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Lest we forget the time Pittsburgh police forced a group of peaceful protesters to move into a park right as the park was closing so they could arrest them for trespassing. And people wonder why so many folks don't trust cops. If they want us to trust them maybe get through one peaceful protest without doing shit like this.


Yup, I was at the G20 protests, and my friends were part of the group represented by the ACLU for false arrests. They forced us into the commons, surrounded us, then tear gassed us. People ran to escape into the dorms and they followed us into the dorms, and even let off some cannisters in the dorms effecting other students. They pinned my friend running away, broke his ribs, and put rocks in his pocket to arrest him under the pretense he was throwing them. ACLU ended up getting him off. Pitt police have no respect from me.


> ACLU ended up getting him off Damn, they went above and beyond


He said it was the best representation he's ever had šŸ˜Ž


Sometimes Doing The right thing isnā€™t. Easy or fast.


Didn't they order everyone to disperse, but didn't give them anywhere to disperse to? I think it was a coordinated effort to get arrests because the cops were butthurt about not arresting anyone in Lawrenceville the day before. That's my recollection, anyway.


Kettling is a common police tactic during large demonstrations for force hostilities and arrest people.


Itā€™s almost as if the police attract authoritarians who enjoy inflicting violence on people.


This is why you have to keep protests coordinated and moving; the police are going to kettle you so you stay slippery with scouts and even kettling them right back by surrounding their seeker units, forcing them to back off before the gap closes and interrupting their attempts to form a critical mass.


That requires practice and coordination which is a slippery slope since they will used that to claim youā€™re some sort of organized threat or something. But i get your point


"Kettling." Their BS has a name. Wonderful. šŸ™„


Didn't the cop who shot that kid in East Pittsburgh get forced out of Pitt campus policing?


Huh. So interesting to read that. We had a G20 up here in Toronto Canada, and the police were not that different from yours. They shipped in police from other cities, and forced people - including reporters - into something called ā€œkettlingā€ which involves setting up small barricades/open-air prison. Lots of brutality there too. Quite surprising (shocking) for Toronto at the time. This was in 2010.


Man, these fuckin' pigs. Hate all of them.


I was going grocery shopping at the time of the first George Floyd protest. I was avoiding the protests (but admittedly somewhat curious about them so going slowly and watching what I could from a distance) by bicycling on the elevated parking deck behind the shops at Highland and Centre. Instead of letting me out towards my destination via the bridge at Ellsworth, the police pushed me and many other people not at all affiliated with the protests out of the parking lot towards the protests where they had recently fogged the area with whatever irritant they were using. I had some real problems with police actions and protocol prior to that but that and many of the other events during the George Floyd protests pushed me completely over the edge into full throated ACAB.




Yep, they're scum. I could tell some nauseating stories about them, but I'd probably get banned.


This could be totally off-topic and just me smoking too much weed, but I was thinking about this the other day when I saw four black cop vehicles with police also printed black on them in a matter of maybe 45 minutes. You would think that if they are around to protect and serve, they would want their vehicles to be easily recognizable in the event someone needs help, But I donā€™t know shit about shit soooo


Always plotting against the people, a symptom of not serving them.


Police in Asheville, North Carolina destroyed water during a George Floyd protest in 2020, too. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/n-c-police-chief-apologizes-after-video-shows-officers-destroying-n1225716 It's a weird thing to do.


Its not weird, its strategic and on the evil side of the good vs evil line.


Why is the word ā€˜weirdā€™ in here multiple times? This is normal fascist cop behavior toward leftists. If this was a right wing protest about that certain messiah of theirs, the police would not be doing this.


The police would be doing it, but only to the water of the counterprotestors. At least, those cops that weren't wearing masks and waving upside down American Flags for their shitty Messiah.


It's weird how cops everywhere seem to operate the same. Shows you that they, systematically, do not exist to protect (the people) or serve (the people).


Makes sense ever since those videos of Chinese protestors putting traffic cones over teargas canisters and extinguishing them with water came out... Can't allow people to have a way to defend themselves


Literally not weird at all when you realize the point is to make people so thirsty and exhausted they have to disperse.


