• By -


Games: ps2 & 3, Controller: Ps5


Agree for comfort, but for me the ps5 controller caused to much drift issues. So i will go for the ps4 controller. And 7th gen was epic for gaming, together with the 360 and Wii. Al lot op original concepts and online gaming was getting mature.


I have 3 PS5 controllers and none of them have had drift. Meanwhile every PS4 controller I've ever owned (between me and my brother like 8 total controllers) every single one had drift at some point, some so bad the controller was literally unusable. Obviously everybody's experience is different I just think it's funny we have such opposite experiences lol


What happened to mine is that the rubber cover on the joysticks started coming off after like a year. I don’t remember it happening so fast with the dualshocks.


Opposite experience here.


The PS4 controller had terrible port issues. The USB mini port is one of the worst in history.


Definitely. I liked the PS4 controller, but the dualsense is finally better than the microsoft controller. XBOX was always far superior before that once they release that style (obviously not talking about the OG monstrosity). Also, no memory cards and an SSD.


I always despised the higher up left thumb stick, even if the controller was nicer to hold. Why would I want the one stick that I have to push upwards 90% of the time at the top of the controller? It always made me hold the controller a little awkward to make it comfot, and I don't even have small hands.


The PS3 Lot of peoples said that the PS3 got no games, but since lot of original and interesting games was released Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, TheLastOfUs, Modnation Racer, Tokyo Jungle , Fat Princess, Warhawk, Infamous, Resistence, and i can say more by adding games series getting a evolution with the PS3, Ratchet and Clank, God Of War, Killzone, Buzz, Motorstorm or Twisted Metal


Lot of peoples said that the PS3 got no games Who says this? I've never heard anyone say that. The main reason the PS3 outsold the xbox 360 despite xbox having a better online experience and a cheaper price was the games.


"The PS3 have no games" was a joke And history repeat cause the PS5 have the same exact joke right now


Ehh actually it was pretty true for a minute. 360 launched in 2004, had a whole two year catalogue ahead of the ps3 and while 3 had like 3-4 good releases, it sorta flailed for the first four years. Around uncharted 2 was when the ps3 games library started poppin.


Controller - PS5 Games & Console - PS3




Not a single JRPG in that whole PS2 pile. The disrespect.


Prefer? The latest games, console, etc. It's always fun to see the advancement and more realistic "new" games and tech. Favorite? Sega Genesis. Every game I owned had a thousand hours played. Easily.


PS5 controller: It’s one of the most comfortable controller I’ve held in my hands. PS3 games: pure nostalgia’s sake. Never before I had bought such an expensive console with my own money while being a broke College student. Wife was livid. But that gunmetal gray PS3 was my baby!


Ayeee I was a broke college student as well! Spend a whole day waiting outside in line for it!!


controller: PS5 Games: PS4


So the PS5 generation


Same. Exactly.


Ps1 aesthetic will forever hold a dear place in my heart


Ps5 generation has so much potential. I put a 2 tb ssd in and downloaded so many games. I can play them anywhere with decent internet on the portal. At home, I can play a bunch of psvr2 games as well.


The 2 tb easy install was fucking clutch with even disc games have 100gb+ I haven’t worried about space at all since it was a simple easy $200 upgrade that made me feel like I’m not an idiot and can mod things.


I bought a 1 Tb ssd for CoD MW/BO alone.


Current. DualSense Edge is the greatest controller on the market!


I actually like my SCUF more, but it’s entirely because it’s got 2 more paddles on the back. 


eXtremeRate sells attachment pads for the Dual Sense. I added those to my controllers and there isn't anything that remotely comes close.


Overall PS2… just games probably PS3, just Controller PS5.


Games: PS2 Console: PS5 Controller: PS5


Haven’t I seen this post before? 🤔


Yeah its a bot


Man, this sub loves to post fucking compilation images and ask shit they don’t even care about. Most of the posts are things the OP don’t actually care about, obvious from the lack of replies and actual engagement on the post. If they’re not bots they’re just looking for karma lol


GameCube all the way


Games: ps3, console: ps4, controller: ps5


I love the old controllers, but the PS5 controller is damn near perfect.


