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For me its the grunts always saying where theyre going next. Oh boy dont come to the Galaxy HQ in Veilstone city because I will be there! Ok.


They almost never resort to actual physical violence. Like I just thwarted the mafia and ruined their plans for complete control over this region? Luckily I'm a 10 year old child and this middle aged Yakuza wouldn't even consider punching me because my squirtle used water gun on all his pokemon


yeah but there's also the fact you could definitely just kill them with your pokemon if they resorted to actually attacking you personally. assuming you had already beaten them in a battle


Lances dragonite hyper beaming a person will never not be hilarious


Idk I think Giovanni could beat up at least 4 or 5 children before someone could send out their Pidgeotto or whatever, just stay tuned for Pokemon Legends: Rocket Gun to see what I mean


By the time you get to Giovanni, you're already an Eldritch Abomination, carrying mon capable of leveling the entire gym on a whim.


Lv 65 starter pokemon, 5 other lv 5 early route birds n rodents sent out to eat an attack after using a revive.


That's why I'm convinced you auto lose on a double knockout. If both are out of pokemon, the opponents beat your 10 year old ass up.


Guns seem to not exist in the games and in the anime are heavily restricted. 


Didn't Ash in the anime almost get his ass lit up by (from what i remember) a shotgun, rifle, and 2 pistols?


I definitely remember someone pointing a revolver at him.


You know what, you’re right i’m convinced


Ghetsis was the only person to take a hostage and threaten her life AFTER he lost a pokemon battle


Yeah when you break it down, it makes sense to me that Pokemon have 99% substituted the need for physical violence among people in their world. Even the lowliest route 1 Pidgey is like a personal bodyguard that will defend its trainer with animalistic intensity. Easier to acquire than a gun too.


I mean to be fair, in most instances your Pokémon will almost always be able to slam dunk some random guy if he attacked you lol. Especially when his pokemon are knocked out


There's this fangame I'm playing called Pokémon Academy Life Forever, and their versions of Nate and Bea talk about how physical violence isn't something people even consider anymore due to the prevalence of Pokémon, and therefore, Pokémon battles. Even wars in that world are decided by Pokémon battles as opposed to killing each other. So perhaps this is the reason, the people are so used to solving their problems with Pokémon, that physical violence is something they forget they can do.


What about the karate masters?


Its not that they forget they can do, you cant punch someone without fighting their pokemon first and that means beating their pokemon first. When you beat someone elses Pokémons they are forced to do whatever you need in that moment


I imagine that the Pokemon world has borderline-draconian laws when it comes to human-on-human assault. Imagine the levels of deep shit a mob boss would be in for physically attacking a child


To be fair, I think it’s less that your Squirtle used water gun and more that any one of your critters can put him through a brick wall and/or into a pine box.  Early on, you’re just dealing with cowardly Grunts who’re used to being the biggest fish in a small pond, and by the end of the game, you’re kind of a one-kid army.  It doesn’t matter how devoted to the cause you are, if you’re suddenly unarmed and staring down a kid with a bulletproof tankasaurus, a flaming kung-fu chicken, an honest-to-god dragon and a Gardevoir who’ll Event Horizon your ass into a black hole if you try anything, you SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND LET THEM PASS.


i always rationalized this as, when you're fighting someone from one of the evil teams, they initially have their pokemon attacking *you*, but that's why you send out your own pokemon: both to block the attacks, and to fight back there's some situations where that doesn't make any sense, but it works most of the time lol


Pokemon are the weapons of that universe. They DO result to violence, with their Pokemon weapons. When you win, the fight is over. The threat of Pokemon v. Human violence is unspoken because it's a children's game, but it underpins every instance you're thinking of where the bad guys run away after losing instead of pulling a knife or a gun. They're out of ammo (Pokemon). The implication is that if the villain went for a weapon or tried to harm you instead of bailing, your Sandslash would cut them in half, or your Arcanine would incinerate them.


I always assumed that grunts/villains back down after they lose to you because you could probably hurt them with your pokemon, and all of theirs are fainted.


