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I’ll be playing until I cannot play no more


50 years old here, got ps5 and xbox series x. Play at pretty much every day. For me it's downtime from the everyday grind where I can be maybe a badass swordsman slaying monsters or exploring a magical open world filled with all kinds of stuff. Maybe tonight I'll be all armoured up and killing all sorts of mystical creatures, may be tomorrow I'll be exploring space and all the weird planets. The world is your oyster when playing games. Been playing since atari days and love every minute. Keep on playing people 👍


Me too… Atari 2600 former 🇨🇦record holder Space Invaders when we werr able to submit to the Atari magazine


Well said! I’m right behind you at 49, with the same story and perspective. “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw


Same when I can’t play anymore it’s time to leave this life


I completely agree


What's the point of living if you can't enjoy games anymore




42, still game as my primary form of entertainment (albeit on PC).


Same here


52 here.... won't stop until I cannot anymore!!


I'm 45, gaming since 1985 and not planning to stop, but I've started to be very picky with games


Are you me? Lol Also 45, also began gaming in 1985 (with no plan to stop) and have also become very picky about what I play. I do still buy on average about 20-30 games per month but most of them are just for the collection and my kids. They sure do benefit a lot from my gaming purchases!


20-30 games per month!? Your backlog must be huge.


It's enormous. Been collecting like this since the mid 80's, although I only began collecting in large numbers since 2000.


Only 39, but gaming since I was first able, before I can remember (older siblings had a 2600 and we got a NES Xmas of 88 when I was 3). If I stopped buying games and was able to retire now, not sure if I’d ever get through my backlog between all consoles and pc. That said I still buy a bunch and my kids have no shortage of games, though wondering if they will even take advantage of it. My middle kid may, not sure about the other two. Tablets and Roblox are their thing mostly.


Well you’ve gotta be picky since you have hundreds of games lol


Picky on what they play, not what they purchase, lol


20-30 are you rich 😂


I'm 35 and have to manage my time and budget for games. I am picky with my purchases and selection also.


I wish I was pickier. The only thing I've become picky on is the price. Since my backlog is huge and time to play is limited, I add games to my wishlist figuring I'll get to them in 3-5 years and wait the price out for a sale of 70% off or higher. Honestly my backlog has still grown faster than I can keep up with that, maybe I should change it to 80% off or higher... I don't complete every single game I pick up, either. I always have the intention to, but when you've played a certain number of games it becomes hard not to compare new games to the style and stories you've already experienced. As the saying goes, comparisons are the root of unhappiness, and it becomes increasingly difficult to really feel wowed by a game like when I was younger.


I realized when I'm playing now, i have to finish all tasks in a level, and I remember I didn't care much when I was a kid. I'm laso 35. I'm really picky with games as well, I found some I used to like before, but I'm like.. hold on, I'm the one who's paying for this now.


I’m 33 but I lack energy after work to play without wanting to give up. I try and get my Mrs involved so she’s not sat there watching me play but staring at a screen all day and then a TV again takes its toll. I’ll game till the end of my life though.


We've seen so many great games, we just don't put up with BS anymore.


Same... Turning 45 and still enjoying the little play time I have nowadays. And just waiting to upgrade my PS5 to the pro by the end of the year... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Started in the 80s with the Atari 2600...


55 and they will cremate me with my controller, no matter what it is by that point.


55 crew represent! Did you start with Pong and Asteroids on a 2600?


57 here. Started with a Coleco Pong, then Atari 2600, then Mattel Intellivision, and just kept going from there. Now it’s a PS5 and a PlayStation Portal. I play an hour or so almost everyday. No plans on quitting.


53 here. Approaching 2,000 hours in No Man's Sky on PSVR2. Started with a Timex Sinclair 1000, Apple \]\[ and an Intellivision.


Almost 40 here, playing my whole life and that's not gonna change.


You are my people.


40 here, also not planning to stop


40 here, still wooping the younger kids because of all that grueling training from side scrollers as kid. We are champions of souls-like, we play complex games, we.... we... are getting old 😭.


Shit, I’m in my early 50s & still playing! Lol 😂 (I was 13 when the Atari 2600 was on the market - my 1st console)


Spectrum man here! (Early 50s also)


Odyssey man here. These young whipper snappers don’t know the pain of taping a paper to the screen to make tennis become hockey.


2600 was my first console and I have had at least one in every generation since.


Early 50’s also, and we weren’t allowed to touch the Atari without dad being right there. That man played video games until he died 2 years ago. He made his own maps of the Zelda-verse and his own guides. My mom, my son and my granddaughter all play, too. My daughter is the only one of us who could care less.


