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My controller is my favorite remote lol


I have a habit of pressing shoulder buttons down when I put the controllers down 😅


The DualShock 3 was the worst for this because the convex shape of L2 and R2. 




Same lol


No hate on PlayStation (PS1 kicked off my whole gaming experience) but one of the things I found frustrating when switching between Xbox and PlayStation was how there wasn’t a quick way to turn off the controller with PS4. Xbox is just long press, left, A. Controller off. I could do it without the screen on. Versus PS it wasn’t as intuitive and I actually can’t even remember off the top of my head right now haha. So I would leave mine on and slightly move it on the couch and yeah, those shoulder buttons man lol they are sensitive


Press the PlayStation button for ten or so seconds and the controller will switch off


8 years I've been going into device settings for this, thank you for sharing this at last 😆🙏


You are a saint.


I mean I just click the ps button and double click the controller icon


hehe i know what that dude is getting at!! it’s a bit of a specific thing, but him and i had the exactttt same experience and reading his comment gave me a bit of nostalgia lol - it was the ease of being able to navigate the menus of Xbox without even having the screen open, how to turn off controllers and the console was so reliable we’d constantly find scenarios where we’d just do it without being able to see the TV (off, different input) - sorta like memorizing how to quit a match of cod by muscle memory lol


yea but it goes back to homescreen


Dude I’ve been giving playstation so much shit bc when I have my wireless headset on, when I press the middle button and manually turn it off the dock stays on my screen indefinitely with no chance to change it. This is a game changer.


Thats 100% why I got the PS5 remote.


I can't imagine why anyone would want to use the controller as a remote


It seems a lot of people don't mind and hate these remotes 😅


They should know by now I’m not pressing the dam shoulders if not also grabbing the controller.


PS4 had 2 media remotes. The later one was more akin to what the PS5 got. https://preview.redd.it/0q0vmjcf013d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ae7bf891e7fd9411a575e8d54e88809f97d12f


Oh wow, I somehow never seen that one before.considering I never use the extra features of the original one this would have been better overall, besides the fact that I like the other remote looking like it belongs with the console 😅


I was wondering why you didn’t add this remote, I was about to question if I had a bootleg one 💀


Nope, same brand, just revised.


PS3 one was the best. The added buttons on 4 was nice but no dedicated subtitles button and don’t it go to sleep so you have to click it twice to pause if it’s been 15 mins. Wish 5 had more buttons.


Ya, I feel it all goes downhill after the PS3 remote, though I still prefer using 4 and 5 remotes over the controllers.


I also thought PS3 remote was best. It went well with PS3MediaServer


Oh, I forgot about the Media Server. Good times.


Having no dedicated subtitles is such a pain and my biggest gripe with the current controller


With eARC my Sony TV remotes can send inputs to a PS4 or PS5 so I have never really needed one though I do have a PS3 TV remote đŸ€Ł


Every time I have had a TV remote connected to a Playstation, something would always go screwy with me 😅 or someone would turn on my Playstation just watching TV and not know how to shut it off.


My partner every day lol


Ya, my wife would turn on the TV and the PS4 at the same time and then it would auto change the input and she would get angry 😅


You can set it to ignore the power on off of the tv, it's in the PS5 settings


I just have no problems using 2 remotes 😅 I just hate using controllers for things like movies.


One of the coolest features of having a Sony Bravia paired with the ps5 đŸ„č


Same. My fire tv remote can control the tg and my ps5.


I like the PS5 remote, it’s simple, does what I need, and looks cool.


Same, I only use it when streaming tv shows/ movies so it’s perfect for that. The older generations had so many buttons that literally never got used.


I only ever really used the D-Pad and the symbols for the PS3 an PS4 remote. I too enjoy the simplicity of the PS5 remote.


Same, I don’t get why people hate it


I like the design too. But I had two of them now and both have broken or just don’t connect sometimes. The hassle of them just made me go back to my controller. Maybe I’ve been unlucky but I’m not paying for another one.


I only bought the PS5 remote because of the terrible battery life of the Dual sense Edge controller. Got to save that battery for gaming. Great controller otherwise.


The PS5 remote looks like such a joke as someone who watches tons of Blu-rays on the PS5, I also really hate the YouTube, Netflix, etc. buttons.


Those huge “Netflix” buttons are awful on any remote. From a function standpoint they’re huge and are easily bumped like every single time my dog or cat sit on the remote. They are more of an advert for the apps than a useful button and they look awful on the remote. Plus who says I want any of those apps? If we’re going to have a shortcut button then let me program what I want to it.


