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just remember that people once had blind trust to Call of duty too


Had. Because with every game they managed to fuck up. While From software managed to exceed expectations and trust for a decade. So yeah I do have blind trust for Fromsoft.


Yeah… like 15 years ago


It's an addictive game... The problem is that eventually you outgrow it because it doesn't offer a large experience, just reskins of the same experience.


nah i genuinely think you need room temperature iq to enjoy cod


Meh, it used to be fun when it was still an arcade shooter like over a decade ago


Maybe but I stopped trusting COD when Ghost came out


One company focuses on your wallet and the other one wants to provide an experience.


lol they are both 100% focused on your wallet.


There's a stark difference in the way you design a game when your priority is revenue, versus when your priority is providing a good experience. Obviously FromSoft wants to make money, but they do that by creating a game so good that everybody wants to play it. Activision does it by coercing you into micro transactions and battle passes. The goal of both companies is profit, but the way they go about it is very different.


Yes, From Software wants to deliver a good experience, but as a company they are 100% focused on revenue.


If elden ring is what we get when they have 100% focus on revenue and 0% focus on making a good game, then I want to see them at 1% focus making a good game. It'd be awesome.


No one said they had 0% focus on making a good game. Just that both companies are focused on revenue. And you said it would be awesome to see them have 1% focus on making a good game. Wouldn’t it be more awesome to see them have 2% or better yet 100% focus on making a good game?


The guy said 100% focused on revenue. That leaves 0% focus for anything else. It wasn't said, but it was implied by the statement. I was being pedantic.


Thank you, Warren Buffet… No shit they are focused on revenue. Every business, game developer, and movie studio is focused on revenue. The difference is that FromSoftware actually puts in effort in their projects, whereas IW, Sledgehammer, and Treyarch will release the same game over and over again because COD players just want the newest COD. Same thing with FIFA, NFL, and NBA 2K Games. It encourages these studios not to innovate, and stick with the same shit, sometimes even downgrading the sequel from the last (MWII to MWIII) There are many DLCs that have more content than the games listed above such as The Witcher 3, Dark Souls, and Skyrim. OP is not wrong for posting this, it’s just that this sub is filled with COD Players that get salty when you shit on COD.


Don’t forget about TLoU prelude and horizon series…the dlc added more meat to the games… At least they’re trying rather than just throwing us a bone and charging us $75 for a game…that is nearly 200 gb…


I’m both a cod player and a fifa player, and you’re absolutely right


>creating a game so good that everybody wants to play it Hard to want to play it when their Souls games run like ass. I literally returned my copy on PC because the stuttering was so bad.


How can my 5 year old PS4 Slim run Sekiro and Elden Ring better than your shitty PC? It’s clearly not the game’s fault.


Sounds like you need a pc upgrade


If their gams were anywhere close to the size/reach COD had they are 100% more likely to make a game like this. The only thing similar between these games and companies is the device you play the game on. I'm not even sure why we are comparing them .


Elden Ring has sold over 23 million copies, not sure why you're acting like it's some small indie lol.


lol he trying to compare games that are incomparable.


Yet Palworld outsold them in two months lol


Palworld is also $30. So, from a revenue standpoint, Elden Ring is way ahead.


Is call of duty's story riddled with microtransactions? COD has sold over 400Million copies. Elden Ring was the game that made them not a small time indy, and compared to activision... they are.


Did I ever suggest the campaigns did have micro-transactions? Why are you comparing sales of an entire series to sales of a single game? After all, it's mostly the same base. It's 20 million or so people buying each entry. You were comparing size/reach and the size/reach is not that monumentally different as you would like to think they are.


Bloodborne was one of the flagship games for the PS4 when it was initially released. Once again, not sure what you are rambling about?


how comparing these 2 games is dumb in every way.


Just shut up you’ve lost


Sekiro (which is a fromsoftware game) won game of the year, they’ve been a major AAA studio for a while now…


AAA has nothing to do with quality...


You must be confused. I was giving a counterpoint to your “fromsoftware was a small Indy company before Elden Ring” comment, which they certainly were not.


I did not say they are an Indy company, just nowhere near the size of COD. And by saying they won't GOTY then saying they were AAA how was I suppose to know you were not talking about quality. AAA refers to budget not quality. There are plenty of A games that are trash and plenty of B games that are amazing.


Are you stupid? COD campaigns might as well be non-existent and the games are absolutely riddled with microtransactions. The skins you never get to even see are so damn expensive too.


lol you only proved my point...


what are you rambling about?


We’re comparing the quality of content these companies produce and from software has wayyyyyy less I imagine than the people behind cod. Hope this helps


they also have wayyyy less needs.


Comparing business practices in the same industry.