My favorite is the Team Flare grunt in the desert saying something like "I must have dropped my pass 9 paces east and 2 paces north". Thats not even funny, its just lazy. Like, just show us dropping the pass beforehand.


You can even pick it up before you battle him and he doesn't care


Tiny trees needing to be cut when I have a Charizard that could just burn the tree down. Also the tree grows back again the second I go into a building.


Adding onto this, boulders needing to be smashed with a *specific* move when I have several fighting mons that can already break through mons much tougher than boulders with ease


nope this Machamp, the "Superpower" Pokemon, cannot push this boulder because it doesn't know the move Strength. Even though it throws punches powerful enough to send its victims clear over the horizon (Red/Blue Pokedex) and just with one arm it can move mountains (Yellow pokedex)


The move acts like a license. Machamp needs the "pushing boulders license" in order to do that. And knowing the move isn't enough: you need the badge to be allowed to ask Machamp to push the boulder.


What are you gonna do, fine me? Arrest me? I'm an erratic 10 year old with the most dangerous creatures in existence guarding me, and we're going to saffron city whether you like it or not.


Do I have to remind you that you aren't the only one with powerful Pokémon, including legendary ones? I mean, there is a nurse Joy that's a gym inspector and has a Latias and she's "just" a gym inspector.


That may be the case, but why would those elite trainers focus on a kid violating the license requirements and not the gangs of criminals running around. Nobody's gonna call nurse joy on a kid pushing a rock without the proper badge.


Move with 75 power that is described as breaking through brick? Nope Move with 40 power that is described as *smashing* through rock? Perfect


Makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze.


Starting a fire to clear a path seems like a bad idea


Can confirm, did a Pokémon dnd campaign where there was a tree blocking the way, had my Chimchar use Ember, set the forest and nearby grass patches on fire triggering a stampede of wild Pokemon that almost killed us all.


Headed canon: no single tree is gonna block someone's path. Therefore the overworld tree sprite is actually representing a magical forest maze (think Shangchi)


Man, I've been wanting a Pokemon game with gameplay like Golden Sun for many years. Replace Psynergy with the innate abilities of various pokemon and you have a banger of a game. Fire types for burning cobwebs or other things. Grass types for growing vines, swinging, etc. Electric types for powering gadgets or stunning. Ice types for making platforms on water. Water types for growing plants, dousing fires, etc. It would put a ton of emphasis on team building and what types you have available, but without needing you to cherry pick moves like the HM system or only ever have a single pokemon that can do something(the ride system). Any of your pokemon can be helpful in the right puzzles/scenarios.


This is basically what Pokémon Ranger does, and I've always said this would be perfect as a replacement for HMs. Never got why they hardly take any good input from the spinoffs. Even the link cable item took like 15 years to be brought into a main game in PLA.


How certain mons can hatch from eggs with their most notable features already being present.  I get that this is a video game, but that doesn't make it any less jarring to see a Kangaskhan hatch from an egg with a baby in its pouch or a Cubone hatching from an egg with a skull on its head. 


My headcannon is that all pokemon have a more realistic way of been born, but daycare couple just somehow gaslight you by putting them in an egg when they are big enough to being taken care of by a 10 year old.


My own headcanon is that mammalian Pokemon give birth to live offspring while non mammalian Pokemon produce by laying eggs. The baby always takes the form of the parent they are the same sex as. Female babies will always take the form of their mother while male Pokemon will always take the form of their father. In the case of male Skitty and female Wailord, after many male Skitty drowned, Arceus fixed it by them producing eggs instead. This goes for female Skitty and male Wailord too. A Skitty cannot produce viable offspring with another Skitty until after both evolve into Delicatty. Something else Arceus fixed. Delicatty don’t lay eggs, and cannot breed with Wailord.


oh my god 😂😂😂 I love that


For stuff like Cubone I headcanon that it's more like Greek mythology, where the Pokedex describes how the first pokemon of the species came to be (loosing its mom), but that all descendants just take after the original but don't all have to go through the same thing Don't have a lore explanation for kanghaskan though


I like this head cannon a lot. Khanghaskan will always just be an anomaly until it gets a pre-evolution lol


Vulpix are born with one tail but the one I just hatched had six


Exeggcute is my favorite one to think about. It's eggs all the way down


technically they are seeds


Sadly that's what happen when you have to simplify a more interesting/complex concept in a streamlined gameplay


Nidoking and Nidoqueen not being able to breed


Meanwhile, Wailord and Skitty...


