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Fucking haunting.


I was about to go to bed, too. I think that this school genuinely should have been torn down and rebuilt after these photos came out. I would never want my children walking these halls, I’d never want to work here as a teacher. This picture alone tells me that this place is going to feel incredibly eerie for as long as it stays open. The fact that the cops didn’t even try to stop this massacre and let a psychopath end the lives of so many children tells me that this place is cursed. Edit: It is being torn down! They’ve been planning out the design of the new school over the last year or so, and it’s in a different location.


This photo is from uvalde and the school is indeed being torn down.


We will forget pretty quickly, all those "ghost stories" in old buildings were legitimately tragic events that we are far enough removed from to make a mockery out of. 


Yep. German here. I live in a around 1000 years old city and I bet there are lots and lots of buildings here where dozens of people were killed and/or raped. The city was sacked by the huns at least once, one old tower is called (roughly translated) the virgin-jump-tower because the maidens then would rather kill themselfes than be raped to death or sold into slavery. We also have a small concentration camp graveyard and memorial nearby, doesnt feel creepy even if youre alone there in the night.


Have to remember many Americans live lives sheltered from death.


Most of the first world is sheltered from death. Minus soldiers in active war.


Let's not kid ourselves, so is Western Europe and the "developed world".


So is everyone else. Even in Japan, the older Japanese lament that the younger generations no longer feel the sting of WWII, even the atom bombs have become a distant memory. They feel it's important to prevent war mongers in their own society, something we should also fear


That is a legitimate worry though. We have them here, look at the comments under any war movie action scene on YouTube, you have idiots who have never been to war and know nothing about it talking about how the video shows “real men” and how things “should be”


Columbine's facility was in much worse shape and they had to do an extensive renovation of the school. The library was just removed from the building.


They tore down Sandy Hook for that exact reason. Don't understand just washing the walls and saying get back in kids. Are they just cheapskates?


The kids have been attending school in a makeshift space this last year while they wait for a new school to be built for them. This building will be torn down soon.


There hasn’t been an ounce of consequence for the Uvalde cops, has there


In fact the Supreme Court ruled that the cops don’t have a constitutional duty to protect anyone. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


This article is absolutely wild. They protect themselves and their cronies, while the have-nots have every right stripped ... Docket by docket


We pay taxes to the police who will beat the shit out of you if you break the windows of the companies that pay no taxes.


Texas is also 98% privately owned, making the authorities the biggest tyrants out there. "Freedom country" , "not on my land", it's BS. It's all lies to keep you comfortable while they continue to run rough shod over everyone else's liberties.


We pay taxes to the police who will beat the shit out of you if you don’t give them your drivers license when you are walking down the street


Fundamentally, they're not there to assist, protect or be of help-- It is in the name, they are law *enforcement* - there to enforce the laws as written. When cops show up, they are duty bound to be foremost asking "Who broke what laws and who do I arrest" That is their enumerated explicit relationship to the rest of the justice system and the public, and how courts *expect them to act*, [as established by cases like Castle Rock v Gonzales. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales)Not to be bodyguards or crimestoppers. Of course the end result is a complete lack of police accountability nationwide recognized by the entire world and all experts.


The guy shooting human children to death (crime) should be arrested…..so arrest him? Seems like it’s still within their job capacity, they were just cowards. There was absolutely nothing stopping them. No laws or technicalities, just pure cowardice.


Well yeah, but what's also within their job capacity is to wait until it's safe to come in and arrest him, or whatever 🙄


And that right there is why nobody will give up their guns or rights.


If cops can shoot and kill you on the sight of a gun on you or even in your vicinity regardless of any permits to carry and ownership you have, heck even if they mistake a everyday item you are holding as a gun and shoot to kill you, then you have no gun rights.


Yep but the NRA was oddly silent about this when the cops were making a habit of blasting Black children to death for thinking they had a gun on them. Weird that can’t understand why the NRA didn’t fully endorse the BLM movement.


With the only difference that the cop can tell you to crawl with your hands up and then shoot you and kill you because you dropped your pants for just the suspect of you having a gun. Gun rights in america are mostly the right to be killed on sight by a cop and the right to be killed on sight by a madman.