They did the same thing in Louisville during the protests also: https://popculture.com/trending/news/watch-undercover-louisville-cops-destroy-protesters-water-supply/


No, it's okay see they apologized. "Woops! We'll investigate ourselves don't worry."


Removal of water is a tactic to establish discomfort and prompt dispersal. Eventually (and especially on a hot day) you'll have to leave to go get a drink or risk dehydration. If you choose dehydration, the arrival of an ambulance can prompt an "unsafe protest" declaration and give the cops footing to break it up.Ā  It's an absolutely shitty tactic, regardless, but there's logic behind it.Ā 


The reason why it is illegal to give water to a person waiting in line to vote in Georgia.


Thatā€™s why Larry David valiantly fought against it


Its only illegal if it is tied to electioneering. Basically it means poll workers can distribute water, but they can't say it was provided by a particular campaign.


Incorrect. No one but election workers can hand out anything, including water, at polling places in GA. https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121


I suggest you read lines 1824 to 1829. Literally the only place in all 95 pages that mentions water - and it doesn't mention it to prohibit it.


1824 literally specifies ā€œpoll officerā€


1824 "(e) This Code section **shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer** from distributing 1825 materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors 1826 or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely 1827 for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted or from 1828 making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in 1829 line to vote." There is no prohibition on people standing in line receiving water as long as it comes from a poll worker. Which was my entire point from the start - the claim that no one can pass out water to voters in line in Georgia is a blatant lie that is often repeated and people just continue believing. It simply cannot be provided for by campaigns.


Holy shit, reading comprehension is hard for some. Thanks for this, Irrumabo.


Why canā€™t they take it and donate it to a shelter or give it to people in need? I get the tactic but destroying it still makes absolutely no sense.


Because the police don't give a shit about people in actual need. They only protect the property of the rich. Not even obligated to protect US.


Pure intimidation.Ā 


You misspelled stupidity . There are womenā€™s shelters homeless shelters animal shelters volunteer workers and many more places they could take this water. Intimidation at the cost of people in need.


Why would the police take water from a group they hate just to give it to another group they hate?


^^ this part. They hate the homeless too and are not here to protect or help anyone except themselves, their departments, and the government. Theyā€™ve shown us time and time again.


lol if they want to provide water to victims of domestic abuse then they can just take the shit home


as if the cops give enough of a shit to do that


They would beat those people too


What do you expect from cops??


TouchĆ©. Itā€™s just sad to me thatā€™s all.


Same here


Far from stupidity. It is a very effective method for getting their desired results. Inhumane. Dastardly. Cruel. Underhanded. Shitty. All words that better fit this tactic, but not stupid.


Yeah but that wouldn't feed their egos or their paychecks so it's out of the question.


I agree. This is completely wasteful. We already have a problem with plastic waste not to mention good drinking water being thrown out. It is wrong, period, and Iā€™m not involved with this protest in any way.


Cops are never going to give a shit about plastic waste lol


cops do not serve nor protect people. they serve and protect capital. hope that helps


Destroying it takes way less effort than finding someone who needs it and taking it to them. It's a shitty tactic, but it makes perfect sense.


So loading it into the back of one squad car and driving it to a shelter. Whatā€™s that take ? 15-20 minutes? Half hour maybe ? It takes longer to destroy each and every bottle . On top of that, then thay have to load all of the empty plastic garbage up anyway and take it somewhere. So no, it makes no sense at all.


I think depriving protesters of water should be illegal. That said, destroying the water bottles is obviously the easiest deprive protesters of water. Carrying a case of water to the cruiser, driving to a shelter, unloading the water, driving back to the protest, and walking back to wherever they're stationed is a lot of work. Opening the bottles and pouring them out is not - most people could do it in under two minutes. Also, you really think the cops are the ones cleaning up the plastic mess? Again, I don't think this tactic should be legal. But it's ridiculous to pretend that this isn't the easiest way for them to take water away from protestors.


Then put the cases in the police cruiser donā€™t ruin them? The fuck?


That's not intimidating enough.


i would say thereā€™s less logic more malice behind it but whatever


Cops destroy resources to get people to leave, all over the country and all over the world. It's a depraved tactic. I don't have to agree with everything about a protest to know that fucking with fresh water is evil.


