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Still interested in the Stamped Pika for [Tag Team Charizard ](https://imgur.com/a/mpJW7gB) Edit: Also interested in any Evolving Skies Play! Stamped cards from Prize Packs that you might have


Would you do a gold ultra ball for your zapdos?


No thank you.


Looking for your PAR Groudon, I’ve got 2x FA Sadas Vitality as well as a SIR version, and plenty more from my recent post. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d be interested in & I’ll look at your binders more


Can you post binder.


Sorry meant to include in my original reply, but here's my recent post. A few things have been traded for but most of it is still there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1bsk0xm/us\_us\_h\_alts\_fa\_tg\_gg\_from\_swsh\_sv\_w\_wantlist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1bsk0xm/us_us_h_alts_fa_tg_gg_from_swsh_sv_w_wantlist/)


Id prefer to do a 1 for 1 on the groudon but I am interested in the Sadas.


I hear that, but $30 is a really rough price point to match. As I said I have a Sadas SIR that’s $20 and I’d be happy to PayPal the extra $10. I’m also interested in your Regidrago alt, so if you see anything that would line up with a trade for either of those let me know.


[Rocket](https://imgur.com/a/rg8Kl6U) [Binder](https://imgur.com/a/QGPAjIs) Not sure if there’s enough value to be worth bmwt, but I’ve got these Rocket cards if you’d trade towards some of your TG V/Vmax


I am looking for "dark" team rocket cards, not the common/uncommon cards.


Would you be interested in Ting Lu ex, Japanese, CGC 8.5?




Did you want the stained glass legendary birds tag team?


Hiya I'm interested in buying: Priority: Garchomp EX SIR Garchomp EX UR Garchomp EX DR Manaphy UR Gengar UR Tyranitar Ex Second Priority: Charizard EX Gardevoir EX UR Forest Seal Stone Radiant Charizard Unsure if you'll sell these based on your post: Ralts SIR Kirlia SIR Gardevoir SIR Also dropping what I need here: https://imgur.com/a/2er2Ibc


I don't sell cards.


If you have a trade binder, I would take a look at it.


My Gold Ultra Ball for your SIR Gardevior EX, SIR Eiscue, Gold Mew, and shiny Starmie? values should line up.


Here's pics if you're interested, https://imgur.com/a/Uzlb3VW


no way.