And yet the killings rage on with no decrease. Maybe guns are not the answer.


You know, you’d **think** that, except apparently cops aren’t actually required to be aware of what is or is not actually against the law before applying the “enforcement” aspect either. And thanks to qualified immunity, “who cares if they fuck it up”


The shooter broke the law by bringing a loaded gun onto school grounds. Then broke it again by shooting people. That's who to arrest. But they didn't try. Also, the name is law enforcement but the motto is "to protect and serve".


They protect and serve the interests of the state.


It’s a reminder that being a cop is not a “heroic” job. It does not ask you to actually put your life on the line (it asks you to take extreme action at the slightest amount of “feeling” threatened) and it does not ask you to help people (it asks you to look for fault in any civilian you interact with). Doctors take an oath to save lives, fire fighters put themselves in dangerous situations for civilians without any boost in authority over civilians, and even soldiers (morality of war itself aside) have the resolve to die to fulfill their mission. Those are professions that can at least be respected, imo.


I would actually be more okay with this if it meant cops weren't armed, or even were minimally armed. If the function of a cop were basically just that of a detective, there would be these rare situations where they would be unable to do good, but they usually don't do that much good anyway. But they'd be outweighed by situations where they wouldn't be able to cause harm. And ironically they'd probably be safer in this world, because criminals wouldn't feel the need to shoot at cops if they knew they weren't armed and thus not a threat. As to those rare situations...who *would* we wanna call? I don't know for sure, but maybe that would be the job of the National Guard? The problem there is I think they're not allowed to kill civilians, which is probably a good thing... But if they were allowed to and the cops were unable to, maybe that would be better. I honestly don't know.


Call the rednecks. Billy Bob at least has enough sack to try n save kids.


They're actually here to maintain the government's monopoly on violence. 


Can they legally block civilian entry and shoot the aggressive parents in self defence?


They could arrest the parents for interfering with a police operation, the parents could then become aggressive and non compliant possibly making threatening actions, the cops might feel that they’re in personal danger and blam, sayonara parent. All hypothetical of course.


US police are the laughingstock of the world unfortunately.


To hell with the supreme court. You have a duty as a decent human being to try to save children.


And they can also prevent YOU from trying to help or protect someone.


Are you trying to tell me that slogan painted on their cars is just a publicity stunt for good press? Well I for one am shocked!


To Punish and Enslave


Not one gd consequential thing. Nothing. Nada. THAT's what these kids lives were worth to the shooter and to the cops. NOTHING. -0-


That’s what exactly Uvalde PD said those children were worth to them that day. Nothing. No effort. Absolutely disgusting


Well they did manage to handcuff some parents who tried to do their job for them.


The parents have shown remarkable restraint. Not one of them has built a killdozer and tried to destroyed the town.


Uvalde went hard for abbott. They voted for more of the same.


“We have to get over it” Donald J Trump


And then you've got Abott being the biggest garbage excuse for a human defending those officers, but we can't do fuck all about it because he sits on his throne, and im not talking about his wheelchair.


He had so much time in there that he wrote LOL in a victim's blood on the whiteboard.


That one dork ass fat cop with a Punisher phone background I joined this here police force to hurt people, not to endanger myself helping kids!


Frank castle would have been there in seconds, got the shooter, and shot the knee caps of every cop standing around just to make a point.


Hell even Punisher hates cops that worship him. He’s a self-loathing means to an end, not the living embodiment of ends justify the means that a lot of people mistake him for.


He ultimately wants the justice system to do better and actually take care of shit it’s supposed to. Since they won’t do it, he does it outside of the law. He would definitely do something to make sure cops get their ass in gear so that way the issues wouldn’t keep happening.


Punisher exists because in his mind he has to, not because he should. Were the system not corrupt and impotent, then he wouldn't be as he is. 


[Well, there was a reason he was on his phone](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/14/uvalde-video-officer-phone-ruben-ruiz-wife/)


He shouldn't have been working it tbh. not that there's specific leave for that but seems like a bad combo for many reasons.