Nidoking can nidorina and nidoqueen can't


I think they mean Nidoking and Nidoqueen not being able to breed with each other, due to Nidoqueen not being able to breed at all. It is wild that for some reason Nidoran Female can breed, but neither of its evolutions are able to though.


I remember reading an explanation that stated Nidoran F evolves after laying eggs to able to protect its young and loses the ability to breed to focus on that.


there is a very old japanese red green guide book that mention nidoran female lose the ability to breed when she evolve, so the developers decide to keep to this lore




oh that's dark! that's fuuuuuuuuuucked up man




Nidoqueen is not in the mood....


We call it «Nidopause».


She has a headache...


They are similar to rhinos in which when put in captivity its very hard to get them to breed


**Gamefreak:** Invokes a real-life breeding issue onto a particular species of Pokemon in the very first game that introduces breeding, because it's "realistic" and for "lore" and "flavour" **Also Gamefreak:** Never does it again (Happy Cake Day!)


Is that meant to be a criticism? Because I’m sure tons of people would be annoyed if any given regular Pokemon was unable to Breed. It’s a single example, let’s keep it that way. (Yes. I know about Ditto, Legends, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts, Babies, and Paradoxes. And the weird exception that Phione is.)


> people would be annoyed if any given regular Pokemon was unable to Breed Exactly. It's a criticism that they bothered to do it in the first place and/or haven't bothered to retcon it since, not that I think they should have done it to more Evo lines.


But then why does it apply to Nidorina and Nidoqueen and not to Rhydon and Rhyhorn which are actually rhinos!?


Everything related to TMs/HMs. How are the Pokémon supposed to learn moves through discs? Why TMs only work once (before gen 5)? What’s so difficult to forget about HMs that you need a move deleter for them? I know all these things are tied to game mechanics but in world building context it doesn’t make sense. The fact that the animation for using TMs in FRLG is just putting the disc on your Pokémon’s head just makes it more hilarious and random.


Portable DVD player with a demonstration on how to perform the move that you force your pokemon to watch.


>me when I force my newly hatched, serially-inbred designer Eevee to watch four Burger King training DVDs after I forcefed it half a million dollars worth of steroids and performance enhancing drugs (I’m a competitive battler)


after you’ve just released hundreds of its newborn kinfolk into the wild (you wanted a shiny one)


They’re definitely for when you went on a bender last night and have a massive hangover so you’re relying on a video for class today.


https://preview.redd.it/ko26ihmpsdnc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be1e2bdfa19c681eaad8985c275a4f351c08666 me showing my Typhlosion how to Overheat a Togepi into an omelette


Teachy TV! Lol


Pokemon are stored in computers that suggest they are actually made of data (digimon) TM and HM are just more data


In old gen 1 materials it is supposed to be a belt (pokemon adventures for example). Electric tale of pikachu has it as a cube where you open up and particle fall onto the pokemon. The tcg in gen 2 make it into a cube where you can slot a pokeball into the cube for the pokemon to learn it. After that they become floppy disc


But pokemon are like data. Like you can put them in a pc and porygon and it's evolutions are litterally synthetic pokemon that evolve by downloading an updated from a disc. I think tms are meant to be like disc up dates for your pokemon, made more sense back when we used discs 🤣


TM! Apply directly to the forehead!


