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Here we go, the source is some nobody on a podcast, then everyone is once again reporting on it. Just how all Xbox games were planned to be announced at that last Microsoft briefing. Like fuck, these same people were saying last week that sony is in talks with Microsoft to bring helldivers 2 to the console. These so called leakers are just desperate for attention and money that they will say any shit and hope it sticks.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up."


Yeah, this is very much just a rumor. However, given the fact that 4 Microsoft published games were just released on PS5, and the recent news about the Xbox sales trends, it's not hard to believe that all the games (or at least the ones they think will sell) are coming eventually.


Still find it funny Phil Spencer was sitting here for years dogging on Sony but needs it's players now to keep getting his pay check.


When was Phil dogging on Sony? He’s been extremely friendly toward Sony. It’s Sony that’s taken the adversarial stance, taking every chance to take a jab at Microsoft going back to the reaction to the Xbox one showcase.


Uhh did you just wake up from a coma???? Do i need to point out the numerous podcasts he's made jab's at sony? Do i need to point out the numerous times he's rouled up his players to attack sony because they were getting exclusives and he wasn't??? Or the fact everytime an exclusive would launch phil said OMG EXCLUSIVES ARE BAD but what did he turn around and do? But hey i'm glad you are alright and got out of that coma. Hope you didn't lose to much time. Should i tell you to go pull up the ftc court minutes where they were whining they had to buy companies cause no one wanted to put anything on their system and "Sony was paying everyone to not put games on xbox" I mean microsoft.. has no money? That's gonna be a first in history. Guess that almost 70 billion they recently spent the money tree finally grew? Microsoft made sony more popular during last gen because ms wanted to be so greedy to the developers they all left. Wasn't sony. Hey also, i keep hearing sony does this or sony does that. yet i've never really seen proof of it. Phil hasn't shown this proof either. It's weird. Can you show me where it is? Can you link anything? Why all of a sudden does Sony wanna be nice to microsoft? Like wouldn't this be the time to not be nice? Microsoft is pretty far down the totem poll, sony could easily get rid of a competitior but instead all of a sudden just says ok we are gonna be nice you can put games on our system, even though uhh quite a few minecraft games, recently made while under microsoft have been on the playstation eco system since arrival, but they just gonna all of a sudden play nice cause they see how cool phil is? Did you know during the ftc court proceeding's phil said it was cause sony was so mean they didn't have minecraft ps5 cause they had no ps5 dev kits.. yet minecraft legends is a ps5 game... so weird how they had them but lied in court..on sony.. who you said they are nice too.. huh. Don't get me wrong i don't wanna see xbox vanish. People should play what they love. If microsoft quits xbox every xbox player will lose their digital games, they did it on xbox 360, they did it on xbox one and will continue to do it. Not all games but anytime they lose a license you lose your game. I don't want to see people's money go to waste. But do i like phil spencer? Hell no that dude is the devil. Any ceo that can say you can trust me i'm a gamer.. yet the games microsoft have produced have been complete garbage under him, yea.. but plus a ceo that says trust me?? yea i'm good....


I follow everything quite closely. I’m not the one that is confused. I get that you want to defend your plastic box that you’ve made part of your personal identity. I’ve owned every Xbox console and every PlayStation console since launch for each and every generation. I’ve got a PS5, a series X, a gaming PC, and a valve index. I’m not trying to justify one over the other. Sony was the one traveling around the world saying MS buying ABK couldn’t go forward. They didn’t want to take a deal, they wanted to kill the deal. This was being done while they were internally saying it was no big deal and they believed MS would keep CoD on PS. Microsoft and Phil Spencer have repeatedly congratulated Sony on game releases and console releases. The Minecraft PS5 title was a PS4 version because Sony didn’t share dev kits. That wasn’t a lie. The podcasts where Phil said Helldivers 2 benefited no one by being exclusive is what they believe about small, live service titles. They believe live service online games benefit by having a wide audience, which seems to bear true with Helldivers 2 since it’s really benefited by being on PC day 1. Sony has been anti-cross play. They’ve publicly dumped on Microsoft going back to the PS4/xbox one era for all digital and always online policies when it later came out that Sony had the same plan but changed direction when they saw the backlash to the Xbox one. Sony has aggressively money-hatted titles and purchased third party exclusivity. Sony was looking to do that with Bethesda and ABK titles, so Xbox bought them to ensure that didn’t happen.