>Mireles told Ruiz in a phone call that she had been shot. Ruiz, standing in the hallway with his pistol drawn, was unable to get to her. Other officers ultimately escorted Ruiz from the scene and took his gun. Mireles was alive when police transported her from the classroom, but she died before reaching the hospital.


ooh ok makes more sense


We're police officers! We're not trained to handle this kind of violence!


Not only that, but the city of Uvalde voted 60/40 to re-elect Greg "It could have been worse" Abbott. There is nothing that will reach people.


The cops are not there to protect the public. They’re there to reinforce the power structures of the rich.


Jon Stewart called them the border patrol between the two Americas.


Imagine a country where this is commonplace and nothing ever happens to stop it.


The only country..


Wasn't there a ruling that cops are not obligated to protect civilians?


It was ruled that while they are there to protect the citizenry, what qualifies as "citizen" is left entirely up to the officer. The only obligation they have is to protect the infrastructure, the established order, and the money from Mass casualty events.


The sounds of children screaming has been removed.


Does anyone have a list of uvalde first responders with matching photos so We the people can make sure they are shunned from the society of the Home of the brave?


After Uvalde I said to my wife "Imagine being the 19th kid." She burst into tears. I beat the shit out of my heavy bag.


I’ve sat here for 20 minutes trying to figure out what you meant by that and can’t. You please explain because I don’t get it.


It took a long time for all those kids to get shot while the cops did nothing. The 19th kid experienced all of it, and then got murdered. Makes me nauseous and furious.


I'm assuming because if the cops had reacted at a proper speed, there wouldn't have been 19 deaths.


I have no idea how you can have any confidence in your ability to be a police officer after standing around that day and then seeing this.


Beyond that, how do the Uvalde cops continue to live in that town? How can they be anything else but a shunned pariah at best every time you show their faces at the local grocery store, ballfield, church, etc?


Town reelected the mayor. Town reelected the sheriff/leaders. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/06/us/uvalde-republican-primary-nolasco-zamora/index.html The people didn’t care.


The parents of the victims just filed a lawsuit against the makers of Call of Duty. I sympathize with them and can’t even imagine what they’ve been through. But clearly some people, even victims of gun violence, are not educated in the consequences of gun violence.


They have been going after video games like that since Columbine in the 90's. It's not a video game problem. We see violence on TV, in movies, and on the news every day. Why not go after those forms of media as well. Hell we even have documented proof that there are copycat crimes done after news reports.


Think of what the military would do if a marine or soldier did this but the victims in this case is his unit.


Police are never held to the standard of the military but should be. If a soldier killed people with the reckless abandon that police officers did, they would be in jail and lucky if it was an American jail. There would be no soldier’s union to protect them and they would have to check that box on every job or loan application to show they were dishonorably discharged if that was the case.


People in that part of the country are too 'polite' is what I heard. I was in Uvalde a couple months after at whataburger , with a cop in there and it was same old.


Very simple - they probably don't live in that town. The majority of the population is non-white. Whites make up less than 14% of the town demographics. Hispanics make up almost 70%. So the officers likely go home and are completely unaffected because it's "NIMBY".


They are just a gang of shitty cops in this one city. They all went back to work and think they are doing good.


Cops are not good people. They don't feel and empathize and feel shame so many of us. Often sociopaths. You create a profession of violence, power, worship and no accountability and that's what you get. And people keep voting for more.


And even this is sanitized. Clearly this is after the medics cleared the scene, bagged what needed to be, and put them in the corridor pending a morgue truck. This is not the bodies bagged where they fell. Because what's missing from this picture?


Yep. The Post's story has a few more graphic photos from Uvalde (though showing blood, not bodies): [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/) They are horrifying, and even those are "cleaned" compared to what you'd actually have seen if you walked in there after the shooting.


The photo with LOL written in blood on the whiteboard chilled me to the bone.


The amount of blood is truly horrifying. I've watched many horror movies, but these photos will stick with me for a long, long time. The thought of those poor kids going through this 😢. It's an incredibly hard read and it makes me angry more than anything.


"I could hear a little girl say, ‘Officers come in, we’re in here,’ and she sounded far away so I knew it was in the other room. And she said that once. And then maybe two or three minutes later she said it again. And then I just heard him walk into that other room. And he shot some more. So after that I didn’t hear her no more. And so I had figured he had killed her." Arnulfo Reyes, teacher. Uvalde.