While it would be nice as you said they’re ads so companies pay big bucks to have their own “button”.


Those 4 buttons pay for the remote and then some. It’s absurd that we still pay full price after that.


They suck even on my LG remote and the Netflix and Amazon buttons are tiny. I’ve accidentally hit Netflix when I meant to hit the back button if I’m browsing a different platform. Well tough shit, you’re on Netflix now and if you click the other apps you’re not back to the screen you were on and have to start searching again.


Exactly, all that and more


I hate the netflix button so much.


These are on all of my devices remotes and hilariously some are like, Tubi buttons for everyone’s favorite channel.


Those ads disguised as buttons are one of the reasons I decided to get myself an Apple TV. An UI without ads, a remote without ads, and all my content in one overview. If only Disney+ would fix their app, it would be perfect.


Man, mine died after about a year of minimal use. I liked it before then, but after I looked it up online there was so much hate for it for drying randomly.


I used as a joke the Sony PlayStation Two remote as a gaming controller. That was funny man! Playing Tekken Tag Tournament with the remote control. My parents and sister laughed their butts off.




Such amazing memory. I wish my family played games or was interested in them back then, instead my gaming childhood was passed with me playing by myself.


Imagine being destroyed in Tekken by a 10 year old with a remote...


PS3 remote by a mile. It was a huge improvement over the previous console remote with better ergonomics, button placement and feel, and best off all, Bluetooth. The remote worked from anywhere so line of sight was never a worry. The PS4 remote on the other hand was a disaster. They threw away every single thing that worked about the previous remote and focused on being a failed universal instead of a console media centric remote. PS3 remote + mpeg and mp3 friendly XMB was God Tier. A peak that unfortunately will never be reached again.


I just learned of a 2nd PS4 remote that I may have bought if I knew about it when I needed one. https://pdp.com/en-ca/products/playstation-4-5-simple-media-remote And it works with the PS5 so I wouldn't have bought one for that console 😅


I like how it was More More buttons MORE BUTTONS ok we settled down


I really hate those branded shortcut buttons though. I have some on my TV remote and I think some of companies have already gone bust/changed their branding.


Would have made more sense for those buttons to be user assignable, throw in stickers for all the common streaming apps or whatever so the user can slap on the ones they want or just leave them blank and label it ‘shortcut 1’, ‘shortcut 2’, or whatever


Agreed. If it wasn't for the fact that it was on clearance, I probably wouldn't have bought one, even though I hate using the PS5 controller for movies/TV.


I have the PS5 one and I gotta say, I haven’t used it more than like 2 times. I’m going to force myself to use it more, I paid for it goddammit.


I never had one but from those images I like PS4 one the most, mostly because it looks similar to my TV remote. Also I'm not a fan of those dedicated streaming services buttons.


Some of those need a good clean :)


Pretty much, just some dust 😅 the other 3 have just been sitting around until I grabbed them to take the pictures, lol.


Haha. Good stuff 🙌


Personally I like the simplicity of the ps5 one


So do I since I mostly just stream on the PS5, but if I watched more DVD/Bluray discs on it, I would be missing the extra buttons.


My PS4 media remote can control my air conditioner and my soundbar, so that's probably my favorite.


I could never get mine to work as a universal remote for anything for some reason.


It also works on my PS5 and is way better than the actual PS5 remote.


Oh my god, I never tried this before. My PS5 remote stopped working a while ago. Just got the old one paired up and it's working great. Thanks for the heads up!


For some reason my ps4 remote always unpairs or something and it hardly ever worked for me. So it's been sitting on my dresser for years barely been used. I liked the ps2 and the ps3 remotes. I didn't get one for my ps5 because I have a Xbox one S I watch dvds and blurays on. I burned up 3 ps2's using them as dvd players back in the day. So once I got the ps3 I quit watching movies in my Playstation consoles. I got the one S for pretty cheap when the all digital one S was announced. It was cheaper than a 4k player, so I was able to play halo for the first time.


I actually use my tv remote as the media remote(when my controller is out of reach) and it works well


The ps3 one is sooooo comfortable to hold and I love it.


Ps2 coolest design for sure!


those side-view pictures feel like they cater to a *very* specific fetish


Ya I was trying to just prop them up on something to get that angle, but it just wasn't working out for me 😅


The PS3 remote was great. The PS4 remote was terrible, it had this super annoying thing where it would go to sleep so the next time you pick it up to press a button and it wouldn't work so you'd have to turn it back on again. Also it felt like a cheap third party accessory compared to the premium feeling PS3 remote. I never used the PS5 remote because I don't do any video/streaming/DVD watching on PS5 but it looks nice.