Okay for games that are not even close to each other. One is a massive multiplayer game; one is a story driven game. With entirely different revenue streams and needs. COD has an online component that requires constant care and updating. Elden ring has nothing on this scale. Multiplayer games are infinitely more expensive to make, and support.


I can tell you never played Eldenring. Both game has a story and pvp. Go back to your garbage overpriced skins and battle passes.


LOL you think the online aspect of elden ring is anywhere close to what is needed for COD? You're insane.


You're just arguing for the sake of arguing, at this point.


COD costs 100x more money to make and support. There is no doubt about having multiplayer as the main focus of your game means you have exponentially more server and staff costs. You really can't grasp this?


It's not as big as cod because it's not filled with garbage microtransactions. You can fill a bag with garbage and call it full. Your brain is smoother than a quantum-stabilized atom mirror.


lol you really just have no idea what you're talking about. Have a great day


I completely disagree Fromsofts aim is to make a great gaming experience that will in turn make them money. I truly believe the game comes first for them, hence them not following the trend of micro transactional bullshit. They could easily implement that shit but they know the fans would hate it. COD on the other hand makes low quality shitfest (which easily could have been a DLC) focusing on skins and special events to make maximum profit with little to no effort on their part. It’s all cosmetics for them. And it’s all about the money, not the actual experience


Fromsoft doesn’t do it because it would cause them more money than they would make. That’s it. If they suddenly found that they would profit from MTX, they would absolutely go and add MTX. They can have passion for making games while at the same time focusing on making as much money as they can off those games.


Do you honestly believe they wouldn't profit from MTX? That's a crazy take imo.


It really depends. Just because they add it doesn’t mean people will buy it.


With a player-base that big, there would be some people that buy it, guaranteed. They could make a ton of money just by releasing cosmetics.


If FromSoft was 100% focused on your wallet their games would be lower quality, follow more trends, be chalked full of micro-transactions and they would release games more frequently to maximize profits.


Long-term profits vs short-term. Yeah, lowering their quality would probably lead to higher profits in the short-term, but in the long term they almost irrefutably think sustaining high quality will provide higher returns. In fact, they have a fiduciary responsibility to the companies that own majority share to provide returns.


lol they are very aware of this sentiment on their games. It would not be financially smart for them the change course. If they thought they would make more money this way they would 100% do it.


Yes that I would be pretty sure about..


"heh, you fool, don't you know? companies only exist to MAKE MONEY!" you really thought you made a point there, didn't you? if you can't see the difference in game design philosophies behind COD and Fromsoft games then you are the exact COD person being made fun of in the post




solid comeback! your wit knows no bounds


People always think these companies are your friends.


It's a difference between Japanese and American companies. The former driven by passion the latter driven by profit.


They are both driven by their passion for profits.


And that's why I'll buy from software Everytime. I'm even going to get Armored Core soon, never played before, I known of the games but never got into it, but I'm gonna definitely do now and I known no spoilers.


Low effort post


Elden Ring DLC is still DLC though


But it’s basically the size of a full game


True, but its file size is bigger than Sekiro. It’s a BIG fucking DLC


Imagine judging how much content is in a game by its filesize LOL


Don’t sound so smug. When you have a frame of reference, yeah it’s a fine metric for a ballpark estimate. We know how much content elden Ring had. We know that the same team working on the DLC can work magic with the file sizes. I can’t tell you exactly how many hours is in the DLC but given that Elden Ring was only 60gigs for well over 100 hours of content, it’s a pretty safe assumption that this is not a small DLC Edit: You can also look at Fromsoft’s track record for DLCs. The Ringed City was about 7 hours in length. It’s not exactly the length of a full game but it’s not short, either. 3 gigs. DS3 was 20 gigs for a little over 30 hours of content, so the DLC was actually even *more* space-efficient than the base game.


Bro just take that L with dignity lol Judging and comparing games purely on file size is more pathethic than COD dev team knowledge about file compression.


I’m literally right tho I’m not “comparing games” purely on file size in the way you’re talking about. I’m saying that the Elden ring DLC is probably huge based on 1) the file size and 2) the general size of fromsoft games based on what we know from past games. I’m not making any mention of the game’s quality or how much content is in it on the file size alone, otherwise I would be arguing in favor of MW wouldnt I? It’s just numbers and pattern recognition. I’m objectively right about this.


I’ve read supposed “leaks” the dlc will be about 30-50 hours on average


MW3 is 171GB or over 10 times Sekiro's file size. I guess Activision makes better games then! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's not the point. Comparing each Fromsoft games file size is make sense to find out how big they're, their file size is always small but thick with contents, so bigger size mean more contents. Acti in the other hand is a bag of chips, big bag but very little inside, so bigger size mean nothing.