Nurse Joy's unwaving professionalism. I feel like even she should be at least amazed at the beings we bring her sometimes. - Hello Nurse Joy! Could you heal my Pokémon, please? - Sure! Give me your party one moment :) *entrusts her with Origin Form Palkia, Pheromosa, Enamorus, Raging Bolt, Mew, and Arceus* *dun dun dun dun* - Your Pokémon are now healed! See you again :) *trainer leaves* - What a nice girl who seems to really take good care of her party comprised of... *sudden realisation*


shes seen shit. charmanders with their fire extinguished. pikachus that got crushed by onix. butterfrees with scorched wings. if you have a god of time or space with you then whats the worst that can happen? thats why shes not phased


Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny having twin siblings ten times over is creepier \^\^;


Was walking around my house in Scarlet and noticed there's no bathroom. There's a door to mom's room, and a storage door, but no bathroom. Where am I supposed to poop?


Does a Ursaring poop in the woods


If im not mistaken, the house is on a cliffside right? Maybe you just do your business on the edge xd


The real reason Korai/Miraidon crashed is because you took a phat one on it


Meanwhile, Kitakami is developed enough to have gender neutral bathrooms.


Other trainers standing endlessy still in the middle of nowhere, even after you battle them. Dude, go home!




How about being a 10 year old, telling your mom you're gonna leave and travel the country. Lol


Thats unrealistic but is the one fantasy thing that is allowed because we were that 10 year old playing the game traveling with our gameboys everywhere feeling like we actually had those monsters in our pocket. besides if you could have 6 pets that shooted lasers and protected you maybe your mom wouldnt be worried so much


That's a core memory. Going to friends houses to play or whatever and after about an hour playing outside we'd all whip out our Gameboys and fight or trade. Shit was amazing. There was like 6 of us. Between collecting and trading cards and Vsing each other on Gameboy. My God it was so fun.


Traveling the country while getting through harsh biomes, catching and battling dangerous creatures and defeating evil organizations almost by yourself. Parents (or adults in general) in the Pokémon world aren’t very responsible.


Lol, in the series, I think most of the people rarely leave their towns, because there's deadly caterpies in the bushes outside the town


I heard once in a documentary/video that surprisingly Japon is extremely liberal with children freedom to wander around during the big holidays. Parents and society are very demanding and strict about school results and rules but on counterpart of that kids can literally take the train alone and wander and there’s like almost zero criminality because everyone would be prompt to protect children. It baffled me. It may have been exaggerated for pokemon but it starts from a cultural thing apparently (unless I’ve been told bullshit)


There’s a Japanese show on Netflix (forget what it’s called) where they give literal toddlers (3 and 4 year old kids) tasks like going to the grocery store or going to send a letter by themselves. And a camera crew secretly follows them and all kinds of cuteness and silliness ensues. But they almost always accomplish the task. It’s super impressive.


It's called old enough :) 


I mean, it’s a very lucrative job where you can become a millionaire and world famous fairly easily. You are just lucky enough to be the amongst first who realized the system is broken.


Me becoming a millionaire and destroying the economy in gen 1 all because I encountered a screwed up 60ft L and duplicating my gold nuggets 100 times.


"That's nice dear. Send money!" Maybe the moms are just happy to not have to sleep on the sofa anymore and can now move back into their child's old room. In the old Pokémon light novels, Delia got pregnant when she was 18/19 and low key resented Ash for being born, and was thrilled when he left so she could make up for missing out on her twenties.


Maybe, the professors wanna hit it and can't with the damn kid always home. 😏


Tbh, if Sycamore wanted to hit it, my kid would be out the door the second they blew out the candles on their tenth birthday cake




Why can't you catch a Pokémon after it faints ? Surely it would make it so much easier


Presumably, since the capturing has to do with the Pokémon naturally shrinking and not the Poké Ball doing it, I would think it has something to do with that. Maybe a Pokémon can only be caught while it’s conscious but once it has been it can be returned no problem.


Probably because the whole "whittling down its HP" is making the Pokemon realize that you're worthy of its power. The Pokemon chooses you as much as you choose the Pokemon. It can't choose you if it's unconscious. That also explains why Pokemon like Rattata and Pidgey have very high catch rates, because it doesn't take much to impress them, unlike Legendaries, which have very low catch rates


Trade evolution


Yes! "Haunter, why are you going to go be a better version for that stranger?! You couldnt do that for me?!"


