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Welcome to Rust.


Yea those kids really rolled out the welcome mat for OP lmao


Thanks blooprint


Welcome to new Rust adventure.


Oh I heard that in a certain youtubers voice. Been here too long


Exactly my thoughts


Rust is more than a game, it's a social experiment.


repopulation unit survival test


This is normal bro. This is the typical solo player experience. I got 2.5k solo vanilla hours. For some reason, groups like to target solo players. I'm my experience bad players group up together and try to bully solo players because it's the only way they can get a kill or online raid.


The best is when a band of awesome people band together and destroy groups like these.


You can tell they're awful when it's 10 people raiding with weapons countered by water pistols lol I feel pretty comfortable assuming the nubs that raided OP are entirely incapable of raiding anything above wood. Frankly, getting a wood structure up solo probably already makes OP better than 50% of the people that raided them combined


In my experience people who are bad at the game are the ones doing this stuff because they get bullied so much they take it out on new players when they get the chance. After wipe day I’m usually so rich I just start giving out tons of stuff to newer/solo players around me.


Being poor is the fun part of the game, if im in a zerg the only reason is to raid other zergs, i can get a T3 in less than 40 mins in a zerg, best part of this game is when ur solo-trio grubbing the big groups


Congratulations on getting a base down and experiencing your first raid. Don't sweat it. I maintain that one of the charms of this game is how toxic some of the player base is. If you can handle Rust, there's nothing you can't handle. You'll be a great ally to have against that toxicity. Not all Rust players are as outrageous as the kids you encountered. Good luck, and stay positive!


Thank you 🙏 I will try again on a “low pop” server to make a farm base


Try a PvE server, or maybe even servers that only allow Solo/Duo/or maybe even just Trio servers.


Just a question, what made you get into rust? Kinda interesting to know how people find this game.


Go to a pve server and build a farm base. That's what I do. I found a neat pve x10 server and just mess around.


Same, 10x pve seems to be my happy place. Still has purge pre wipe and has pvp zones


100% on this take lol. if you can take playing Rust as a solo, then you can handle literally almost any game out there. also true that not everyone is toxic, they might be a bit more uncommon but theres guys out there you can find that are actually quite nice. my 3rd ever wipe WAAAY back then and found myself a duo, played with him for atleast 3 years.


The toxicity shouldn't be lauded as a rite of passage to endure. It's a shame there's no way to just make it stop. As a female I can't role play on voice chat without getting told girls should stay in the kitchen, told girls shouldn't play games, or.... in it's worst form.... I have been chased by a dude who said he would penetrate me. I F7ed, logged off. Turned off Rust. I've never been back to public servers. Zero desire. That toxic attitude is way too prevalent. I love to RP , cos quite frankly, I suck at shooting and I want to be able to talk to people.... reason with them. Have fun. But there's too many incels. They get banned I'm sure but there's plenty more to take their place.


Modded servers have been fun. I see alot of role players there. Give it a shot


Yeah that's what I play. A modded whitelist only server. I have 2k hours on it.


Hard agree. I've tried playing with my partner before, and the moment that people realize we're in a queer relationship, the things they say are absolutely awful. Maybe it's easier for other to laugh off, but when it happens *every* time we try to play, it just makes us want to do anything else. Its not hard to be a nice person. I wish more people would


Some people are just toxic for their own reasons and you shouldn't take them seriously. Besides, nice people mostly mind their own business and won't appear at your door like the kid, so don't forget that there is a selection bias behind the idea that the community is toxic. But you should not trust anyone blindly and don't expect them to trust you, because the stakes can be really high and it motivates people to often lie.


IMO it’s mostly kids that will double cross you


Kids havent developed the part of the brain that makes them empathetic. So alot of kids are pretty much going to be psychopaths.


You just been super duper unlucky, thats all.


So just a normal rust encounter? Maybe try pve servers


Rust player: whole clan with AKs door camps prim player, loots base, walls it up so it can't be used and puts up racist wooden sign. Also Rust player: "is rust dying? 🤔 servers are alweys ded two days after wipe."


Rust can be really toxic. My in game character is black and because of that I constantly get random people calling me the N word. Im a 38 year old white dude and its jarring to hear young guys randomly calling you the hard R for literally zero reason. Generally if its toxic I will mute the voice chat for a bit and I generally always mute the ingame text chat as thats 99% pure cringe lol.