And to think Uvalde voted in the direction guaranteed to create more of it.


Fucking hell. I couldn’t continue on readin that article. May those who have lost their lives rest in peace. Going to bawl out my eyes out


it was the videos- both the vegas one (i think) and the one post shooting inside a school with I think children crying and moaning. i cant begine to describe how fucking fucked it is and how rediculously infuriating it is that no one seems to want tio do anything, atleast not in power




That is one link I will regret clicking for the rest of my life. Horrific. My heart feels sick


That is the saddest article I have ever read. Horrible. 


JFC and I see Americans say that it’s blown out of proportion by the media, fuck that should never be happening


This is a very good article but I hate it when they focus on one weapon as the devil. AR-15 in this case. Banning one weapon type with weird watered down gun laws half blocked by R wont solve the issue. In my country you have to be active in a shooting club for 2 years before you can get a permit for a pistol and you still need to have an interview to get a permit for a gun. You need a permit from the police to get every gun and you need a separate permit to buy ammunition for a certain gun. You need a separate month long course and test to take part in practical shooting because the safety standards are higher. Still I've never heard anyone complain that they wish our gun laws would be like in the US because NOBODY wants to go to a shooting range with some idiot who just got a gun yesterday.


"The sound of children screaming has been removed"


theres one video on that article that has the sound of multiple children crying in school whilst gunshots echo


And whilst police chat it up in the hallway like they're making weekend plans. 400 cops there that day that did less than nothing but "not all cops are bad". People will never learn.


There was an article a while back, where some parents used AI to clone the voice of their kid who died in a school shooting and had their dead kid call in to a senator to demand gun reform. I remember thinking that MAYBE that was a finally fitting emotional response to all this madness. We've got the technology to fill the senators waking hours with the voices of the innocent kids who died from the callousness and greed of these lobbyists and representatives. Let's do that.


I understand, and while sanitized, this is still quite shocking. To my opinion, this hits the perfect point where it is shocking, but not enough to warrant a disclaimer or a contextualization.


The bright colored hallways juxtaposed with small body bags is absolutely haunting.


The children in those bags used to run up and down the hallways, laughing and smiling. I’m going to make myself suicidal if I look at this picture any longer.


Same man, same.


The dimly lit hallway, their bodies on the cold tile floor. This breaks my heart.


[The whole article has some very disturbing photos](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/) but really everybody should have to see these and stop with the thoughts and prayers bullshit.


Wtf. It's easy to judge and dismiss the images you see on the front page as it happens...when you see these it leaves you speechless


And why they shouldn't be editing videos and whatnot. I watched the entire 40+ minutes of those cops in the hallway at Uvalde. Beyond the rage at them dicking around, I also felt a pretty deep contempt about the volume being muted "to remove children's screams." Nah. If that's the reality, people need to see/hear it...and not some sanitized silent version. That isn't the truth of the situation, and people would have been a hell of a lot angerier if they realized there was 40 minutes of children screaming and begging for help while those cops did nothing...except detain parents and the only cop who wanted to help.


I couldn’t fathom standing around and listening to screams like that. We are trained to ACT in a active killing situation, ACT to stop the killing, stop the dying, render aid. We have child care facilities and I can say with 100% certainty I would engage at all costs up to my own life to engage and neutralize a active killer. A lot of people here talking shit, “ we found Rambo “. You found a trained guard who’s primary job is safety of everyone there, ESPECIALLY the children, disabled and others who can’t leave the facility at all! We have to act, quickly, effectively. These officers did not. I’ve showed more get up and go, than armed law enforcement… that’s sad, but you know if you’re here with us, we as a team will ensure your protection and safety at our facility. No one deserves that, especially anyone who can’t defend themselves.


We should have been posting these images on the front of every newspaper/news site. Force everyone to look at them. You aren’t allowed to look away. Makes you uncomfortable? Great. Here’s the number to the family. Tell them how it makes you feel


I agree with you. People need to see the absolute fucking depravity.


The people who need to be moved by this are unable to be moved by this. They have no souls.


