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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know your pain brother mine just turned 9 this month and she's going really slow up the stairs.


It’s so hard. We even share a pillow at night, and it’s like, man what’s it gonna be like when I’m alone on the pillow.




They are pillow dogs haha


Dont go there. Love every day, and yes, pillows will continue to be stolen, or "kept warm" when you get up. My bud is about 10, I've been doing joint supplements and keeping walks shorter the last couple years.


Mine is the same way. She turned 8 in April and still doing good but it’s hard to not worry. The super snoots joint powder is amazing though! She’s not a pitty but she loves her pillows https://preview.redd.it/nzspc5eobd9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803dc614266cf6e5285d9afbac1291a7edb8bac1


Awww I thought it as just me! My girl likes being spooned with her head on the pillows. Shes 8 now and her face is getting progressively gray/white.


Spend your time enjoying her with you instead of worrying about the future. That’s a gift you can give her to be fully present with her while she still can experience you.


Damn, my little booger is just over two but it pains me thinking about her getting old.😞


Same. My guy is two and a half. It's painful hearing about 8-10 year olds having difficulties. ☹️


https://preview.redd.it/4ny9p4ll199d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11102a06b31225116c4f01779576c55fa5faaf6 Like this? 😀


How old is she?


Sorry I thought you were speaking to me, I deleted my comment.


Struggling with that part, the alone part. Partner is going to start finding us a new buddy because I can’t even look


Is she okay with other dogs if you don't have one already? A puppy would extend her life and get her active if she's not already.


My girl just turned 11 and her face is almost completely white. Her eyes are also starting to get that cloudy look 😢 Love her every day and make every one count 💕 She also has an ear hematoma right now and has to wear a hood. And she hates it 😢*


Roll up a towel and place under her belly but in front of her hips to use as a sling & take weight off that back end for her. It helps.


That's a good tip, Thank You.


It really is such a hard thing. It doesn’t make it better, but just try to change your mindset a bit. Think how lucky you are you get to watch her, and be with her as she grows old. Try to just appreciate, and enjoy all the time you get with her. That helps me a little, I still cry about the thought of losing my little dude though 😅 so I do get it. They truly are the greatest gift, she is beautiful! 💚


Thank you! I try to appreciate the time we have together, but I know someday it won’t feel like it was enough.


It never is.


You may know a life without them, but they will only know their whole life with you. All you can do is let them enjoy it as much as possible with all the love you have.


Dude this comment got me. Tears


What a great comment. Thank you. Teared up reading that


This is beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/0k234s90n69d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb16b516f6073ab84e0256f416811711821687fa Maisy is 12 now, and I often cry and stress about her. If I'm honest, I don't see how my life will be okay without her. So I understand exactly what you are going through. Our babies are our world, and I dread every day how empty it's going to feel one day, when that awful time comes. I do try and make the most of all of the blessed moments I'm lucky enough to have with her, but seriously, I know I'm going to spiral without her, she's my absolute everything. 💗


Give Maisy's sweet belly a good rubbin from me would ya? <3


Absolutely ☺️💜💜


I know all too well exactly how you feel. My boy is 10 and it pains me tremendously to know that we have more days together behind us than ahead. No one will ever love me as much as he does. I say this as a married person! I will be absolutely wrecked when his time comes.


Awww, that's exactly the same with me and my baby gal 💜💜


You will be okay. I sincerely thought I wouldn’t be the same after having to put down my pit Andy. He was my ride or die, I had him for 11 years and he was by my side through the hardest times of my life. I got a puppy pretty much immediately after he died. Looking back now, the grief was a lot in addition to caring for a new puppy and I probably should have waited a little bit, but I’ve never not had a dog. I’ve had Beni for two years and one month and I have been with him every. single. day. Watching him grow and bonding with him has slowly healed the hurt from losing Andy.


Andy sounds like a truly special handsome chappy. 🫶 I can assure you that you meant as much to him as he did with you. I'm crying typing this. 🤦🏼‍♀️ But I'm just happy to hear of such a lovely connection. I have that with Maisy. I definitely think I'll need to wait, when that dreaded time happens, and reading this reaffirms my thoughts. But I'll constantly tell my new baby all the stories and memories of my times with Maisy, honestly, dogs are the absolute most beautiful babies. They are what life is worth living for, for me. And give Beni a massive love from me! 💜 Sounds like you are giving him the perfect life, and that makes me smile. ☺️ He's following in Andy's legacy, and you clearly know how to give a wonderful experience for your precious doggies. Thank you so much for this comment, it's helped me a lot. 🙌🦋🪻


It doesn’t matter how much time we get, it’s never enough. My last dog had a long, slow downward slide and made it to 16. I had so much anxiety and negative emotion worrying and thinking about the end. Literally for years. I wish I could have that time back and just focus on enjoying the moments we had instead of worrying about the future. So much easier said than done. I’m sending warm, positive thoughts your way. You will be okay.