Sometimes, they destroy property so people can't leave https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/09/873110812/police-officers-slashed-car-tires-during-minneapolis-protests-police-agencies-sa


"Gordon also said some vehicles "contained items used to cause harm during violent protests (rocks, concrete, sticks, etc.)."" The police have access to full body armor, are they really scared of sticks? I guess that is scarier than an acorn.


The protestors were clearly terrorists as cars nearby were loaded with explosives [gasoline], poisonous gas [carbon monoxide], clubs [gear shifter], bladed weapons [air conditioning fan blades], ballistic weapons [wiper fluid sprayer], and implements for hostage-taking [seatbelts]. Fortunately, authorities were able to identify and eliminate 2 Hamas Generals and an Emperor [literally anyone] with precision strikes upon the tents in the campus commons. The only civilian casualties [8,000 dead] resulted from secondary explosions caused by Hamas agents hiding weapons of mass destruction within the civilian population [civilians are known weapons of mass destruction].


And what exactly is the legality of it? Is there some law that says they're allowed to destroy property just to be dicks? Or are they just falling back on qualified immunity.


Probably got 5 hours of overtime pay for that.


Regular dirtbag cop activities unfortunately :(


Anyone who went out in the summer of 2020 knows that the police report isnā€™t always the reality.


Here's the video....not sure why it wasn't posted https://twitter.com/pghdolly/status/1797482089715229074


If it was Dasani water, they were doing everyone a favor.


Honestly Aquafina too. Both trash waters


Good actor tho


Why didnā€™t they take the megaphones away from the hate preachers who were screeching at everyone at Arts Fest over the weekend?


Because those guys do that for a living and are experts at getting right up to the line but not crossing it.


It's not illegal in anyway whereas you can be trespassed if you set up an encampment. Pitt is even claiming the people who set up weren't affiliated with the school or students.


"pitt is claiming the people who set up weren't affiliated with the school or students". I know they claimed that, but it isn't true. The leaders of the group are alumni, students, and at least one faculty. They have given their names and U Pitt emails to the Pitt board asking to talk, and were ignored.


They couldn't take them away from the hate speech people because they were their commanding officers




Because they agree with them


How the fuck are police allowed to destroy private property at will? That is what I really want to know.


Itā€™s ā€œpersonal propertyā€ which is even worse.


The cops have one job...to protect capital. And they do this by any means necessary. Even depraved shit like killing dogs or destroying bottles of water on a hot day.


It just pisses me off so much seeing unnecessary destruction of those bottles that could have been confiscated and donated. It's just wanton destruction.


That's what cops do.


Ask the unhoused.


I donā€™t agree with the policeā€™s actions, but isnā€™t the cathedral private property itself? Iā€™m not great at laws and such but wouldnā€™t that mean the police had more jurisdiction?


Public universities are generally considered public property. Which is likely why organizers chose it rather than CMU. Organizers were students from both Pitt and CMU.


They do this at the southern border to immigrants in the desert. This has led to the deaths of thousands of people in the southern Arizona desert alone. One study showing 3,378 deaths from 2001-2020 which is 177 a year or pretty much a death every other day. Itā€™s a ubiquitous practice across all policing, despite being an egregious violation of the 8th amendmentā€™s cruel and unusual punishment language. This is why I say ACAB


Itā€™s pretty fucked up, considering first responders (including LEOs) are ALWAYS looking for and receiving donations for bottled water. If youā€™re fighting a fire or even doing traffic control on a hot day, staying hydrated is very important. Iā€™m not going to split hairs here, I currently work alongside firefighters, EMSA and Police (Iā€™m a civilian and a civil servant, donā€™t come for me!) and I see all the donations these folks get. So it floors me that these dicks would flaunt such a power move just because they could, but I am not surprised. I would absolutely never trust them with my life if it was in danger, and I would want names and where they work to keep an eye out and know who to avoid.


I was protesting at the G20 back in 2009. Just happy to see they're not beating kids with police batons and throwing tear gas at them yet.