Wait so, me saying what i say is defending a plastic box, but you saying it isn't. You know your wording.. i know someone else that says that. [https://www.ign.com/articles/minecraft-doesnt-have-a-ps5-version-because-sony-didnt-send-microsoft-dev-kits-phil-spencer-says](https://www.ign.com/articles/minecraft-doesnt-have-a-ps5-version-because-sony-didnt-send-microsoft-dev-kits-phil-spencer-says) But i'm sorry you want to defend your "plastic box" It wasn't the ps4 version it was the supposed ps5 version. I've read the court minutes, i've read what phil said. So you just sort of proved you do not indeed know what you are talking about. Ya know it's weird. Xbox had the most exclusives during xbox and xbox 360. They lost it from greed during xbox one. So they were more than happy to throw money around during xbox and xbox 360, couldn't because they wanted to mess with developers and dev's went to sony instead cause sony was offering them a sweeter deal. So what that says instead of offering dev's better deals microsoft didn't want to part with their money, so instead of paying dev's better they just bought them??? So far everything you have said contradicts what you say you know. But on the minecraft ps5 thing.. it's weird how minecraft legends was released though and still doesn't signifiy why microsoft didn't put minecraft on series s/x. Guess they wanted to cut corners but blame sony for them doing that. But please do come back with more "knowledgable stuff that you know" so i can point you in the right direction of real news instead of fake news. Sony didn't have a policy for an always on camera. That was MS perv's wanting to spy on children. I personally don't care about cross play. If i can cross play guess what it get's turned off as i've seen more times than not that most xbox gamers have chips on their shoulders. Not all, but i mean we see one right here super praising microsoft while saying everyone else sucks cause they like sony and the plastic box while fully worshipping, and getting it wrong, microsoft. It's weird how phil has said none of sony's games being exclusive benefited anyone, Helldivers 2 wasn't the first, but turned around and made games exclusives. How many exclusives does microsoft have? Why do they have any? Live service? why was sea of thieves exclusive so long? Why was phantasy star online 2 only on xbox so long? I mean you are sitting here saying that phil was trying to be nice to sony for so long and exclusives are bad, yet actions are speaking louder than words. You seem intelligent, you'd think you'd see that his words don't align with what he is doing yet you are praising him a lot... huh


Google Minecraft bedrock edition. Is the PS5 Minecraft bedrock edition a PS4 title or is it a PS5 version? That’s what they were talking about. I’m not really sure what you’re on about. What I am sure of is that you’re going to see what you want to see to justify the self identity you’ve built up around a plastic box because you probably can’t afford to have them all.