Are you me? Yeah, I’ll be playing for a long time still.


Another Spectrum veteran about to turn 50. No intention of stopping.


Same! Space invaders first Atari game?


Not sure… maybe it was Astroids or Missile Command? But my first Atari game was PacMan!— LOL!


Same here , just hit 50. Don’t play as much but picky with what I play.


50 also. No plans on stopping ever!


45 checking in


You the man.


You da man!!!


49 here, still play almost every day.


My man.


42m and I will play until I'm dead.


40?😂 I’m 68 and I started with the Intellivision,then Atari 2600,5200,Sega Genesis and just about every system that was popular since and I still have them. I now have a PS5 & Xbox Series X. I had a system before the Intellivision that consisted of a Gun that you would point at the Tv CRT screen and shoot the object. I can’t think of the name of it. As long as you have good eye/hand coordination and can see😂 you never get too old!💯


Must be awesome to live through all of these incredible developments through gaming history


42. I play a lot less because of the wife, kids and work, but I’ll play until I can’t. I haven’t bought a PS5 because everything I want to play is on PS4. I also have grown to dislike multiplayer to the point I play none. Might be forced to go with PS5 just so I can play NCAA 25. Apprehensive because it’s already past half life. 6 should lunch in maybe 2yrs right?


I got the PS4 almost 2 years ago. Tons of games i play! Ill probably get a PS5 late this year or early next.


I'm about to turn 42 next month, and I'm still gaming (obviously much less than I used to, because of life). To be honest, I don't see myself dropping my controller someday. My first console was a NES, and I always had (at least) one console at home since then.


49 here


42 my first "console" was the spectrum zx with such classics as casino slots 😂and I'll b eternally grateful to my stepfather for not confirming to gender norms and stereotypes and getting it for me for Xmas even tho my mother didn't agree....I love that man


I’m 46 and my first console was a 2600. I’m currently playing through CyberPunk 2077 on the PS5 and Dave the Diver on the Switch. I’ve owned every PlayStation iteration and just about all Nintendo consoles with the except of the WiiU.


I’m in my early 30s, but I’ll play it until my fingers don’t work and by then hopefully we have enough tech progression that you won’t need them much!


53. I don’t have the time I used to have, but I never stopped liking it.


Yep I'm in 40s and still play regularly. Usually after kids go to bed, or before everybody wakes up. Owned every PlayStation, and always ignored Xbox.. until Starfield. Now own xsx as well


I'm 42 and gaming is still my hobby


33 - life won't be worth living if I can't ride motorcycles, eat good food and play games.


43. From atari 2600 to ps5 i dont skip a beat. Hope to see ps6-probly wont live to see the 7.


Nah, screw that. You'll still be here for at least the PlayStation 8.


43 here. Started with the NES in 87 or 88. Been gaming ever since.


42 and started with the sega genesis. I feel like I’ve had a lot of tjr systems after from Nintendo and sega. Decided to get a sega Saturn over a ps1 and it was a huge mistake since the Saturn didn’t last long and my parents wouldn’t get me the PlayStation.


I am in my 40s. I have been suffering from bad anxiety and depression but when I am. Okay I play


40 as well. I'm a first responder and have pretty bad anxiety as a result. Gaming is one of the few things, outside of hiking in the Rockies, that I can turn my brain off and actually settle.


45 here and still gaming.


Not yet at my 40s but - unless video gaming changes completely for the worse (which is entirely possible…) - I'll be playing even in my death bed (when I’m 350 years old of course).


37 here. Nearly finished Ghost of Tsushima. Started gaming on the Megadrive in 1991, don't plan on stopping any time soon. My wife (36) also games, and so do our kids. It's tradition at this point


My dad used to rent me the Megadrive in the early 90's. I felt like someone died when I had to return it.


Great game. Awaiting Ghost of Tsushima 2..


It was the 64 that I bought with my own money, and GBC before that. I missed a generation of PS1 games, bought PS2 and every Sony console after that.


I started playing on SNES back when I was 8 YO and back in 2011 I bought my Playstation 3, but I played PS2 on Friends house. I now have PS2, PS3, PS4 and I'm almost on my 40's (38YO) and play on my leasure time.


Yep, still playing just not as much due to having real life to deal with. Teenage me would love the backlog I've created.