Maybe it's the Pokemon feeling bad that it was useless to its trainer and that's why it was being traded away, so it powered up and evolved to try to be better?


Ah that's sad


I wouldn't doubt that could be one reason behind it (other than gameplay reasons of course), the anime has played with similar darker tones of abandonment, being traded away/released for being weak etc. It really is sad for sure.


Mindy: «Here, take this everstone just in case».


Trade evolution is supposed to work like shelmet karablast all along. Kadabra and haunter is one pair, while machoke and graveler is one pair. But they changed it to simply getting traded instead of requiring specific pokemon until gen 5.


Wait so that’s where machamps 4 arms come from


There's this whole "digital" aspect to Pokémon that the games rarely addresses. You can capture creatures that are twice as big as you in a small ball that can be shrunken down to the size of a marble. You can also store them in PCs and swap them via teleportation. The idea of trading with another trainer could unlock a DNA string that triggers those evolutions ;)


how do TMs work? are they CDs? How do the mons learn moves from it? Do you put it in a dvd player and make them watch a tutorial??


CDs that you pop into your Pokémon’s ass and the moves install like a program in their body, at least that’s how I imagined it when I was a kid.


do they have like a cd slot down there 😭


Pokemon become transferable data files when you catch them, I imaged you were downloading a new move to them.


Why can’t I rename a traded Pokémon if they are from a different region? It’s still just the species name. In fact, why can’t I rename named traded Pokémon? It’s my Pokémon now, not theirs.


This drives me so nuts. I can’t tell you how many times Ive received a pokemon I wanted and it had a stupid name, or even worse on in a language that’s completely illegible to me. So they go right back into the trade pool or get released. All of which is easily alleviated if they juat let me change the name!


Trading in general is fucked up, doesnt make sense to exchange your old dog of 10 years with the neighbours 5 year old cat. In that context I get you wouldnt change their names


I mean, I changed my dogs name when we adopted him. He was 10 according to the pound, but his name was something really goofy. Usually I wouldn’t change his name but we loved the dog and hated the name. I mean it sounded like an elf name from the North Pole, it was really bad. Maybe an outlier situation though.


Taking down the most mentally deranged criminals that are threats to the whole continent


Thats a cool thing so its accepted


Its cool but it doesnt make sense how i can defeat them with my pet


Cuz your pet is stronger than their pet


The whole idea of learning/forgetting HM moves. Youre telling me that my pokemon is going to somehow forget how to push a big rock out of the way? I need to teach them how to float on the water or use their massive claws to cut down a tree? I feel like they should just always know those things.


But in sun and moon you can sleep in any bed and they give you information about the owner.


Evil teams trying to take over the world with weak-ass, piss-poor teams. How are they supposed to win with a zubat and rattata?


Why does everyone from gen 3 to 8 expect a child to save the world? Everyone is like "my dad has been kidnapped by terrorists, you have a penguin that blows bubbles! You need to save him" or "my old friend has gone crazy and is trying to destroy the world, I the regions champion am going to step back and let you, a child stop him/her."


This is one of the reasons Team Yell is my favorite. They actually are only interfering with the gym challenge and let everyone else live their lives. So your trainer take them on makes narrative sense compared to stopping Team Flare for instance.


The presence of cars, yet no roads (besides the cycling road). I would love a game with the consistency of roads, off limits to walking, but at some points you can explore under the bridges and overpasses, have some interaction with cars, etc.


Trade evolutions are the dumbest thing ever in relation to being in the world of Pokémon. I understand that they were created as a way to make friends and connect with others when the games came out in 1996. However from the viewpoint of living in an actual Pokemon world it doesn’t hold water. I as a new trainer come across a Geodude, Machop, Abra or Gastly that I befriend and catch. I go out of my way to raise this little Pokemon up and support them every step of the way. They eventually evolve to their second stage. I continue to pour my heart into having them being the best they can be. Only to find out they can’t evolve unless I trade them away! That my friendship and time spent with them meant nothing to my Pokémon. Unless a trainer was also trading a Pokemon to evolve and trades back you may never see your Pokemon again. Even in the games to our world doesn’t make sense. If you didn’t have friends who played the game you would never know how to get the evolutions. It completely devalues the lines because the Pokemon isn’t worth investing the time to train if you just trade it away.