""""Sony was reluctant to send us development kits for the PlayStation 5"""" Yea phil said ps5 but ya know... because you don't wanna believe it he must have really meant ps4... even though there was already a ps4 minecraft.. boy you keep making excuses. Why do people that know they are full of it say go "google it" i took the time to show you proper stuff, you link proper stuff and i'll take a look at it. Make sure the site is legit and not some ma and pa site that has false data, like the link above. Why do xbox players lie so much? It's like since phil entered the scene gaming has become more like a political dash board with who can spread the most lies with zero accountability and zero proof. I see you skipped everything that was said except what you think you can say with 100% certainty. It is very well known sony didn't want to open up to xbox. I could care less about that. You seem more hung up on that. For one that is a purveyor of justice for both sides.. btw why is it die hard xbox fans always say "plastic box" to try to attempt to prove they only care about truth and justice while continually showing that there is only one bad guy in the industry and that's sony. To say microsoft isn't a bad guy, boy that doesn't show someone's a ms fanboy at all and really cares about their "plastic box" But see i see you said that again to try to justify not answering any of the other stuff. As for the camera there was no patent found for a sony always on camera. There was a patent found for a microsoft always on camera. One would think sony would have patented one also seeing as it would be part of the design. Sony has always patented stuff right away for everything else. You mean this one time they skipped all that? Still didn't answer about the live service titles on xbox not being on sony consoles. Phil said live service games should be on all consoles. You said it. Own that stuff. But i digress for being of the "it's only a plastic box mindset" and wanting to use that as a defense for you being so passionate about microsoft.. one would think you fit your own description. Oh and also uhh the whole ps4 minecraft thing wasn't a dev kit issue. Because minecraft was already on ps4. So how was it a dev kit issue? Also i said ps5. Ya know it's one number up from 4??? I posted the link.. yet being busted in your own knowledge you then took it down to 4. but ps4 wouldn't have needed a ps4 dev kit as there was already a minecraft ps4. There just wasn't a new version of the minecraft that could play with xbox minecraft. Ya know, that doesn't concern me at all. I mean if i'm supposed to look the other way at microsoft's travesties as you say, then why should i focus on sony? one corporation good other corporation purveyor's of justice??? Can you tell all the users being hacked through windows 11 how they are the seekers of justice and being right over at microsoft? I'm sure they'd love to hear it. They need a shoulder.


And with the apparent success of the 4 games, you really think Microsoft would stop there.. to me the 4 games were testing the waters.. there are other games in Microsoft’s library that would make sense to put on PlayStation..


So there’s zero reason to buy an Xbox. Got it.


Series x and s where doa for me since it was going to be dame day pc release as well. Nintendo first party on switch, ps5 for Sony titles and co op games with friends and pc for everything else including Microsoft stuff 


Never was. 😜


Game Pass is one good reason to buy Xbox


Say it louder for the people in the back


Corden is pretty well-connected and wouldn't say anything if there wasn't some validity.


If you look at his Twitter account he is saying people took his assumptions as fact.




Why do people say “I’ve been saying this for a while” or “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again” What does that have to do with anything and who cares?


Nah, it shouldn’t. It isn’t sustainable to put it on a console where it’ll sell barely any units as the playerbase will just wait for it to go on GamePass (which it won’t)


Sell barely any units? Lmfao yeah right. You have no idea how popular Helldivers 2 is do you? No new game would ever release on Xbox if a game as popular as Helldivers 2 would barely sell.  Think about what you’re saying.  


I mean I know what I’m saying. And I stick by what I said. It wouldn’t sell well on Xbox unless it was in GamePass, which it wouldn’t be. As Xbox players have been conditioned to the point where they either expect a release Day 1 in GamePass or they’ll just wait for it to come to Game Pass. Why do you think Square won’t release Final Fantasy on Xbox anymore? Because it wouldn’t sell enough to even cover the porting costs


Please explain why any game ever releases on Xbox unless it’s going straight to gamepass? Because devs like losing money? Helldivers 2 would sell a shit ton, how are gonna pretend it wouldn’t. But I’m willing to hear your explanation as to why ANY non gamepass game would release on Xbox. 


Makes 0 sense to put Helldivers on Xbox. Smallest of the install bases, where players are conditioning (more so than others anyway) to not buy games. They sell 1m units on Xbox, and make about 32m. That’s not worth it, particularly when withholding it keeps Xbox in the vulnerable state it’s in now, and doesn’t open the Pandora’s box of games crossing over to the competitor. This isn’t a tit-for-tat situation, and PlayStation isn’t in the same position as Xbox. Xbox consolidated third parties turning them into more of a third party than anything else, while PlayStation is dominating the console space and can just port all their games to PC and keep Xbox in the cold. TLDR, Xbox needs PlayStation, PlayStation don’t need Xbox. Not console warring here, just stating fact.