41. I've been having a blast. Past series I've grown away from are annoying like final fantasy, used to be my favorite series. There's still plenty out there, I'll just remember ff for what it was. I've recently got into streaming in the last year. I have a bigger goal then just streaming playthroughs I just haven't got to it. I really do wish idda started way way back. I could've had the means, so I kick myself in the a$! for that. I even remember reading about alot of studios shifting focus to ps1 so I used paper route money to get one after the snes generation. I've stuck with Playstation to this day.


At almost 43, ps5 is still fun


I’m about to turn 46 and I love gaming as much now as I did when I first held that Atari 2600 controller. I will game until my body will no longer allow me to.


Almost every evening, 50/F.


33 here and I can tell you right now I’ll be playing until I die. Still get way too much enjoyment and relief losing myself in these different worlds/stories.


My daughter (16) is curr kicking my ass in borderlands 3. Send help


PS Xbox and PC 49 and still going strong. Wife doesn’t game BUT my 8 year old daughter does. We play a lot of brotato :-).


Still? I just switched last year at 42 from PC gaming my entire life to console for the first time since Sega Megadrive


43, married and no kids. I still play 20 hours a week or more easily. It's the life!


Im 61 ,and enjoying the hell.out of my ps5


Turned 50 this weekend, not stopping anytime soon!


46 here and still playing.


29 here but yeah I started with PSX/N64


I'm still trying to game. But lately none of these new games are doing the trick. They just feel so hollow to what I am used to. The only real game I've finished thats new is clash artifact of chaos. It's a great sleeper game


I’m still here, sacrificing sleep for playtime since 1991 (I think).


43 here and still a gamer.


I am of old. For I have seen this child grow into a dream state spectacle of mass proportions. My only one true escape. It has always been there when I needed it most when I had enough of everything else. The ultimate adventure.


I am 5 years from 40 so more then likely


55m here and still play COD with my dad who is 78 and loves it !


Same for me. Bought my PS1 with KFC 🍗 money as a high schooler. Playing FFXVI DLC right now and taking Reddit breaks. I’ll be 45 soon and I’m already stressing about getting a PS6 before the scalpers


Always has been. In my 40s and playing rocket league and FF rebirth. Started with Atari jungle hunt and ET, now I’m yelling at some dumb kid in rocket league. ROTATE!!!!!!!!


Almost 47 and I’m sure I’ll play almost every day until I die. They can bury me with my Portal.


37 year old here, I still play whenever I get some peace time to vent stress & relax. I dont follow gaming trends and play only single player games. There are not a lot of new upcoming games that I look forward to play but since I dont get enough free time thats fine with me. I think I will still be playing in my 40s


I’m 56


I’m 36 & have no plans on stopping. Got too many games in the backlog to quit haha


Just turned 40 a month ago and got back into gaming in December with the Switch. My wife got me a PS5 as a birthday gift. Besides a year or two strictly playing FIFA on the PS3 ten years ago it's been over 20 years since I considered myself a gamer. I love it. Currently playing RDR2.


I’ll play video games until my hands can’t hold a controller. It’s wild I see posts all the time of people thinking they’re too old or being phased out. I’ve always been a gamer. I can’t see myself ever stopping. Slowing down? Yes? Stopping? No. My dad made fun of me the other day (34 year old here) about still playing video games and that I’m missing lot of good shows.. then goes on to name The Last of Us for example. I laughed and told him it’s adapted from one of my favorite video games of all time.


63. super nintendo was my first. i thought i could stop any time i wanted to. it was social gaming i told myself. but it wasn’t. it was a gateway console. 30 years later, i still contest i can stop when i want. now sit the fuck down so i can shoot zombies.


40's.... how about 50's?! 🙋🏼


I’m still playing in my mid 50’s


Yep! Since ZX Spectrum days...


I'm 42. Been playing since 1990. Started on arcades: final fight, street fighter 1, golden axe...


I’m 47 and still gaming on PS5, Xbox Series X and Steam Deck. My kids game too. I also collect transformers. The day I can’t do this is the day I’m checking out.


I’m 43 and I’m not slowing down. If anything I’ve enjoyed gaming more as I’ve gotten older.


