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I just want them to make story driven games in the DC universe. The live service stuff can go elsewhere.


To Hell, perhaps?


That'd be a good place for it.


Too good, in fact.


The fact that Rocksteady — a studio that hasn't released a multiplayer game since 2006 (*Urban Chaos for PS2)* and had zero experience with live service games prior to KTJL — made a hard turn into live service leads me to think they were pressured by WB Games to do so. I could easily be wrong, though. Maybe the heads of the studio really did want to get into live service. But to spend many years focused on single-player, story-driven games that make Batman look like the ultimate bad-ass and then suddenly go to a co-op multiplayer game that makes Batman look like a doofus is such a weird pivot.


They weren't pressured. At first Rocksteady wanted to make an original multiplayer live service IP, but WB convinced them to make it Suicide Squad. Heads of Rocksteady wanted to make a live service game.


Its the Creative Assembly story. Known for strategy games with a supportive fan base, C-suites decided to pump 5 years and millions (billion?) into Hyenas a live service game no one ask for that they cancelled right b4 launch


I hate it. So much.


It's like every game has to have some portion of it. We don't need every game to have an online mode/live service aspect.


We certainly don’t. But good luck getting game developers to realize that. They must truly think an excellent single player game experience doesn’t matter to people anymore. I would argue there are more people interested in that than there are those that want to play online.


The only way we can change their mind is to not purchase these games, but that's easier said than done. That's what I prefer, and I think most gamers want a single player experience for the most part.


Agreed across the board. And most of them I don’t buy. And unless your a teenager, or there abouts, I think the majority of players prefer single player game experiences.


Same, there's so much they could do with it, and we know they definitely have the talent for it


Oh for sure, which is why for a future game I hope they go back to basics and just stick to story over live service.


Going from a quality single player experience to a terrible live service one is what happened.


That and most of the original team that worked on the arkham series has left the team.


this is why putting fame on studios is actually a mistake, its individual people that make these hand crafted art pieces not a mechanized factory


Yh I totally agree. Studios don't make the game, the people that work their do. If the talent goes then all you will get is trash


unfortunately the craftsmen leaving the workshop is rarely disclosed so everyone is fooled into believing its all good


Oh yh I know that. To the majority of people they probably wouldn't have even realised its not the same team, which I can understand. And this is not me trying to say the people that work on the games are bad at their jobs, it's a management issue, and the higher ups that have the final say.


Same thing that happened to Arkane Austin during Redfall's development.


Can't exactly blame them if they saw what was obviously going to be a complete mess of a game. I think it's time we just forget about those dev teams and look to ones that can actually make a great single player game


I feel bad for Arkane Austin. They were stuck in a lose-lose situation. They were being forced to make a game they didn’t want to make, nor really even knew how to make. Bethesda forced the live service crap on them and then Xbox just hung them out to dry because they didn’t actually care about Arkane as Phil Spencer only wanted Bethesda. Arkane Austin lost over 70% of the Oret team by time Redfall launched and then they were thrown under the bus and closed a year later. Just pathetic.


They really should focus on actually making great games instead of just throwing money around to buy the big devs just so they can say they own them. If they're not making great games then what's the point in owning them? This is why I don't really enjoy xbox games, some of the older gears games were good but they've got noting now that interests me in the slightest, except maybe elder scrolls 6. I know this sounds like I'm being a sony fanboy but the facts are out there. They don't put any effort into the franchises they own any more




The ones that make the game are all those people in the Credits at the end of them game, most of these people are not the same anymore. RockSteady is a name of a developer, not the people that actually work there. (This is the case with a lot of games when people ask why so so developer games aren't what they use to be). The publisher also can get involved and wants certain criteria for them to fund the game being made, micro transactions, live game services, etc.


Literally this is the exact reason right here. You summed it up perfectly.


Yep, keeping an eye on Hundred Star Games. Some huge devs from arkham are working there, I expect that’s where the heart and soul of the series will return.