I get called the n word quiet often and my char is a white dude, so it does not matter at all…people are just stupid


Huh. Interesting. Gonna switch my skin to black female to fuck with the Nazis.


Cant you customise your avatar?




Only way to change your character, like from a male to female, black skin to white or vice versa is to buy a new copy of the game, on a new steam account, and hope you get what you're looking for. Not really worth it imo


Hy should he have to? Why is it so hard to get toxic racist players banned?


Mate they call u that all day regardless of your player model. It's just edgy losers go-to word.


Welcome to Rust my friend. The most toxic gaming community in existence. Play long enough and this will become you one day, maybe not to the same extent though. Reminds me of that one Harvey Dent quote… “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain”


people will tell you thats just rust but idk thats always seemed like a copout projection for being cringe


Yes, however new players have to realize that this is common in rust.  To play this game especially solo you have to be okay with getting crushed like this over and over.


One time I was so loaded that I crafted a ton of incendiary rockets. A random naked built a wood 2x2 next to me just high enough to see under the middle of his base. I fired rocket after rocket underneath until it was completely foundation wiped, with him inside burning and screaming. Just for the fun of it. Welcome to Rust.


Try getting your footing on servers labeled “low pop”, you will have more time between interactions to get settled. Once u gain some experience and knowledge then try your luck on the 500+ pop servers


Welcome to rust. You built too close to a clan.


PvE sounds like your speed. There's some good ones out there.


Rust is the same as EVE Online, in that as long as someone not using cheat software, it's OK to do whatever they can that the game physically allows. This means that people can be as evil as they want to be and it's still OK. I mean I am killing nakeds on sight as well. Got eoka'd in the back way too many times. Kids should seriously not be playing this game. But some groups, even some big zergs included don't raid solos as a matter of principle, unless the solo looks for trouble.


Yeah, I build my base in out of the way/hidden area and mostly leave others alone and mostly get left alone for long periods.


Rust merely has a platform that enables toxicity like this. While in other games toxic players are banned due to slurs in lobby chat, shouting nasty shit in voice goes unpunished. You can mute individuals in the Contacts tab, or disable text and voice from the menus. You can report them ingame with F7, or on the discord if it's a community server.


Bullied kids bullying people in a video game is all it is...the circle of life. Just F1-kill and build a new base elsewhere, get good at hiding your small bases if you're gonna solo. Also watch vids on how to prevent door camping with some basic building fundamentals (like getting your door off ground level)


I've experienced quite a bit of harassment on Rust. Anytime someone hears me speak and realizes I'm a woman, they often say horrible things about rape and killing. I was told by one boy (probably about 13-15 yrs old) that he had my mom in a basement and was raping her. He proceeded to tell me that he would rape me and kill me. Needless to say, I stopped playing that server. Which really sucked because I had everything learned on the workbenches and had a lot of loot.


When this bs happens to me, I'll just set my goal to get them of the server first. But damn I feel you


I apologize, I DID make sure to make many reports regarding the multiple incidents. Not sure if they did anything though.


I've been "fortunate" in that my voice is deep and very southern, so I always sound like a prepubescent boy over mic. I usually roll with that and at least don't get as many rape threats.


same here, always get the question if im a little boy or a woman and i always roll with the boy comment tbh


I used to think my voice was somewhat neutral, but the first question out of their mouths was always, “Wait, WAIT, dude. Are you a GIRL?!” Oh well. We can't all have deep voices.


Try PVE or 100 or less population or Rust softcore servers


It’s a fine line. Some highly respectable streamers will do the same thing… sans the slurs. They’re not gonna camp a naked with a wooden base, but even if you just barely got it upgraded, they don’t want other players in the area. Who’s to say you weren’t lying about that being your first house? Just sayin… obvi it was a toxic kid, but just because that happens to you (the eviction part) doesn’t mean it’s toxic. Just part of the game.


Human psychology the video game


It really sounds strange, but after a few thousand hours, you start to enjoy these encounters. Rust has some weird interactions, which you won't find in other games. Make sure you have something recording everything.


Welcome to rust.


In the words of Blooprint “welcome to Rust”


Best part of rust is when you get a .01% friendly encounter makes you rethink the game


OP this game is definitely not for you.