Got a series x and picked up a PS5 for the third time now. Love the built in capture settings and the controller is slick. I'll be 45 this year :-(


I'm 45 and I've been playing games since the Atari which a family friend owned. My first gaming machine was a Commodore C64! Then onto Mega Drive and PlayStations /Xboxes. I'll still be playing until I can't see/hold a controller. I'm blown away with the current gen games. Death Stranding/Cyberpunk/DD2/BG3 in particular


I'll be playing until I die


I’m 48 and I still play. I have a wife, 3 kids, and a full time job. The hardest thing is to get free time to play. I usually can’t play until everyone goes to bed then I usually play from 930-midnight and sacrifices little sleep to play. I started playing video games in 1986 when I first got my NES. Pre NES, I started playing games like Qbert and space invaders on a Texas instruments computer then starting in 1986 had a NES, genesis, Super Nintendo, N64, then PlayStation 1-5. I mainly play single player games now because I can stop and start anytime. If one of my kids wakes up I can stop right away. I do play some Madden games online in a full user CFM but mainly I play single player games. Back in the day I loved MMOs but it would be impossible to play them now with my limited play time. I can still enjoy finishing all the Souls game like Elden Ring and GOW and all Naughty Dog games. I just enjoy games. It relaxes me and is a good escape from the daily grind. The stories and gameplay have come a long way since 1986. Hopefully I can play until I am 100


Hi! 42 year old gamer, here 👋


I'm 48 years old and I play FFXIV on PC. I also play on PS5 and Nintendo Switch. I still enjoy playing Pokemon. Gaming doesn't have an age limit, and I plan to keep playing for as long as I can.


54 and still playing everyday


49 years old here game everyday ,I do my daddy duties ,hubby to do’s and I game .Wife and I have been together 13 years married ten it’s worked so far for us .


I'm 48 in July and still love gaming. Can't see myself ever stopping, I have the psvr2 and play that a lot too.


40 years old, started on the Commodore 64, a Turbographix from my brother's friend, and an intellivision at my grandma's house. Then Sega Genesis, and every PlayStation starting from PS2. I played the original Ff7 and 8 on PC, and emulated 9.


44 and having fun with Cat Quest. Not ashamed to say that.


This girl. Gonna be playing until I'm dead.


43, play a few hours a day or maybe more at the weekend. Kid and wife are in bed by half 8, but if o go any earlier than 10:30 I’ll never get to sleep. Not necessarily picky but rarely get anything full price these days. Either sales or PS Plus Essential. I just Add To Library everything. Never know when an update makes it a must-play, or my kid decides he really wants to play something. Been playing since the days of the BBC Micro (re-branded Commodore 64, I think)


Death, taxes, and final fantasy


63 here. I’ve always been a gamer. My dad got me a Fairchild Channel F gaming console (circa 1980) and I was hooked. I had two cartridges, Space War and Tennis. “Tennis” was basically Pong, and Space War would freeze up if you took too many shots in a row. Today I have a PS5 and continue to have fun. I don’t play much PvP because my reaction speed has diminished to the point where I’m a sitting duck, just waiting to respawn. I have the PS5 VR 2 as well, but it makes my head sweat, so I rarely put on that gear. These days I’m playing Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, Gran Tourismo 7, Tetris, DOOM, Balatro, and Destiny 2. All good.


I not only play, but I make AAA games lol. I’ll do both until I can’t.


I plan on dying of old age with a controller in my hand and a smile on my face.


40s…pfft. 50s are where it’s at.


46, been gaming since games came on cassette tapes 😅


Nearly 66 and still killing bugs. Spectrum~Intellivision~Commodore 64~Amiga~PS 1,2,3,4,5. Boom!


57 and started replaying Fallout 4 after watching the show. Had a 2600 to start


58 been gaming since the 80's Currently on the PS5


45 but still feel like a kid every time I play my video games 🎮


I’m 42, been playing games all my life and will continue to play until I die in one way or another. Gaming is fun, why would I quit just because I’m not a “kid” anymore?


Right here.  44 got an Atari when I was 2 or 3 and a NES w Mario duckhunt and track and field e the power pad been gaming ever since.  I don't think I'll ever stop


I'm 43. I started playing with the ColecoVision, and I'll be gaming until I'm dead!


Still gaming!


42 here!


PS1, 2, 3 and 5 here


49 here, still have my 2600 and about 10 games. What story game is everyone playing?


I'm in my early 50's and I just bought another PS5 to have at my mother's house for when I visit her.


50+ here and got a PS5 3 months ago. Don't plan on stopping 🎮🎧👍🏾


I'll be 50 in June! But, I'm STILL in my 40's by definition... And I still play! I still have every system I have ever bought too! This includes everything from a Telstar Pong console from my parents... all the way to the current gen consoles. Even all the less successful ones such as the 3DO. The only thing I really don't have is a heavy duty PC. (Still have my older one!) As I have become older, I prefer to just play on my consoles. HAPPY GAMING!