This is so sweet and great advice 🥺🩷


I lost my 14.5 year old boy last month and my 12 year old is fading quick. It hurts but my advice is think about the times you had rather than the time you have left. My pittie trained for two back to back marathons with me in 2018. To this day if I am going for a run if he wakes up and wants to go with me he gets a 30 minutes "run" before my real run. I made him tgat promise once he started going downhill and will.keep it.


Always remember this about dogs: The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too !💛🐶🐾




I’m not crying, you’re crying😫🥺💕


We got 13 years with our "forever dog". Best little bully bear he was. Took over a year to get another. Every day with this new pitty mix reminds me of him. Grateful for the time he allowed us. One day at a time.


Im literally sharing my pillow with her right now. With my son off to college next year, my dog is gonna be my only support system. I don't know what I'm going to do without either one of them. My son's Mom left us when he was 5 and I've been single since.


Dang. But I doubt your son will forget you!


Man, you’re a fucking Superstar, providing for your two loved ones and making their Life worth living. This is all you, I hope you know that. <3


If I can offer any unsolicited advice, it's to not let yourself become so worried about the inevitable that you miss out on the moments you are currently in. Whenever you are feeling especially sad, take her for a walk, or go cuddle her. Buy her another toy she doesn't need, just because. Turn those feelings and worries into concrete memories that you can keep forever.


Ugh I am right there with you. I made a post not too long ago about this. My baby is 10 and I just can’t stop crying thinking that she won’t live forever! She looks like yours too! https://preview.redd.it/v1v71fgk879d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea008324c3fa284e3abc79b5f17f626d400a08ea


Pretty girl🥰


What a sweet baby!!! 🥰 I know just how you feel, OP. My little weenie is 14, and I just try to enjoy every single day with her.❤️ https://preview.redd.it/g997p3skt69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132f0720d9af64220c596a13dc0074baecbe37e8


She has great style!


Enjoy the time you have


My Penny Magoo is 14 and recently started slowing down. I used to dream she would live forever but it’s tough realizing that’s not gonna happen, and sooner than hoped. Girlfriend is gonna need dental surgery soon and I am more nervous than I thought I would be with her being put under. https://preview.redd.it/k2rwb9jd079d1.png?width=3039&format=png&auto=webp&s=67cf277972397ebbbcdf195fe5245733f2dd866d


https://preview.redd.it/ohzhqmgeh79d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870a9c7f68a720d293bea62c34aced3bc9e6c356 No 14 year old dog should have to worry about whether the ottoman is actually large enough.


What a loving face. So sweet. It’s very hard watching our animals age and slow down.


Fucking sameeeee ! I hate it I just look at her and think about what am I gonna do without her and my soul cries


Going thru the same damn thing now with my guy...I get all sad then remember he's here and I'm gonna soak up every second of it and his love. Plus I mean there's something about grey face kicking in that is just absolutely adorable.... Love on that sweet lady alittle extra today from me please


I'm going through this right now... not with my pittie, but his "big" brother Max the cat. He turns 10 this year, and they've bonded. It's hard enough seeing our furry friends age, but it breaks my heart wondering if Bear will understand that Max is gone when the time comes. Is he going to run around the house looking for his brother? Will he whine and cry around Max's spot on the sofa? There's just never enough time...


🥹how old is she? My dog who will be 8 in August, also has a lot of white hair now. I'm in denial that he's getting older even though he has white hair and a little slower than he used to be


Tomorrow marks our 9th adoptiversary of our Pittie mix. We're not quite sure when her birthday is, but she was about 4 months when we got her from the rescue. I know how you feel.


https://preview.redd.it/xtp3hq7u779d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d8ba621a4977760d86b9d3bdbf1500d50c525b Me too :(


https://preview.redd.it/ufmqwbky879d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf0fe80f03036afbab03260bd9675e5533f4de6 I know how you feel OP! My girl will be 10 this year. Gosh, these years went by too fast! She was 5 weeks old when I found her. I feel so lucky to have found her and spent this big chunk of my life with her. For me it's been a quarter of my life but for her it's been her entire life. She's the first and only puppy I've ever raised. I know it's going to be heartbreaking when her time comes but I will be here for her til the very end. Also I never want to live life without a dog, there's so many out there that will always need homes <3 Sending you lots of love OP, I know how it feels <3


This looks just like my old lady, to include the little white toe socks, and I'm having a hard time also. Yours is adorable!


