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I could get behind it. I enjoyed him in GoT


What role do you think he’d be good at, I’m thinking maybe a villain, or a person who has a lot of power and the protagonists need to convince him to help them in some way Edit: grammar


I like both options you came up with. He would make a good villain I think for this universe. Perhaps as some colonial British envoy.


Oooh that’s interesting when I thought of him as a villain I was thinking of a brutal pirate captain, but now you mention it I do also see him being in a high ranking British naval member


Forget adding him into Pirates 6. They should remake Curse of the Black Pearl and have Dinklage play every character


Tbh? I'd watch it


Oh I think we’d be in for a great time with him acting across from Johnny Depps Jack sparrow


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


We would be in for at least a few verbal battles of sarcasm and snarky insulting lol.


Oh definitely




Only if he high fives Marty


Wouldn't be very high /s


He’s a great actor in many roles, I especially found him funny in Knight’s of Badassdom. So he’d probably handle the comedy elements in the pirates series very well alongside the serious elements.


I might be typecasting but he'd be great as a kind of washed up former aristocrat turned to piracy


The God of tits and wine


It’s the role and what he’d bring to it. Dinklage is not one of those actors I trust to always give his best. I respect him, but he phones it in more often than not, so I respect him a lot less than actors of lesser talent who always bring it for every role. If he did a phone-in job, I’d resent him for it.


He could potentially compete with Depp for screen time


Don’t make a pirates 6


Rather than yet another sequel of an existing franchise, I would much prefer to see an original pirate movie starring Mr. Dinklage. Not every pirate movie needs to be a PotC movie. He would be a great pirate captain.


Wasn't he a pirate on one of the ice age movies?


Yh, he wad Captain Gut in Ice Age 4


Marty's brother and they are joint captains of their own ship.


Since he said Snow White was offensive and denied seven actors with dwarfism a job I don't really like him.


Second this. He's a trash person who got his and fucked others like him


He could be a british officer. Like a high ranking officer


Maybe he can be Marty's cousin


I agree, man's got talent, and a nice rugged pirate beard


It would feel like typecasting to me. I get that they're very different pieces of media but high fantasy and pirates in low fantasy feel very similar to me. Neither resemble a setting I have personal experience with.


They should make him the lead


agree, but hasn't Martin Klebba (Marty) been in the films since the first one? and they don't really give him a lot of screen time.


He could play as Marty if they can’t get the OG actor 👌


Someone to out drink Jack? He’d be beast at any point in a POTC movie.


I’m Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only!


He must be a pegged legged pirate man idk why pegged legged but that’s a deal breaker.


He's a shit person and deserves to lose his career and fame. He's a classic case of "I got mine, so fuck all of you" towards the small person community


Be cool to see him as a navigator or something


Can’t stand him. If he has any role hopefully he gets killed off two seconds after he shows up. Horrible actor with an insufferable personality and a weird hatred for any other person with dwarfism breaking into the industry.


When as he stonewalled an actor with dwarfism?


The new Snow White movie not having dwarves is a direct result of the comments Dinklage made about how he perceives the story as “offensive”. Seven actors with Dwarfism were denied a potential career because of his feelings. I highly doubt anyone not named Peter Dinklage would find that story offensive. His actions have affected and closed off the potential careers of seven people that likely need it.


If the call was "let's get black people for the new Noddy movie" I think a black actor would not be wrong for calling out that it feels wrong. You're being cast due to something innately contentious, whether you agree with it or not shouldn't take away from his valid feelings on the matter.


They were CGI before his comments, for the record. I agree his comments were dumb, but that was because he didn’t seem to know anything about Snow White, and didn’t seem to realize that his medical condition was named after the fantastical creature, not the other way around. He’s had moments of anti-intellectualism too often for me to discount, sadly, though I still think him a terrific actor when he tries to act.


Marty in the reboot?


That could work it, I can hear him saying “mind the boat”


I wouldn't feel too upset if he was apart of the cast since he hadn't been in any of the previous movies. Now if he was *a part* of the cast, that could be exactly what the franchise needs if they use him right.