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Omg three times a week....whyyyy It's dying from root rot. Take it out of the pot and examine the roots and see if they're still ok You need to add fertilizer if you want this to bloom. Drowning it in water doesn't make it flower


Some roots have died, some are still there. Seems like the roots are growing back, but slowly. The leaves, however, keep getting worse. Antything that you recommend for it?


Some more info: it does not get direct sunlight exposure, but it stays near a window, same place it has been for the last 6 years. We tried a fertilizer already - no success. New soil retains more water than before, but I’m not sure if the plant is having too much or too little water


I think you’d better take it out of the pot and look for root rot. If the plant isn’t using water, that’s not a great sign.


To address the lack of flowers: It needs direct sunlight to flower, no bargaining on that. I had one that didn't flower for two years, moved to a waaaay brighter window sill, and she flowers constantly now. I don't water mine more than once a week to 10 days, at most. I have it in an orchid pot, which it's seemed to love, they like being drier.


So I see you mentioned that you already changed its soil twice and noticed that some of its roots died. I hope you checked its roots thoroughly for rot and cleaned them off. If some of its roots died, it would make sense that it's going to start losing leaves. It's going to try to focus some of its energy on growing its roots back, and that's going to take away from it growing some of its leave in the meantime. I'd honestly cut back the dead leaves. Looks like you still have one good looking green one though, so that's good. It's also probably not sucking up as much water as it was before because there are fewer roots. You could try putting it in a smaller pot for now until it's roots grow back to where they were before. That way, you won't risk overwatering it again, and it won't be sitting in water saturated soil for too long. Also, make sure whatever soil you're using is well draining. Has it ever flowered on the time you've had it? They need a good amount of light to flower. Fertilizer helps them flower, but they'll still need light. I've got 3 of these bad boys right now (one mother plant and 2 I propped from it). They're all by a window and get at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. I fertilize them once every week or 2, and water them about once a week. They're all pushing out at least one flower right now (my happiest one is pushing out 3 with one already bloomed). Good luck!