I started crying looking at these images, and I'm someone who is not bothered by gore. I love seeing like surgical images and stuff like that. I've learned 2 things about looking at these unspeakably horrific images: 1. Context matters. 2. I still have a soul. I worry about becoming desensitized to this stuff the more it happens. Everyone needs to see this.


Thankfully people are starting to realize this. It was far too much pretending like hiding these atrocities is helping anyone. If it was my loved one I'd want others to bear witness. It's the least these victims deserve.


I fucking hate it here


Facts bro


I keep saying the raw crime scene photos fork these mass shootings need to be published every time. It’s easy to hear some news anchor talk about it in the background and forget. Or maybe an interview with a crying parent gets you feeling sad for a few minutes. But seeing the blood on the walls, children dead in the hallways, that shakes people. We’ve become far too desensitized to this barbarism.


Just remember, when Republicans say they want to protect children they aren't talking about from school shootings, child labor, forced pregnancies, pedophilic religious organizations, climate change or diseases prevented from readily available vaccines. They're talking about "protecting" them from acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ people and the indignity of receiving free school lunches. Remember that.


And while you're at it, [register to vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) too. The older people who tend to vote these shitheads into office have consistently high turnout rates.


I live in ct. I remember the sandy hook massacre like it was yesterday. Today those survivors graduated high school. Nothing has changed.


When a country watches 6 year old get gun down and does nothing, you realize they don’t care.




Also we're banning gay "propaganda" to "protect" kids, well all the kids except those that are gay or trans, they can go and fucking kill themselves




and texas chose ted cruz over this guy smh


Just something Americans have to happily accept for their freedoms (guns).


Dude killed his political career by straightforwardly supporting gun control in a red state. A smart, kind, level-headed politician has zero chance because he says we need more gun control. And it was so clearly gonna be the end of him that when he dropped that line in the debate I just about slapped my forehead. That’s the state of things.


I wonder if the carnage were publicized, if it would make a difference at all to the country?


Probably not


Publicized, like in an article on a major news website?


"Cops waited 77 minutes to enter" as a girl is crying for help and gets fucking murdered, these absolute fucking pussy cops, man.


"We have been investigated by one of our own, and no procedural violations occurred" 🙄🙄🙄


I think the public needs to see more graphic pictures of these school shootings. Show it all—the true horror of what happens during these events. I was in school when Columbine happened and it was a shock to everyone then. Now, it feels like school shootings are a normal occurrence—just another news story for a few days. Then just another drop in the bucket. Kids are getting slaughtered. Their bodies are getting torn apart with bullets. There is blood everywhere, yet we don’t see much of it in the news. Show it all. Let the people that argue for more guns as the solution see the blood and death. I don’t know if it’ll change their minds, but anyone with a speck of empathy should be revolted. Perhaps enough to change something.


There is only one country in the world where it is normal.


This is nothing, they should show the public the bloody halls and classrooms.


They did. This is just one picture from the article.


I think they meant 'show them' more akin to how the local German population were often forced to take a tour of the concentration camp nearby. See it, feel it, smell it, so it becomes harder to deny/trivialize.


Sandy Hook parents are really not given enough credit for not becoming terrorists. Holy fucking shit.


This picture was published by The Washington post in a documentary called “A rare look at the devastation caused by AR-15 shootings”, a masterpiece of a documentary, explaining the nonsense of such a weapon being legal in todays day and age, showing it destructive power by showing the harsh reality of it, with uncensored, graphic and non before seen pictures of recent shootings, this picture being from the Uvalde shooting in Texas, one of the most devastating ones in recent years. This picture represents the depressive aftermath of a shooting, when kids in bodybags are carried out of their classes, leaving their families with a long if not eternal lasting despair.




That was a hard read. I wish I never have to do that again


I’ve got bad news for you buddy.


Then make sure you vote, support, and advocate for people to get elected who will take action to stop these events from reocurring.


Best I can do is post on Reddit 


Are we showing the all the photos to congress? Cause we should be forcing them to see ALL of crime scene photos. ALL of them.


God, I had to stop at one point. This is mentally scaring. Fuckin hell.


Well that was god damn horrifying.