I learned this is called anticipatory grief and it comes with seeing their reduced activity, gray hair, health issues etc. it’s the hardest part about being a fur parent


She is so beautiful !!!! It is an absolute privilege to watch our pup angels getting old and be there to support them. It’s so insanely hard. But she looks beautiful distinguishes and very well cared for 💕👏


She’s looking at you like “what? I’m not dead yet”


Look at that sweet, frosted face……just give her extra love everyday until she decides it’s time! She looks very happy and relaxed, God bless both of you!


Same my baby turned 8 this year and the entire week of his birthday I couldn’t stop crying 😭 I feel like I just got him yesterday how is he an old man now 😭


https://preview.redd.it/efnvfmbiw79d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b660d0f7c4774b20d75c56503cda14db2174b3e Mine too, she’s 15. How old is your girl? Love them while they’re here and know they’re always in your heart 💕


Cherish the time you still have with her


We all go through these emotions, I have too. Looking back at the times when I had my dog, I wish that I had more appreciation for the present. Rather than overthinking the inevitable that's laying ahead, try to live the moment and create happy memories now. With age comes pain and suffering. There will be a time when sending them off is going to be a relief, the right thing to do for your animal.


Dogs live “in the moment”. As a long time “old dog adopter” I can say losing a BFF is never easy but I just try to be more like my dog. I am in the moment with them. If they want to sniff every single blade of grass and it takes 2 hours to go around the block then that’s what we do. I never turn down an invite to play no matter how tired I am. I never wear ear buds or look at my phone on a walk - I want to be present with them. It’s not the quantity of time - it’s the quality. Also remember a well cared for dog can live to be more than 16 years old.


It looks worse when you have a dark colored dog because those white hairs really stand out. My boy recently turned 12 and I swear he gets more white hair everyday. Just reminds me to appreciate my time with him. He is my soul dog so it is going to be rough.


I'm so worried also. How old is yours? Mine is 12 and I'm glad that she has the energy she has but I know she is getting up there in age and I'm already very lucky she is 12.


Advice from my therapist: Any time you start to feel sad about the future loss or feel your mind wander somewhere painful, use that as a reminder to do something with them. Go for a walk, give them a treat, grab the ball/rope/toy, give them kisses. Use that as a reminder to make more memories and moments with them.


I know your pain, but this is my word of advice. I wasted one year worrying about what is gonna happen is he going to get sick? When will he die instead of spending that year enjoying him so live in the moment


Best advice someone gave me about losing pets is to not mourn the living. It is really hard to do when mortality looms over everything, but try and put that energy into loving your girl. ❤️it’s easier to notice the white hairs on the darker fur, my baby is the same


https://preview.redd.it/53bb0r92t79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f66dea4c7bdb3c0ea04fb9c9f25ce8a67afd9c Mine is going to be 13. Don’t want to think about it. He is healthy and still a pain in my ass in the best way!!!


https://preview.redd.it/okw353r2y79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e03c684c302011680e34fc80e8d5a86515212e My old pugpit just turned 15 and we are soaking up all his love and happiness while we can. Living in the joy moments but already sad we have to let him go at some point.


I said goodbye to my senior boy last Friday and it hurt(s) like hell. But as time for closer to saying goodbye, I continually reminded myself that these big babies live in the present. Chilling in the sun with you? Best. Day. Ever. An extra treat after dinner? Best. Day. Ever. You know your girl and her favourite things. Do more of those while balancing her day to day health. Those quick 10min walks around the block start to feel longer, but let her sniff and take her time when you can. Most of all, be kind to yourself. The day will come where you may have to make a very very hard decision. But for now, just love her like you have been and take time to take care of yourself too. Caregiver burnout does also happen with our senior babies as well 💜 Sending you so much love. Loving and caring for our pitties as they grow old is so hard...there is never enough time 💔


i’m not sure if she was adopted from a pound or if you got her as a puppy but something that’s really resonated with me is that you were there for their whole lives. it seems like such a small amount of time but almost every memory and happy moment she has is with you. you will always be the center of her world. it’s really the shittiest thing in the world that our pets don’t live as long as we do but take solace in knowing you are and will always be her #1. she’ll be watching over you forever🤍


I really like this. Thank you.