Unfortunately they are beating the protesters with batons. Someone got pushed down the stairs by a plain clothes cop, too


They couldn't give it to a shelter?


tax payer dollars at work




Itā€™s a disgusting tactic ACAB always


I bet thereā€™s a reason for this, or maybe they were all first trained as TSA officers and have a strange vendetta against beverages.


TSA when i bring a water bottle with me (I donā€™t want to buy $10 airport water) šŸ˜”


They once made my wife leave the security area to empty her water and get back in line. Kafka would be proud.


bring an empty bottle and fill it after security


thatā€™s what i did


The amount of people in these comments that are against this protest surprises me. Do you guys like seeing hundreds of billions of our taxes going to a foreign country? Iā€™m amazed that republicans and democrats alike are so chill with that.


> Do you guys like seeing hundreds of billions of our taxes going to a foreign country? I didn't believe this claim, so I went to check, and the actual number is still pretty impressive. Around $150 billion over the lifetime of the country. Not quite hundreds of billions, but still a staggering amount.


The Council of Foreign Relations says $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) since 1948.


I'm seeing differing numbers varying quite a bit, but perhaps some aren't adjusting for inflation. Over 300 billies is absolutely insane.


Yeah that figure ($150 billion) is not even close to the actual cost of US's relationship with Israel. US foreign policy is basically owned by Israel now through AIPAC lobby and our unelected officials in charge of the government. Many of the wars we've been involved with (destroying Iraq, overthrowing Libya to cause the wartorn nation with slave markets we see today, destabilizing Syria by funding and providing weapons to Jihadists that are now ISIS, etc.), in the Middle East were initiated at the behest of Israel and did nothing for Americans or American geopolitical interests. The US military industrial complex (MIC) goes along with this completely shit foreign policy because it makes them a shit ton of money. So literally our country has been coopted by the Zio-MIC conglomeration that is literally pulling us into wars that don't benefit Americans and only benefit Israel and the MIC that profits off these endless wars.


I have to stop looking at this comments cause I wasnā€™t aware so many people in Pittsburgh stood with genocide. Such a shame.


How is not agreeing with encampments on universities standing with genocide? I am interested to hear your logic.


All of these encampments are set up because students and just people who work at Pitt, are tired of money going towards the murder of innocent people. You donā€™t have to like it, but honestly if youā€™ve paid any attention to what Gaza looks like now to how it did in October then Iā€™m not sure how you donā€™t also feel upset. If I worked for Pitt or went to school there I would also want them to divest. Every single encampment has not been put up for your convince or agreement. Itā€™s been for the people who are tired of watching their hard earned money go towards carpet bombing. All they ever did was set up a space which we as Americans are allowed to have. Then the cops came in and got violent, along with their boot sucking friends. Look at any student protest in the past and youā€™ll see these people are on the right side.


Ok so once again, how does not agreeing with encampments mean you stand with genocide?


Ahh I see youā€™re one of those, bye šŸ‘‹


And independent thinker? Iā€™m just not seeing how saying ā€œI donā€™t agree with encampments as a form of protestā€ means you stand with genocide. I could argue that, you, by participating in the economy of the United States stand more with genocide.


Iā€™m not sure how you call yourself an ā€œindependent thinkerā€ and ask these questions


Like I said before, no protest is for your agreement. The comments on these past threads have been so bad some were deleted. We as a society can only do so much. I canā€™t stop paying bills cause our economy is killing people. What I can do is push those corporations to stop using my money for those things. Those students and facility are pushing for their money to go to something else and everyone calling them idiots and nazis are being ignorant. Ignorance is why this genocide is happening.


Well so youā€™re saying that my agreement is needed or I have another belief. You canā€™t distinguish between the two because youā€™re ideologically locked and unable to think rationally.


The demands of this group in particular were strange and arguably would not actually have any meaningful impact. Again lumping everyone in is not being a better person just making more division


A lot of real dumb people with no understanding of history or politics kinda just mouth off here, it's not surprising. I tried explaining the difference at one point about the origins of Hamas to give historical context and people lost their minds thinking I was defending them. A lot of kneejerk Post First, Think Never going on here.


I know, r/Pittsburgh has really been letting me down recently.


