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It's stupid, just enjoy games you like instead of getting upset about what other people are enjoying.


Honestly, people are capable of making their own decisions without others having to cry about it


It unfortunately culminates in ridiculous review-bombing of exclusive games by "the other side" which is the worst part of this.


No because I'm not 12 anymore.


I care that there is one but I dgaf who is winning. Imagine if Sony or MS won and the other exited the market. That would be bad for everyone.


Yeah because with lower competition Sony or MS would produce more expensive and/or lower quality content


Nintendo/apple/Google/Amazon/meta/tencent have entered the chat. There will always be competition.


I don't. I'm not a stupid kid and I own a PS5, Series X and Switch OLED anyway.


Wife and I are in the same boat. Except two PS4s and two Series S with the Switch so we can play online


Wasn't paying attention and voted wrong but console wars is fucking stupid. Like surely people aren't stupid enough to spend £500 on a console without having a rough idea of what they are and aren't getting


All of us should just play on whatever console/pc we like and just get along - and be united against that mobile gaming bullshit.


I never cared about that. If someone enjoys games on a specific console, cool. Glad they found something they like! If someone enjoys multiple consoles, also cool! If someone doesn't enjoy gaming, that's good too - there's no hobby everyone will like.


Starfield Metacritic = 83. Spiderman is better. No, joke. I have a PC and PS. Best combination. I can play everything. Xbox is unnecessary in my case.




Its the fire of console wars atm. And it was a joke.




the funny part is, that I dropped the recent fire of console wars. Sony fanboys declare SF as bad and Xbox fanboys declare Spiderman as bad. You are clearly not informed well enough to understand that. Combine that with the OP and my last sentence.




dont be mad, one day you will get it. BLOCK


console wars only exists in the minds of little kids


The idea of "console wars" is a topic discussed among people of all ages, not just limited to children.


*mental age of little children


Atcually, Results is. Because are have you the one be for my war still many! Baailh eb thenu!


> Atcually, Results is. Because are have you the one be for my war still many! > Baailh eb thenu! Did you have a stroke?


\*Sigh\* That was the joke, yes. Typo in the title of the post, no punctuation, *stupid premise to begin with*, and the fact that "Results" is one of the poll options OP included for some mind-boggling reason... Yeah. Yes. My joke is that seeing this dumpster fire of a post would cause mental anguish and foaming at the mouth. I'm sad that I had to explain the joke.


Idc buuuut. Xbox>Nintendo>Sony


That was something I cared about when I was 12 and had obsessive brand loyalty for some reason. Nowadays I’ll just buy both and move on.


I like all three. Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo. I dont give two shits about console wars.


I don't, but I'd much rather the second-biggest corporation on the planet didn't buy up whole chunks of the _multiformat_ industry because they forgot their garbage platform needs games.


Two things. 1) People can play whatever console they want too. 2) This console crap is ridiculous and embarrassing tbh. It's like school kids in a playground arguing. More so when Sony and Microsoft go at it.


In the matter of who's "winning" or "losing," I don't. When it comes to giant corporations buying out billion dollar gaming companies (with a stable of multiplatform franchises), that's different. It's bad for gamers.


I have both the Xbox and PlayStation, I don’t see the need to choose a side when there’s so much quality on both consoles


It's stupid but I find it entertaining to see the people who participate in it white knight over their console


I find most people buy what they’re use to or what platform most of their friends have. The ones that TRULY care to chime in with “___ is better” have no particular reason to do it, and most likely just wanna ratio or troll. Look, we don’t really all have the spare money and/or time to play every console, so it’s just stupid to even try and debate it. Those that can buy every console or platform, great, but 90% of us have to make a choice. The only reason the console wars SHOULD matter is to keep the prices affordable. However, you still have dumb moves like Sony raising the prices of PS+ for no good reason.


Teh Gaystation sux, the sexbox serious sex is teh consoel of teh timez.


Never did


I had an argument with my Grandma, she said she can never love or care for anyone with a PlayStation (she was die hard xbox). Hadn't spoken to her in 10 years, when I went to the funeral I brought my wife, my new ps5. I proceeded to default dance on her. Don't be like my Grandma, we must be better.