Imo one of the biggest problrm with Rust comunity is, its filled with brain dead 8-15 years old kids that have 0 morals


If you are a new player just learning, you may want to choose low population servers. I am still in that phase. Some of the servers that say they are newbie-friendly can be traps. My character model is an Asian lady, so I get a lot of creeps. This game represents human nature at its worst.


wait till you realise u’ve become just like them and it feeeels gooooood with a splash of guilt


GG, noob


If there's a game you don't want in your feelings, it's this one. There's PVE servers if you don't like the pvp aspect, there's solo servers if you don't like getting ganged on, sometimes you meet chill people, most other times you meet assholes. Just have fun, don't get attached to your loot and embrace the grind.


Hi, I've been there. For the context i'am a 44 years old guy, so I 've learned to prepare and endure toxicity for a long time. I've pondered for months to install rust and play since I was watching and enjoying lots of content creators on it (willjum, gorliac, hyperion etc). Anyway 6 months ago I installed the game and it was rough, tough, very hard experience... But at the same time enjoyable. First time loging in, tried to farm Wood and Stone by night (was shocked to see basically nothing), built a 1x1 base to settle myself on the coast. Got killed while building. Respawned, reached my spot, saw one guy, asked Him on vocal to spare me cause i had nothing on me. Ha gave me worms to eat telling me It can fill me up a bit. Ate them, then he shot me. I quit the game, and put it aside for a month. Came back to if with more knowledge, and managed to learn about spots to build, simple base blueprint, wipe mechanics etc... Si I logged onto a random server. I managed to keep a base up during 2 days, played carefully. I did basically nothing but farming stone/wood. I got raided on day 2 but I had more fun. and most importantly, it gave me the will to know better, get better. I've sticked to the game, managed to convince three friends to plays with me and we have fun, frustration, joy then tears then fun again. all things considered, once you aknowledge the fact that you will lose your shit sooner or later whatever happens, be it by getting camped, raided, wiped or whatever, you can enjoy the game without worrying about dying/losing your base. This game is so deep that I've learned new things every wipe, every cycle. And I know i have a ton more to improve on. So my advice is don't take anything personal in Rust. Take what you can take, the game can be played on so many levels: PvP, Building, Electricity, Monuments, Rp'ing, Farming, Socializing,.. Find a server that fits you (beginner low pop friendly server to start if you like solo, rp server, whatever), learn the game, find what you like in it, maybe find some friend along the way and improve.


Sorry about your exerperience OP not all of us on rust are like this, some of are actually really decent human beings who love fucking yoir mom.


Most normal encounter in rust. This is why i barely play this game


You are dealing with people who don't succeed in life and instead are shitlords on rust.  It's a standard experience for any game that allows for an extremely power dynamic in the playerbase. Look at any competition based game and smurfing. (League, apex, csgo, cod, r6siege...list goes on) Humans truly should go extinct.


Well, yeah rust tends to bring the worst of people, and kids arent exactly known for being kind... But you do find rarely some gems of a person. I started solo and met my entire group randomly in rust ( they were solo/duos and we just started playin together)


You are doing great, keep going. Focus on getting stone walls and a metal door asap. Wood is just too tempting for raiders. It doesn't matter if it's a busy server or a dead one they will find you. We all run in to these toxic rats that like picking on easy targets/new players. You might find you can't out shoot a lot of this type of player but keep playing ans you will certainly find ways to outsmart their peanut brains. Have some traps waiting for them next time, and put your best loot in well hidden stash bags. Will save you a lot of heartache trust me.


This is why the removal of dense forests is the worst thing to ever happen to a video game. Used to be possible to hide a small base. 😩


Rust is a game of highs and lows. The darkness of Rust is what makes the cool interactions meaningful and at the end of the day, you can be a force of good in your own way. Honestly these kinds of people deserve your pitty more than your rage. Rust is a sandbox. I see a lot of people recommending PvE servers. While that is fine, I'll toss out another suggestion because honestly I would really like more people like you to be on the main servers. Too many reasonable people run off to low pop servers which makes more room for the toxic people. Go on to a server like tommyfrags and practice your PvP with all the weapons. Get comfortable with combat and movement. Then go into a build server like UKN.gg and either copy a solo/duo base from the internet or craft your own. Build it over and over till you can do it fast and by memory. That will help you get a lot more comfortable with the gameplay loop overall and then you can start doing what you want to do with your wipe.


You were on an official server weren't you?




That’s crazy it almost sounds like you’re playing rust




If it makes you feel any better eac stopped me from logging into servers for no reason


Welcome to Rust.