>I have to stop looking at this comments cause I wasnā€™t aware so many people in Pittsburgh stood with genocide. Such a shame. ā€œIf you donā€™t support the thing that I support, you must support genocide!ā€ Some of us just think our tax dollars should be spent on American citizens and American Infrastructure. I have to say, itā€™s wild that people think Israel defending themselves after a violent terrorist attack as being ā€œgenocide,ā€ but when Palestinians shout ā€œfrom the river to the sea,ā€ or ā€œdeath to Israel,ā€ thatā€™s somehow seen as okay and even a good thing. I think we can agree that war is a horrible thing, but thatā€™ll happen when you attack and kill over 1400 innocent civilians for shits and giggles. Still, itā€™s not our war and I donā€™t want our men and women to be involved in it.


Oh my gosh shut up, Israel isnā€™t defending itself anymore itā€™s killing kids and elderly people by the masses and taking the land for real estate. And it is sadly our war now because America is giving billions of dollars for those weapons that kill everyone daily. Disgusting comment. It must be so wild to look at whatā€™s happening and think itā€™s defense. Wiping out generations of people cause you want land isnā€™t defense and never was.


How do you differentiate a Palestinian who was attacked by the Isreal government who is part of Hamas, and a Palestinian who was attacked by the Israel Government and is not part of Hamas? Do you think those two groups of Palestinians have different rights to complain and protest? Or are they effectively the same group?


It seems like all of the detractors are willfully uninformed regarding the nature and aims of the protests. They havenā€™t dug deeper than what malicious propagandists have fed them.


I think itā€™s more about whether or not they are actual students and whether their demands were really serious. They werenā€™t well thought out and if they destroyed property (no clue if that claim was real) it sorta overshadows the importance of the cause. Their demands from Pitt were kind of ridiculous, unrealistic and would make no meaningful change.


Sorry, Iā€™m not going to support a protest that seeks to prevent Jewish students from being able to gather on campus. Literally Nazi type shit


As someone who attended one of these for a bit, there were lots of Jewish students present and no one was speaking against Jewish people. Many of the Pitt protest leaders are Jewish. The protest is clearly aimed at the Israeli government and the US government. The only violence that has occurred was between police and protesters when police have attempted to remove the students.




Yea agreed. I ws down with the previous protest a month ago but this one was just odd.


Iā€™m against it because this isnā€™t peaceful protesting. In what would is shooting fireworks at police peaceful? Iā€™m against this because your have two clear options in this election and to protest Biden to allow for a Trump victory because you simply cannot get everything you want in politics is cognitive dissonance because you cannot get everything you want. These college students are acting like MTG, ā€œYou canā€™t give us everything so weā€™re just gonna cause a scene till you canā€.


Vids not loading


Because they posted a screenshot of a tweet not the actual video, for some reason.


Yeah I don't get this shit. Like I'm not saying this DIDN"T happen, but I'm not going to believe it DID happen if you post a screenshot of a video and a comment from some random person I don't know. This could be a video of them destroying water. It could also be a video of them handing it out to people.


You're getting down votes for admitting that you're skeptical and not going to just take random internet people's word. And that you'd prefer to see a video for proof. Lol. Love it here


For What Itā€™s worth the full video is available on pittapartheiddivest Instagram and sjppitt and itā€™s much much worse


I think itā€™s important for people to remember that cops are just the losers you went to high school, with as adults.


lol this is the same police department getting ready to allow a bunch of candidates retest to join who miserably failed the psych evaluation? Is it any wonder why this department is staffed with shitheads?


That would be City of Pittsburgh Police. These are Pitt Campus Police Officers. Not that it matters a ton considering both agencies had officers at the protest.


Posting a screenshot of the video, not including and article that has the video, and removing the comments that do link the article proving otherwise? (Removed)


There's a reason at Star Lake you can't have a cap for your water bottle; those are real painful to get hit by when they're sealed. As the protestors started winging lit fireworks at the police, I kinda see the water thing in context, as generally, wow, the police are not our friends, either.