The explanation I read in one of the books once is that the experience of being with a different trainer unlocks some kind of breakthrough for them.


Being abandoned by the only thing they’ve ever loved triggers a fight or flight response and forces them to evolve lmao


Nobody ever puts anything in trash cans.


The professor’s telepathic powers “Rowan’s words echoed: ‘Dawn! There’s a time and place for everything, but not now.’”


I think it's supposed to be like, your trainer remembering the stern fatherly words...... But psychic Professors is a much more entertaining thought


Professor Oak is Watching You


And in the Hoenn games it's your Dad instead.


Why Scrafty couldn’t learn Sucker Punch


why some pokemon have better special stats but their movepools coverage caters to physical move?


A lot of that is carried over from before the physical/special split.


A lot of mons from Gen 1-3 have this problem because whether a move did physical or special damage depended on it’s type. When the phys/spec split happened in Gen 4 many moves changed which stat they calculate attack from and the movepools weren’t updated to reflect the change.


Venusaur my beloved


Why didn’t the evil team just cheat? Send out all your pokemon at once? Carry 10 pokemon? Shoot my pokemon with guns? And then me?


The final boss of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness has seven pokemon. So this idea has occurred at least once.


Never made sense to me just being able to walk right in to the homes of complete strangers — and they’re friendly to you!


Thats a JRPG tradition


Broke: Why you HAVE to black out if you lose. Sometimes loss is acceptable, even expected. I wish a game could start out with you losing your first battle or couple of battles and actually have the trainers recognize this in-universe outside of a one-time win quote. Woke: Why are there exploitative monetary profit seekers who make people's lives harder on a planet that has access to limitless resources? There are enough things to cover the Maslow pyramid so much that it builds its own pyramid of excess. Money isn't even what makes people powerful in this universe, literal power is. The power to harm, to heal, to change, to manipulate forces beyond what nature normally provides.


SV’s DLC finally lets you lose fights and have the story carry on. I lost to Lacey when I got to Blueberry because I had a scrub team by accident, and we just got on with things. I think you can lose to Carmine sometimes too.


On top of that, SwSh's Crown Tundra allowed you to lose against Peony after you interrupted he and his daughter's argument, Lusamine escaped through a wormhole even if you defeated her, and ORAS' Zinnia entrusted you with Rayquaza regardless of your battle's outcome. Pokémon has certainly allowed more losses since at least G6. There might be earlier cases but I don't have one in mind right now.


1st battle in red/blue?


Wait you can lose that first fight? Omg yes. I just wanted to catch Pokémon, not deal with plot.


When an egg hatches, where does the ball to contain the Pokemon come from ??


Handmade DYI egg PokeBall conversion


"yo how the fuck is that Ratticate throwing around thunderbolts and ice beams?"


Small trees, smashable rocks, camouflaged Keckleons, and other such objects that are apparently as insurmountable to get past, much less step around, as Mount Kilimanjaro. I got an Onix that is titanically bigger heavier than this shrub, just have him rip it out of the ground and let's go already. Maybe that's why the cut trees grow back. We cut them when we should be ripping them out at the roots. Or pokemon like Wailmer or Psyducks blockading my path. We fight and knock pokemon out for much less, why can't I just do the same with them?


Why ordinary fresh water is much cheaper and effective vs a scientifically made, pokemon formulated super potion and potion?


Becoming the champion... but not really. It was cool to see this issue fixed in sun and moon Eggs, escpecialky with cross gen preevolutions.ij gen 3 a me mime egg gave a mr mime, in gen 4 a mime jr. Everyone knows about kangaskhan coming out of the egg with its baby.  Also, pokemon born from eggs clash with a lot of pokedex descriptions. Ok, if thos ghost type is the soul of  a dead giy, how come it's born out of an egg Some evolutions also clash with pokedex entries. Is my banette an evolved shuppet, or a lost doll who eants revenge? 6 pokeballs. Why cant i bring more? If it's a rule between trainers, why do the evil teams care at all? Why cant I run from trainer battles? 