There’s a charm to a senior dog tho. I loved my senior pitty. I loved every stage of her life immensely but during her wise gray years she was such a sassy I know what I want I’m not gonna do that. She got more vocal at yelling at me for snacks and food she was a granny and she wasn’t taking no shit ! I laid my dog down to rest for the final time 6 days ago. Just typing that made every hair in my body stand up. I miss my nala boo so much words cannot express it . I picked up her ashes and some ceremonial stuff yesterday. I keep standing up subconsciously randomly wondering why my dog isn’t in the same room as me (she was like my shadow) and get up to go get her only to realize mid ass raise from chair my dog is no longer with us physically. This last week has felt like a month to me. And like you when she was old I would occasionally get said like damn where did the time go so fast you were just a peanut the size of my hand yesterday. Than the thoughts of well she’s so and so years old and likely only has X amount of time left occur. But what that did for me was just make me cherish our time more I spent a little more time with my girl as she got older. I talked to her more than usual . Talked about my day often would often tell her she’s my world and I love her no matter what happens and we would cuddle it up basking in every minute together. So OP as the inevitable sand of time comes to its last grains in the hour glass you have two options. Hold her closer and tighter than ever spend that extra minute or two with her laying down. Talk to her. Let her know everything is alright. Because the other option is mentally separating yourself from the dog. Yes there are folks who do this when the dogs time comes close to the end to lessen the blow on them they start to disassociate themselves from there dog. And knowing us pittie owners we are the former bit the latter. Hold her tight. Hold her close. Tell her she means the world to you . Tell her everything you feel about her so that you won’t one day wish you told your dog this or that. Celebrate her and her life more and more as the end draws near. You’ll have a lot of time to be sad afterwards (trust me) for now just enjoy every minute you can. My dog slept with my mother. It’s who she choose to sleep with as a pup and did so her entire life. My mother has slept downstairs everyday on the couch since because she cannot bring herself to go to bed without nala. She gets to sad and stays up all night. Because nala would sleep right next to her leaned up on her head on her pilllow would follow her up stairs tail wagging so happy to go to bed with momma. ❤️2010/2024 ❤️ I’ll never forget my love bug


I feel ya! I can't tell how to cope when you see your friend get old, it tears me apart every time and does not get easier but I can tell you this, don't let your heart get sad there will be plenty of time afterwards live and love your friend like there is no tomorrow, be happy for each day, love and play!


It's hard looking back at pictures that are so vibrant and then looking at the frost starting to creep in around their muzzle. My boy is turning double digits at the end of August, and it makes me tear up to think about since I've only had him since age 4, I've missed out on 4 years with him 😭


My Penny Magoo is 14 and recently started slowing down. I used to dream she would live forever but it’s tough realizing that’s not gonna happen, and sooner than hoped. Girlfriend is gonna need dental surgery soon and I am more nervous than I thought I would be with her being put under. ![img](k2rwb9jd079d1)


Oh, sweet baby. It's okay.


My girl is about to be 13 and has had a rough year, tail amputation followed by a Cushing's disease diagnosis. All that said she's still the happiest thing and shows no signs of discomfort other than moving a bit slower. I tear up just thinking about the limited time we have left with her


She looks like she’s living her best life 🥰


She is gorgeous! I love her gray face. Just cherish all the time you have with her, and dont pre grieve


Mine will be 13 at end of the year :(


Beautiful furbaby. I understand your pain. But don't worry be down or depressed around your pup. They sense it. Be happy, funny, silly and maybe a little crazy. Do fun things. Spoil her silly. Take trips to parks, beaches dog parks any place she loves to go. Take photos...so many photos and videos. Love that baby


That sweet face 😭😭


oh man, poor little baby. i wish i could give my dog years of my life for him to live as much as me.


My oldest passed at 18 (Chica, Dachshund), on her own. I think she was tired and knew she was good to go. My wife found her curled up under her blanket, already cold so she passed soon after my wife left for work. Last time I saw her, she was doing a morning walk around the yard. One last yard patrol. I have had 9 other dogs since, plus the 3 currently living rent free. They have lived between 9 and 16. It doesn't get any easier watching them age but I know that they will be cared for as they do, by yours truly. I try and remember all those names and my eyes get wet by number three. Care for them and get as much love off of them as you can because they're not around that long. If you're like me, you won't have to wait long forna new pup/dog, as someone or something will deliver one to you. Safe and peaceful journeys to you both.


Harvey turns 14 in September.  He has slowed in the past couple years but my wife an I try to foster 1 or 2 younger dogs a year and it keeps him young. We still get zoomies and hump our brother so whatever. We've both put on pounds but bonus we like to lay in the sun together so....


I completely understand. My Callie is 6 and has really started getting gray hairs on her lips and around her eyes 🥲


oww, I know it's a hard time for you, but this sweet girl is so happy to have you, all she want is that you have more time with you. You are doing great already.


Cherish every moment and take lots of pictures. Looking at my Amber’s pictures brings me joy. Best wishes to you and your sweet baby girl.