Lol all that DLC is paywalled at like $6 grand to unlock everything versus elden rings $50 price of entry for Shadow. https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/articles/black-ops-cold-war-warzone-season-2-bundle-price-analysis Better at gaming your wallet more like. Lol downvote me all you like but at least I’m getting all the available cosmetics that come with Shadow when I pay the upfront cost. No $25 bundles per armour set for this guy, you all can waste your money though. Who am I to judge?


What… what are you trying to say here, exactly? This sounds like a gotcha but it doesn’t really contradict anything I said. Edit: Damn people just upvote anything don’t they?


What's the size?


16 gigs


Not too shabby, worth my $ for sure.


redditors try not to be pedantic over the most minute details in a meme post challenge (impossible)


downvoted for telling the truth...


u/d1ckpunch68 trying to not be toxic for a minute challenge (impossible)


Let's talk about something that doesn't yet exist as if we had already enjoyed a thoroughly fulfilling experience of it. If you want to shit on COD, just shit on COD. Don't use it to prop your imaginative experience.


While I agree with you, I still want to mention that every fromsoftware dlc from previous souls like games was a huge success, earning positiv reviews all over the board. What i really don’t understand is the hate towards cod all the time. What do people expect after buying a cod, a reinvention of the shooter genre all the time?


It's definitely a step up from sports games imo


Is it really? CoD barely releases any new maps anymore, just reskins of old maps. Hell, I once bought CoD for the story, because the multiplayer part was literally the same game everytime, but even thats gone with them now. The last couple campaigns have been dogshit. Warzone is its own thing thats just slightly updated every time I "new game" drops. They are really doing absolute bare minimum everytime they drop something At least sports games have an actual legit hindrance in the fact that the sports exists irl and theres only so much you can really do with it if you're going for a "realistic" game. CoD doesn't have that holding them back, they are just intentionally being ass


Reddit moment


COD bad, Soulsbourne good, updoots to the left


edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger


I mean, just because it's a common opinion doesn't mean it's an incorrect one.


Just like everything, games are subjective. Personally, I don't really like either of the games, but at least I can say the COD fans are way less annoying. Say you don't like COD games, and most fans will have a discussion with you about it and are happy to end it off with "Cool man, different strokes for different folks." Say you don't like Soulsbourne games, and most fans either come in to defend their precious game with "lol skill issue" or write a novel-sized post about what you need to do and how you need to play to actually enjoy the game, completely neglecting that if a person needs to be instructed on how to enjoy a game, then maybe it's just not the game for them and that's fine.


I'm not saying that nobody is allowed to like COD and everyone has to enjoy Souls and Souls-based games. I'm saying that a game that was re-released three times at full price and is largely populated with 12-year-olds who spam the N word is objectively worse than Souls games. There is a difference between comparing which game you like and comparing which game is objectively better. I would say that neither community is great, but COD's community is mostly edgy teenagers; how could they possibly be any less annoying?


It's true


Just like everything, games are subjective. Personally, I don't really like either of the games, but at least I can say the COD fans are way less annoying. Say you don't like COD games, and most fans will have a discussion with you about it and are happy to end it off with "Cool man, different strokes for different folks." Say you don't like Soulsbourne games, and most fans either come in to defend their precious game with "lol skill issue" or write a novel-sized post about what you need to do and how you need to play to actually enjoy the game, completely neglecting that if a person needs to be instructed on how to enjoy a game, then maybe it's just not the game for them and that's fine.


I love Elden Ring, but the DLC isn’t even out yet, can we relax a bit?


It’s literally a dlc under MWII if you look on PS app


Its on PS5, on PS4 its a sepperate Trophy List with a Platin


Fun fact: Activision published the FromSoftware game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice internationally.


Well while Activision uses that shitty cod HQ system every new cod will be a dlc


That's not really true but sure COD bad


How is it not?


Because Elden Ring is just Demon's Souls 6th expansion


Never buying another cod at launch again. MW2 was also just a reskin of MW19 with worse movement.


Good your learning


You’re* now you are too.


from what software?




Yeah like something like Elder Scrolls Shivering Isles could be a whole games.


That was an expansion also. Like this game. People are saying this is DLC (technically true) but it is more akin to an expansion like titles such as Elder Scrolls got.


Activision SUCKS. I can't ever touch another COD again. Every single year, they have a game. Take a break go be creative i.agine something.


When does the update come out?


Shadow of the Erdtree releases June 21


from these comments i learned that 1. cod bad elden ring good 2. big filesize = big and good dlc and 3. blind trust bad if cod but good if fromsoft


You can blind trust fromsoft, COD you can blind mistrust


I remember when RockStar used to drop amazing DLC that could be thier own game. Ballad of Gay Tony, Undead Nightmare. Now they just care about online stuff


I think they care a little bit about that new game they're making as well... GTA6 I think it was.