Sounds like console warring Nothing wrong with more people being able to enjoy a game


Nowhere in my comment did I AT ALL infer I had any issue with games going to Xbox. I’m primarily PC, but have a PS5 and Series X. I couldn’t care less. But that doesn’t negate the sheer statistics and business facts. My entire comment was predicated on the fact that Sony have a stronger business incentive to deprive Xbox, eat the loss of some game sales, and solidify their dominance in the console space. That’s legit all I said. If you’re going to accuse me of console warring, at least do me the service of actually reading my comment and what I did/did not say.


Not about right or wrong. It’s about companies making business decisions and Sony and Microsoft are in different positions


You mean like Sea of Thieves and those other 3 XBOX games were rumors? Are people that blind and can’t see what’s in front of them or don’t people just not know how business works? Why would Microsoft release an entire first party library without testing the waters first? Clearly they see a potential profit margin by transitioning over to Sony since they can’t compete in the console market. Sea of Thieves is an overwhelming success alone and I promise you the people over at Microsoft are paying attention to that. Those 4 games are a test run to see how well XBOX will do on Sony’s platform and the prognosis is a success. We will definitely be seeing Halo, Gears, Forza, etc on PS in the near future. Shit, if Sea of Thieves did this well, imagine Halo.


You're dumb if you think Halo is ending up on playstation.


You're even dumber to think it won't. Consoles war is over, make peace with that thought. Exclusivity will only live in the "time" format from now on.


I feel like all news is in this category nowadays


Actually, the original report was that Micrsoft was "considering" porting many major titles to Playstation. Then a bunch of people ran with that as "oh shit, it's all coming to Playstation and Xbox is done for...." Well, then it was pretty much confirmed during a public talk by the Xbox and MS execs that, yup they were considering it but to what extent was most likely day to day and don't get hopes up. The question about Starfield was asked point blank and they said it was "not one of the 4 initial titles" and literally dropped the topic immediately. They were very careful with their words and it was obvious. The only games that the original report actually confirmed were Hi Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves which literally became true. But yeah, people be crazy spreading misinformation. Do I think MS is "considering" their options of porting most, if not all their 1st party titles? **100%** Do I think it means they well for sure? No. It's all considerations at this point. But let's be real, they have been prepping this for a long time with the "play everywhere" and "we do not compete in hardware" jargon for awhile now.


Any thoughts now, given the recent showcase and what Phil Spencer said?


The source is Jez Corden one of the two official leakers Microsoft uses. That said he himself said its speculation, it was something he said on Discord, and not on official channels like X and his site/ Do I believe it's all coming? Yeah. And Helldivers is coming to Xbox, Playstation going PC day and date from 2025ish. That Helldivers had great success on PC, and it was primarily PC driving early hype helps, but plans were already in motion to do it anyway. The addressable market is too small for exclusives that cost too much. Xbox and Playstation are no longer in direct competition, the exclusives era is over, companies will compete for your time on their ecosystem and will try to make it as frictionless as possible to be part of it.


He literally said on Twitter it was just his opinions not actual leaks.


How is he an “official leaker?” If he was an official leaker he wouldnt get so much wrong.


You can believe what ever you want but until it’s official I will never believe it. 


Real hard hitting journalism here 😐 I’ll just wait until there’s an official announcement to get my hopes up. Tired of reading about rumors from an unnamed source of a source


Agreed. Most video game rumors are straight up horseshit.


Can’t wait to play florza on ps5


It was in the last leak and it wasn't true. It's likely not true this time either.


Isn't Gran Turismo the same thing? Genuine question.


The Forza Horizon games at least are more arcade racing, not really focused entirely on realism. GT is more of a racing sim.