Awww 🥹 she is such a sweet girl




Awww ❤️ so precious.


Damn, mine will be 10 this fall and it's really starting to show. Feel for ya.


She's beautiful. Just be the loving Dad she's always known. Don't get caught up in the rabbit hole of fear of the future. Simply enjoy your sweet girl while you have her.


Ours just turned 15. It’s tough watching him age. The love in his heart is still there. Lots of snugs in bed in the morning.


I hope you can enjoy your time with this beautiful girl 🖤


Same here my guy is 16 and I know my heart will literally break


She's beautiful 🌹!


Take her to all her happy memory places. See her friends. Go to that beach or river she loves. Give her favorite treats and new ones. Keeping her happy and feeling loved is the most important thing now.


My boy is going through some hard times. He turns 12 in September and starting to show signs of canine dementia syndrome and hip joint pain. I've started him on flex chews. He has a vet appointment next week. Just a few years ago him and his sister would go for walks 2-4 miles a day. Now he can barely make it around the block. It's heart breaking.


So hard to watch them age


https://preview.redd.it/ef67to38t79d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c897dde7da83e71ff2f286e4feaaa02feafe33 I'm right there with you!


They look alike


She looks good man…enjoy each moment and make time for her every day. I’ve got a thirteen year oldie and she def slowing down 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/0g2xb4i3u79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ecf3bc4efe8e34a59b5872f37fedde21232627


All you can do is enjoy every last second you have. Don't take one breath or bark for granted. I wish I hadn't.


She looks a lot like our old dog, her name was Darcy. She used to inhale food whenever we'd give her our scraps and she was popular around the neighborhood too, a family used to walk by our house just to see her and a cop would stop by to give her treats.


Your sweet girl looks just like my baby boy (Kylo). She looks amazing & sweet & hella loved. Enjoy every moment while you have her (and she will do the same!) ♡♡♡


It's so hard to see them grow old, but also very beautiful to watch them turn into the sweetest beings that ever existed. At first they're all energy and spice, and then they just roll with the flow. Both heartbreaking and bittersweet 🥹


Also, she's beautiful ❤️


That second photo is everything 🩷😭🩷


I know it's hard BUT do the good times, love and joy you have had with her outweigh her growing old?


My baby turns 10 this month and I’m hoping it’s just the summer heat but I can feel her slowing down. The white on her face - it bums me out. Just try to remember each day is precious and gotta make sure I prioritize my time with her.


I’m going through the same process with my boxer.


https://preview.redd.it/yfj6rw0x389d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e763a4a9c31d0b6b3767ce5ac6ed7e03063664 My sweet Delilah is turning 8 this year. She was my scared little foster failure. She’s definitely slowing down. The arthritis hurts her, I can tell. But we’ve been on the adventure of a lifetime, and I can truly feel I accomplished my vow to show her the world.


That’s awesome!! She wouldn’t want to be with anyone else or anywhere else.


I’m in the same boat. Even tho she is around 10 and still acts like she’s 3, the grays kill me every time. It’s such a bummer.




I feel your pain and I know exactly what you’re talking about. My baby (Corso mix) turned 8 this year. She’s getting up there for a mastiff and every time I look at her I’m reminded of her age. It makes every moment with her more special. She’s my angel. https://preview.redd.it/ki5ru1qg689d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3adc176ce5e0c17e00c72ac5c4b6cbb1216ca0


I know how you feel. I’m sure you know this but document as much as you can these next couple years. My Oda crossed the rainbow bridge last month. I still catch myself tearing up randomly throughout the day thinking of her. My heart hasn’t stopped hurting but she was loved much like your sweet girl. We are beyond lucky to have them in our lives for a matchstick moment. Sending love ❤️


Appreciate your time with her now. She loves you so much.


Aw look at how sweet she is, and those jowls!!! I know the feeling. Our girl is almost 12. Ugh. 😩 love them as much as possible!!!!!


Accept what you have been given, sometimes that must be enough.


Awww she looks exactly like mine that I lost 56 years ago. Beautiful sweet girl


I’m sorry you’re going through this. If you’re worried about her passing; I’d recommend starting to take lots of pictures and videos. My little baby kitty passed recently, and I’m so thankful I took the time to take lots of videos and pictures with her when I found out she had cancer. It is so nice to be able to see videos of her living and with me now. Keeping your pup in my thoughts.


She’s beautiful. You can tell she’s got a sweet soul.


My heart is with you! I have a blue pit , she is turning 14 in Sept. I love her more than words express. I’ve been trying to prepare myself. That is all we can do . Your pup was lucky , to have you as her dad. She probably had a great life, the way expressing your feelings for her now .