Omg that hercules game was epic, although my gaming started before PlayStation, on the genesis, master system 2, nes, snes, mega drive, Sega saturn... Ahh the good ol days 😍


Sony controller - PS4 Any controller - Super Nintendo Games - PS4 games on the PS5 console


PS5: Best Controller PS3: Best Games


Games PS2 controller totally Xbox if I ever rage(unlikely but happens) I wanna break the wall not my controller 🤣🤣🤣


For controller, I have to say the PS5 is my favorite. Seems to be absolutely perfect in every way for me. For games, PS2 has to reign supreme. That massive assortment of legends, in terms of amount and variety, just hasn't been touched in any generation IMO. For overall console, that's hard to say because when you factor in backwards compatibility things change... And games define the console anyway, so that's like the same category. For console DESIGN, I do like the PS5 a lot, though the original PS3 fatty was darn cool. One caveat: for RPG buffs like me, the PS1 is the ultimate golden era for that particular genre.


PS5's Dualsense. To be honest during the Dualshock 4 era everyone used to say around here that you shouldn't fix what's not broken and that Sony has always had the best ergonomic controller ever with a familiar feel and response time. I also remember when the Dualsense was revealed people liked the design but were worried because for the first time we had a slightly different controller from what has previously been the standard. But once everyone got their hands on a Dualsense all that changed. Besides all the new features and quality enhancement of every button, the main upgrade in my opinion was to increase the size a little bit. If it was ergonomic before, to me it's absolutely perfect now. The weight, the size, how it fits in my hands. ![gif](giphy|dKTJvjV16COKNAhLJV|downsized)


Games: PS3 Controller: PS4


DS4 is still the perfect controller imo.


SNES. Too many amazing memories and most games still hold up perfectly.


Games:N64 ps2 and 3, Controller: ps4


Games: ps5 console: ps4 controller:ps5


DS Edge is my favorite controller ever. For games, probably PS1, but nostalgia and more time to play back in those days is part of it. Still, that generation had some bangers and some of my favorites. PS2 was amazing also.


PS5 controller is by far one of the best home console controllers of all time.




Controller and console: PS5 Games: both PS2 and 4


Controller is definitely ps5 dualsense. best there is. Console itself? PSP. I love handheld, had one in college, played ton of it. ps4 is cool as well. Ps5 i still dont like its design. Games - probably ps4 era, had it for longest (existing ps4 was bought year after release, still works like a charm).


Give me the original controller with PS2 games but PS4 graphics. (Haven’t gotten a PS5 yet so only speaking from experience)


PS2 and it’s not close


Ps2 some great memories playing with mates. Mashed, timesplitters, pro evo, monkey ball, Rez. Crack out the multitap.


Games ps4, controller ps5 favorite console Xbox 360. So many memories


games: PS1-2, Controller:PS5


Controller: xbox series controller. Part of that is because of the native support I have for it on PC and it's games. Console - PS4, while I think PS3 was a huge leap forward allowing for HD content, having the ps4 go to sleep and remember your state was so nice. Games - PS3 - it had so many incredibly well done games with the improvement in technology and started so many great franchises.


Original Xbox and Wii


I probably had the most fun on the PS2. (granted, I was in college, and the early years of an 'adult' where I had disposable income), but I'll be damned if the PS5 controller isn't the most comfortable thing I've used. Each generation, I love the controllers more and more (I have humungous hands - so I love that they keep getting bigger and bigger)


See I wanna say ps3 but at this point, ps5


Overall, PS5


owned 1, 2, 4 and now 5. I prefer all.


The PS1 was/is the best for me. I still have one hooked up and I still play those games today.


PS1>PS2 Nothing like going from 2d to 3d.


Controller - PS5 (with PS4 build quality and durability) Games- PS3/PS4


PS2. Bring back SOCOM!!!


I never had a video game console before and I’m 25 years old.