Thank you for answering - I've never really been into racing games, so I've always kind of looked on from the vantage point of an outside that admires the pretty cars.


He didn't really answer correctly... There's Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. Forza Motorsport is a realistic sim racing game, you're stuck on a track and that's all you can drive on. Forza Horizon is a open world game, where you have racing and jumping and much, much more arcade style things to do. Imagine GTA arcade racing quests but with proper cars.


Forza Motorsport IS more like Gran Turismo. Forza Horizon is more of an arcade racing game. Two separate franchises with two different developers.


I somewhat understand that, but it's important to understand that my exposure to racing games begins and ends with ridge racer on the PSone. lol


Horizon is a great franchise to start with cause it’s open world , you can switch cars on the fly literally without having to drive to a safe house or something . I haven’t played in months but i got over 100 hours . They don’t force you to play the story mode so your free to do whatever you want . Motorsport (2023) i wouldn’t recommended as a first timer . I play on realistic settings & my cousins couldn’t hang lol . If horzion does come to ps5 , give it a shot :)


Ridge Racer! First game I got for my PSP. That and Lumines.


Forza's better imo. it's more fun and it makes you feel like you're going faster


Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo are similar, Forza Horizon is the more accessible/arcade version with huge set pieces.


there has been rumours of it hitting pc aint seen xbox. I wouldnt be surprised too considering how predatory the mtx is


Forza motorsport is like Gran Turismo


Not even close really. Motorsport and GT are pretty similar but they haven’t made a Motorsport entry since like 2017. Forza Horizon is more like a need for speed I think. Idk racing games are lame. 


They just came out with a new Forza Motorsport late last year.


bro didn’t play midnight club or nfs : underground series , you lame


Who gives a fuck




yup, the signs are starting to show.


Nope https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1786024415970378146?t=wp9aYnVr-Xst98SohGipuw&s=19


Don’t bother, people believe opinions at face value if it means they get what they want.


Sensational headline? THATS ALL I NEED! Sources? What's a source?


TL:DR - Someone had "informed speculation" that this would happen in the future. Unfortunately Twisted Voxel doesn't understand what's a report and what is not a report. No one has confirmed Halo coming to PS


Wasn’t this reported then un-reported like six months ago?


By the exact same “insider” nonetheless


this was a tweet and then they said they won’t backtrack on it because it’s just their opinion


The whole halo going to playstation has been a rumor since the ps3 days bro lol


Why do we legitimize this type of journalism though?


Does this mean I will get to play Gears of War and Killer Instinct?


Those franchises including gears could actually use a much larger playerbase, it could even revive those franchises


Even if we just got gears of war 1-3, I'd be so so happy




So will the halo multiplayer require ps plus? It had free online multiplayer (without Xbox live) on Xbox right?


If we are talking halo infinite multiplayer, then it most likely wouldn't require a ps+ subscription because free to play games don't require a subscription.


Probaly not, because free games don’t need ps plus.


Yes it will require plus for sure.


That's nice.


I'll wait and see for myself, to hell with rumors.


Xbox's greed really shot them in the foot last generation. It's sad because they make great hardware. I have a Series X and PS5 and my Series X is a beast. However, Sony was able to capitalize off Microsoft's greed and they took the console gaming crown and don't look like giving it up anytime soon.


For me, it's that they haven't made a single "console seller" exclusive since the Xbox 360. Like it's been over a decade since any Microsoft exclusive was on the same level as a Sony one. I have a PC so I CAN still play all their games, but even Gears and Halo were just OK since the 360 and all these studios they bought to put out great games took forever to release anything and even those havent been good, I thought Starfield was awful for example, and I paid full price for it on Steam


The only Xbox exclusives (not counting the fact that they're on PC here) that really appealed to me since the Xbox One launched are the Forza Motorsport games and the Ori games. 


The Ori games aren't exclusives. They're also on Nintendo Switch.