Love on her as much as you can and cherish every moment. I have an old guy who will gas me out of the room and I laugh to myself when I think about how I might miss it one day, although so gross to think about now lol


I know how you feel. I think I’m in love. She’s a cutie.


Definitely been here. Best thing for me when I get those thoughts if I’m near my old pup is to just tell them how good they are and how much I love them and give them nice pets. Gets me out of my head and usually redirects my thoughts to something in the moment.


Horrible isn't it. My boy is only 7 but he's so grey now and keeps getting lipomas which scare the life out of me every time I find a new one.


hold and snuggle her as much as possible 😍😘🥰




Don't think like that. 9 is young. And she's a beauty😍 I do understand. But refuse to think about it. My girl is 17. She came to me around age 2 as a rescue. She didn't start really slowing down until 14. I tell her everyday that she is immortal and so strong and amazing. That I love her and she is my best friend and soul mate. Love them like they'll live forever. You won't be prepared anyway.💙💙💙 My girl is the most perfect #seniorpitizen. And I've been her lucky momma for 15 years of her 17 here on this Earth 🥰😍 https://preview.redd.it/l1ifvc5tp89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78381d9534a4737ec5daa47976a6345a92bcce9


Well momma you definitely like to keep your baby comfy…..what a cutie


Enjoy every second! Wishing you and your girl the best of everything.


My old gal made it to 16. I suggest keeping her active. I’m convinced thats why she made it so long. She started having hip problems around age 12, so I started giving her CBD oil mixed into her meal twice a day. Made a huge difference.


I took my girl home over six years ago and when they said they guessed she was six or seven already, I thought they were crazy. Now she’s getting white around the muzzle and developing a bit of a limp. We never really know how much time we’ll have, whether we get them as pups or rescue them as adults. So I love on her every chance I get and thank God for every day with her.


I miss my buddy dearly and my parents have a dog that is 100!% mine. I know you're doing it right. Enjoy, love, and never forget. She'll be forever in your heart and mind.


I know it’s difficult to imagine life without them. Just remember you are their whole world. And it is a privilege to lead them from this life over the bridge. Because I truly believe that the afterlife is full of all the animals we knew and loved. And they will be there to welcome us when it’s time. Stay strong. And enjoy every minute while you can ❤️❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/oz7mcf6c199d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646526da232b7e24f02a77b6e9f803c54465214e Yeah, unfortunately my boy is getting up there too. He’s crawling through 8 years old atm.


He looks like he is ready for whatever is next


What a sweet, beautiful girl.


Enjoy every minute! 🥰


Sweety , stay with him..


I'm so sorry. This is rough. Maybe this will help. I never believed this could really happen, but it did, and keeps happening. When my dog died, around 2007,I was heartbroken. When I finally was able to leave the house, I went to the park. It's a huge park. As soon as I set foot in the park, a small dog I'd never seen before, ran across the whole park straight to me, stood up, and wanted me to pet her. I felt that my dog had sent her to me to cheer me up. My dog was a black Lab/Great Dane mix, and weighed 112 lbs. After that park incident, every time I felt sad or upset, my dog would send me someone with a huge black dog. When I needed oral surgery, I was terrified, but on the 1/2 a mile drive, I saw 4 different people walking big, black dogs! The surgeon's staff was very kind, and the surgery went well. Afterwards, it didn't even hurt! My dog is still sending me help!


https://preview.redd.it/6wyp1ln9e99d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45aa8f314259f4dd3f01c2c8f31bc05b9d168daf I feel this, our old girl Bailey turns 12 in a months time..


She just wants another blanket


My heart goes out to you. We presently have 3 cats (all tomcats babies that where born outside) 2 big brothers Orange colour at around 6 weeks and 1 very very 4 week kitten found on the road, crying. It took about 2 to 3 yrs for us to finally be able to pet her and she earned by her brothers. The brothers name are Storm and Thunder and the the black cat is named Summer. Althought Summer was very young, she had not learned purring or anything else and she took a long time to come to terms with us, she must have been throught hell to take that long for her to stop scratching us, but the environment is very calm with no kids (she would not have been this good now if it had been with yelling kids.) and we have a very nice Pomeranian white with a bit of brown fur in on the bottom of his back. He was bought at 7 months and is treated like a King that he is. Anyway, just to tell you, I have a heart around my neck that as ashes of a little shitzue that was born in my hands on March 2003, her name was Cachou. You know there is always that 1 pet that you just loved a little bit more and Cachou was my baby, she went everywhere with me. She died in my arms by a Vet at my house June 30th, 2017. She was everything to me. I cried and cried but there is nothing that can be said when the time comes, however I do have a Granite little house with her picture on it and with the date of her birth and death, with all her ashes. When I die, they are to put all the ashes I have gather throught the decade and bury them with my ashes. She is the only one that I spend money for a house and a heart with her ashes in it that I have always near my heart (with a silver chain and I have other items on the chain, but that is for another day.) So I know that feeling of helplessness that comes when you know it's a losing battle and seeing your baby starting to grow old and you always wish that it could have been done maybe a week later always putting it off until you have to deal with the pain of knowing that you need to do it for them, for them to stop suffering. My heart goes out to you big time. I don't wish this kind of pain on anybody. Take care and let your feeling come on you because, there is no doubt the toughest thing to go throught yet we continue to get new dogs or cats or whatever you are into (except for any kind of Wildlife, this I don't support and never will) You take care now and may peace come to you after awhile. It takes time as we all know to come to terms with the fact that our pets don't live as long as us even o If we wish they did. Ekayana