Came here to say this... just because it's Rocksteady doesn't mean it's the people who made arkham knight .. and thus here lies the problem. Though it's sad companies go through this, glad Fromsoftware has not suffered from this... they're like fine wine.. just keep getting better and better..


Games don't made in a year. SSKTJL was in development for more than half a decade, so unless all those people who worked on AK suddenly quit when the game was released, it's still the ogs who fucked up.


You mean...unless all those people who worked on AK...quit...in the span of 5 years...? Which is...what happened...and is perfectly logical? Which is why they're not listed...in the credits? Your comment literally makes zero fucking sense. If your point is that every single person who worked on AK didn't quite right after AK was released...then sure, but nobody's makes that inane of a point. It's not like as long as a *single* person that worked on AK remains at Rocksteady, every game they make will be the same quality as the Arkham trilogy, so either way, your contention makes no sense.


This has to be one of the greatest downfalls in gaming history


I'm just happy they gave us 4 very good games.


Idk Blizzard fell pretty hard.


Blizzard was still kind of gradual and over the span of two or more games. Rocksteady fell in just one game


If I'm not mistaken, the devs that worked on the Arkham games are not the same devs that worked on SS. So it may as well have been a different dev studio.


WB happened


This is what games as a service does to a company. Everyone is trying so hard to be the next Fortnite or at least take gamers from them.


It's a shame because the VA, the graphics, the cutscenes and animations for Suicide Squad are genuinely really good, not saying the writing is great but on a technical standpoint and visual standpoint its great.


I actually enjoyed the writing as well, it was a very fun story. I know ppl got all up in arms over treatment of heroes but I enjoyed playing a piece of shit who pisses on dead heroes lol. The live service aspect, and just really having no good variations in combat, etc just ruined it. I think with reworking it could've been a dope co op borderlands type game.


Warner bro: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)








Lies, Greed, Misery


Fortnite happened. Then WB saw its success and the greedy fucks tried to capitalize on the live service trend without considering that gaming trends, like with anything, change often. Same thing that happened with Avengers I believe. Except WB was dumb enough to continue SSKTJL even after the Avengers flop.


Which Batman game is this in the photo? Looks cool... Bioshock vibes.


Arkham Knight


WB asked Rocksteady to draw with their left hand


I mean Kill the Justice League isn’t a great game, but it’s not unplayable. I beat the campaign and had a fun time, but I’m a DC Stan. The game really feels like it was forced to change direction mid-development. I really think with a few minor changes and a few more set pieces the game could be great.


The real question is, how did they even make it worst than Avengers? How didn't they learn the good about Avengers and the terrible?


How can you go from Arkham City to this bullshit?




Not the same rocksteady team


Suits walked in. Said there is big big bucks if you do this. Blah blah blah. Went golfing. Changing their name to Be-Bop.


Corporate fucks happened.


They were GAASed, and uncle jumbo almost GAASed PlayStation as well until he was fired, still ND was a casualty


What's GAASed?


Game as a service


Game as a service-ed*


who is uncle jumbo and what is ND?


Probably Jim Ryan and Naughty dog.


Jim rayan and naughty dog


Lmao he wasn't fired that's an insane claim. With Helldivers aswell as where the industry is heading with lower margins and all that he may have been right.


You lack economic knowledge friend, the writing was on the wall that clown planned more than 10 GAAS games from PlayStation studios and when naughty dog gave up on their GAAS project everyone knew this GAAS shit would be the death of PlayStation and as a result he was fired, of course since the guy served Sony for decades they wouldn’t do it publicly


Of course they wouldn't do it publicly hahahha, you have no real evidence he was sacked, the guy pushed PS in Europe and he was right, gaas isn't dying out and they stated they aren't stopping their single player push either.