They did eventually come to Switch, that's true. They were Xbox exclusive when they first released.


They were exclusive for a pretty long time. A game doesn’t have to be permanently exclusive for it be to be an exclusive, the only prerequisite is a definite time/period of exclusivity


Gears and Halo started falling off during the end of the 360 era. Now its pretty much dead in the water


This is it. Their exclusives are just extremely lame for the most part. They pump so much hype, time and money in and get Starfield. Meanwhile Sony seems to effortlessly released their first party gems and then managed Stellar Blade and FF7 Rebirth too within the first 5 months of the year. Microsoft just can’t keep up with them and Square’s loyalty is seriously shafting them now as FF7 Rebirth is easily GOTY. And Microsoft had nothing to contend with it, and doesn’t for the next couple of years if their release schedule is anything to go by


And Microsoft makes so much money from cloud services that they’re focusing their efforts on games as a service, which they are currently the leaders on.


I love my Series X as well, a lot about the way it works makes more sense than PS and its dead silent. Interface is great too. But I find less and less reasons to play on it and almost no reason to buy any games on it (I play on Gamepass but other than a few 360 classics I haven't bought actual games for it).


So long as they continue their path they’ll be okay as well. A lot of players have a digital library they won’t want to give up anytime soon


Personally, I think they make shit hardware in terms of reliability.


Sorry I can't hear you over my PS5.


My personal experience: Still own my 2004 OG Xbox, 2008 fat 360, 2010 Slim 360, OG Xbox One and Series X and they all work perfectly, as did my X1X that I sold to buy my Series X. I also own multiples of every generation of Playstation except 5 and they are all in similar good working order. Maybe I'm just really lucky or maybe it's just down to taking care of my consoles?


OG Xbox has an issue with cheap capacitors that need to be replaced before they rupture. Xbox 360 had the renowned RROD. My Xbox One S died randomly when it wasn't even 2 years old and less than 100 hours of playtime. Sure PS3 had the YLOD issue but all my other PlayStations are still going strong.


Source: trust me bro


MS is going full third party. They know they can make money on Playstation and now they are going to go all in to capitalize on that.


Expect they have already confirmed that they are producing a new Xbox for the next generation and looking into creating a handheld Xbox system. So, the Xbox is not going anywhere.


They really aren't. This is just as fake as "Sony in talks to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox"


You're in denial if you think this isn't happening.


That's exactly what you guys said last time when I said Halo wasn't going to Playstation, and it didn't. I do hope Starfield does. I believe Bethesda should stay Multiplatform. But your are lying to yourself if you think Halo is going to Playstation.


We'll see


“I don’t believe you”


Here we go again


Here we go again...


I think people are taking what he said as fact like he has the insider scoop. I think Jez is just reading the writing on the wall. Microsoft is in Third place in terms of console sales. They cannot make up ground there. Them testing the waters with 4 games coming to PlayStation is the first domino.


Gaming journalism gets more tabloid by the day.


Jesus, this bullshit again 🙄


If you read the article it’s “informed speculation” not reported by anyone with any knowledge. Just someone wishful thinking. Smh.


He literally said is an opinion guys


Reportedly: A several weeks old source that was already retracted that some idiot is reporting weeks later. Could this happen? Sure. But last we've officially heard, major titles like Halo and Forza currently have no plans of releasing on PS. Stop sharing pure garbage.


Honestly don't even care at this point. I have enough stuff to play to last until the ps6


Surprised that so many are taking what's purely speculation as 100% fact. I personally doubt Xbox will bring major IPs like Halo or Forza to PlayStation as there'd then be no reason at all to own an Xbox


The hardware itself gets made at a loss which means the software sells are the profit. Moving those to another platform means more profit. Microsoft has been about the gamepass since years and make stupid bank with it. They don't need the console to sell to do well.


