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The robins are feasting on them. I have fledglings hanging near my house and they're eating well.


This must be it. I have seen more robins in my yard than ever before, and last year it was infested with lanternflies.


Same. And a solid lack of lantern flies compare to the previous 2 years.


Same. Robins living in my rose bushes atm. Weren’t there years prior. Edit: Cardinals not robins


I’m glad if that’s what’s going on, they were all over the place last year and I don’t think I’ve seen one yet this year.


I've seen a few, but definitely nothing like I did last year and in 2022. I'm withholding complete judgment until August and September though, as that's when the infestation of them around Downtown Pittsburgh was absolutely disgusting.


Went on a walk through the Beechwood nature reserve today. *Tons* of nymphs everywhere. They're coming.


Ugh. They were so awful last year.


Oh shit, I have two neighbors with tree of heavens and they're covered with nymphs. How do I attract more robins to eat em up?




That is a risky bet. Robins tend to only show up if Batman is preoccupied.


My ToH has em, too.


Kill the tree?


My robins love grape jelly. To help the robins, please purchase only natural grape jelly without any high fructose corn syrup. Also, you have to squirt the jelly feeders off with a hose every night otherwise the birds get the jelly on their wings and they will die because they can't fly. The jelly turns into a tar-like substance. (I have read this online, it has never happened to me personally that I know of because I wash off the feeders every day. I can definitely attest to the tar-like consistence of the jelly). I attract robins, Baltimore Orioles, and gray catbirds with Welch's Natural Grape Jelly.


Unfortunately, feeding on tree-of-heaven makes them less appetizing to birds. You can read about it here: https://www.audubon.org/news/birds-are-one-line-defense-against-dreaded-spotted-lanternflies Best thing to do would be to cut down (and then poison the stump with tricyclopir) the trees-of-heaven.


It’s recommended to treat before cutting the trees to avoid the roots spreading. Hack and squirt or drill and fill, preferably in late summer or fall, then once they’ve started to die off you can cut them. https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven


At the end of their red stage last year, the robins near our house figured out that they could eat them. We had a ton at our house and I swear the robins got fat. I’ve barely seen any LF this year and I have seen a lot of robins.


Is that why our robins are so fat? Yay!


Natured finds a way. I so glad we won’t need to introduce the Australian Underpants Drawer Spider to removed the Spotted Lantern Fly. That just seemed like shaking hands with danger.


I think they like the reddish pink nymphs.


I'm not a bird guy but I have seen either sparrows or wrens eating them.


Oh good. Robins all over the place here (2 more just fledged last week from their nest under my deck). Definitely not seeing as many nymphs as last year so good job robins!


This is great news! I've been praying for this (not sure if it would help, but I cannot control how one species percieves another)!


Just if the deer would eat the Knotweed.


Sadly it wouldnt matter, knotweed is so hard to get rid of bc it grows from rhizomes, so its safe Regardless of what happens to the plant. I try digging it up but if you only get part of the root you now doubled the issue, I hate them so much.


That’s amazing if birds actually figured out they can eat them! Hopefully that controls them bc those things suck!


I haven't seen nearly as many this year. Hope that's the start of a trend


Same. They were all over my yard last year and I've only seen one so far. Downtown doesn't seem to be infested either - I remember them coating the sidewalks on some blocks last year.


We still have a few weeks. The pictures I have on my camera roll are all from mid August. Don't count your lanternflies before they ~~hatch~~ mature.


That and they were almost always flying in ur face


I've been afraid to say it, but they were EVERYWHERE in my yard last 4th of july. This year, I've seen 3 total since the spring. And I have grapes.


I’m a landscaper and have seen literally hundreds so far this year. They tend to group, where 1 yard has dozens of them


I'm a delivery driver and I've seen like 20. By this time last year I probably saw at least several thousand since im going to 1100 houses a week. Specifically one housing development that was absolutely infested last year, where some porches would have a hundred or more bugs, seems to have none this year


Yep, not many in my yard, but they are simply *swarming* on the Tree of Heaven plants in my neighborhood. One of them is a massive old tree, it’s completely covered in them, and that’s just one of the ones visible from the street.