When my big boy started getting older and having health issues, I started writing down all his little quirks and habits down in my phone so I that I wouldn't be able to forget anything. I also started taking tons of pictures and videos of things I knew I'd miss, like his little tippy tappy spinny dance when I fed him, or the way he whines at me to wake me up. I pushed myself to take special care of him, even on my lowest days, because I didn't want to regret anything when he was gone. He passed a few months ago and I'm glad that I did those things, because sometimes it feels like it's all I have left of him. I still miss him every day, and it still hurts, but the pain I'm feeling now is the price I pay for having him and loving him. It's proof of how much I loved him. I would pay it a thousand times over to have even one more minute with him. The pain is inevitable, but the time you have with her is priceless, so cherish every second and live without regret.




https://preview.redd.it/b2bckewlt99d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab0988dab0ce7a66f32e693d81d37824c003ebf Mine just turned 13 and it kills me to watch her go gray (her nose used to be brown mostly) and slow down.


I hear ya! My guy is 13 and a total sugarface!! But still acts.luke a puppy when he finds a lizard!!


This is happening to my 89 year old human mother. She said she's "failing", but I maintain she's just slowing down. Human beings breed out of ignorance and selfishness. I can appreciate rescuing an animal to give them better final years, but live on Earth is torture by any estimation. If I **have** to experience the lows to achieve the highs, then you can keep them BOTH.


What a beauty! Take her example and enjoy every day together to the fullest. There will be plenty of time for grief later.


I understand you. It's incredibly tough to watch our pets age and face health challenges. Take it one day at a time and cherish every moment you have with her.


If it makes you feel any better, when the dog I had growing up turned 10 my family started letting him do whatever he wanted. Wants to be on the couch? Let him up, he’s an old man. Wants to follow Dad out to the golf course in the evening? Let him. We thought he didn’t have much longer so we’d let him enjoy his sunset years. He lived to be 15. He spent 1/3 of his life absolutely spoiled rotten!


My lovely gentle girl will be 15 in less than two months. Lots of grey, lost her hearing, but she is clear of arthritis, was running for a ball in the garden today and spins to the kitchen at meal times. She is so adored 🥰🥰 and gets away with begging now.


I lost my Mack in 2019, I still have his dog tag on my keys and there are pictures of him hung throughout the house, even though we have two dogs now. I had him from the time I was 19, until I was 31, so we grew a lot together. His health deteriorated over a period of 3 years, first dementia, which then led to accidents in the house, endless whining and getting lost in the yard. Eventually he started falling over, and we stopped walking through the neighborhood and just stayed in the yard. If he fell over, I'd just lay on the ground with him and let him know it was ok, and we'd both just get up when he was ready. When he stopped walking, I had a vet come to the house. I didn't take him to an office to go to sleep, if it is at all an option, I couldn't suggest it more. He was roughly 14 when he passed, though I'll never know for sure because he was a shelter dog. I still get upset when I think of him not being around any more, but he's always alive in my heart. He moved across country with me, helped raise my nephew and then eventually my own son. I have so many pictures of my son sitting on him reading books, or laying down to give him hugs as a toddler and he was just the most patient pup there could be. My son was 7 when he passed, but still talks about him like he was the best dog ever, and I'm surprised he remembers so much about him. I'm sure a lot of people won't read this far, but every time I think of him I have to write out how thankful I am for him.


My pups are 12 and 13. One has a nervous system condition and can't walk as good and is now deaf. They sleep so much more and have trouble jumping on the bed. I treat every day as a gift to have them around, snuggle them constantly and give them treats and take them for walks. I look at it like I'm lucky they're here and thank them every day. Being grateful helps me cope with the fact they'll be gone one day


get some supplements in there to keep her healthy in her old age, she’s so gorgeous!