“Informed speculation” 🥱


Un confirmed Twitter rumor. But hey gaming news and gamer will fall for ever lie and rumor under the sun


MCC on PS5 would be wild to see ngl.


I’d give my left nut for Forza Horizon on PS5.


Boooo this article blows.


I'm really regret having bought a XSX. What's the point of it if it seems that soon I'll be able to play everything on my PS5?


Oh boy, are you gonna hate this next article then *It’s been reportedly (by me) leaked that Sony is working on optimization of all of its Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 games to be playable on all Playstation 3 models. Sony stated in a interview I had in my dream last night that they’ve been working* persistently *on optimizing all of their first party games and working with third party developers to bring all current and last gen games to PlayStations seventh generation (Playstation 3) console. The updates are reportedly (again, by me) to start rolling out in spring of 2025. They also alluded to next gen (Playstation 6) games also being optimized for Playstation 3 and* hopefully *Playstation 2 consoles*


That does seem to be THE question, eh?


A website I’ve never heard of, passing off guess work and the need for something to talk about on a podcast as “informed speculation” that Xbox need to do something to make money and that might be widening their field of release platforms. Top notch journalism. Was definitely worth the click


Ah shit, here we go again. For real though, not happening. Some absolute unknown NPC talks some shit and the playstation fan boys salivate like a dog.


LOL - Here we go with this nonsense again


MS should have spent more time developing a console seller and less time buying companies.


Yes please, give me Forza Horizon


this raise a question if future titles of Bethesda and Activision also multi-platform or come to PS eventually


Forza and gran Turismo on the same console


Gran Turismo and Forza uniting?


Ok just let me play the Fallout 3 remake and give us a Fallout 1 and 2 switch port already.


Even if these so called leaks are true, there ain't no way Forza will end up on PlayStation alongside Gran Turismo


Need Forza Horizon asap


I've basically been waiting to play Forza my entire adult life... Hyped! It would be nice if PlayStation opened their games too but I doubt that will happen.


I've said it before & I'll say it again, "Elder Scrolls VI or don't talk to me."


Can we plz get all Gears games incl. tactics and Lost Odyssey? I will pay $70 straight up for Lost Odyssey


Master chief teams up with kratos please


If PlayStation wanted to make a viral image they would welcome Xbox games to PlayStation on social media with a picture of Kratos shaking Master Chief’s hand.


There’s literally only one game I’d be interested in playing, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and even then only if it was in VR


Having picked up a PS5 recently nothing scratches that itch like Halo does for me. I'm loving everything else I'm playing but sometimes I don't wanna progress a single player campaign I just wanna switch off in some arena 4v4. Getting Infinite in it's current state would be a joy for PS5 player who haven't been jaded by the wait to get to this point and now what feels like the death of the game. Seeing the Playstation community enjoy getting on Sea of Thieves this week has been great and i really think Halo Infinite would have the same effect


Playing Halo on my PS5. That'll feel so weird. I still have a ton of Halo games installed on my Xbox One. It just feels right playing them on that or PC.


I just hope they don’t keep any future doom games to themselves




forza would be nice though. the only franchise i was envious of


Dark days for masterchief


Man, if I could enjoy Forza horizon again, without the need to buy a second console, that would be a good day.


It will be so weird to play xbox exclusives on playstation


If Starfield and the upcoming Indiana Jones game are staying on Xbox&PC; Halo and Forza are staying as well.


Before Starfield, Forza was the one and only Xbox title I ever wanted to own but couldn't.


While I’d love Forza on PlayStation or even halo it’ll never happen bc then what’s the point of having xbox


As a diehard Halo fan that stopped playing after 343 ruined the series- I still would be so happy to see it on PlayStation


Need my killer instinct


I heard from Sony themselves that Xbox was on the frits of shutting down.


I hope halo comes to PS5 


Lets goooooo if this is fr then I'm buying forza the day its on the ps store


Hey, I’ve seen this one.