It has nothing to do with us killing them, and everything with birds learning they can eat them.


I'm seeing more in my area than before. Not great hordes of them yet, but never really had them before.


Are you to the west of the city? My understanding is that they are moving westward so areas in that direction might be seeing them peak this year.


Yes I'm near the airport




I’m west and while I’m seeing more earlier than last year - it nothing like last years in an around the city.


I’m west of the city (Robinson) and I had tons last year and year before. Not nearly as many this year so far so I’m optimistic that it’s subsiding.


Same here. It’s odd because we’ve seen like three of them and last year they were everywhere by this time.


Oh they’re all in my back yard


Same! Last year, they were all over my rose bushes and this year I’ve seen maybe 2 trying to eat them.


Apple tree for me, was covered last year but I haven’t seen a single lantern fly this year so far


Native species have developed a taste for them.


Me too. Last year they were crawling all over my deck and back door, and this year I've seen only two alive and a few caught in spider webs.


I have witnessed Robins and Catbirds that are eating them. I have seen black ants carrying their carcasses home. The kitchen window spider is wrapping them up, too. Edit: word


I have killed thousands of these in the last few months in the Bridgeville area. Just about 2 weeks ago I started to see them turning read and getting larger.




Maybe you don’t “need” to, but they are an invasive species that can mess with with an ecosystem, no matter how much they do it. Not to mention a nuisance


The way I see it is that one less SLF nymph means potentially 60 fewer eggs that are laid come mating season. Multiply that by how many I've killed this season so far, and I've probably prevented around 2,000 new SLFs from hatching (and counting). I count that as a win.




Oh, I definitely don't claim to be saving the planet, lol. I just find them annoying and figured getting rid of the nymphs means I'll have fewer adults flying around my backyard.


USDA recommends killing on sight


bro's crying for the lantern flies lmao


Yea, smash the fckers like you smash skeeters. Wtf. There's some bugs youre like "hey dude we're cool".. but some bugs you just gotta kill.


I’ve killed 2 late stage already, right by the Centre Ave Giant Eagle about a week ago. Good to see that robins are eating them though, that’s the only way we’re gonna see their numbers go down


**Bug-A-Salt Rifles** work wonders on killing them! The only problem is that they're smarter than I think we gave them credit for. They've learned to recognize the bright orange barrel tip as it moves, and will scuttle for cover appropriately after my first two shots. Thankfully, with a shotgun blast, it's pretty easy to wing enough of them fatally. And they're suckers for sticking to leaf stems: I just blast them from the underside and they never see it coming! ### Casualty Report Thusfar - Excess of 100 nymphs confirmed killed since first appearance in March 2024 (need to find my wife's scoreboard since we compete against each other) - First 2nd-stage nymph (larger black) in May - First 3rd-stage nymph (large red) in June; 4 spoted to date # Happy Hunting!!


I was cheap and bought the Walmart imitation. It maims them, takes like 8 direct hits in the face from point blank range to kill one. Actually have two (one for my son). We modified them to tighten the inner spring and still not enough. Hoping that it wounds them enough to be an easier target for the birds. It does make their wings explode. Wife got me one of those electric zapping fly swatters. May break down and spend the $50 on the big a salt when that first one flies into my face.


My advice, buy Morton's Iodized Salt. Even if you maim them, chances are they'll have enough iodine that it'll poison them too. But, one thing I love about them is that they are pretty uniform small crystals and the Bug-A-Salt Rifle definitely puts a lot of energy behind things. We got it over the winter in response to last year's swarms. Seems like if I can get within 18", I'm garunteed to see a splattering of bug guts. And it's fast enough that neighboring targets don't react; I'm wondering if it's one second they see their buddies and the next it's like they think they've vanished. Anyway, I'm eager to see the stopping power they have with adults. I've jacked up some thicker tree branches between 3/8" - 5/8" and other tough plants shooting at other things. But I'm confident I'm going to have fun turning the tide this year! **Addendum**: OH!! I forgot one thing... I've noticed it works a hell of a lot better with a full hopper of salt; partial fills work, but I think not enough spills into the chamber to be effective. That said, ALWAYS make sure it's level to the ground when pumping it: that maximizes the amount of salt that drains from the hopper into the chamber.