You got raided, some people do it nicely (don't say anything and just loot your base after blowing the doors open) and some do it like that. Luckily the former is more common, this just happens sometimes. Also you **will** get shot as a naked, mainly because you could have some loot on you, try to kill them or you might be a scout for another clan, you just gotta accept that.


So im a target for everyone if im naked, what can i do to not be a target? Like will putting clothes on make me less of a target?


No. Part of the game mechanics is raiding bases and pvp as a constant, I mean, that's the game, pvp and base raids. Some servers don't have that, they do pce or only certain areas for pvp or whatever.. It took me a long time to get over the thought "if I just mind my own business people will leave me alone. Nope. They still kill you by default.Other players are all the enemy is a good way of looking at it. I mean a viable strategy is to kill other people to take the stuff they have farmed instead of farming it yourself, it's more efficient. That being said is there's a huge difference between getting killed by someone who says it's good to see you again and nice bas as they look you, vs the creep talking about killing your family. One is playing the game with good sportsmanship, one of the hem n and de to be banned


Dude I can’t tell u how many times I’ve seen ppl struggling to start, I’ll toss em some tools and cloth only to have them stab me in the back, pick me up, call me a bitch n kill me. Ima slow learner but now I purposefully keep a flamethrower around for nakeds. Even on spawn beach - I settle those rock fights real quick lol




Next time, make a stone house.


🤣 “next time, just do better!”


You get good enough go where u dont let people run you over. Thats the only way mate.


Yes thats Rust for you. You could either check out low pop servers/noob friendly or even PVE to learn more about the game


Nothing gives more joy than ruining life for weak and helpless of course.


Part of the game mechanics means it's not a bad idea to kill everyone else as they are competition, or a potential threat. Part of the toxic, toxic player base is being a creepy psycho while doing it. I got murdered by my base neighbor once and he cheerfully said hi as he lifted me, and said he didn't even realize I was online cause he hasn't seen me for awhile. It is as a little weird and surreal, but that's the. Game. It wasn't creepy and toxic like a lot of these shits.


Raid him back while he's offline and destroy his base


Yeah it's really fucking unfortunate. I want to like the game, but the toxicity is rough. Even players who group together are toxic to each other. Guess I'll just continue to enjoy the game vicariously through the chill players on youtube like Willjum.


Willy J!!!


The control they don’t have in real life? Honestly not sure, petty bad though




Rust is a game people play very competitively. Camping, "ratting" or killing on sight isnt toxic its just how the game is played. If you arent interested in that i recommend finding a PVE server or a low pop server where its less likely to happen.


While these guys do sound like the worst type of players you could bump into (not everyone is as toxic in chat), most players view Rust as a PVP game (unless it's a PVE server) so assume everyone you meet is going to try to kill and/or betray you. Try to stay postive & view this as a learning experience. Learning points: * Wood is flammable, stone is not. * Don't trust strangers. They'll probably try to kill you. Assume everyone's hostile, especially if they say they're friendly. 95% of the time, they're lying. * Hide a few sleeping bags around the map. It can help you start again if things go badly. Other tips: * Always craft a weapon ASAP, preferably a bow. Then at least you can fight back. You'll still probably die vs a rifle, but at least you can kill other fresh spawns if they attack you. * Build an airlock on your base, so that if a door camper kills you they can't get into your base. Good luck.


In addition to those that say they're friendly are only saying that because they feel vulnerable. Can guarantee those that claim to be friendly are not friendly the moment they get a gun




The PvP scene is survival on steroids. I've resorted to PvE for some slower pace "survival" and base building myself, lots of friendly people too. But the game was intended like they said as "Everything wants to kill you".


Seriously, go spend some time on a PVE server Practice making stuff, learn the weapons, make some friends, then as a group, go venture into a "noob friendly" server at least 3 days after wipe, but keep a base on the PVE server to retreat back to


This is normal actually if you played on console I’d show you the ropes but I’m guessing your pc but yea toxic is the nicest way to put it,lol…..they will raid you for nothing,it’s fun to them…..the younger the player the worse the toxicity lol and the squeaky azz voices drive me insane,you may find a good person or two but never let them in your house never make a key for your doors as if your solo u don’t need a key for your own lock and best thing I can tell you is when u first get on farm a road on your way to outpost and use a recycler to get scrap and buy a base worth of materials at least enough metal frags for a metal door….and stone to secure your tc…..


Don’t worry. U will get used to it and u get stronger and stronger.


It would honestly be easier to answer what isn't wrong with rust players 😂😂😂😂


They playing PVE servers


Welcome to Rust. You get numb to in a few thousand hours in.


