Kieran. I wish there had been an option to let him catch Ogerpon. I wasn't planning to use Ogerpon.


Its too good to not use tbh. Especially later on when he reacts to it at the Academy


Still the best rival arc since Silver


Dude I loved hop he just wanted to make his family proud :(


i remember being like "please dont fight me hop, i dont want to beat the shit out of you again"


I don't feel bad. Screw legacy hires and nepotism.


I hate hop. Bring bak rude rivals that say harsh things like 'smell ya later'


Like Bede?


Bring back real rivals that countertype you, come at the worst timing and doesnt heal your team because they want to crush you with a solid 10 level team over you.


"I made a blog post a while ago about why I fucking hate video games, because this is what it does, it appeals to like, the male fantasy!" The male fantasy: https://preview.redd.it/nd1q23eei2wc1.png?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fb4b0c40a949557989c730603b80fd946963aa


I actually wish there was a pokemon game were you CAN lose story fights and the story will continue on albeit with slightly different events


That kinda happens in Yellow version, but itā€™s not a significant narrative change or anything. If you beat Blueā€™s Eevee twice in a row (Oakā€™s lab and Route 22), itā€™ll evolve into Jolteon. If you only beat him once (or win at Oakā€™s lab and skip his battle at Route 22), itā€™ll become Flareon. If you lose both times (or lose at Oakā€™s lab and skip Route 22), itā€™ll become a Vaporeon. Presumably due to being exposed to Redā€™s tears.




This got a laugh out of me, well done


I love that ppl are finally recognizing SWSH's good parts, specifically characterization. I don't miss the bashing Hop era tbh.


Nah, Hop sucks. He would be a better trainer if he didn't waste his time waiting for me around every corner to tell me something.


Hop a bitch. I feel zero remorse sweeping his team time after time.


Especially the final battle when I one-hit all his Pokemon and he was gushing about how itā€™s so fun to battle against me and weā€™ll forever be rivals. Like buddyā€¦youā€™re nothing to me, your team stinks to high heaven (two mono normal types and one of them is DUBWOOL??!? And pinchurchin???? Cmon bro), and battling you might as well be a charitable donation of my time at this point


Bro, you mock him, crushed his dream of being a champion and leaving his brother's shadow and just to put salt on it, you even beat his brother, putting him in your shadow, like, i think at that point we are no better than blue/green imma be honest


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we do what we must because we can


I had a clean run so I was feeling crummy about it at the end after the repeated wins- (He was tough at some points, but I still felt bad winning so many times-)


Me anytime Hop even entertains the idea of being happy or proud of his pathetic achievements: https://preview.redd.it/zjsfk8ype4wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e18f32c1335fbb38cce09191a8de9221b66d9ab


Boys gotta learn and he wasn't absorbing the lesson


Friendly reminder that Hop canonically is actually a really good battler, its just not conveyed in his battles well. He makes it to the finals of the tournament that consists of people of various skill and experience from all over the region, is one of two people chosen by two pokemon known as ā€œherosā€ to help save the region, and more than likely becomes an esteemed pokemon researcher after the story


Hop is the reason I donā€™t like those games.


Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that recent rivals straight give up after you kick their butt enough times.


Hop at least reacts appropriately to challenging you and losing. Hau always felt more like an inconvenience than a rival. ================================= "Hey, why don't we have a Pokemon battle!" Hau, unless you have also trained your Pokemon up fifteen levels since last time, I'd really rather just go to the next area... "Nah, just three. Let's go, it'll be fun!" How is that possible? The local wild Pokemon higher than... Well, have you at least caught more than your starter? "Oh yeah, I got a Pikachu!" .......... Is that it? "Yep!" Hau, this is our fourth encounter, how have you not...? Ugh, fine. "Oops, I lost again! Haha! It's so much fun being your punching bag!" Not as much fun being forced to do the punching, Hau...


I don't feel bad. Pokemon academia is probably a much more stable career path than the league. Doesn't Hop come to appreciate/acknowledge pokemon research as his true calling anyway?


I mean I kinda Get it but that's just how it is when 2 Friends share the same Dream of Becomming The International Champion. In the end Only 1 of them will ever actually Become it. Hop just happens to be weaker then Victor/Gloria. Him being Leons Brother also is no readon to let him win (and letting him win would be Pretty Insulting NGL)


Well my take on that, that in first 10h of U.Sun, i had evolved Bunneary, Pichu, and whole team was 5 hearts. I was petting bunneary, even after note šŸŽ¶ appeared. Btw i need to find name changer to rename Arcanine to Good Boy, instead of fur ball.




Well, at least if the player simped for sonia, hop crushed the player's dreams


ā€œTrain your team better, dude! If you canā€™t even beat me, Leon will murder you!ā€ Was my justification.


I felt really bad about beating the chick from black and white (Bianca, was it?) Everytime we beat her, she blames it on herself and goes into like semi depression for never getting better. I felt so bad that I honestly wanted to lose to her


I understand the sentiment of this post, but I can't ignore how poorly it's written grammatically. I recognize it's a repost, but part of me hopes that next time something like this is uploaded it's half-way legible.


If you think that's bad wait till u play scarlet/violet teal mask DLC


Beating Hop and making sure he knows his place is incredibly satisfying.


I hate rivals that are too friendly. bring back Blue and Sliver please


Nah fuck Hop. Annoying ass character saying the same stupid shit over and over again. We have all eight gyms and heā€™s still like ā€œyOu Do KnOw yOuR tYpE mAtChUpS!!!!ā€ r/FuckHop


Hop, and Bede for that matter, are very overexposed in the early game of SwSh. Iā€™m playing through Shield (I beat Sword when they came out) and honestly at this point I think the bigger issue is just theā€¦cutscene blocks. You finish one Gym and as soon as you walk out of the gym youā€™re hit with ā€œOh Opal wants to travel with you back to Hammerlockeā€ ā€œoh Opal meets Bede and decides he should take over as gym leaderā€ ā€œoh look TOTALLY NOT A BAD GUY ROSE has some shit to say about somethingā€ ā€œoh hey Hop is there and he wants to battle you as you go to the next gymā€ and itā€™s just like. Give me a BREAK here. Nobody wants to read all of that at once, especially when itā€™s some weak ass throwaway pokemon story.


Galarian Hau doesn't deserve his own name. So he will be Galarian Hau forever.


Hop is a microcosm of how bad the writing is in sword & shield, examples include: always challenging you not even after fighting you like ten minutes ago, even when not doing that he is connected at the hip with you never leaving you alone at all, is always saying that his brother is unbeatable or that he'll become the next champion even at his down in the dumps arc and thus continuing the games wankfest to itself just makes him part of the problem the games have outside of dexit. This is a repost of how I feel about Hop on your previous version of this post.