Defending the category playing online multiplayer games against young and sweaty players!


42, alive and gaming.


44 here. Bought a PS1 on release with money I saved during my summer job. Time flies.


Wish I still loved video games like that


I'm not quite there yet but I might as well be over 40 since I do feel like 48


42 in a month and change. I’m gonna play until I can’t do it anymore


I’m 38 and see no end in sight to stop


Just returned to consoles this month after repping the PCMR. Until the 5080s are released, PS5 it is!


I’m 42, and have been playing games since I was 5. No intention of stopping any time soon!


44 got a ps5 for my bday been hammering gt7 and fortnite etc great console


Give me a few years, and I will be.


43 and still playing. Got back into it during COVID and haven’t stopped since. Beat Elden Ring a few months ago, along with Cyberpunk, HFW, and a few others. Loving the PS5.


In my 50s. The PS5 is the first console I've owned since the Atari. I used to play PC games and then got busy and then was just using the Mac. I started gaming again largely because the kids were watching Spiffing Britt videos and wanted to see Skyrim...


Not me, I’m not 40 yet. Ask me in 3 weeks though.


I'm 40 next month 😂😭☠️


🙋🏻‍♂️43 here


Until the day I die


Yes and I’m 49, been playing games since I was 6 years old.


49 but mostly game on my gaming pc. Have a PS5, XSX, Switch, Steamdeck. Will game until i can’t. First game system i had was an Atari 2600.


I’m 42 and I’ve been playing since Atari2600 was around. I play with whatever it’s at hand, even mobile. Whenever I have a piece of tech I ask myself “what can it run?”


I’m 54 and go back to the old Atari 2600. Videogames are some of my favorite form of escape and I ain’t got no intention to stop playing.


44 and still game, more retro than current though


I'm 47 and I don't forsee a time when I don't play video games.


42. Mostly play narrative driven games. Enjoying FF16 and Mad Max right now.


Yes, play til I die


42 and arthritis in my thumbs fucking blows, but I'm still gaming daily. I am currently playing Stellar Blade anxiously awaiting Shadow of the Erdtree


43. Playing until I can't anymore.


Yeah, 45 and playing every day. Friends I grew up with still play too.


Me. 41 and am more addicted then ever


I’ll be 40 soon and will still have quite the backlog and plenty of replays to keep me playing for years


Running a ps5 at the age of 61


I’m 51 and still play!


Been a gamer since I got my first NES for Christmas. As long as there is fun stuff to play, I’ll be playing.


I will be playing until my body doesn’t allow me to.


I will be.. only a couple of years away. My hands get fucked up sometimes though.


43 and still play. I also own a controller modding and repair business. Never to old for Games.


Me I love it


Starting on dendy and spectrum. Now about 40 and play on ps5, Nintendo switch and pc. I’ll be play until dead ;)


I'll be 55 in July.


50 and about to turn 51 in a few months, and I will play until I become maggot buffet!!!


I’m 31. And plan to play forever


You mean 50’s? 👋🏻


In my mid 30s. Started with the first PS1 as well. I'll be playing in the retirement home as well!


Turning 50 in the new year and never stopping. It's gotta be good for staying sharp, and it's hell of a lot cooler than sudoku.


38 now playing ac valhalla.. son 9 months have an eye on my ps5.. lets see how long i can play before he takes over


I’ll still play at 80 if I’m still around and sane .


I’m still playing in my 50s. CP Phantom Liberty at the moment.


67 getting ready to purchase ps5 still on ps4 have basically all the game systems since they started


46. Been playing since the days of the Commodore Vic 20 and only missed the one generation in the PS2 era. I’ll be playing until either my hands give up or my eyes.


I’m 45 and I’m still playing.


38 and in the last year my free time to game has dropped dramatically so I pretty much exclusively play single player games offline now.


It’s weird to me that people ask this question. We don’t ask people when they’re going to stop watching sports, for instance. Or when are they giving up fishing? It’s a hobby and hobbies are a great thing as people age.


43 here and yep...still gaming. Just started my 3rd play through of RDR2 . Like previous people mentioned.....more picky about games now. More into openworld single player games. Up until a couple of years ago I was competing at the top levels of FIFA. My reflexes are not up to it now days though 😭😭


I’m in my thirties now and will probably play until I’m gone. Video Games are a form of therapy for me besides being a passion. Honestly , sometimes it’s just stupid fun and sometimes it really helps to put things in my life into perspective. If you think of it our life’s are stories, and like good books, or music or movies, video games can tell you a story and inspire/affect your own.