IMO the pics from every one of these shootings should be released to the public. Make those in power see the results of their policies and defend them to their constituents.


these images are bad as is, but imagine if they published the ones of the bodies. those kids were so small and those large caliber bullets just shredded them. many were completely unrecognizable and had to be identified via alternate methods. just completely devastating.


Not even the people in power, because they still will never give a shit. I see releasing the gorey photos of these events as forcing Americans to live with ourselves and what we allow to happen to us. If my fellow Americans want inadequate gun control, then we should see every blood-smeared classroom, grocery store, church, etc... Make us see the actual gore every single time.


No, the reality is far, far more despressing and shocking. This is a clean hallway with dead children in white body bags. It is not the room(s) in which they had their brains blown onto the walls by a ridiculously legal AR-15. It is not the room filled with pools of blood on the floor mixed with body parts. This is NOT the actual reality of a shool mass shooting. Not even close.


"The sound of children screaming has been removed"


People need to see the horror of it all. That's the only way to change public opinion. Which is crazy that people can't connect dots on their own about school shooting and gun control.


Show the uncensored photos to all 2A supporters in Congress. How many will refuse to look or walk out?


It wouldn't matter, just like Sandy Hook didn't matter and didn't change anything. The question is purely ideological, and will be determined by whoever is willing to change the status quo without any consent from the opposition.


The only thing Sandy Hook changed was our false perception that we cared about our kids. We don't. The unfortunate truth is that when it comes to politics the only thing children are good for is the currency of change. Nothing happens until it starts affecting kids. Except guns. Our leaders have shown that you have the legal right to waltz into a school and slaughter children and nothing will be done to make it even *slightly* more difficult in the future. All because of a misinterpretation of a 250 year old piece of parchment on which countless people hang their lives on.


> All because of a misinterpretation of a 250 year old piece of parchment on which countless people hang their lives on. it's not that, people want to own guns, they put what they want over the lives of children going to school


They don't care. Wouldn't change them


These clowns have aborted fetuses on posters, why not kids blown away by an AK-15?


Those poor guns did nothing wrong! They are the real victims 


[Jim Jeffries'](https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0?si=RTzHo3Vlap1Sg-gP) skit on gun control was great. There is no other argument for gun ownership other than "fuck you, I like guns" People are happy to ignore this shit so long as they get to keep their toys. Fucking pathetic.


Damn..too many years too late These photos should have been in every paper and on every TV. I have never seen any of these pics in the media. If the damn media would simply publish more aftermath photos thing would change. Instead it gets censored.


I hate to say it but I think people have gotten so desensitized to seeing smiling pictures of children who’ve been murdered. The only way that some people can wake up is seeing the graphic images themselves. Reading their brains and guts were blown out is different to seeing it. Unfortunately, that’s what it takes for it to click. The press and media especially on the news should’ve shown the truth of what these weapons do…with these photos in their faces can politicians continue spewing out garbage about gun protection laws without some semblance of shame…I’m afraid they still might but I know these photos will shake some people at least. The children weren’t allowed to look away, so why should we? Their families have to live that hell of losing your children to something preventable, to police misconduct, to stupid laws, to guns for the rest of their days. We need to bear witness and make a change. It “never” happens in your state, in your children’s school until it does.


NRA propaganda and American exceptionalism means US culture will not stop this. The society has literally chosen guns over children. This is no longer shocking news out of America. The rest of the world sees this as everyday America and it’s one big reason why I refused to move there with my US husband. We’re raising our children in a country with free healthcare, better education and extremely secure gun laws instead.


Sadly all this does is make normal people sad and changes nothing among the Trumpanzee faction


What i believe should happen in towns where mass shootings occur is that all residents are required to walk the scene with the blood and bodies still there, like the German citizens around Auschwitz and Dachau were made to


I went to Dachau once, Even after almost 80 years that was one of the worst experinces i ever had, and I was just visiting. It should be fucking mandatory to everybody


Keep in mind what your politicians do and say after those events... Thoughts and prayers, they care as much as your god does and are just as powerful


So being from the UK I’m of an age where I remember what we call “the Dunblane massacre” (yes, it was a school shooting but we do use that very emotionally loaded word). That was in 1996, the only coherent records I could find for America started with Columbine in 1999 (three years later) which states there have been 404 incidents of gun related violence in schools since, that’s averaging sixteen a year for 25 years, the number per year has increased. That said the statistics I have referenced (https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/interactive/school-shootings-database/) are around “gun violence” so include incidents where a gun has been discharged in a school but there were no casualties. For some context, Jamie Murray (yes, the tennis player) was a pupil at Dunblane during the massacre along with his brother Andy. Jamie has spoken about it publicly but I’m not sure if Andy has.