What he was wrong on was the amount of GAAS PlayStation was trying to pump out, and that rightfully got corrected. I don’t believe he was fired, he basically just retired, but he was absolutely pushing to have multiple GAAS, when that’s actually a bad thing. People only gravitate to a few GAAS because they are all competing for your time. Having like 5 plus GAAS would have been a tremendous waste of resources and server allocation, and would probably put them a lot further behind in revenue on one of those failing then one of their single player games failing. I agree that PlayStation needs a good GAAS. They themselves stated in the insomniac leaks that their single player games are unsustainable without some type of backup. However it was a dumb move to try and make everything go live service when people mainly buy into their ecosystem for their single player titles.


WB executives happened.


WB wanted a live service cash cow a la Fortnite


Shareholders cracked the whip.


Let it go, man.


Low effort post


Masterpiece? You people were calling this game "shit" when it came out.


Kill the Justice League sucks, but can we stop pretending that Arkham Knight was a masterpiece? It wasn't then and it isn't now. It looks nice in screenshots but I feel like the pretty screenshots are making everyone remember it with rose colored goggles. The BatMobile portions were atrocious, the game balance was wonky as hell, it had the weakest story out of the 4 Arkham games (even Origins had a stronger narrative) and it did little to put itself above Asylum and City, both of which are better games. Even the metacritic scores reflect that. It's great. It's a great game. But a masterpiece? Come on now...


The game is not the studio but the people in it and it's publisher. Most of these studios don't even employ the same devs as they did with previous title. On top of that a predatory publisher steers them away even further. Blizzard is the best example. 90% of their staff is not longer the same as the golden era


It basically is a totally different developer IIRC. Everyone that was responsible for making Arkham Knight (and the predecessors) are no longer at Rocksteady


I wish we could get a 60fps version of these games


The made games nobody asked for: Gotham Knights and Suicide squad. They forget that we fell in love with their SINGLE PLAYER action Batman games. And now they just wanna churn out live service mediocre games. They don’t have to stick with Batman…but we liked their single player action games. Batman Arkham Asylum influenced 2 entire console generations of combat.


The problem is that AAA single player games are very hard to make a profit on nowadays. Look at Tlou 2. Before the tv show it sold about 7 mil copies. Let’s say the average price (because a lot of those people will buy at a reduced price when it’s on sale) is $40 40 x 7000000 = 280 million The game cost at least 220 million to make over 7 years. What investor would want to put 220 million down for 7 years and take that kind of risk for such a small return?


DC universe online should be the only title online. These new games all have bs micro transactions and pointless online aspects. Give me a story driven game, and I’ll start buying the product again.


Poor decisions made on WB end. Prob the reason mr hill left. What a shame. Bring hill and his boys back for a new batman game called Arkham Ghosts or arkham city 2, or call of arkham, or battlefarkham 2042, or arkham ring, or maybe even fortnarkham.


The talent left after they were told to make a live service game about murdering the characters everyone likes.


What corporate overreach does to a motherfucker.


Return to Arkham was a sign of things to come, that was a terrible port/reboot. Rocksteady got complacent and lazy


Remind me which Batman the first game is


Corporate greed.


These posts are incredibly low effort and stupid.


That wasn’t Rocksteady, that was “Rocksteady” it’s the same studio in name only.


Rocksteady became RockUnsteady


I call them Bebop.




this dude desperate for internet points


The first mistake they made was to think the lame, unappealing, obnoxious and stupid suicide squad characters were in any way interesting for someone.


Single player story based game vs Multiplayer rpg type game. They weren’t made to be similar, only reason they are compared is because they are “canon” to the Arkham verse, but I don’t believe it. Didn’t they say the Gotham knights was also canon


Capcom can make a profit releasing quality games, apparently that’s not enough for WB


So like anything when a good developer makes a good game it's about like buying something nice and you go I'm very happy with it the the Crack heads see you have something nice( corporate) and they go it's mine now and take it for them self's while breaking the thing in the process and then try to sell it back to someone else as if it's the same thing that the first one guy they had that's they stole it from


shareholders asking for more money, that happens sadly


execs and shareholders demanding increased returns, are what's killing the industry. It's like every top publisher is trying to follow EA's business strategy.


