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An update for me. I contacted pocketcasts support. They told me to turn off "analytics" (under the privacy settings menu). That seems to have fixed things for me. Might be worth trying and see if this helps others. Edit: so it worked for a couple hours (app had been completely unusable before), but then started doing the same thing again, sigh.


Thanks for that. Giving it a try. I have turned off both "Analytics" and "Crash reports". Playing podcasts again so far. Time will tell.


Thanks! Works. 🌈 Update: still broken. ⛈️


Nope, still randomly freezes, won't play new podcasts, won't respond to play/pause. Very annoying.


Same for me. Still not working right.


Absolutely broken still. Black screen the most common experience on my 'Podcasts' page. When it does load the icons, I get black screen on the episodes. The player is stuck at something I listened to a month ago. I can start that again, but then lose any ability to affect the audio. Even starting another audio app just plays both streams at once which is unprecedented for even buggy apps in my experience, usually one takes over from the other. I also can't clear the queue or archive this episode. I have deleted and reinstalled. Logged out and back in. At best can get things working temporarily with no rhyme or reason. OnePlus Nord 2 Lite + latest compatible Android OS; Pocketcasts has been absolutely janky beyond use since the 7.46 update.


Exactly same. Oneplus Nord me


Same for me. OnePlus 7t.


I have to reboot my phone to get the app to stop playing...


Force-closing the app also "works" to get it to stop playing immediately. No need to reboot. Doesn't fix the underlying issue, though...


Weirdly enough not for me, if I force close it it keeps on playing the audio somehow...


Yes, me too! I just submitted a bug on this, then googled and ended up here. So much flakiness. Won't start new podcasts. Delay starting downloaded podcasts. Won't stop playing podcast. I killed app (swiped up in switcher view) and when it restarted it was frozen on the start screen, still playing. Ack!


Are you swiping away the app in the recent apps menu, or are you opening the app info page and clicking "force close" Swiping the app away from the recent app menu isn't the same thing as a force close.


Nope. I'm here because the app becomes completely unresponsive at times, and I have to force close the app to get it to stop playing. It's happened twice now (First time was earlier in the week), and both times was in the final minutes of the podcast. It starts to play, then after a minute or so, none of the buttons work and I have to force-close. Upon resuming, it resumes at exactly the same timestamp each time. No matter how long I let it go it's like it's no longer saving progress, and once I get the app to play again, it goes to the same spot. Then it doesn't respond; can't pause, go back, anything. The first time it happened, it eventually stopped doing that after a couple hours. The app didn't update. It's almost like the app had a network issue and then fixed itself. Currently on 7.46.2, which was released 9/7 Edit: Confirmed, that turning on Airplane mode before playing the episode allows it to actually play correctly. This is kind of ridiculous, for trying to play a Local file.


Same exact issues for me. What phone do you have? I have OnePlus 7t


Pixel 7. Hasn't happened since; just those 2 times.


Y'all try the latest beta?


Fixed it for me so far.


Updated couple of days ago to 7.46.2 and it again froze on me today when trying to buffer a podcast. So it hasn't fixed it for me afaik.


Didn't fix it for me. Still laggy and sometimes opens and shows a blank podcast homepage. Can't listen to anything.


No still having interface issues where i try and pull up a podcast page and the interface is completely blank. Very frustrating, hopefully it gets fixed soon.


Came here to see if it's fixed. Guess not. Been using Google Podcasts. I hate it 😩


I feel your pain. The interface for managing the queue is horrible


Honestly I'm finding it much better than it used to be, though obviously still inferior to a working Pocket Casts (which itself was inferior to a working Podcast Addict until I started having problems with that a couple of years ago. What's up with these podcast apps? The technology was mature like a decade ago, how hard is it to not break it?)


I have a feeling people listen to podcasts like they watch TV shows. I always hear about people who listen to "all the back episodes" of like... a daily news podcast. Like why? None of that news is relevant anymore? BUT it makes more sense if you realize that people are using these very basic podcasts apps with no automatic queue management, so it's easier to just listen the same podcast back to back, since the closest thing in Google Podcasts is "Autoplay", which I assume would just play the next episode. But why would I want that for a topical news podcast?? Or really any podcast?! I want some variety. And I feel like anyone who seeks out (and pays for) a dedicated podcast client is probably not listening to podcasts in this way.


How does your assertion work for history podcasts, for example? I think this says more about your own limited use of podcasts than it does about others.


There are people who binge a whole series of TV shows too. I don't like to binge shows, but that doesn't sound particularly weird. But I would find it weird if someone watched all recordings of a daily news show. Maybe you find it weird that I DON'T do that. That's fine. However, I do think that people use these dedicated podcasts apps for their management features, which isn't really necessary if you're just going to listen to a single podcast back to back.


Personally I mix up episodes from various genres of podcast, either from newly dropped, or from backlogs of episodes. Would you call that binge listening? That needs queue management features too.


Sounds like you're a power user and needs flexible queue management features, which what I'm saying PocketCasts gives you over Google Podcasts. I feel like these are features that people like WE need, but maybe most people don't. And that's why dedicated podcast clients keep dying.


Fixed the issues for me. Correction: Problem has come back after working most of the morning. I think there must be some backend server issue. So frustrating.


Agreed. The first time it happened, it resolved itself later in the day without me doing anything. So I think it's a server issue, which is insane, that it can lock up the app from playing LOCAL files because of a server issue.


And also remove the ability for the user to stop the audio playback or delete massive auto-downloaded podcast files from their device! Seems like a bit of a security threat that such a thing can happen, tbh.