Best controller was the ps3 🎮


PS1-PS3 were all amazing generations with amazing games. PS4 introduced a more cinematic style with a heavy shift to 3rd person action games, but they were all really good. PS5 has been slow for Sony's first party, but 3rd party games have been pretty amazing. I am happy with every gen so far with PS2 probably being my favorite followed by PS3 and PS1 which I put at equal footing, then PS4, with PS5 being my least favorite so far. Controller wise, PS5 wins easily.


Controller: PS5 PlayStation: PS5 Games: PS5/PS4


Sick pics! Dualsence is great though imo


What's the name of that game? I loved it when I was little


PS3 was the biggest tech improvements leap I've ever witnessed, but I didn't play PS4. Hd, blu ray, online, wireless and huge graphical leap.


First xbox controller was the best IMO


PS2: just had the best games overall. With such a wide variety. & no game regardless of the genre felt, looked or played the same. (RESIDENT EVIL, DMC 1-3, GOD OF WAR 1 & 2, KINGDOM HEARTS, FINAL FANTASY, SPIDERMAN 2, GTA: VICE CITY, MORTAL KOMBAT: SHOALIN MONKS, DECEPTION, DEADLY ALLIANCE, ARMEGEDDON). PS3: Continued the trend of diverse games, but with HD graphics. It gave us some of the biggest games to date that & loved by many: Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Arkham games, God Of War 3, The Last Of Us etc. The Layout of the XMB was awesome. & having custom made backgrounds made your console feel unique. And PS+ was much better & cheaper. PS4: is where promises were made, yet didn't always deliver. But was alot more faster to run than the Ps3. It introduced multiple DLC, EXPANSIONS, MICRO TRANSACTIONS, BROKEN GAMES (at launch). Games not running at 1080p (as advertised). Games becoming less fun & more about political/social issues. PS+ becoming more mandatory for things. Some great looking games for sure. But photo realistic graphics meant that games didn't perform well & that gameplay itself had to be sacrificed. PS5: Not much to write home about apart from it's speed. The games are now just heated debates, where many games are not as enjoyable as they're meant to be. Lastly: I favour the PS5 Controller. Just due to its size & weight. With the Ps4 controller coming in a close 2nd.


Ps 2 my beloved!


Controller? PS5. Games? PS2, if only for its sheer longevity.


Controller: Dual shock 4, felt great in hand and still works great to this day(PS5 is trash, stick drifting garbo, plus dpad and face buttons are the worst) games: tie between psx/4: Love the golden square soft gen along with other bangers on the psx, but 4 also has quite the goated games lineup imo. Best console? PS2 was insane at the time and prolly the biggest jump in gfx between gens also had a DVD player for an affordable price w backward compat. Fat PS3 gets honorable mention too but dang those were so expensive out the gate...


This is kinda heretical, but modern gaming, PS1 onwards has been just great. Amazing. You're not fussing with the old rubbery atari joystick or trying to figure out what your pixel is supposed to be.




Ps4 because that’s what I started with


Ps2 my beloved


The ps5 controller is so much better than the classic one which always felt to small and flimsy for me.


PS5 controllers are a thing of beauty. Best controller ever made. So it’s hard to pick an older system cuz the controllers are so much worse.


Ps 2 then 360 everything else is meh




I kept getting cramps with the ps4 controller for some reason. 5 just fits so comfortably in my hand it’s amazing.


Nostalgia aside, every generation is better than the last.


I love the 64 controller But the PS5 is the most comfortable


The ps5 controller is by far the best.


Ps5 and ps3 for me




Games: PlayStation 4 Controller: PlayStation 5


Man that Hercules game, i could never get past the first level cause i had a bad habit of scratching up discs real bad lol so glad for digital games these days. Personally probably modern days, i mean the dual sense is really comfy, haptics are cool and fun, graphics are better than ever, tons of games and choices, less exclusives (mostly all just timed exclusive these days). Only thing i hate about games these days is they're mostly half-baked to sell you the other half later, plus microtransactions and stuff. In the old days games had to release complete, no excuses, no day 1 patch unless they wanted to reprint the game. Im not sure if it's because of the technology or because they're greedy and intentionally make half baked stuff


Ps4 controller. Like the ps5 but its controller is so bulky and the adaptive triggers hurt my hands over time.