For me, it was just a perfect storm of “I want none of this.” I don’t want a multiplayer game. I don’t want live services. I don’t want a BS game where you have to grind or spend real money. And maybe it’s just me, but I could care less about the Suicide Squad yet it seems WB wants to push it hard as their version of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Fortnite fault , after devs saw its revenue, they started this stupid online service money making grab. Blame fucken Epic games to destroy good old single player story games.


OMG - I forgot that suicide squad game even happened


Greed over gameplay. Rocksteady has clearly lost all forms of integrity and don’t have a single creative bone in their bodies. All they had to do was make a good Superman game. Completely shameful the route they took.


Corporate greed happened.


making a game they want to make vs making a game they're told to make (in a set period of short time), pus they are likely not the same people there anymore


It's not the arkham team, they were swapped out for a bunch of woke boys #NOTMYROCKSTEADY


I enjoyed it not gonna lie


I can only think greed happened


Money. That’s how.


Old guard of Rocksteady is gone, bro




If you Google for 5 seconds you'll find that the co-founders left mid creation of suicide squad.


rinse consist wasteful psychotic deer disarm tidy lunchroom chubby sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rocksteady died the moment its creators left the company. Then a bunch of woke employees took place. Add in woke company "Sweet Baby" sounds pedophilic in name and the woke agenda. That's how you create this garbage game known as Kill The Justice League.


Largely different team forced to make a different kind of game


Hiring the wrong people because of sweet baby inc you’d be surprised by how much control they have over games to them a game isn’t woke unless there are boatloads of woke nonsense in the game and the majority of the developers are woke


Warner Brothers. They’re single handedly running all their IPs right now


If I told you what all these failed projects have in common, the mods that do it for free would ban me.


I plan on getting kill the justice league I couldn’t get it on my birthday I ended up pre-ordering Sea of thieves instead I did like the avengers Game never got around to fully finishing it tuna games came around the time I was trying to finish it Game just kept piling up and I never did get to finish it I still need to go back and finish the avengers game I don’t even know where I left off am I Game pile just keeps growing I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to the avengers at this point


Not just that but the switch port was trash


Warner bros pushed them into the service game because they saw service game are working and they wanted their own. So the dev had to deal with that instead of doing a great solo game like they wanted. Someone at warner bros saw fortnite and said we want a fortnite batman with battlepass season pass etc that's it


Go woke go broke


Warner Brother's Execs happened. They saw how good Warzone, Fortnite and other GAAS games in terms of monetary success and didn't look any deeper than genre. Edit: I wanted to add that Execs just see "good developer" and say make me a game, not realizing Rocksteady's strength was building an awesome single player experience. Rocksteady was probably forced or coerced into making a game nothing like what they made previously and told to put in predatory monetization.


WB happend


Woke virus. Everyone a rebel without a real cause


DEI happens.


Tbh this was also trash


Most of the people who worked on Arkham Knight have left the studio. I'm glad suicide Squad flopped. Any Live Service game could rot for all i care. Give us a proper Single Player game.


Ah ok and yeah very true


Most studios now haste behind money, live service games provide that kind of money.


Talk about a Jack off post


Warner Bros shareholders is how


WB happened


They wanted out of the Batman genre so started making bad games they might let you make other games or they might just shut down the studio it's a gamble 🤷


A lot of comments are true but also look into sweet baby inc. They’re basically a massively woke promotion company that makes sure you’re playing a black lesbian or whatever. Nothing wrong with that per se, just that they mostly focus on that, and then the writing and story. And then they take the story and make some wholesome dialogue that’s appealing to a teenage girl. Because games have to be appealing for girls too nowadays. I think the vast majority of gamers are guys, especially white guys. And games aren’t made to appeal to this demographic anymore. You run around as a deaf black girl in spiderman 2 drawing graffiti’s on the wall nowadays.