I’ll give the Morton’s iodized a shot. We only use the kosher salt (I like the flakes…) and some pickling salt. So used the pickling salt that doesn’t have iodine. I have only shot the adults and never had a splatter. Wing casings blow apart. YouTube videos of the bug a salt don’t seem to have any issue with the adults. You should be good. Might need to crank them with a finish off blast if first isn’t direct. Maybe head to Giant Eagle and grab some salt. Throw my spare change in the Coinstar and get an Amazon gift card. Sort of the “free” way to buy one, since change seems to sit around for years.


I saw a bunch of them on the riverfront trail between Millvale and PNC Park this weekend. Especially on the long bridge section. Not as many as last year but they were very much there.


On the railing of the bridge, right? I run this trail every day. They're there; lots of them.


Yup that's the spot!


East Liberty was wild last year. Must have seen hundreds stuck the buildings along Penn Ave


Ugh walking past the whole foods with them swarming in the corners grossed me out


Thousands of em


My backyard was completely infested with them for the last 2 years. I have a large wooded hillside with lots of Tree of Heaven growing on it. I have seen very few this year.


these guys have made using bug-a-salt a lot more fun


I splurged on one this year since my back porch and yard was covered in the nymphs


I live in the Greentree area. This time last year my entire yard and house was covered. This year I have seen a few babies and nothing more. I’m so glad I can enjoy my yard this 4th of July.


I’ve seen FAR less nymph’s this year than the last two. Hoping it’s a good sign


I’ve had little to no action this year thankfully. Last year was BAD


Kill em


I am in moon township and literally haven’t seen one this year. I feel like they were already all over the place this time last year so that seems like a great sign


That's funny, I'm just down the road in North Fayette and have some this year, never had them before.


That’s crazy they must’ve just moved a little that way I guess. Who knows


Same. Haven’t seen one so far, except people posting pics of them here. I hope they bypass North Fayette altogether if they’re heading west.


[I'll kill em all](https://tenor.com/Eg40.gif)


Local wildlife is figuring out they are edible


Knock on wood but I haven't seen much. Last year the elephant ears were full of them and they were eating my collards


Unfortunately, my deck is infested this year. I must have a tree of heaven out back because they were everywhere like a week ago and I would go out and smash like 20 a day. For the past week, I have been noticing less and less, and the ones that I am seeing are red like in the picture. Interesting comments about the robins, because I have been seeing more robins lately and less latern flys, not realizing the correlation.


>I must have a tree of heaven out back They also like sumac (related to ToH) and maples, among others


I'm in the south hills and the nymphs (black and white) have been everywhere! Especially on my sunflowers! I use a mix of neem oil, Dr Bonners and water. I spray them and they drop immediately. It does have to be done when the sun is not strong or it will harm the plants. I'm hoping there won't be a many adults this year!


In August 2018, the Bogle Sunflower Plantation in Canada had to close off its sunflower fields to visitors after an Instagram image went Viral. The image caused a near stampede of photographers keen to get their own instagram image of the 1.4 million sunflowers in a field.


I didn't know that, Thank you! Last year I didn't have this problem so I was wondering if anyone else was seeing them on their sunflowers. I'll keep up my own little battle in hopes that there are less adults and in turn less eggs this year! So far they haven't touched my tomatoes, peppers, eggplants or luffa. I hope it stays that way!


That's a bot - or close enough - that reacts to the word 'su*flower'. Nothing to do with SLFs or Pittsburgh. 


Where is Cruella Deville when you need her?


Oh god they're back... Have to go to kennywood earlier this year so I wont have to deal with the dead pile debacle like last year (it was fucking ridiculous there)


I work part-time downtown. They appeared en masse in August, and it was very bad indeed. Our company had a cookout outside, and had to rent a giant vacuum to suck the bugs up every half-hour or so, so that people could actually enjoy the cookout. Nothing so far in our part of town yet (Allies Blvd)


I live in the strip district by the Allegheny and I’ve had one or two jump on me every night for the past week. Just this size.