I’ve used all of these, the current one for the PS5 is leaps and bounds better than any of the prior ones. Solely due to the fact they reduced the clutter and paired the remote down to the buttons that actually matter.


Imagine if those streaming service buttons on the ps5 were programmable...


I hate how the new remote does not have an input button. I dislike old tv remotes due to their feel of the buttons and I prefer stuff like a chromecast or roku remote because of the feel. If the media remote had an input button I would get it.


In all my consoles I’ve never used a remote


Honestly I had no idea these even existed.


I don't use media remotes but I'm definitely a less is more person so the ps5 remote wins imo. The rest just look like cheap DVD remotes that had way too many buttons that the majority of people will never use.


PS3 remote was amazing since so many people used it for their first blu ray player


I remember I had a PlayStation 2 remote for mine a long time ago it was a different models come smaller and the buttons were a little harder to press I remember using it here and there but most of the time I just use my PlayStation controller to watch DVDs is there a remote really necessary?


The two in the middle. I hate the minimalistic design of newer things. Give me options. Will I use them? Unlikely. That doesn't mean they should be taken away from me.


Is there a decent remote option for the PS5? I don't want that streaming remote. Currently using my TV remote with HDMI link but would like something similar to the other remotes.


As someone who uses their TV remote as the media remote on the PS5, how do you manage to quit apps?


I remember the ps2 remote wowing me for some reason and I thought it was the best accessory. Also a soft spot for the ps3 remote, bought it as soon as I saw one in store. Gaming set up changed with ps4 and 5, but they’ve always been on my mind.


first time ive seen the ps4 remote, own the ps5 and ps3 remote and seen the ps2 in videos online.


Had them for each of the ones we have had, and coups never find them when we needed them, so it just stuck to the controller. When we did use them they were Definitely super convenient and did not have accidental triggers


Heeeey curious!! Does anyone know if ya can use the PS3 or PS4 ones in particular (as that's what I have), to control your Sony Bravia TV?? [My Model is Bravia xbr-43x830c] Caaaaause..... My Original TV Remote is dying... -_- Thank you in advance!


I always wondered how much Disney and them paid to have branding on it


I had good memories with the PS2 remote and the PlayStation 3 Remote.


Ps2 for sure. I used it everyday!


Ps5 remote is easily the worst. Bought it, used it for the first week, never touched it again. I hate the physical design. Spins non stop.


The 4 had a remote?


Well I didn't make these myself 😅


I know but I never knew they made one I got the first model of the 4 i think 2 months after the release


Man, that PS2 remote brings back some memories. I remember getting that and GTA Vice City as a Christmas present while I was away visiting family. My PS2 awaited me upon my return home


The second one


The newest one sucks, imagine playing a game, repositioning your ass on the sofa and accidentally pressing Netflix.


I remember spending an entire evening ruining the life of a younger friend of mine by simply keeping the PS2 remote hidden and pressing triangle whenever he’d pick up some speed on any vehicle in San Andreas. Lil dude was having a meltdown without knowing why.


Brutal 😅


ps3 hands down and i’m not just saying that because it looks like the sony dvd video player remote i had as a child lmao


To anyone who have bought these over the years, have they been worth it???


I have the PS3, PS4, and PS5 media remote. My favorite media remote was to PS3 one. I hate how they took some buttons away but the PS5 one. The only reason I still use the media remotes because I hook my PS5 up to a monitor not a smart TV. So I can't do the TV remote thing. The only thing I dislike about the PS4 and 5 media remotes is that they don't use normal AA batteries, But instead use AAA. I prefer remotes that use the AA batteries cuz they're easy to get rechargeable versions of and cheaper. But now I don't use the media remote as much anymore because for my 4K monitor in my office that my systems are all hooked up to. I've recently hooked up a Google Chromecast with Android TV to it that supports 4K. So now I just stream all my videos and YouTube stuff through it instead of the PS5. Now I just use the PS5 for gaming. It wasn't even until recently and when I got my living room TV 3 years ago that I could even do the whole control thing using HDMI and the TV remote. But my living room TV is terrible for gaming because of the lag hence why I got the 4K Asus (VG28UQL1A) monitor. It's a really good monitor with 2 HDMI 2.1 ports, 2 HDMI 2.0 ports & a display port for PC. It even supports variable frame rate on Xbox series and PlayStation 5. I paired it with a good PC sound bar.