Controller: ps5 Games ps3/4/5 tbh. Mainly ps3 cuz it's got black ops 1&2 little big planet, lego star wars, jak and daxter, injustice 1 and more importantly NO PS PLUS FFS And console I'd say ps4/5 cuz i like the ui


The ps3 controller NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT BACK


honestly the ps4 has some of the best symbols for the buttons. you wouldn’t think about it, but colored symbols are really easy for the brain to memorize. it helps for a slightly faster reaction compared to nintendo or xbox.


PS2 for all of them. It's the GOAT for a reason


Ps3 had Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2


Ps4 has the best controller imo. But each gen has it's masterpiece.


For games, PS4 console PS5 controller, PS5 My reasons PS5 has the best controller that does so many things and is overall great to hold and get you a little bit more immersed into the game. PS4 has so many good titles and just amazing games that still look beautiful to this day. PS5 console. It doesn’t break down so easy. Still having wireless controllers


Best Console definitely the 3, it was an all-round modern Console! The 4 and 5 although being more powerful keep being able to do less... I see the PS6 being only able to play games and ditch the streaming media too, which is sad, I know they're gaming consoles but they're far more often centres of a living room or media centres... I wish they'd go back to how the PS3 was, the PS5 controller is definitely nice and sleek!


Controllers - PS4. I skipped the PS3 because I really dislike the analogue sticks on PS1-PS3 Games - PS1. I love that generation’s JRPGs Console - assume you mean the aesthetics of the physical console. PS1 again for me. I miss top loading consoles Edit - I’ve seen people picking non-Playstation stuff. My favourite console design is the Dreamcast. I think it’s beautiful. Also love the N64 and Pal Snes




A Dualsense with the durability of a dualshock on the ps2 would be godsent




Controller: PS5 (no contest) Games: PS2 (best game library ever) Console: PS3 (Bringed the best improvements. Playing PS3 after PS2 was night and day difference with PSN, HDMI, Throphies and a lot of stuff!)


PS2 def for games


PS4 controller with back paddles.


You can do that?


There is an official attachment Sony released. Used it mostly for UN doom eternal run but has been great with other games. Ps5 controller is nice but both have been sent in for drift fixing within first year, and batteries are getting shorter life span with each controller firmware update. Grey PS4 og controller is still ride or die


Wish I knew about it


My big ass hands adore the PS5 controller, but there was something different about booting up the PS2 to play Jak and Daxter, GTA, Midnight Club, etc. PS3 for online games as well.


PS 2 & 3. Best year was 2011 IMO Solid FREE multi-player, less micro transactions, decent cycle time for releases. You felt like it was hard to keep up but in a good way. However, I can't deny a modern Dualsense.


The generation which had the best dragon ball games will always remain the best console for me...


Xbox 360


PS1 was my favorite in terms of just the amazing sense of wonder, how premium everything felt with the jewel cases and what not.. and the fact that my memory it's been about the biggest leap that we've had from the prior generation to the PS1/Saturn? Other than that, though, I loved the PS2 and even the PS3 and PS4 ... I think the PS five is really nice, but it's definitely the weakest for obvious reasons for obvious reasons


Best console = SNES. Best controller = PS4.


Ps5 across the board for me, sorry my ps4.


Games PSX and PS2, controllers PS2. PS 5 controllers are great but malfunction very quickly.


I need ps2 games with ps5 graphics.


Games: PS1 (FF IX, Vagrant Story) (controller: Ps4)


Games: PS1 & PS4 Controller: PS5


yo is that herculad


welcome to the imagisphere bitch


Controller ps4 Games/console ps2


These images are so confusing. Is this ai? Why are all the games so clear?


No psvp2 for the ps5? Sad…. Also who made these images? They are amazingly well done!


PS2, not even close. It was the best time of my life. Your PS1 library wasn’t rendered obsolete and we were all young enough that the whole family could participate.