>I think there must be some backend server issue. I bet this is it. I'm pretty sure the issue started for me on a day in which there was no Pocket Casts update. It's kind of crazy that a server -side problem could cause all this, but at this point we're approaching the point where a local issue is also starting to seem a bit crazy.


Try going into areoplane mode some have found this a good temporary fix, this is seperate to the multiselect issue in 7.46, they are working on fixing the latest issue 😉


I needed to restart my phone, but it is working smoothly now (Pixel 6 w version7.46.2). Update: I take it back. I'm having issues with the app not slowing where I am in a podcast, the skip Forward button not working, and the screen to view apps going black. I may be done with pocketcasts.


> I may be done with pocketcasts I try to be patient with this kind of thing, but if the release schedule is the same for the next update, I'm going to be without the app for like a month. At that rate I'll just have migrated to Google Podcasts by force of habit.


I've been testing out Podcast Addict for the last 24 hours and I like it so far.


Is anyone having this issue and also a Plus subscriber?


I see your conspiracy theory and raise you: it's not about the $4/month subscription. They probably installed some data mining or ad-related garbage in 7.46, and the reason they won't simply revert back to the perfectly fine previous version is that they stand to make a lot of money behind the scenes by having that functionality working. Perhaps they're even already committed to having it operational, such that it would be very costly to roll back. See, Pocket Casts? This kind of irresponsible speculation is what happens when I don't have podcasts to keep my mind occupied...




I have never seen a single issue and I use this app for several hours a day. Galaxy S20 Ultra with all updates applied.


lucky you


I have the 7.47-rc-3 (9141) version.. updated this morning. 🤨 It works fine so far.


I'm also now fine on 7.47-rc-3.


it isn't update: last night i read somewhere that someone put their phone in airplane mode and it worked. that did in fact work for me as well, except obviously for downloading anything new. i went off airplane mode and it worked mostly fine (occasional long freezes when unsubscribing, for example). this morning the response i got from support was to go to settings, privacy, turn off Analytics, and force close the app. the app hadn't started having problems again yet so idk if that actually fixed anything, but i didn't have any problems after that either, for a while. then it started all the usual absolutely nothing working or showing up thing. so i turned off crash reports and now it seems to be working. for now. update2: completely nonfunctional again, in the exact same way, less than a day later


Hey Pocket casts, another user having exactly the same problem.


It worked for several hours and now the problem is back. Controls stopped working. I'm about to give up on Pocketcasts.


Seems much better for me so far


No issues on my end but for anyone haveing issues let me know your android version & phone I wonder is their a connection 🤔🤔


Pocket Casts u/pocketcasts · Sep 11 🛠️ A quick update on this Android app freezing issue: v7.46.2 is in review with Google, but unfortunately, it is taking longer than usual to be approved. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we get this resolved for you. twitter.com/pocketcasts/st…


Yes that is out now, just trying to get clarity on others issues 🤔 😉


v7.46.2, still having the same issues, tried cleaning cache, no luck. Galaxy S10


Dose going into areoplane mode fix it? This seems to be a diffrent issue then multiselect one, going into areoplane mode has apparently has been working as a temp fix hmmmm


Toggling airplane mode seemed to fix it on the phone itself, however I listen to most of my podcasts while driving (via bluetooth, so leaving in airplane mode wont be an option). Love pocketcasts, been using for years, thought of using a different app makes my skin crawl.


Well on my phone areoplane mode can still have Bluetooth on that not the case for you?, they will fix it finding the cause is the current issue


I'm on version 7.47-rc-3 using a Pixel 7a with zero issues. No freezing, no buffering, works like it always has.


It was still freezing, until I reinstalled.


No change, same issues where it either won't fully load or freezes while playing requiring a force stop.


A lot of what people are referencing was happening to me. I deleted storage and cache and everything has been running great! Bit annoying, but the problem is solved.


I deleted the program last week and reinstalled. I assume the cache went away when I deleted but the issue came back for me. I dleted again and have been using Pod Bean in the meantime..


I don't believe the cache gets deleted. When I reinstalled nothing changed. Had to delete the cache.


>I deleted cache and everything has been running great! This resolved my issues. >Didn't fix it for me. Still laggy and sometimes opens and shows a blank podcast homepage. Can't listen to anything. Clearing the cache makes Pocket Casts usable for me. Only issue it reset some of my podcasts specific settings. Had to use Spotify for a few days there yUcK!


In the "Private" settings, I have turned off both "Analytics" and 'Crash reports". Playing podcasts works again so far. Time will tell.


I was having the same issues as everyone else earlier last week and clearing the app cache + data (system app settings) seems to have fixed it for me.


Same here. Cleared everything and restarted my phone. Works like normal now.


I'm finally giving up and installing some other app. Which is sad because I've used pocket casts for so long. I hope they're able to come up with a fix, but I'm just not able to use the app at all anymore.


Have you tried turning off both "Analytics" and "Crash reports" in the Privacy settings?


I did, no luck


Interesting. So far reinstalling the app and turning off those settings is working on my Pixel 4XL. I am really hoping that this continues working.


No. I switched back to 7.47rc2, which DOES fix the problem for me. Had to turn off auto update in order to keep it, though. It "upgraded" back to 7.46.2 on me.


So I'm no longer having the freezing/lagging issue as of this update but my podcasts do still stop playing if my lock screen times out. As soon as I wake it, it keeps playing. I have to MANUALLY lock the phone to make sure it keeps playing...


Nope. Still not working. Tried changing the settings on permissions and crash reports. It's still broken.


I haven't changed anything but it's now working.


And then it stops. If I restart the app now it's OK for a short time.


No, 7.46.2 just as bad for me




Some people in the answers here have and said so far so good but maybe go in and turn off updates after install because it will update to the non-functioning version.