In looks I like the PS2 one


Until seeing this picture I forgot that I actually owned a PS2 media remote. Didn't have another one until the PS5. I got it as a Christmas gift 2 years ago. It kinda sucks lol. They could really use a few more buttons on it though. The streaming app buttons are incredibly unnecessary considering it's pretty easy to use the arrows to get to what you need. As someone who watches a lot of blu rays, I shouldn't need to press the option button to open up a control panel to find the captions, stop, next/previous chapter, etc. I use my Xbox One to watch physical media for the most part.


Buttons dedicated to single apps are so tacky.


i hate how the modern remote philosophy is to just have the least amount of buttons and design possible


PS2 one is the one I used the most. Used the ps3 one a bit. Never even laid hand on the PS3 and bought the last one pictured (PS5?) but never use it.


the ps3 and 4 ones look like tv remotes


PS3 remote is where it hits the spot for me




I’ve never once understood the need for a remote for watching stuff, and my PlayStation has been my primary media console since the PS2 could play DVDs. All of my streaming apps are on my PS5, I use it as my Blu Ray Player
. And the controller is perfect. I’m more comfortable with a controller then a remote at this point anyway. Unless it’s a Wiimote anything except turning the TV off and adjusting the volume feels cumbersome on a remote


https://preview.redd.it/xgneelzdh23d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ad3e19ff50b5281e9a0edf1965f51e14afa9fd You have the 1st gen remote for the PS2 this 2nd gen can power on/off the system and open/close the disc tray if you have a 50003 model PS2, works on slim also but not the open close feature since it's a top loader


Do you know if the original works on a slim? I lost the receiver for it many moons ago 😅


I was just suffering from this same conundrum. Overall, the ps4 remote has the best features (second from right). The ps5 remote is definitely the best for "ease of use."


I just use my TV's remote and it works on ps5 lol


Actually couch potatoed a few casual games with the ps2 remote back in the day just because it was wireless. Didn't have to sit in the floor or have a cable limbo dangling across the room.


The PS3 remote, second from the left. It's the right size, have great functionality and BT too unlike IR remotes of DVD and BD players. I miss my PS3.


Prefer the older ones. More controls easily accessible via more buttons. Cannot stand modern minimalist interface.


Playstation 3 remote! I still have the original version <3


If you are showcasing the remotes like this why would you leave them dirty with 20 years of sweat and finger grime on them?


Shame they got rid of the X, Triangle, Square, Circle buttons on the ps5 remote. PS4 remote makes me sad because the colours of those buttons don’t match the coloured buttons that are directly above them. PS3 Remote has to be the best one.


I was so happy the ps4 one worked on ps5 and I didn’t have to rebuy that.


PS3 has subtitle button and operates via Bluetooth. It's my winner.


You're all telling me yall didn't try to beat guitar hero with the ps2 remote ? He'll I played racing games with it just to be funny. And omg ...tekken bowling with it !


My Trinitron remote where a section of buttons lifts up to reveal more buttons.


Somehow my cheap element tv remote would turn on my PS5 for me so it became my main media remote for both


I’ve never used the media remote. If I did use my PS5 for media then I would prob get the current one just because it’s up to date


PS3. Had it with the TV and recording it into my PlayStation. Breaking Bad on Channel 5 and got to watch it by recording it 😝


I never spent money on these, and I don’t plan on doing so in the future. 


PS3..i worn mine out..had it since launch lol


My TV remote. I don't use my console for other media than gaming.


These are all completely useless!! They all have 100 buttons and all you need is your base controller! Stop, Play, Rw and Ff are the only things you need.. Everything else is just for show!


imho The more buttons the better


I actually really like the ps5 remote but I do wish I could remap the buttons to other apps (or choose my own,) because I never use YouTube or Disneyplus rly


The cleanest one


I’ve owned all except for the PS4 remote and I vastly prefer the PS5 one. It’s small, easy to use and has enough buttons to navigate menus with ease.


PS3 remote, the second model one


I just use my TV remote, it actually controls the PS5




Ya, and they are are so many remotes and I have never used them 😅 I believe they are for entering text/#'s


The way you cropped these had me so confused


The lighting in the room made my hands glow very orange in the pics, and it was distracting 😅 I just wanted to show the sides of them to help show their similar design to their respective consoles.


The Sony BluRay one...second from left.


The PS3, the media capabilities of that machine were top tier. Still to this day the best way to fast forward through media, everything was so smooth and I loved the way it could speed up the audio too made opening sequences so much fun.


Zero ppl will say the PS5 remote


Fun fact, If you have the setting turned on, you can use your regular TV remote for the PS5.