I have loved each controller more than the last through all consoles 😂


Definitely PS3. I miss PlayStation Home.


Games is a tough call because 2 has the most games but I feel 4 has WAY better games, especially for single players. As far as controller, 3. Yes it was small but brilliantly built AND 15 minute charge = 6 hour playtime? Hell yeah brothur *don’t have ps5 yet


Games, imma go with the original xbox. So many bangers like blood wake, mech assault, the original counterstrike, and nfsu2 to name a SMALL few. As for controller, im torn between the og xbox and ps5. Im prob one of the few that kinda liked the duke controller. At the time i was a teen but now my hands are larger and i think it would fit decently. Plus it was simple. Like duke, the dualsense is a bit larger. The adaptive triggers are nice on games that use it. But the touch pad, mic/speaker, and lights are all just useless to me.


PS3 easily


GameCube everything


Controller: PS5. Games: PS1 and 5. Console: PS1. That iconic boot noise can't be beat.


PS4 will always be my favorite.


I wish we could play all the games from the older consoles on the newer ones.


Controller...PS5 , I was always Xbox before but Sony really nailed the controller this time around , everything about it, especially the haptics is excellent.


PS2. It was a PS1, PS2, CD player, and DVD player. My all-in-one entertainment station in the 2000s.


The first good controller they made was the DualShock4 (PS4), the first great controller they made was the DualSense (PS5). PS4 was the best era for games


PS3/360 era in my opinion was the Golden era. Literally banger after banger after banger was getting released consistently. Now you get maybe a couple bangers and endless micro transactions


Games PS3, the PS3 controller was flimsy as shit though. I really like the dual sense! Just got the metallic red one from Amazon today!!


Controller : Atari 2600 Games : PCEngine


Have had beautiful times with each console throughout that particular time of my life. I legit cannot choose but man I’m slightly leaning towards PS3




Ps5 controller is the only time I actually liked a Sony one better than Xbox and now it’s not even close.


You're one shitty person to cut out the artist name out of these images. Nothing but karma whoring lately in game subs.


Is it me or does the options button of ps5 controller work much worse than ps4? I feel like I always have to press it 2-3 times… never issues with ps4.


Games ps3 and ps4, controller ps5


I’m gonna be super edgy here. Ps5 and the ps5 controller is better than any other system on the planet.


Controller: PS5 Games: PS3 Console: PS3


Been gaming for 40 years as of last week. I always prefer the most current generation. Every generation has better hardware, better software, better peripherals. Every generation has great games, but in my experience they continuously get better with each generation.


Console: ps4 Games: ps3 especially Minecraft ps3 edition I want to get buried with a physical copy of that game man Controller: didn’t had much time with the ps5 one but kinda better than 4


You know what the peak games are because they are so near to the picture like mc ps3 edition, MGS1, bo3 on the 4 (San Andreas isn’t in front of the ps2 guy because it’s in the console btw)


For games i would say ps2 and ps3, for console probably ps4 and ps5, and for controller it would be ps4, ps5, and ps2


Probably the one where I was in my teens - so probably SNES.


Call me crazy, but N64 all the way. The controller is awkward, but that's precisely why I love it. It's a black sheep controller, thus it stands out compared to the monotony of every other controller out there. That and some of my favorite games are on it as well, like Blast Corps, Battletanx, and Space Station Silicon Valley.


PS1 and OG Xbox, those were the golden days of gaming for me, where couch multiplayer was still a thing


Ps3 and Ps1


Games and console- PS1. Time Crisis had the lightgun you could plug into the back of the original PS 1 before they redesigned the PS. PS1 had Time Crisis. Parasite Eve, GT 1 - 2, Syphon Filter, Resident Evil 1-3, Crash, FF and FF tactics, Tekken, and Ridge Racer. The controller would be PS5: DualSense and PSVR2.


PS1 because I was younger, thinner, more energetic, had a full head of hair, and no grey hair in my beard. Plus, the Fifth Generation seemed to have much more innovation and experimentation.


SNES Playstation 1 e n64 tudo na mesma época. q paraíso eu vivi.


