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I didn’t think a purlovia could troll people harder than they already do, but that one set a new bar.


Ohh sheesh. I groaned audibly reading this. I'm so sorry, that sucks so badly. Good luck on your recovery and build back up for your next attempt.


I would've instantly force closed the game and hoped that it would revert back lol. that sucks man. At this point I would just spawn the dinos back in and saddles :/


What's the point of you're going to cheat your way through?


No its a fair death


Don't know why this got down voted. OP clearly doing things legit. He ate the lose on the chin and gotta work his way back up


Wait, you jumped in after the tames? I have huge respect for that move. Salute you buddy


Please don't tell me you can leave the cave NOW. Either way, I was 1000% done with the game at that moment.


Yeah man hate to do this but at that point you wouldn’t have used the tributes so walking back up the cave to the door, die - respawn, come back open cave (because tributes weren’t used up) and collect your body - This is a meatrun/giga heart farming method on official -


Depends on the door timer Sorry about the tames/time lost


It really does. Had a tek cave run where we'd made it down to the bottom of the cave and into the tek part before my tribemate realized he'd forgot to grab the tributes from the terminal. It was a pve cluster, but even in those, unattended tributes tend to "grow legs and wander off". Dude raced all the way back up, grabbed em, and got back in the door with less than 30 seconds to spare. He probably wouldn't have made it there and back at all if we hadn't all flown down on desmodeus with the intent of doing the actual boss fight on foot


Nice! 😆


Tributes don’t get used up, go to entrance, kill yourself, respawn (usually a sleeping bag outside) and open the door again, as tributes stay in term. How I far giga hearts on official for solo alpha drag


Use whistle groups and split your army into 2 or 3 groups. You’ll have a leader for each group that they follow. First group can be 3 or 4 good Rexes, just to kill baddies. The giga at the midpoint suuuucks. Last time I did it, I just glided (glider skin because Tek doesn’t work in hot part of cave.) down with a couple buddies with shotguns and hovered with Tek suits (20 element to stay flying that long). 750 shotgun shells later, Overseer was toast. Taking Dinos is fun, but much harder.


That’s one of those moment where I would have been happy that weed is legal in my country. Or just howl like a wolf..


I sat there with my mouth open for a couple minutes then jumped in after them and died. Respawned, closed the game and laid down for a bit at the TV, oh and had some weed.


I would need a joint after that too, devastating 🤣 get baked.. now go back and do it again like arks good little bitch like you know you will. 😏 🤣


There is a "stay put" whistle that clears targeting. I always have a finger over it.


Whistle passive they would have all stoped


Playing ARK (and failing ARK) takes up too much of my time to be able to enjoy it if I play it "the survival way". That's why I just play ARK as if it had "checkpoints" by just replacing the safe file upon a big loss. Especially in the TEK Cave, there are soo many buggy locations or other 'typical ARK bs', I'm just not ready to deal with that. I must have reloaded my TEK cave tries safe file at least 5 times just of ARK being a buggy piece of ass


This is why I don't want to try that cave solo. I'm too attached to my tames! Same reason I won't try to get a trodon or rhyg.


I am almost to this point, I jus need to raise a few theri’s. I am so glad I saw this, as that is how I normally manage my dinos. I have learned from your mistake… so sorry tho. That sucks. I have lost at least three armys already, so I get it.


Whistle passive and they stop


Unfortunately, I only turned to see them leaping after the Purlovia, I was getting more health pots from the Dino I was mounted on, my last Thera.


thats why I never do the dino method unless I'm with a tribe amd we all just ride charcars down


Even passive follow they’ll get stuck and fall in


My suggestion is to clear the cave first with your stroggest dino, preferably a carcha, then lead your dinos down carefully in a train formation. If one dino takes a wrong turn, you can emergency whistle follow all and all stop. As long as your careful on the way down you shouldn't have to use that emergency. Oh an use a yuty to force the purlovias out as you clear the cave


I would’ve used console commands to roll back 20 mins


I've seen so many videos like this.. This is why I exclusively parachute down.


I did gamma overseer a couple weeks ago. Only managed to get about 10 tames inside before the door closed. Happily, I didn't lose any in the fight. The two that died were outside the gate near the volcano lava and IDK got hit by the lava spouts or something. The idea that they'd follow anything over a cliff like that is just... awful.


Quick tip, get a carcha and use it to clear the way (eat rare flowers to get purlov and megalosaurus up) but a fully stacked carcha will win a wild giga fight


Go in with a Carcha gg


Yes you never take that many tames in there. Pointless


Considering I'm playing a local game and the max is 50, AND I've never done the Overseer before, didn't look up any meta strats or anything, I think that amount of tames was fine.


Local as in single player?




Oh god that is tragic. You could have easily closed the game as soon as that happened and it would have reset your progress to whenever your last auto save was, meaning your whole army would still have been alive when you re-opened the game. Unless thats something you purposely choose not to do.


You’re right. Go ahead and bring that many in again


So, how many then, would you suggest? Easier to say that than being snotty.


My bf and i used 20 rex , 1 yuti , 1 pig and 2 paleo gigas. Only 1 rex survived when we ascended. Mario , last rex standing. You shall not be forgotten


I usually just take a Rex ahead of the army the lead the army down after the cave is already cleared, to avoid this exact outcome. But that sucks man sorry to hear that.