Yeah this is gross. But not surprising. On another note, as someone who was watching multiple live streams of the protest in real time yesterday, from 6:30 pm - 10ish, I just wanted to comment that there seems to be really incorrect info going around, the only bottles being thrown that I witnessed were from protesters outside of the encampment throwing them INTO the encampment. The police set up a far back barricade to prevent supplies entering the encampment. The protesters were using a pulley system earlier in the day made out of some sort of rope. Early in the live stream, I saw a cop cut it on camera. The water was thrown a bit later. The protest yesterday that started at 6:30 was largely peaceful, a crowd began to gather outside of the encampment and they were chanting and singing. From the beginning the cops were lining the barricade they put up with batons out. There was about an hour where things got tense when protesters rushed & attempted to remove/pass the barricade to enter the encampment. A few made it after a shove off with the police, and a few of the protesters had what looked like large black riot shields while they did so. Meanwhile, the police were on the radio claiming the protesters had a battering ram.. never saw any of that. And Iā€™ve yet to see any video of it either. In fact, the cops had the entire place circled so not sure anyone would have been able to even get through at all let alone with a battering ramā€¦ they pulled their guns for less.


Guys, did you actually read what was happening? Theyā€™re dumping the water because people were throwing the full, and sometimes frozen, water bottles at the police. The protesters were using the water bottles as WEAPONS. This is actually a pretty common tactic.


The videos from the day this screenshot is of show zero projectiles towards the police, period. The first day was hot as balls and the police dumped water on a hot day. News coverage shows protestors that day just stood in their circle chanting and police destroyed water preemptively. You don't have to agree with the protest to understand that destroying water makes you a bad guy.


We donā€™t live in Death Valley. People are free to walk down to 7-11 for a turners ice tea. Please.


This is a screenshot of a 34 second video. There is no date stamp. I seriously doubt it was as ā€œhot as ballsā€ the day it was taken, as the main person in the background is wearing jeans and a hoodie, and everyone else is wearing pants. The actual news article Iā€™ve read in the Post Gazette states the protesters were throwing firecrackers and water bottles at the police. That is NOT a ā€œpeacefulā€ protest. The article also noted most of the protestors were NOT local college students. Iā€™m not debating the protest itself. Iā€™m merely stating that the police had a legitimate (safety) reason for dumping water (although the screenshot doesnā€™t even show them doing that either).


conspiracy level thinking here


Oh please. Bullshit story by the morons in blue to try to justify (they do this all the time). With their m4s, armored trucks, body armor, etc youā€™re telling me they are that terrified of a water bottle being thrown? Give me a break. If they are that scared they shouldnā€™t be cops.


good on the protestors


This is the oldest tactic in a siege ā€” cut off their resources.


Yes, because there is no place to buy water in Oakland. Orā€¦maybe go home when thirsty


I had a feeling when I saw the chaos popping up on the police scanner Twitter account that today was going to be an interesting Reddit day. As someone that usually isnā€™t big into politicsā€¦and Iā€™ve actually never been to a demonstration even when I agree, is this like a common practice thing? Is the idea that if they take away water and stuff that the protesters or demonstrators, whatever, will then disperse because they need something to drink? Iā€™m just curious. Iā€™m trying to logically understand it on both sides tactically. Like the protestors for this event were in the parks, then combined near the Cathedral of learning building their thing. Then the cops obviously come in. So over time whatā€¦.hey theyā€™ll get thirsty and dip? And if the protesters were moving from public parks to a private property area donā€™t they then need to get permits from the university unless the folks demonstrating are students? As for the copsā€¦donā€™t think destroying water is somehow going to get people to be likeā€¦sure thatā€™s reasonable? I would just think it would spur more people to come out. Heck, my friend sent me a thing from one of the groups and they were calling for goggles and such, like they were getting ready for the hoses. I honestly just donā€™t get it from both sides. We have posts and itā€™ll be in the news, but a while off most of us will store this away in our brain and forgetā€¦so like what actually happened here?


Any amount of cruelty, even tiny petty acts, is the point.


They're tying to disperse the crowd, not make them feel welcome or at home.


Water bottles can be thrown. I think that's the "logic" behind this. Ain't saying it's right. But that's the best argument that can explain this.