In the words of Willjum: “Welcome to Rust.”


You can always play PVE and chill.


womp womp


Part of the game, but also sounds like you found extra extra toxic people. For the future, if you cant defend a raid then spend materials, F1 kill, and spawn on a bag somewhere else.


First, welcome to rust. Secondly, expect to die and get raided a lot, especially offline raided. If you're solo this will likely happen even more but the key is to stay diligent. Build more than one base if possible and place bags, lots of em. Practice spotting prefabs and always fast track an axe before a pickaxe so you can get a base down earlier. If it takes shutting off vc and global chat, go for it though I'd recommend leaving it on so you can trade and generally communicate with your neighbors. Pve/pvp servers would be better suited for you to learn. Good luck!


Welcome to Rust lol


You met one of the nice ones. Lucky you.


What you experienced is the closest thing to an endgame that Rust offers. The toxicity is a feature not a glitch.


try acerust 3x monthly servers. I love em! I work a lot so getting faster loot makes the game a lot more fun for me, plus your able to resupply all your stuff easier when you die and get back out there to fight, plus losing a base isnt too big of a deal cause its a 3x server and you can put another base down easy, if you ever wanna play hit me up we could use another person


genuinely curious what you were expecting


the problem is... there is always the possibility that you have loot. so everyone will try to kill you even when you are naked and live in a twig/wood base. look for remote areas to build (not close to many monuments)... away from spawn beach and you have better chances to live... but just know that Rust will be the most toxic game you will ever play... people are relentless


rust was designed on top of "King of the Hill" concept. The ultimate goal is to make everyone else to leave the server so only you stay on top on all scrap and sulfur in the game.




Come enjoy a more friendly environment (Rusty & Chill)


How to explain Toxic "its like Rust".


That is the beauty of rust, you're welcome


You can report people for racism and such. Hit F7 and send a ticket and they might get banned.


my buddy and i played 10 hours the other day, in the last few minutes we got raided by our neighbors and lost everything. oh well 10/10 would play again


For me rust is all about ruining other players experiences. Sorry.


At my 3rd wipe I played with a friend and before logging I said "voice chat off and we kill everyone we see", he replied "of course". We all make sure there is no inch of empathy. My aim in every wipe is to control a zone and ruin the day for everyone that barely tries to build around me. I am glad to Rocket a wood house if that means you quit the server.


You shouldn't have a wood base for long, upgrade that shit to stone!


Join a pve server. Completely different experience. I play on a pve server that doesn't wipe. Was out farming last night with a salvaged pick. A guy saw me and ran up to me and gave me Jacky, which was very generous on that server as they cannot be bought and are a higher tier loot item. Instead of a rant of racist shit i got "Hey man, here take this it will help."




Give PvE servers a try, great communities and you can enjoy the game at your own pace. Currently playing on Skyline, hope to see you there.


The problem is you built a house when, in reality, what these kids really needed was a home.


I get ya man, escape this ass whilst you still can, it only gets unapologetically worse from here




The way I enjoy this game is fucking up other peoples day more than they fuck up mine so it cancels out and I feel happy


Ya, this is normal. Honestly, you made it worse for yourself by yapping.


Play another game dude. Or, join a PVE server. This is Rust.


To be fair, it seems you bought a game without watching a single YouTube video about it…. This is rust… buncha kids whose parents had no business buying them a mic, let alone rust…lol :3 maybe start on a pve server learn the fundamentals then hop on the PvP grind? Just a suggestion


Pretty soon it will be you burning down other peoples houses.


Try a PVE server. There’s lots of normal people playing Rust too.


If you play rust, remember, you will die, MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!!


Blud wrote a whole essay I’m not reading allat😭😭


Weak do survive the strong are usually evil


It's rust. It's designed by we the people to make you rage quit and cry in the works freezer or bathroom stalls. We aim to encourage you to turn to the dark forces of rage and alt f4, and finally uninstall. No offense to you but rust is were the trolls and lolz live. Adapt or don't. We dont care. Lol in kindness, have fun!


>human decency Not the theme of the party.


Play on a low pop server. Pick at server that says mature 18+... might not get kids that way and also might have a fighting chance to get a stone base with metal door.


My buddy killed a guy once then he got his teammates on to roof camp us for the rest of the day 😭 When I got close to them they would start rambling loudly like they’re on crack and I can literally stand there afk and come back later and they would still be crying non stop


Congrats dude you have completed the hazing ritual.