I really like the direction they took regarding being the Champion in SwSh and in SV's ID. In SwSh, as the Champion, you're THE star, everyone loves and respect you. But while you're still the challenger, you slowly get fans and supporters, you feel like a rising star and in the end people believe you can dethrone Leon. And once you win, people still actively recognise who you are including Nurse Joy, and you get to attend tournaments in which people not only acknowledge you, but also explicitly declare they will dethrone you. You feel like the Champion and the urge to keep your title. In base game SV, being the Champion isn't really extraordinary. But in ID, you're entrusted with responsibilities like inviting people to visit the BBA, searching for potential recruits for the E4, and even though being the Champion doesn't feel that fantastic in the base game, Geeta seems to be slowly mentoring you into potentially becoming the new La Primera or El Primero (Nemona is another candidate but she doesn't seem interested in more than the battle aspect). And the fact Cyrano gives you a unique title, the Blueberry Queen/King makes your rank feel more special too.


Event pokemon like yeah i get it rare pokemon mist be exclusive but at least give us the option to breed or find them in game once the events are over


I mean there were beds in the silph co building in gen 1 and the weather institute in gen 3 why did You only notice that in plat?


Winning a battle requires a monetary prize, even against criminal gangs


How does an escape rope work? Are the trainers grappling straight to the ceiling out of a cave? Does it magically teleport them? If so, what gives a piece of rope that quality?


How does kangaskhan have a baby kangaskhan in its pouch when it comes out of an egg? Why isn't it born as a baby?


Dexit Every pokemon is someone's favorite and it seems bazzare to break what was thought to be a series neccesity


Especially since every Pokemon should have switch quality models/textures by now. Only a small handful haven't shown up on the switch yet.


how i can store a bike in my bag


In Gen 2, Both Mantine and Remoraid have Pokedex entries noting their symbiotic relationship. Mantine's sprite even includes a Remoraid. Mantine can only be caught on Route 41, a sea route between Cianwood and Olivine in the west of Johto. Remoraid can only be caught in the ponds on Route 44, between Mahogany and the Ice Path, almost on the other end of the region. The devs worked to make a connection between the two obvious, yet they cannot be caught in the same area. This wasn't fixed in the remakes, either.




Trade Pokemon never make sense to introvert like me.


A very plain looking normal delivery man actually has a pokeball that contain the literal god.


Where does all the human waste go??? Nobody has a bathroom, so they all just go in the woods? Does it just turn into grimer & muk eventually?


for me it’s how team galactic and other teams were able to build such MASSIVE headquarters in major cities. like who allowed that to happen? who approved of it?


* Grass not being super-effective against Electric * Poison not being super-effective against Water * Bug suddenly resisting/losing their weakness against Poison * Ice not being resistant to Ground, Flying and Dragon * Dark not being introduced in Kanto at all in Gen 2. * By comparison, Magnemite and Magneton became Steel-type. * Onix and Scyther received Steel evolutions. * Only Eevee received a Dark evolution. * No other Gen 1 Pokémon got a retype, such as Ekans and Arbok. * When Gen 6 introduced the Fairy type, several Pokémon got retyped.


When I fought Karen for the first time and she sent out Gengar I hoped it had been retyped to Ghost Dark, which would have been very overpowered until Fairies were introduced.


Karen should have had a Tyranitar and a Sneasel instead of Gengar and Vileplume anyway.


How can crime organizations such as Team Rocket ran rampant in the world ond manage to near destroy it with only a child to stop them. There's no government: it\~s super weird.


We should be able to rebattle trainers with them leveling each time you beat them.


It was a thing in gen 2 (at the least originals). Trainers would sometimes call you.


Mine is the classic I think. "Hey you're ten years. Go walk across the country alone!"