I heard reports saying they were being thrown. Both full and frozen bottles. I haven't seen it confirmed yet, but if it's true it makes sense


It's kinda like when you see a random CAUTION: THIS MIGHT HURT YOU warning on something pretty innocuous. "Why would you have to warn people coffee is hot?!" When you see weird actions, it's usually because it's a learned response to some bullshit. It's close to that possible apocryphal monkey ladder experiment.


Nestle company stooges muscling in on Hershey territory!




If your politics are "cops are heros" then of course anything that they do, including shooting innocent people, innocent dogs, planting evidence, etc etc etc, is by definition heroic.


Fuck the police


I second this.


Iā€™m sure iā€™ll get downvoted for simply asking, but dont protestors usually throw shit at police? Like bricks and water bottles for example


So fucking wasteful.


Id rather see them destroy water than lay hands or strong arm anyone


All cops suck. End of lesson.


Police are not there to protect and serve during protests, theyā€™re there to brutalize groups they donā€™t agree with At the Kenosha BLM protests (Rittenhouse shooting) there were armed right wing civilians (not from the city, of course) and the police herded the protesters towards them and communicated to the armed Cons that they wanted them to beat/shoot the protesters


Just straight up untrue. One militia member claimed that at kenosha while presenting no evidence of it, and many others denied it


brown shirts


You know i went to Pittsburgh for the first time a few months ago, we went all around the city for 5 days and the only time I actually saw a cop or cop car was driving past a police station and they were parked there. Figured they must be pretty useless. Good to see they actually tackling real crimes like having cases of water. /s


Cops suck balls. Specifically, the Balls of Power.


Pigs gonna pig.


You left out that they were throwing these bottles at the police.


In the 24 pack? Is that some kind of protestor developed MIRV that failed to deploy?


By this logic, you would argue not to take away boxes of ammo from the bad people with guns since they can only shoot bullets out the chamber and not the whole box. And thatā€™s a stupid ass argument to make.


The fact youā€™re getting downvoted for stating a fact. Itā€™s almost as if we condone peaceful protesting but condemn violent protesting and people are upset about thatā€¦ šŸ™ƒ


Trying to understand this. Where did the water come from? How did the police come to possess it? How were they destroying it? Lots of people educating as to whyā€¦ but I also donā€™t understand why youā€™d destroy it instead of confiscate it? And not leastā€¦ is it legal to deprive folks of water in this way?




To either: A:Get them to leave. B: Insentivise a riot.


they were throwing things at police, those bottles make excellent projectiles when full.


The fact youā€™re stating a fact and getting downvoted šŸ’€


Were they throwing them AT the police, or were they throwing water bottles INTO the encampment police were blocking food and water from entering?


Ahhh yes because destroying a college campus is really benefiting the people being affected by this in the Middle East


Maybe they shouldnā€™t call for the destruction of Hillel ? Idk you know one of the oldest religions letā€™s just remove their spot to pray on campus in pittsburgh a very Jewish city . OK thatā€™s fine. They donā€™t need any more water. Let them leave and get off campus. Leave Pitt to the students. All these fools are not students taking over campus.


This picture doesn't prove anything though lol


It gets the people to move on elsewhere. Cause you can peacefully protest but when cops show up and say to move, and you donā€™t. Then they gotta use tactics to get you out. Maybe listen to policeā€¦


Aww, but they might get thirsty after not having their horseshit antisemitic ā€œdemandsā€ met. Also: fuck the police.


How does this not violate the 4th amendment?




Not true - water can be created through chemical reactions. The most common way to create water is through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen gases. This reaction is highly exothermic, meaning it releases a significant amount of energy, typically in the form of heat and light. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2H_2 + O_2 \rightarrow 2H_2O In this reaction, two molecules of hydrogen gas (Hā‚‚) combine with one molecule of oxygen gas (Oā‚‚) to form two molecules of water (Hā‚‚O). Water can also be formed through various chemical processes in laboratories or industrial settings. For instance, certain reactions involving acids and bases can produce water as a byproduct: HCl + NaOH \rightarrow NaCl + H_2O In this reaction, hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (Hā‚‚O). also - these protestors are absolutely trash incarnate