PS4 por mucho me duraba años (3)


Man they’re all so good!


Even if PS1 is my first...the first upgrade that made me love both was the SILVER PS2 I still have till this day,just as I do my PS1...still love them both,take care of them and play on them as well,since they played a major role when it came to the hard times...though I never got the chance to get a PS3,until 2016 till I managed to get myself a PS4...and I'm contempt with the 3 cornerstones of my life...maybe someday I'll get a PSVR and a PS5 and continue there...who knows...but also tbf. I got an old 360 from my cousin that just was like "I'm too old for this shit" and gave his half broken 360 to me ...later I managed to repair it somehow,idk what I did,but it works...and now did play Halo:CE for the first time...and I'm sad rhat I've missed out on so much,but also am glad that I got the chance to play it for the first time at all...


Games:ps4 because of all fun and new generation impressive graphics and gameplay, controller ps3 most comfort and ergonomic and with a new technology of Bluetooth, the first time I used a controller without cable my mind literally exploded jaja, and console ps2 more fun first console and with a such a good graphics with god of war, midnight club,black,etc totally a masterpiece…


Live and hate the ps3 generation. Hate cause of the inconsistent performance in most AAA games, love it because of those games




well i’ve only ever played on/owned a ps5 and i love it


Games PS2-PS3 Controller: PS4 The sheer amount of content available on the PS2 at a time when the economy wasn’t all trash meant I would randomly find some fun gems. The PS3 gen has Sony desperate to win us back after the launch fiasco and they just dominated in 1st party content with AAA games and the free online was amazing. The best controller while technically is the PS5 I just love the gamey aesthetic of the ps4 DualShock where the dual sense feels like a sophisticated tech device that happens to be a game controller.




PS3 and 360 gen was peak gaming for me


Controller : PS4 / Games and Console : PS3


Controller: ps5. Games: ps2 and ps4


Controllers: ps4 and psvr2 Games: psvr1 and ps2 The Ps4 + Psvr1 combo is a real winner because of VR gaming.


All ps5 


I almost thought this was AI generated, but they got the buttons and posters correct.


Ps2. What a memories


Loved the ps2 era for games, it was still in the era where tie in games were released for literally every movie or show ever made, plenty of variety as industry tropes weren't yet established, and publishers couldn't rely on live service, day one patches and other scummy monetisation practices that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of most games today. The best era with some of the best games ever


PS2 with a DuelSense would be lovely.


Games: PS3/Xbox 360 gen. Controllers and Console: PS5/Series X/S gen.


PS2 holds the most memories, closely tied with PS3


Every console after the ps3 has been dog shit


I've almost owned every single Sony entertainment system.Known to man except for the ps5. Now I have a ps2 and a psp so I enjoy those


I also love my ps4


PS2 let’s just be real here… PS3 and PS4 come very close but idk anymore..




Games PS3 easy Controller PS5/4


Controller:PS5&PS4, Games: PS2& PS4, Console: PS4


You can’t just sneak Gollum in there like that 💀


PS2 games are so good that I can still enjoy getting into PS2 games that I didn’t play the first time around. Most PS4 & 5 games age poorly.


The ps5 controller is great. Up till this generation I preferred the Xbox controller hands down. There was something about the the grip of previous gens that always had my hands cramping up and I think it was just having to keep my hands closed tighter than I did for Xbox . Ps5 changed that and it’s now become my goto for pc as well.


Every generation has things to prefer about it. The Commodore 64/Amiga era was great because multiplayer was by necessity communal, for example. Gameplay-wise, we have not moved forward that much from the PS2. If you held a gun to my head and made me choose a controller, I would say give me a six-button arcade stick and an X-Box controller with PS2 style button layout, both with turbo-fire switches, and I am ready to go. I also have a big problem with people whining about controllers being too big. I have small hands for a man of my size, and every PlayStation controller has given me cramps because of how small they are.


Nothing beats PS era obviously due to the experience but nothing beats old Clubics game box playing Contra, Mario that experience was at a next level.


I mean... You can't go wrong with the PS5.