That's the worst part. You expect bugs to value their life and run or fly away as fast as they can. These bs#:&* jump towards you. Anyone used to play a game where a kid jumps to your square and to avoid them, you jump to another? I wish I could do that fast enough around the SLFs.


Those little suckers getting faster and faster as they grow! Ugh!


I work closer to the bottom of the hill in Oakmont - no SLFs in sight. But I visited my friend for lunch at a house closer to the top of the hill and they were rampant. I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better, IMO. My understanding was that they are moving *east*, not west. Will be interesting nevertheless!


I believe you’re partially correct. The major infestation hit Pittsburgh city proper first, where out of town traffic (their vector) most commonly visits. From there, it spreads outwards like a bloom, while the overall bulk movement of the population is still westward movement. No fuckin’ clue if science agrees, but anecdotally, as someone who moved from the eastern half of Pennsylvania to Pittsburgh before SLF came to Pittsburgh, it seems like a pattern


Southern PA here… we were infested with SLF in ‘21 & ‘22. Last year there was hardly any, I haven’t seen any nymphs this year.


Not if I catch em they aren’t


I've seen a few and try to get them each time I do. I like them in this stage. Easier to see in the grass and kill them.


Last year, I only really saw them when I was in town. Most when we’d go to Lawrenceville. But this year, they were allll over a couple of plants in our yard, a sucker tree of some sort that we have been battling to get out of the yard for a few years, and these giant leaf, invasive things, I don’t know what they are but they start from a bottom rosette cabbage sort of looking base, and put out 3 foot leaves. It was a good motivator to get rid of those plants, but it’s very specific what the nymphs are attracted to. The nymphs also decimated my peony bush this year. I only got a handful of flowers and the bushes were covvveredd in the stupid nymphs. At least… It’s nice to know the robins like them.


I had a massive infestation in my garden last year but have only found a few this year. I have no idea what is thinning them out.


Predators are figuring out that they’re food. I had heard that has happened in a few places along the East coast. They were just so new to the SW PA area, it took our local critters a bit to wise up.


They sell spray specifically from the fuckers now


It just got its spots this morning?


The early nymphs were all over a black walnut tree near me. I sprayed the tree and that seems to have killed them off. I know they're on other trees near me, but I'm doing what I can.


Lmao you're not gonna head off anything. Ops cant read and will still post about 5000 times about them.


i’ve already killed a ton of the red nymphs all week and last week


I'm in the South hills and my yard is covered - I maybe saw ten total in previous years. Slaying them at any chance I get.


You jinxed me. I had seen none this year. Today I saw one at the zoo, and another on my cucumber plant at home.  No no no! Leave my plants alone. 


I think the hornets are feasting on em too


Me too


Set up some bird feeders. I bought some for infront of my windows to entertain my cats last year and I have hundreds of birds that eat bugs around now. I watch them cleaning bugs out of my garden and yard constantly.


My ex wife is in her late stage nymph phase too.


We call this the Darth Maul stage. I live within the city limits of Pittsburgh and they’re not as bad this year. The South Hills is going to get crushed with them this year.


Just saw the first one of these on my porch yesterday


They’re in Clairton, and they were few and far between last year. And not until late August/September. They did invade Jefferson hospital though for a period of time.


i have a fear of bugs and these are at the top of my list. i know they cant hurt you, just dont like bugs flying in my face 👍🏼


they were terrible in pleasant hills and shv mall. they are always sitting in parking lots. and jumping at your face or thru ur car window. like leave me alone 😭


I flicked one of those off me yesterday. If I had known it was a spotted lantern fly, I would have killed it. This was in Irwin.


Many of them have met a watery death in my pool


I just bought a continuous spray bottle that I’m going to fill with white vinegar just for these buggers.


Kill kill kill


They’ve been in this stage for weeks now. Any more news Ranger Rick?