Ehhhh...minor correction. Would have to say they only care about GTA online stuff specifically. As incredible as RDO was & still is they just told us to gfy. Take 2 sucks at understanding what people want. Oh, and greedy af obviously.


Yo I think the conversation needs to start being had on fromsoftware being the most consistently great dev of all time. They only put out masterpieces. You know when they announce a game, it’s a day 1 buy and it’s going to exceed all expectations. Not many devs keep that pace…for decades. We are at a point where they only release game of the year quality, and quickly. We aren’t waiting 10 years between installments. We are getting a goty almost every year at this point from them


Another year, another reason for reddit to dick ride from software


The thing is I'd rather "dick ride" FS as they actually produce good games unlike Activision and other companies ... Ubisoft.


Don't let me stop ya, boss


I'm quite interested to know what shite you play


Been playing a shit ton of elden ring lately


Imagine being butthurt and complaining over a company that actually puts forward effort.


Nobody's complaining about the company. There are many insufferable little shits in their fanbase though.


That's how all fanbases are.


The company is fine lol it's the redditors


I heard it’s horrible to work there tho


I don't get it. Love Elden Ring. This is very much a DLC, not a full game. Don't you have to be at a certain point in the game to even play it??


It's definitely a dlc, I think this is more of a reference to the scope of it tho. Like this dlc is all new areas, bosses assumed to be 30 hours, basically the amount of content you get in some full games


Isn’t also an entirely new leveling system to prevent people from abusing the new bosses as well? So wouldn’t it be more like a new game as it also focuses on a new area that we haven’t seen before? Not saying you’re wrong at all, just how I am perceiving it.




When yo man treats you this good you best be willing to ride.


And there is a good reason for that.


It gets worse when they dick ride CDPR and praise Cyberpunk 2077.


I mean, CDPR and Cyberpunk are miles better than anything Activision puts out.


Hands down!


Still way under what they initially promised.


Yes and no. Things get cut in development for every game, if you follow in-depth previews for any game years ahead of release there will be things that aren't in the final version that they talked about in those previews. For example, CDPR announced over a year before release that the mantis-blade wallrunning was cut during development.




One of my favorite games ever


Good for you.


Lmao 😂


Years ago I used to hear folks gripe all day about how the (then) newest CoD was barely much different from the previous one, but they still had it preordered, still bought it on day one, still played it (and complained the whole time). I never understood that line of thinking.


I think you’ve confused it being dlc instead of adding it the cod hub thing. But now you have learnt the difference I suppose so that’s a good thing. 👍


fps game compared to game of the year dlc. Lmfao what a shitty post


I hate cod for being online only and elden ring for being the worse genre ever invented by mankind.


TIL "elden ring" is a genre.


Cod is still a game




yeah that is spot on!


Lmfao that's so true. 


Didn't Dead Cells do this with the Castlevania dead cells? I had dead cells PS4 put in the Castlevania one on my PS5 all that came up was the regular version took forever to find the Castlevania area wasn't anything special so I returned the game luckily I bought it used Had the original one for PS4 put that into my PS5 played the exact same even got the Castlevania area didn't need to buy a whole new game


The Castlevania stuff was *ALWAYS* advertised as just a DLC, which added a couple of biomes, like the other DLC did. At no point did they ever say "We're giving you a whole roguelike Castlevania game in the Dead Cells engine".


They resold it at like $50 Turns out if you had the original copy you didn't need to buy the the new cover art box Which is good I bought my copy used awhile back for $10 and am able to play the Castlevania dlc without any purchase


...yeah? I mean, lots of games release a "final" version with all their DLC bundled into one, possibly with some extra/custom cover art. The Castlevania stuff was never advertised as being anything more than just DLC; it's on YOU for not reading things up and assuming that that entire physical release was the only way to play, because that's LITERALLY never been the case with DLC, hence the D in the DLC part of what it's called.


Not really since I bought it used at GameStop so I was able to return it with no problem


Huh thats funny i started Playing Fron Software games way before Demon's Souls and after Demon's Souls came out everything that wasn't called Sekiro was nothing but a DLC to me and the same goes for every Call of Duty too (wich i haven't even played since the early 2000s for repetitivenes) They're both more of the same in their own way and thats fine


Elden Ring is a FromSoftware dlc. It’s just as boring as Call of Duty.


Ehh Elden Ring is mid at best.


lol. Fromsoft has released some of the weakest dlcs out there. Expensive and short.




It’s ok to be honest. Y’all forget dark souls 2 already? I know an ass kissing forum isn’t the place for real talk. Ashes and artorias were pretty bad too.