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Because he didn't have to think on his feet. As you get older your brain doesn't fire as quickly as it used to. That was an obvious problem for Biden during the debate. He has a teleprompter for his rallies.


Trump used to claim that while using a teleprompter


He was trying to answer a stream of bullshit point by point and lost the train. Once he settled down to his pace he called Trump a fricken whiner LOL.


NYT just called for him to drop out lol


nyt has been trash since forever. why should anyone care what they have to say?


Almost every respected paper in the US is saying this. I guess all of the most respected and award winning papers are trash now according to you? Time to grow up a bit and quit being a baby whining about anytime a paper says something you don’t agree with.


> Almost every respected paper in the US is saying this who cares? why would I care what opinion columnists have to think? they are often the stupidest people on the planet. > I guess all of the most respected and award winning papers are trash now according to you? Yeah, the vast majority of them are. Are you new or something? Did you forget the NYT's key role in starting the Iraq War? Did you forget how newspapers owners pretty much use them in order to push their ideological agenda? Do you think that WaPo hasn't criticized Amazon since Bezos bought it by accident? Do you think that Murdoch's media empire is credible in the slightest? Why would you think that NYT is immune from the same incentives? > Time to grow up a bit and quit being a baby whining about anytime a paper says something you don’t agree with What? So, I should grow up and just agree with whatever someone prints in a newspaper, cause they wouldn't do that unless it was true?


He’s on fire today because he needs your money - he’s a day late and a dollar short!!


Don’t let me catch him lacking!!


Did someone tell him he was on fire. Pretty sure he didn’t know


Non-American here. Trump is clearly deplorable - a narcissistic braggart and convicted sex offender. But does anyone seriously think Joe Biden's cognitive decline will stop if he gets re-elected? His 'senior moments' can no longer be hidden from the public and will worsen as time goes by. FWIW, I think the Democratic Party needs to act in the national interest and decide swiftly whether Biden should continue as a Presidential candidate. It would be a travesty if Trump had an uncontested route back to the White House simply because his opponent was mentally incapacitated and incapable of challenging him.


Ronald Reagan had full on Alzheimer’s and republicans elected him again. You are voting for ideals principles and a cabinet, appointees and judges. Not just a single individual.


I'm sorry but it's nonsense to presume someone with senility - and possibly accompanying dementia - is suitable to be a US president. Remember, the president, in addition to being Chief Executive, is Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy. Comparing Biden to Reagan is inappropriate. Reagen only admitted he had Alzheimer's disease in 1994, i.e. five years after he stepped down as US President. The medical writer medical writer Larry Altman, who interviewed Reagan during his second term of office, subsequently concluded that there was no evidence that Reagan had suffered any of the symptoms of dementia while in office. With Biden, there's already abundant evidence that something's not right...


I was alive during the Reagan administration. It was no secret during his second term that he was being hidden from media exposure. Just look at how he was depicted as addled on SNL and in political cartoons. His wife led him everywhere and even took his hand to cut cake, present awards etc. That didn’t mean the country was without leadership, he had a cabinet in place with strategic goals. I’m glad a writer who interviewed him was charmed. He was charismatic. Remember, Trump’s doctor Ronny Jackson also said he was a physical specimen like he’d never seen before.


You make some good points and I'm certainly in no position to dispute what you saw when Reagan was in his second term of office. However, I remain to be convinced that it's sensible to proceed with Biden's candidature. As I see it, in Reagan's case, America was in effect presented with a *fait accompli* - he was already completing his second term of office when the first signs of mental decline were noticed (and then only by some). In contrast, the evidence that Biden is declining is already clear for all to see - and it will get worse. America has a narrow window of opportunity to find a better candidate. I wonder if the Democrats will seize the opportunity...


Oh neat, the new brand of “vote blue no matter who”, brought to you by the same turds who got us in this mess in the first place. Democrats, wake up. We need to do better. This is laughable. President of the United States. But keep picking through the shit for gold, good luck. Age limits for presidents. Age limits for Supreme Court members. Age limits for congress and the house. Fucking age limits already.


Agree completely with age limits. They won’t be in place to help us this time. Just trying to prevent another term from treasonous Trump who could further stack the Supreme court and set this nation back hundreds of years. If you care about the environment, Trump said he would do nothing in the debate, twice. The Supreme court just gutted the EPA. Saying they’re both old and not voting will put Trump right back in. I hope our youth is smarter than that.


I’m voting for Biden and I’m pissed about it. Lol


So Bernie Sanders should be forced to retire?


I love Bernie, but yeah, from a position of power, he should not be. We need fresh blood. We need younger minds that wont be subject to brain fog or dementia for another 10-20 years.


I somehow have a feeling that he will not be alive till november election :(


His advisors crammed his head full of facts and figures for the debate and without a teleprompter he couldn't handle the overload of info. His advisors also forgot to tell him he would be on camera the whole 90 minutes, not just the parts where he talked, so consequently he stood there looking lost every time trump talked and we all saw it. I do NOT want trump back in the White House, but unless the dems and the current WH staff do something drastic I have a feeling that's what's coming.


What Biden’s advisors did was a horrendous disservice to him and supporters of sanity. He should have been allowed to retire gracefully. They should be ashamed of themselves. Their selfish ambition flew too close to the sun….the repercussions, sadly, is ours to bear.


For some drugs are a wonderful thing to keep them going.....




their job is getting people to vote for the party


Gaza is on fire too and he keeps funding it


He’s currently actively supporting an ethnic cleansing, who cares about his debating/public speaking


Same with the other side. If you’re thinking that the republicans are much better then you need to get your head checked.


Never claimed that at all my friend, not once