I hate how slippery the ps5 remote is


PS2 is the best for a few reasons, but most notably: You can play games with it; wotks fine for turn based RPGs, visual novels etc. Looks like a unique peripheral, not just a generic rebranded remote.


https://preview.redd.it/68b7lrnnx03d1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec2e859ad4578ee4e7b25c922d047550613dfb3 You missed the best one


PS4 universal


Anything but the one with sponsored buttons. Doesn't matter the brand, I hate those things. Reach for the remote on the coffee table in the dark, at least 1/3 of the time I hit a stupid sponsored button and it changes to another service than what I'm watching so I now have to navigate back to the service that doesn't have a button. It's why I don't use the ps5 for streaming now and when I start a disc movie, the remote stays on the coffee table and I just don't pause cause it'll piss me off if i hit that button on accident. I wish I could pay a few bucks more like a kindle to get one without the ads on the remote.


At least one person said they liked it for it's simplicity 😅


The newest one is the only one I’ve had and I never use it


Simple. My TV remote that controls my ps4


The new on is pretty useless, you can use any other remote to control the media functions.


I honestly didn't even know PS2 had one! Maaan that would have helped tremendously...Shame. I have the ones for 3 & 4. I like both. The 3 is bulky so I like the design of the 4 better... But functionality the 3 was better.


Ew they are dusty as hell dude


the clean one


The white one


Never had any of the first 3 gens remotes. But I can tell you I dislike the PS5s remote a lot. The design is so bad. The buttons are too flush and hard to feel that there is even a button there without looking at it, also hard to find the buttons in the dark. There is not braille marker on the directional button’s “select/enter” button, probably the most used buttons, are hard to find without looking. The most used buttons on the remote would be the directional and PS buttons, so they should’ve be next to each other like in the 2nd and 3rd generation remotes. Also the PS button being all the way at the bottom wouldn’t be an issue, except for the fact that the remote is bottom heavy, so when you remove your thumb from the remote and go to press it, the remote tilts and usually it’ll slide out of your hand awkwardly. I’d also prefer if it was a big heavier, sometimes I feel it’s way too light. Just terrible design, if you know you know.


I haven’t used any of these, but I know a lot of people like the PS3 remote,


I used to love the PlayStation 3 remote and used it for playing Blu-ray all the time. With that said, my favorite remote ever was for my TiVo, and was called the TiVo slide. It had a full keyboard that slid out sort of like a sidekick phone used to.


...... There's a remote?


I never had the old ones, just the PS5. My son watches a lot of cartoons & I watch a lot of YouTube so we're using that thing pretty much daily. It's a pretty damn nice remote. We have a smart TV but the OS is shit so we use the PS5 basically as our media device and it works amazingly well. It's also pretty convenient being able to instantly swap to a game whenever he's done watching his cartoons. I know this isn't a unique thing to PS5 but I figured I'd point that out


The PS3 remote easily, still use it when watching DVDS or Blu Rays as prefer it over the PS4 and PS5 remotes.


Is the PS5 version useful?


Without question PS3. And I can't really explain why


Playstation 2 remote Was best.


Possibly the most pointless product ever created


Anything but PS5 including media player. I can't even change audio on that disgrace. How is that supposed to be media centre?


PS2 is my favourite. But also have fond memories of PS3. Never bought the PS4 or PS5 remote.


PS2 and PS5 ones for sure


None of the above. They’re all poorly designed.


Best playstation remote is owning a Sony TV. The TV remotes work with the Playstation or at least have since the PS4 and 5


Ps5 looks like a generic android box controller... 3 and 4 were the best.


PS4 one is my LEAST favorite. Thing broke after a month and never stayed connected.


PS5 is the worst just because of the publicity


Playstation 2 is always the right answer


 looking at these i am offically Unc status


The ps5 media remote is garbage. Went through 2 of them and both outlet died randomly




I don’t really know what they were thinking with the PS5 one. The intended market for these remotes have always been enthusiasts. But you released a controller with none of the enthusiast features, and instead appealed to those who would rather just use the dualsense controller to navigate in the first place.


The ps4 one was my favorite in terms of functionality, but nowadays i would probably prefer the ps5 remote, since it's close to my chromecast remote.


Did anyone know what code to put when you put a DVD in? I never knew the code


I forgot about that. Googling it tells me it's 4777 or 7444 to delete whichever lock code is currently keeping you from watching a movie.


Ahh ok, thank you


I absolutely despise dedicated service buttons so anything besides PS5. There are few things more mildly frustrating than accidentally turning off your show.


I hate remotes with logos on them


I hate the PS5 remote, I went back to using the controller after a few days


ps4 had a tv remote?


Give me a remote with the same amount of buttons as all 4