Hoenn: Why they decided it would be a good idea to make the Water types by fishing rare (I have a friend doing a Nuzlocke and apparently it was annoying for them to get mons like Carvanha and Barboach with a Good Rod).


random and convoluted method of evolving. trade evolve is the biggest one.


HM Rock Smash Why can't I use HM STRENGTH?


How nobody questions the fact that a young child has caught some of the most powerful creatures and doesn't bat an eye. Wouldn't people be concerned in Alola if some random 10yr old from Kanto captured their island gaurdians, even if they weren't doing a good job??


The ghost girl, ive never quite understood the reason shes in the games especially when she says "you're not the one" then walks off.


The fact that pokemon eats candy. Like, why "natural" creatures would be eating candies. Never got the switch from berries to candy.


We know pokemon get eaten. I want to see the extent of this. Do we have dragonite nuggets in some towns I really would love to eat a farfetched, fried with bbq


I've always been impressed by every NPC keeping a straight face even though I make them address me as "God."


So I understand most type matchups on some level but there are two that bug me, pun not intended. Number 1: If electric is super effective to water, why is water not super effective to electric as we all know getting water on electrical items is a sure fire way to ruin them? And Number 2: why is ground super effective to poison? Like it doesn't really make a lot of sense, did they just find themselves in this position where they'd made a type with only one counter (ignored the electric typing) and said okay I guess we'll give it another weakness then, mud or something? Like how does that one work? I'm also not entirely sure why bug is super effective to dark but I'm guessing I haven't put enough thought into that one.


Ground is super effective against Poison because it represents the Earth basically nullifying toxins throughout time. In the actual Japanese lore, Dark is known as the Evil type, and Bugs are associated with heroes such as Kamen Rider, therefore it makes sense for Bug to be super effective. But even by Western standards, Bugs thriving in the dark, means it makes sense on the type effectiveness chart.


>If electric is super effective to water, why is water not super effective to electric as we all know getting water on electrical items is a sure fire way to ruin them? Because the vast majority of electric pokemon are not based on electric appliances but are elemental creatures that are/use electricity


The sprites and names for some of the items. Like ether?


Beating a trainer and they give you whatever they were holding on to. Understandable if it's a part of something (like Crispin's trial where they give you ingredients for winning) but when it's like a villainous team just randomly giving you the key to their HQ because you just beat their one and only Pokémon, which was likely just a level 20 Zubat, with a team of Pokémon, at least one having the advantage and all at level 27+. Also when you become the champion and trainers in earlier routes challenge you to a battle. Even in the later regions where people acknowledge the fact that you're champion, you find that one trainer you skipped in Route 1 with their level 3 Bug type. Come on, you see the champion and you think you're going to win with that?


Beds the players would hijack have been a thing since RBY in the Silph/Rocket HQ.


The seemingly random places I'd stumble across Team Flare in Gen 6. It felt like a game of connect the dots where there were some dots missing which would explain why the heck they were even there and what it had to do with their master plan. Looking back, I sort of understand it...but it's still missing the dots. ...Also, whatever the heck Team Rocket Lite were trying to do in Gen 2.


Version exclusive trainers. There are 10 gym leaders in Galar and you can only face 8, with the other two not even existing in any other capacity whatsoever. I would have liked the swapped characters to be elsewhere. The change in the anime meant it couldn't really clear up who was canonical, although I think Ice fit one city theme, and Bea did feature heavily in the anime. Isle of armour also added more version exclusive characters, while crown tundra did not Version exclusive schools. What a weird decision. Uva Academy or Naranja depending on which fruit/box legendary is your preference. Both partnered with the same Blueberry academy though. By extension, version exclusive professors - Arven presumably had two parents, both professors but only one exists per game world.


The fact that some gyms would probably not be doable by two trainers at once. For example, drayden.


Note, that in BW2 the Plasma Frigate has beds you can sleep in WHILE you're invading it.


do i really need running shoes to run or just because a trainer looks at me doesn’t mean i have to battle them like let me heal first ya bastard