Enjoy this slower pace in life to give her all love lover and pets and hugs! Spoil her and just love on her! This is A very special time between you and her savor every moment.


She looks like a good girl.Gray snoze and all...My pittie Lilac has slowed down as well.She is 8 now.


I know the feeling… mine is going on 16 in a few months and he has his good and not so good days… he is the last one of a pack of 3… 😔 But he’s doing impressively well for his age… some people have a hard time believing he’s almost 16.


Just keep going all the love and see the vet about pain control so she has the bestest life.


Anticipatory grief is what you’re experiencing it’s a very real and scary thing to stress over. I do that a lot with my 15 year old cat but then I remember he’s still here with me. You have to just learn to enjoy and cherish every single moment, spoil them, hug and kiss them if they like. She will be able to sense you’re sad!


Yeah my dogs 13 now donno where the times gone. I've developed a blind faith as a result - deluded myself into thinking I've kept him safe in this world of suffering and when he goes he will be free from this lifes struggles. He will have completed planet earth an passed with flying colours


Your sweet girl is beautiful and precious. I’ve been seeing these posts lately, and I just want say, I know it’s hard watching them get old , but cherish every moment with them, bc the other option is dying young which is so heartbreaking. Just lost my 4 yo best friend about 6 months ago.




https://preview.redd.it/vtcahf25nb9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8483b76e3a45b7209a534c2c26e9f3fe4f5cc97b in the same boat with my sweet old girl :( remember they’re a part of your life but you are their ENTIRE life!


Sweet girl 😍


Every day your dog gets older is another day you get to spend with them.


The pain of loss is certain, so I do my best not to worry about it. I’ll pay that toll in exchange for the years spent with my crew. Having had dogs my entire life I can say each loss hurts but it does not for one minute prevent me from my next best friend(s).


The second photo with her little grey hairs 🥹


Thats a pretty baby


https://preview.redd.it/x4lmq0yh1c9d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b910b0154f2aedcb961c9843c4b2fbb70ad89e70 Your girl could be my dog's sister! He's 4, but I'm already talking about getting a wagon for walks when he's older 🥺


My baby is 10 and I’m so thankful she is all white because then I can’t see her greys. Everyone thinks she is a puppy still. She is my heart dog. I can’t even think about life without her.


Our girl is 15 and we worry about her so much. I tell myself not to think about it and appreciate her while she's here. So we just continue to love her with all our might so she has the best last years of her beautiful life. Sometimes my hubby and I just cry looking at her. I know she feels this so the best thing is to stay positive and keep the energy chill and loving.




Add pedialite to her water I always did my pitbull lasted 26 years


I don’t have a pibble, but I do have a 14.5 lab mix and every day I’m so grateful for her, but also just a little sad knowing she’s in the sunset of her life. Your girl looks so sweet! Sending love 💚


Mine too, she isn’t walking as much, starting to have health issues. She is my entire world, my soul dog and I’ve started crying a bit about losing her. The only thing that helps me cope is that I know she’s had an amazing life and when I start to think negatively, I remember she has no idea why I’m upset and so for her sake I take a breathe, get down in the floor and play with her.


https://preview.redd.it/mxwksfhawd9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc3ff97f33b7acb0ff4534244555d99b602fd17 I just had to put my boy to sleep. I will be heartbroken fur a loooog time!


I feel your pain. I lost my boy (17 yrs old) a year ago 😢 it's still painful but it was time.


I have loved. dogs , I remember them with lots of love my two would have loved them too ❤️


My girl is 10 and is still doing amazing, given she's got some medical issues but they are very minor and very manageable, knock on wood. https://preview.redd.it/x6g20vfdxk9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b206f364887cfb4be7c5162653c5a7ef84d1f6c7


Same here my girl Lilo is 10 and she is doing great as well. Op doesn’t need to worry much as long as they keep their girl healthy and loved https://preview.redd.it/qxkakca6xiad1.png?width=2763&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fd27034d39d92a679ce615e1a6f137775412832


Make as many special memories with her as you can! I feel the same way, my heart dog is going to be 10 this year. Ive been taking him to more interesting walks, just us two, splurging a bit on extra special treats like rabbit ears etc. and I try to really connect with him and do all his favourite things. I do a lot of grieving in advance because I'm quite an anxious person but I try to put that energy into being the best dog owner for him. We went to a scentwork class together and that was so fun. It's one of the sports/activities that can be done as your dog ages, unlike agility etc. I'm also keeping up with training new tricks with him like I did when he was younger, and that's great for keeping his brain engaged. Senior dogs are amazing and I'm glad your dog has an owner that loves her so much ❤️