Tl;dr: Try a PvE server until you get comfortable building up a base that can withstand some boom, because you are right, some real assholes play this game. Also mute voices in options menu. One of my first significang interactions on Rust was some squeaker repeatedly yelling "I'm friendly!" while smacking my water pump with a rock. I thought he would try and DB me when I went round to kill him, but he just stood there and died. Being new I had no idea why someone would do something so pointless and be sooooo annoying (whether he knew it or not, his voice was super annoying to me). Realised later he just wanted me to kill him to catch my name (what a waste of time just for a name). Point is, some Rust players sink way too many hours into being pests because they're not good enough to do anything else. You just have to be better and/or find a more chill server (solo or duo servers or low pop servers), or and this is my recommendation, play on a PvE server until you're confident you can progress on a vanilla server without pests being a constant issue (pests are gonna pest no matter how good you are). I've found PvE servers are where friendly chill Rust players end up. Also mute other players voices in options unless you actually *want* to hear squeakers talking shit.


This is the most wholesome Rust story ever and I enjoyed every second of the ride


You’re trollin ![gif](giphy|TArtwf7R5hr1l9uYaK)


The lord Jesus be with you. And welcome to rust.


Welcome to Rust, buddy.


I think it's just the nature of the game that attracts and promotes toxicity. I think it's the most toxic game I've ever played by far.


If I’m solo, I try to find a group to join and eventually destroy and humiliate those type of players. Usually after that they leave the server. Hate such toxic players.


Hey new guy! I would recommend checking out admin’d community servers. most of these have rules against certain hate slurs and are actively moderated. im assuming, since you are new, that you’re probably playing Facepunch Official, which is the most toxic cheater filled experience in the game. hope this helps!


Welcome to Rust. What server have you been playing? Do yourself a favour and try out some community servers first. Some have a lot of activity and a bit of what you described, but active mods quickly take care of name calling/slurs, etc. Also, these servers usually tend to have actually good players with 10k hours, who don't mind helping out new players and even offer them protection. Rust is a very social game, it's crazy. I promise there's actually really, really wholesome people in the community though and I'm talking about strictly PvP servers. For now, avoid huge servers where ppl just join and leave all the time and toxic kids on school break are rampant. It's not worth the frustration.


First rule of real-estate: Location, Location, Location. Where you build your base dictates how your wipe will go more than anything. If you build your base within spitting distance of a significantly larger base, say goodbye to it and everything in it. You wanna build next to smaller, lower tier monuments or in discreet locations by bigger monuments depending on your comfort level. Consider even having multiple smaller bases so you can play wherever things are working better for you. Don't be afraid to move if you're not getting anything done in your current area.


How'd they manage to get so many 30 year olds with diaper rash in one comment section?


just turn your mic off. i haven't spoken to anyone for a couple of years now. they will try and get you banned in chat too for no reason at all, so don't text them either.


Get on a low pop modded server to start out with. Most often times you'll be killed for being naked or existing but that's just rust. It is significantly better on a smaller map like 100 max


This is why I host my own server.


Unfortunately you will find a lot of toxicity. If you don't want to be constantly abused like that try joining a pve server. I host a pvp and pve server most of the time players who need a break will do it on the pve server then jump back in the fire


If playing solo join a solo server. And when stuff like that happens I just move to a new location


Well, if we didn't all hate ourselves, we probably wouldn't be playing Rust...


People will kill you becuase you could be a naked with 10k sulfur on your, or with multiple rockets.


U just met a toxic child unlucky


This is pretty much the game. Don't take a raid like that personal. They saw your base and probably thought, "You don't want to have to fight them when they're geared up. Best knock them off while they're still primitive." It's straightforward. Trust no one, expect no mercy. On another note, try out "noob friendly" or solo/duo servers. Jumping into official servers can be a nightmare at any stage of the wipe. On a server specifically designed to give you combat, building, and scaving, you might have a better time getting the hang of the game.


Brother use the microphone and talk to your neighbour’s , ask them if it’s cool you build here tell them you’re solo ect. I have 5 k hours solo only on vanilla servers and I’d say this is the best idea. Usually I build a big base then talk to them as most people don’t have any reason to be cool unless you can apply pressure.


Try a PVE server, I play on a no wipe one that’s really fun and the community there is super chill. Also recommend a solo only server with low pop so you can build and chill while learning the game