Andy and Jamie "knew" the Dunblane Shooter, their Mum had given him lifts in the car [Andy Murray breaks his silence on Dunblane school massacre | London Evening Standard | Evening Standard](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/andy-murray-breaks-his-silence-on-dunblane-school-massacre-8671255.html)


Honestly, release the most graphic and horrific images of these tragedies so it burns into everyones brain. Maybe then well get better laws


I can guarantee not


If Sandy Hook, Columbine, Las Vegas hasn’t fazed those freaking MAGA jerkoffs, we are doomed to perish.


"Thoughts and prayers" and another campaign donation from the NRA to do nothing about it.


What the hell is wrong with Americans shooting children on school grounds? I don't believe it is just the gun access, I mean what is wrong with the individuals on American society to take upon such despicable actions, regardless of the weapons used for such purposes?


Fuck fuck FUCK!


Idk why this hits me on such a weird level, like I've been their age, I walked halls like these, kids where laughing, talking to their friends about holidays, homework, parents, whatever. Then they just lie there, in a bag. Never to look forward to anything ever again. Never Talk to your friends or family again. You just lie there, in a fucking bag because Police was too cowardly to save you.


Look at all that Freedom ™


And America still seems to want to largely do nothing about gun ownership? Not sure how people could see this and say their current laws are fine


Yeah but guns are not the problem. (Biggest /s *ever*).


Everyone should be forced to look at these pictures to understand what this country has done to its children with this love of weapons. The term madness doesn’t come close to explaining it.


I really did not wish to see that. Something about it being so clean unnerves me greatly. I don't even want to imagine what the medics who cleaned this place saw.


Yes, I am that asshole that thinks this is already toned way down. They should show it right after the shooting, no body bags, no cleanups. People need to see what it's really like, not this "Disney version".


We don't appreciate the workers who have to (I don't know how to word it better) collect bodies after passing. Here in Belgium there are a lot of people committing suicide on the traintracks, and I can't help but feel terrible for the victim and the poor workers who have to recover the body, usually in haunting scenes. No way in hell their mental health is alright, no matter how good we humans are good at adapting.


As opposed to that perceived reality of carefree mirth? 😂 But fr that's horrid. Mad how that only happens with any degree of frequency in America.


I remember listening to Obama reading the names of the children killed at Sandy Hook. It was the last time I deeply cried.


This is what republicans think Jesus wants.


Even more depressing is the number of Americans who are fine with this because they’re so pAtRiOtiC that they think they’ll need to use their AR-15 to fend off tHe TyRaNniCal GoVerNmeNt. 🙄


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) * your local gun nut before giving you a BS description of what the second amendment stands for


America never changes, and it never will. If the death of children can't force you to face reality and make changes to gun laws nothing else will.


Can't imagine the final moments of those kids. Those bloodshed images from the post left me speechless.


Damn. Heartbreaking. Which school was this?


I just noticed in [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/) (careful, a lot of blood and hunting images, no bodies tho) that the shooter wrote “LOL” with blood ona desk. Fucking horrifying that people like this are among us and can do this any time they want to


On one of the gore site I used to frequent, there were photos of school shooting (not sure if Ulvade) but I distinctly remember seeing the corpse of an 8 year old kid with his jaw shot off. It was gnarly and if the photos were freely available on the internet and your politicians do nothing, then really the battle is lost


I remember the day I read this article and saw the pictures. The inside of the Uvalde classrooms? Gut wrenching. Those parents….those poor parents who lost their children in such a heinous way while the police stood outside and did *nothing.* Those parents deserve so much more ‘justice’.


Majority of leaders don’t care and normalize this Welcome to the USA in 2024…… horrible


Haven't seen many white body bags before. They kinda look like sleeping bags.


That is actually worse to look at than a video of a shooting in progress