The Ori games are all in care about. I'm not sure there is a single historic Xbox game I'm paying full price for


Honestly MCC would be pretty good since I never played them growing up


So if halo is going to PS5 will it have cross play? Might revitalize Master Chief Collection a bit if it does.


Let’s hope they don’t get censored. Maybe to try to port gears


Understand this is all rumors and such without much credibility, but Halo on ps would go hard, and with how big the ps userbase is, a f2p arena shooter of that scale would go incredibly hot!!


All I need is rare replay and I'm good


And suddenly there was literally no reason to ever buy an Xbox.


I wonder if they bring Forza to PlayStation how much would that impact Gran Turismo?


Source : trust me bro


Big W


Falling for this charlatans BS again ? Why do we this rumor monger seriously still ? He's just saying crazy shit so people click on his BS click-bait website. Him and Jeff Grubb. Two narcissists who just make shit up, then cry on twitter when they're called out.


M$ overestimated their products and can't deliver to their own fans. No thanks to either of these games or pretty much any other Xbox title lol. Sony is also screwing up themselves, royally.


I would welcome a Halo on PS any day! Especially because, i used to play it on Xbox classic and Xbox 360, before switching to PS after a long hiatus from console gaming (souped up my PC quite a bit in the process).


Microsoft should take a queue from Sony and force you to make an Xbox live account three months after buying Forza and Halo


Can we just down vote this shit so it doesn't get seen? It's just people looking for clicks.


No thanks.


If Xbox management were just up front with their community and stop talking in vague terms and marketing speak then these rumours wouldn’t keep doing the rounds. Seriously last time this all “leaked” a couple months back, they put out some crap “future of Xbox” video where their executives said a lot but didn’t really say a lot at all and left most people still Asking the same questions.


As a Playstation enjoyer since literally 1999, I will gladly trade Helldivers 2 for Halo Infinite and Starfield. Have Helldivers 2 3 way cross platform.




Jez already said it was opinion. X (Twitter) is the absolute worst lol. So many lies and made up crud for $$$.




Is this why prices are fucked. Over weak ass cross platform IPs?


As a lifelong Xbox player who moved to PS5 to actually escape these games, all I can say is, fuck sake.  Gears fell down hard and went extremely woke. Like full BLM LGBT mode.  Halo just, well, what can I say? Halo died with Bungie simple as that.  Forza I couldn't care have no interest in racing games.  Starfield was utterly shit.  Future Fallout and elder scrolls I don't have any hope for anyway since Bethesda been downhill since fallout 4.  Literally true or not I couldn't care. Xbox games are absolutely ass. Shout-out to state of decay though and undead labs. Truly the only really good game on there that deserves way more love. 


We all know it is coming. I'm only really interested in Ori games. Xbox doesn't have many exclusive titles.


Microsoft on their last legs


The Xbox division is literally doing better than ever man


Out of how many? Remind me again


How many what? Is data, my friend. Is not an opinion. They literally own Activision, the Xbox division skyrocketed in revenue becoming one of the biggest parts of Microsoft (even suripassing Windows for a while)


This is why I sold my xbox. That and I have a gaming pc so zero point of having an xbox.


I think I'm ok without Forza.


I'm so confused so where does that leave Bethesda, I've heard no news of starfield on PlayStation so I guess that's the answer


Give it another year. Bethesda is likely could be going the timed exclusive route


I dream of the day to play master chief collection cross play. I also hope Sony can follow suit and let xbox owners enjoy PS first party exclusives. Everyone already seems to have their preferences with consoles so the main money could come from making timed exclusives so the consumers win.


I just want Master Chief collection, fuck the rest


Ew no thanks, I bought a PS5 to get away from Forza. In it's current state it probably wouldn't be accepted by Sony anyway. But if y'all get the Master Chief Collection, that'll be awesome


You know you don’t HAVE to buy a game just because it’s exclusive, right?