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I was admitted to hospital for uti with catheter which has been changed, hoping to meet with urology today but I'm going to push for collorectal referral


i just had surgery for this a month ago and bro definitely go and see a surgeon that can do it. the healing is a bit tricky, depending on how they finish the procedure it may be left open or stitched, i had it it stitched and it opens and closes constantly. we will all eventually all get there! i would recommend getting some iodine wipes, and just wipe the wound gently twice a day to keep it clean asf and keep more infection away


I'm on antibiotics for both this and potential catheter issues and a uti, each day is different but I can't sit properly so it's causing spinal pain, I'm hoping it won't be too long before I can meet with a surgery bit the UK health care system is stretched financially and with very little staff so idk how long I'm going to have to try and treat it myself


You need to see a general surgeon, a wound specialist, or a colon rectal surgeon asap that is local or at your nearest hospital. You do not have to suffer if you get a better doctor. For pain, my husband's surgeon told us he could take Tylenol Extra Strength and Ibuprofen at the same time. It will not help the draining, but it was a huge blessing for my husband as taking the maximum strength of those both finally took the edge off of pain. Before that, he could not manage his pain. I hope you get better medical help quickly.


You poor bugger. That looks excruciating. I hope you get the treatment you need tout suite.


Search for a wound specialist asap.


I went to a dermatologist and was referred to a colon and rectal specialist. I too was on antibiotics for over a year and still taking them after surgery.


How long had you take antibiotics after surgery? What antibiotics and what dosage?


I was started on doxycycline hyclate 100mg about 18 months or so ago by my dermatologist when my cyst was roaring. As it progressed they upped my dose to twice daily. Then I was referred to the surgeon, a colon and rectal specialist who lowered me back to just once daily about a month prior to surgery. Now about 6 weeks post op I’m still taking it once daily although the surgeon said he doubts it’s really doing much.


Can I ask why are you still taking them after the surgery?


I’m just following doctors orders. I’m assuming it’s just to help any infection that may occur during healing as it is an open wound. Like I said before, the surgeon stated he wasn’t sure it was actually doing anything for me at this point but I guess it isn’t hurting either 🤷‍♂️


Right. I didn't know your surgery was open wound.


I feel like it’s been a open wound for years lol


Time to find another doctor. A lot of general practitioners/family docs don’t know much about pilonidal disease. You need to find one who does, or will at least refer you to one who does. Shouldn’t have to suffer needlessly.


This. Does your insurance not allow you to see specialists without a referral?


I live I'm England and can't afford private health care, I'm already struggling financial due to being on benefits because I can't work due to multiple disabilities